TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies


TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies By Liston M. Oak Chiang Pledges Democracy to China THE Communlets in Russia and everywhere have damned the Chiang Kai-shek regime...

...The eight relocation centers in which there are still 33,000 Nisei will be closed between Oct...
...And the majority of the Catholic hierarchy throughout the world supported the Fascist rebellion led by Franco, just ss they supported the cksriral Fascism of Dollfuss snd Srhass-Wjt im Austria...
...We'll have to go and get it...
...W. H. Lawrence of the Timet cabled that four square mile* or 60 percent of the city was leveled, that Hiroshima in the war's most-damaged city, worse than Warsaw, that 100 are dying daily of slight lxii riM • «' * Lalfci 4tjainsf Uiify Wifh Toro/irorian, Ha HOLD J. LASKI advised Pietro Nenni and the Italian Socialist Party to carry nut a program of socialization und tn dissolve the concordat with the Vatican...
...We'll leave the car here, and you'd better beat it home to bed," I said...
...But he added that corruption and inefficiency in the Army contributed to the defeat...
...I took out my wallet, and braced myself for a disaster...
...that it true, what justification is there for the Stalin Huong pact...
...Jt was the first time I ever heard an engine quack like a duck, and I pulled up on the grass and got out...
...only did not tell us, the American people, they didn't even.tell the, Admirals and Generala the whole truth...
...The newspaper Red Star explained that "under present conditions of cultural enlightenment it is necessary to have sharp differentation and separation...
...Is it not a betrayal by Stalin of his Chinese agents...
...1 and Dec...
...He unlocked a side door, switched on a light, and began rummaging under the counters for a rope...
...J. P. Morgan'a sumptuous estate on I...
...As I got out of his delivery wagon in front of my house...
...Exploiting defect* in the Third Republic aa a pretext, General de Gssll* insist* on establishing ? Foarth Republic in France on a semi-authoritarian basis, against the expressed wiU of all liberal, labor...
...that the guilt is "collective"—.the entire Army and Navy, and to some degree, the American people, were not sufficiently on the alert—and that includes me, and probably you...
...But they face even worsey discrimination than do the Japanese-Americans in th* United State...
...Soviet Army authorities in hau prevented the Iranian Government from sending troops to quell disturbances instigated by the new leftist Todeh Party, organised to support Russian claims for Iranian oil...
...About 45,000 Nisei will resettle on the Pacific Coast as compared with 110,000 before they wer* evacuated...
...It stopped promptly and proved to be a small delivery wagon...
...A muscular, dark-skinned man of south European extraction got out...
...Have you got a chain or a rope...
...Judging by Russian success ia propsgsndising German prisoners, at least 1,00,000 of these will return to Japan as Communist agents...
...British mine owners pledged full cooperation with th* Government in its program for nationalisation of their property...
...It was 5:16 A. M. "Well, thank you with all my heart," I said...
...Tito, tyrant of Yugoslavia, is obviously' a greater menace to democracy than is King Peter...
...Hull, Stimson, ' Marshall,' »nd other top leaders were more guilty than the scapegoats selected...
...Example, Jan Sta?czyk, who in an earnest appeal for aid for Polish Jews made public by David Dubinsky, describing their terrible plight, declared that "The Russians do not interfere in our internal affairs...
...You'll have to lie towed to White Plains...
...I hope to Cod I would...
...Theii property wa* sold at forced-sale pries*, and Canadian* on th* West (Oast are opposed to their return...
...i haven't got a thing" He looked around at the empty landscape...
...TRENDS of Spain, leaned a pastoral letter full of error* and false implications—and omissions...
...The Soviet paper said that "the discovery does not solve any political problems," and that other nations will soon invent weapons as good or better...
...Laski's denunciation of Communist-Socialist unity and of totalitarianism is reassuring—there is no danger of Communist infiltration of the British Labor Party...
...The II· acres are not to be divided up among the peasants of elm Cove, nor i« · ko?ka** to be established (here, screed-tag te well-informed soarros...
...Well, Fasuist is a relative word, too...
...There is no national security in a big Navy, a big Army, or even in a big Air Force possessed with the atomic bomb...
...Enough, I guess," he said with reassuring simplicity, and climbed into my car...
...He talked grandly of "working-class unity with America and the Soviet Union," blandly ignoring the fact that Russian trade unions are not free...
...7, 1941, the Colonel Blimps ruled the Army and the Navy, and a lot of them are still in positions of great—too great—authority...
...The Basque Catholic Church was an exceptio...
