SDF NEWS B*YflAL: Th* National Rxacsrtiv* Ej* meet* In New York City JanSTl p. m., at 7 Cast lfith Street, g?*r York Dinner to N.E.C. memHj| f p. m. Morning snd afternoon \f/ft» aa...
...Our government not only has failed to protest or remonstrate with Stalin over his conduct in Yugoslavia and the division of Poland, but in fact, by its silence and failure to act, has given encouragement to Stalin to carry on his maneuvering...
...Esther Friedman, and August Claessens...
...Experibx* shown that a great army can ' >ed in a very short time, if ~ »ry...
...ulaory JJ ¦*» antto, but only the highest ¦ je»l armament f r defense...
...I iav '. From DANIEL CRANFORD SMITH I ¦ -e...
...We can not wash our hands so easily and say that whatever other countries wish to do is all right with us...
...The CIO-PAC calls iUelf nonpartisan, With leaped to the two old parties, and shows no disposition to start third party action...
...Our Inept Foreign Policy To tht Editor: From LARRY S. DAVIDOW We are beginning to reap the harvest of the unrealistic and incredible foreign policy that our government has been pursuing since Teheran...
...Itsrns Waldman, Chairman...
...This understanding betwein Stalin and Churchill is directly the result of the President's failure to comprehend the natuie of the Kussian government and its conspiratorial activities all over the hi.rid...
...When our government should have spoken against (he unilateral decisions of Stalin regarding Poland, the recognition of the Hodogho government in Italy, the taking over of Yugoslavia, the cruel and inhuman treatment of Finland, our State Department has kept silent...
...August Claessens will speak on Taska Ahead for the S.D.F...
...Therefore I am strictly opposed to any form of comisasry cop script inn...
...Ik* abaady «xi*ting American fascists easM exult at «on*s iption...
...August Claessens speaks at Liberal Party, Boro Park Club, 4612 13th Ave., Brooklyn, January 5; at Vladeck Club, Liberal Party, 6412 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, January 6; at Ladies Dr., W.C...
...Th* American people should under no esOaaastances tolerate the introduction «f e» puliory conscription in pesce • change which would be a break •*b their tradition and would mark the eafkaaiag of th* militarism our boy* are Jfkuag against right now...
...The force open to the nationals of nil countries...
...On* can not hold any brief for secret diplomacy or power politics...
...Hand School Workshop for the manufacture of clothing for United Nations war sufferers open daily from Monday through Thursday from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and on Wednesday evenings...
...Tuesday, January 9th, 8:16 p. m., at the home of Sophie L. Turbow, 161 W. 75th St----The new East Bronx Branch meets Monday, Janusry 8, 8:30 p. m., at 862 E. Tremont Ave...
...side of the fence...
...Now is the time for all good men to start building the Liberal Partyl...
...just in time to hand over the home front spoils of war to big...
...presidential candidate, where else could any liberal or labor group And a haven...
...Nor should P "great design," the planned new "essajt of Nations" or rather league nations be permitted which •••hi b» th* climax of power politics •"•hsfirst step to the third world war, ~jj asver a security for permanent P*j The only national security is the Nsasoa* I'm a merican Regional Fedy**0... 9:15 p. m. . . . Branch 1, Bronx...
...One general in charge...
...Topic, Th* Criiis in Modern Society...
...S. Mendelsohn, "The Future of Europe...
...memHj| f p. m. Morning snd afternoon \f/ft» aa .Sunday, January 21st Plan* STs»*d« for organization work in ggmttt) regions, publications and flnanZfWm w"l ha considered...
...Vladerk Forum, Km v. aid Building, 175 E. Broadway, Sunday, January 1, 12 non...
...While Crent Britain baa been living up to its agreement with Russia, Stalin, through his Communist groups in the various countries of the world, has been doul>|e crossing llritain...
...Th* demand for a permanent army |Sf MMJW0 is clou* to madness and needs »» <Hseutsi.e Any fori...
...That means that the DNNKA must not be used as an agency to force peoples to accept either totalitarian Communism or iiionarchism...
...All Volunteers...
...This has resulted in the Communist uprisings in Greece, Belgium, and the defiance of the govt rnnients in France anil Italy...
...J.S.V., Sunday noon Forum at 1561 Washington Ave., Bronx...
...The fact is that there sre millions of these dormant potential voters and we need them to help us elect a liberal President in 1948...
...By this stupid blundering on the part of the State Department, a rift now develops between Great Britain and ourselves, which meets with the approval of not merely Germany, hut Stalin as well...
...But that is precisely what our government ha* lent itself to...
...No declarations of war...
...And so, if the voters of America are to have a choice between a liberal and a reactionary President four year* from now, it appears that a new national Liberal Party will have to start grooming a cam I ii late In spite of all the glitter, tinsel and hip-hip-hooray attending the recent election victories, the stark fact I* that tha present structure and outlook of both party machines tends inevitably toward reaction for the future...
...A proper regard for our own welfare, as well as devotion to principles, necessitates our guaranteeing free elections in countries that are being liberated from the Nazi yoke...
...At the same time Stalin, in reliance upon bis power politics understanding with Churchill (to which our government evidently gave its approval) hn« established Kussian hegunony over the Baltic countries, Yugoslavia, Finland, and the Balkan countries...