...His eyes gleamed, and he wore fierce mustachios, and if the situation bad been reversed, he would certainly have been a bandit...
...ITimst* A Sunday School Story By Max Eastman WHAT I am going tc> tell you ia accurately true, ami you will have to believe me, foi that the whole point of it...
...In snort, the whole Army and Navy top command deaervee severe criticism...
...He reported that the total cost of the war to the USA was $280,000,000,000...
...Amendment of the Selective Service Law is the only way out...
...We can't fix it," he said...
...the question is, will it be democratic or totalitarian...
...The mass exclusion program was invalidated last December by the Supreme Court...
...And now, how much do.I owe you...
...But he aaid, "Aw, forget it...
...As I took out my wallet to pay him, I said forlornly: "Is there a cheap hotel or tourist camp anywhere around here...
...I stepped into the road and signalled the first car that came by...
...Democracy is a relative word," Rumania's Vice-Premier Tatarescu affirmed, defending the totalitarian regime criticized by Byrnes and" Bevin...
...The CP also pays lip-service to Dr...
...jn the N. Y. Timet (August 5) he warned against the reactionaries in Europe—the monarchists, crypto-Fancists, and militarists — and listed such relatively unimportant nonentities as their unmajestic Majesties' Leopold, Peter, and George, but did not mention the really dangerous reactionaries,' the Stalinists...
...Diplomatic relations with Finland were resumed by the USA...
...They not...
...I admitted cautiously that it meant quite a little...
...In the Communist lexicon it means an opponent, while a democrat is anyone on the side of the "proletarian" dictatorship...
...I said—and it wasn't an oath...
...In a very real sense, Roosevelt...
...1, out-.hned his party's program—the apotheosis ft democracy...
...But the idea of collective guilt i' essentially fallacious...
...On my way home to < Iroton, 411 miles away, my old Kord engine slowed up suddenly and began to quack like a duck...
...About 12,000 have already gone back to their former homes, and cases of atrocities sgainst them have been numerous...
...That would be foolish," he aaid as he untied the rope...
...And that might he said •f any military estsbUahmeat known to man...
...But already $$34,»50 has been confiscated from the Viehyites, in seizure of property and fines...
...It is surely apparent that Kimrtel and Short are scapegoats...
...The trend in China whether the Kuomintang or the Communists win is toward state Socialism...
...up to Dec...
...1 gazed at him in blank astonish ment...
...The French collaborators did quite w»H, too, while it lasted...
...Our confidence can be placed only in civilians—scientists, technicians, and the common man —not in the Colonel Blimps...
...Laski promised I ml,a self-government...
...What did we invent these machines for and then walk up hill...
...He warned Nenni that he had lost confidence in democracy, and is moving toward a one-party state through a merger of the Socialists with the Communists...
...Re affirmed that the Church in Spain has maintained neutrality, that it dees not defend totalitarian Fascism, that it supports "Christian liberty aa opposed to state totalitarianism...
...This pipsqueak Radek of the British Socialists is unfortunately more intelli dual and articulate than his trade union colleagues...
...The Pearl Harbor investigation should inspire the American people to render a vote of no confidence in our Colonel Blimps, in our military leaders, past, present, and future—In militarism itself...
...It is proposed to set up a United Nations Information Bureau...
...Is it not parallel with the Stalin-Hitler pact...
...political democracy...
...Of course, most of the Loyalist* were also Catholics...
...The press is increasingly critical of «Von...
...Nearly all the 28,000 Japanese...
...the Communists were s negligible force—now their influence is growing...
...Thia means the Communists will get the arms Of about 600,000 Japanese soldiers, and a chance to propagandise them for future usefulness in Japan...
...into all sorts of businesses, from night clubs to factories...
...Maybe it is a good idea, abstractly, but would we get information — or official, solemn, sonorous blah...
...Hitler, presented as an ascetic Wlthaot wordly greed, was not quite so pur*, the US Army bps discovered: he got an income of $3,000,000 a year in ^he third year of the war...
...I looked at my watch...
...Mass demonstrations in support of Matches and sgainst Tito are also reported...
...If upheld, this decision would destroy labor's hard-won seniority system, and place the unions in the unenviable position of fighting veterans' claims to jobs...
...War may result—be on the alert...
...Likewise, militarism and democracy cancel each other out...
...Finally he took down two coils of new clothesline from the shelves...
...The brata...
...Tne mast pitiable figure Irl the political world Ii 'the diplomat or govern-••nt functionary compelled to lie...
...We can use this if we double it enough times," he said...
...I fumbled for a bill, and added something about paying fur the clothesline and the gas...
...I told him I lived in Croton, and expressed my vexation that there was no way of getting there by train from White Plains...
...Canadians desire to remain in Canada, the Royal Mounted Police report...
...Most of them have son* in the US Army...
...The government, he said, is representative of all but Fascists...
...I'll walk up the hill to my house...
...I guess you'd help me out if I was in trouble, wouldn't you...
...Starvation is non-political...
...If and when free elections are held in Puerto Rico to give the inhabitants a chance to decide their own fate— whether independence, statehood, or increased self-government—it will be the first time any great power has given s dependency such an opportunity to settle its own political destiny...
...The ban on the return of loyal Japanese-Americans to the West Coast has at last been lifted, ending but not wiping out a national scandal...
...If the USA had made a similar pact with the Kuomintang, would it not have been denounced by all Communists as "appeasement of Fascism...
...the second is the inefficiency, corruption, tyranny rampant within the dominant right wing of the Kuomintang...
...Colon«, Blimp It Guilty The main impression that the Pearl Harbor reports leave in an objective mind must be that the military mind is inept, inefficient, untrustworthy...
...You and I could not -prevent the sale of scrap iron to Japan, nor did we have access to the information available to the leaders of our nation...
...All recent events show that the trend in Argentina is toward a weaken-ing of the Fascist dictatorship—and that Argentine Fascism is not totalitarian, kat old fashioned reaction with Fascist trimming...
...It's too had you didn't say so, because now we'll have to untie these cars to turn them around," he said...
...Moscow states that over 513,000 Japanese prisoners have been taken...
...It was 2 A. M., and there wasn't a building in sight... as they reflect social tendencies By Liston M. Oak Chiang Pledges Democracy to China THE Communlets in Russia and everywhere have damned the Chiang Kai-shek regime ? "« Fascist dictatorship...
...The Iti ssians declare that such civil strife will make it necessary for Bad Army force* to remain In Iran in violation of the Teheran agreement of Britain, the USA and Russia to with, draw within six months of the war's end...
...He told Leon Jouhaux that the General Confederation of Labor has no right to meddle in politics...
...We have no time fui loving kind ness," 1 had said...
...Chiaag also sledged equal legality for all parties in building "a at edel dessecracy la the Far East," but insisted that no private or partisan armies will be tolerated...
...Before the Farrel-Peron...
...economic reform...
...Socialists, Communists, and liberals are returning, and holding mass meetings, attended by many thousands...
...he did not urge independence for Poland...
...Iii Summary THE Yugoslav paper Slotodni Dem, of Zagreb, reported that 100,000 Yugoslavs are being held in a political prisoner camp at Byelovar in Croatia...
...I asked...
...He, I think, all of him but those bristling mustachios, was tired...
...The Communist Rodolfo Ghildi, in % »P**ch in Buenos Aires on Sept...
...We fastened the two cars together, and with a caution to me to steer carefully, he pulled me along at about 15 miles an hour and lodged me finally in the little parking-space lie-side his store...
...It occurred to me that he might conceivably tow me the whole 26 miles to Croton, but 1 didn't come out with it for fear he would think I was rich, and charge me too much for what he was doing...
...been dining...
...Only a democratic government would release such reports of investigating committees, and only a democracy could so speedily remedy, at least partially, the defects exposed...
...Japanese newsmen report that the atomic bomb at Hiroshima paralyzed people ten miles from the city, and that many who received slight bur um half an inch wide are dying...
...Even Kiminel and Short state that they were not fully informed...
...he answered...
...He started the engine, listened to about three of those quacks, and then turned the key quickly and got out...
...Truman urged Congress to write off the debts of our allies accumulated under lend-lease, totaling $42,000,000,000...
...Of the eight newspaper published •n Berlin, six are controlled by Marshal ZhnkosTs Soviet information bureau, one each hy Britain and the USA...
...Do you know anything about engines...
...I got hold of a five dollar bill, and for my own soul's sake tossed it through the window of his departing car...
...It took us a good fifteen minutes to turn them around, and our progress up and down hill to Croton was exceedingly slow...
...he added...
...He pratassad aa end to reaaorship, and pledged freedom of syjsich and atkar ca—ti-tutieasl liberties...
...The Russians have eataWished the nucleus of Germany's future govera-sseat (from the top down), in twelve administrative departments or directorates, each headed by a Germar picked hy MOSCOW...
...Senator Pepper also urged giving atomic secrets to the United Nations...
...Today Red ARMY clubs have restored the aign, "Officers Only," over their doors, which during war time were open to privates as well as generals—at least theoretically...
...late in New Votk, and discoursing, as I used to, about the decline of the sympathetic virtues in our rushed and jammed, machine...
...I was badly broke at the time, and worried about what all this was going to cost...
...I'm not in the taxi business...
...Island, once a meera for millionaires snd European royalty, has been leased by the Soviet Government as *'¦ recreation renter for its sgents in ths USA, at JIS.OOO annual rental...
...We are really independent...
...When we got there I stopped him by a garage in the center of the village...
...How many Japanese prisoners has the USA won over to th* democratic idea...
...We covered the eight miles back to my car in comparative silence...
...The leftists want proportional representation and a parliament with real power...
...Whom the gods would destroy... more bureaucratic, corrupt, ineffective organization exist* than the Army and the Navy, A gigantic military establishment is a liability, not an asset or a guarantee of security...
...fsct is that Franco Fascism came to power with the backing, not only of Hitler and Mussolini, but most of the Catholic hierarchy of Spain, with notable and honorable exceptions—though numerous Catholic priests fought with the democratic forces...
...Why, I was just helping you out...
...way of life...
...I heard a sparrow chirp...
...1141,'was an ultimatum to Japan...
...Sun's ideal...
...The Atomic Bomb The Moscow magazine New Timet, successor to War and the Working Clan, demanded the international pooling of atomic data, assailing those Americans (the Hearst-Patterson-McCormick press) who urge the USA to "secure world mastery by threatening the use of the atomic bomb...
...He snspsndtd cenai -riptiea for esse year...
...This has put the French Govern-ment...
...Socialist, Commaalst, and Resistance groups...
...Hull failed to inform Short and Himmel, "I have delivered propoaala to Japan which will possibly be token, as an unaerept-able ultimatum...
...It looks as though Laski has had a scolding from Attlee, Be'vinl and Morrison...
...I must have something in the store," he said...
...Obviously it waa just ' that, and here is ¦ the original error of political judgment...
...This fat interpreted by same Anglo-American authorities ss a violation of the Potsdam agreement not to establish any centralised Ger-man national regime far the present...
...General Marshall, likewise, failed to keep hia saoaiwinstos fatly Informed of the ttnasnsss of the situation...
...he said with surprise...
...Chiang reaffirmed Sun Yat Sen's three principles: national unity and independence...
...An' the prospect of spending a night in White Plains and loitering around all next day wailing for my car, or thumbing my way to Croton and then back, or going around by way of New York, I felt pretty grouchy and sad...
...The 6,000 Japanese at Tule Lake who renounced American citizenship will continue under Army control and eventually be sent back to Japan...
...The first obstacle ia the Communist Party...
...Dubinsky knows, of course, as does Sta?czyk, that Poland is not really independent, but nevertheless he cabled Sta?czyk that the Jewish Labor Committee is sending relief to Polish Jews who have survived—one-tenth of the prewar Jewish people of Poland...
...The weakness and the strength oL democracy is revealed...
...The Archbishop Of Toledo...
...This is going to cost me a morning's work and a hotel bill, as well as repairs," I said...
...lshihara declared...
...I climbed into his car, and we drove seven miles to White Plains and a mile more to a little grocery store in the outskirts...
...and released his brake...
...After week-long conferences with Mao Tze-tung, Communist leader, Chiang Kai-shek agreed to permit Japanese armies in North China sectors controlled by the Chinese Red Army to surrender to the Yenan regime...
...He agreed with Premier Parri that all social problems must be solved by democratic means only...
...Japan's defeat is God's will...
...Dictatorship will mean ".mass ? nests, even pf anti-faucists," La/ki wrote in the Nuova Europa...
...their own 'superior Judgment" was at fault Hull has Haid he didn't think hia RIM-sage of Nov...
...Does it mean a lot to you to be in Croton tomorrow morning...
...Neither is, it true that the 41-room palace will be turned into an American ?ubianka...
...Militarism and efficiency are mutually exclusive terms...
...The same excuse is advanced for Jim Crowiara everywhere...
...Federal Judge Abruzzo upheld the right of a veteran to his prewar job even though it meant * it dismissal of a worker with greater seniority, thus clarifying the legal meaning of the Selective Service Act, but foreshadowing future strife between veterans and organized labor which will be fully exploited by enemies of labor...
...The Marine and Shipbuilding Workers will ap 'eal the case, to avert further confusion and conflict...

Vol. 28 • September 1945 • No. 36

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