...1W flatbasJi-CeBtral Branch which has •aisfai las nam* to th* William Karlin Irsara, meets on Tuesday, January 9, at t**r asedquartars, 1110 Eastern Parkas* (sear Ctlca), at 8:80 p. ra...
...It will eliminate fear of one nation by another...
...Our inept and incapable State Department is paving the road to catastrophe...
...Algernon Lee answers question* on current issues every Saturday evening over radio station W.E.V.D...
...It* task is to promote $jSm and growth of branches among **at*r* of various trad* unions...
...And what is true of th* Pacific coast will no doubt be tru* of th* rest of th* country...
...We can not be indifferent to what is going on in other countries...
...It is known that at Teheran, President Roosevelt took sides with Stalin against Churchill, thereby compelling Churchill to make a deal with Stalin regarding spheres of influence in Europe...
...Sidney Hoek...
...German Branch: Leon Dennen speaks on "Experiences in the Balkans," Friday, January 6, 8 p. m., at 7 E. 16th St...
...a* -oposed by Ely Culbertson, ¦¦wdistely after the war, when we still 5MN strcingest power in the world, gp^* European war-mongers are "JjW an their nations will be eduy 10 peace by our example...
...This is—a* UaYrench historian Hypolite Taine has N ably pointed out—the "mod cunning itsteM of ataeery...
...In fact, it is the current makeup and mentalities of the old psrty leader* that seem to have automatically set the stage for the arrival of the new party...
...of compulsory conscription .•d^Jrvadusily nulitariM th* American US a» it oid with German life...
...And one* th* AFL cheering section catches th* spirit on the West Coast, th* rest of th* labor movement out thare will also climb onto the band wagon, since they ar* outnumbered Ave to one by the AFL...
...Men who wish tu make a eareei of it...
...jBf YORK CITY: Next General BjaAsraklp aseeting Wednesday, Jan17th, 8.80 p. m., at Rand School, g^*Whst Shall American Policy Be ftssasl Anglo-Russian Imperialism...
...Ten talk* lwt of ipekeare: Algernon Lee, I«on n4>a*s> Lis ton M. Oak, and Fred Shul**¦>•¦ ¦ A new committee on S.D.F...
...DEgjaj in Poland, Greece, Italy and n**r eoantries will be discussed... interests, Assuming that Roosevelt will be out of the picture in 1!)4H, it is clear that 1mlb parties will nominate presidential candidates who are far to the right of center...
...Mational Conference of Jewish Sof|at Ysrband on Domestic and Intel Ssl problems at Labor Educational ,**, 415 S. 19th St, January 27-28...
...What I am afraid of ia that the left may start a nation-wide argument as to whether auch cynical attitude ia justified or not...
...The whole shebang like a police depm imi-Hi or a fire deportment The chief's instructions are to atop aggression wherever or whenever it OCCUrs —just that -and no committee to refer to...
...Ppper W**t Sid* Branch—Adolph Warshow speaks on The Role of Britain and Russia in the War...
...It mat to th* desired instrument of taerisan impsrialista **d cartelist...
...Our natural interest lies with the English-speaking peoples of the world because the English speaking count11- s are based u|hiii democracy...
...Imagine a fire chief running to a committee when a fire starts...
...This *¦» »f military, not economic, isolation wet absolutely peaceful requires ."¦St standi..g my n< ¦ coi...
...Flection af ssV ml Housewarming for new headssjrtsn, Friday, January 6. The Brookif% Forum under th* auspice* of the branch and th* Rand School opens on January 12th, in these headquarters with Prof...
...The highest value of such a movement will be in the stimulating effect it will have upon the millions of cynical non-voters who consider it ludicrous to "go to the poll* and choose between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee...
...But aside from all these practical conaiderations, there is a much more important psychological reason for launching the new party at this time...
...Joseph LevcsbbbV *eu«B*ry... will the West Coast labor impetus be forthcoming from th* AFI...
...It would give us sowis* national security, but on the con trary work aa a stimulus for ambitious attUtsry officers, armament producers sad certain politician to promote wars SB*, oserialtstic estensions If *s*x*slie*i military training is intwo, out, than is no mean a to prevent aw gta-rth of a militaristic clique ex¦eeaeBag i»«§l, a* I know from expe riles...
...This plan will do away with opposition of parents...
...Have an all piofessional armed force...
...Time to Build Liberal Party From GEORGE FISHER H ISTORICALLY the war will be listed together with the administration of "Roosevelt the liberal,'' and the postwar pendulum is bound to swing toward reaction...
...Program for January and February includes I.eah Kissman, Meyer I.e% eiisteni...
...Y*t, if a national Liberal Party is in th* field In 1948 with the only libera...
...We must be alert to the fact that only democratic nations offer any promise of peace and security in the future...
...So it will lie with stopping the aggression of one state against another...
...Such discussion would be pointless, distracting and possibly even suicidal, politically speaking...
...8, Cold Manor, 666 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, January 13th...
...fjtaV Dason Branch** is functioning...
...We are therefore obliged to look with concern upon any development which makes possible the extension of the Communist dictatorial influence...
...Stalin must lie laughing up his sleeve at the forthright stupidity of our State Department and the demonstration of our government, by its inability to understand the situation, giving encouragement and lending its prestige to the Communist conspiracy in the European nation...
...POSTWAR MILITARY CONSCRIPTION Two Letters In Opposition from ANDREW CORDIAN MS, Wtter: A* a German who lived in Oermany axis Mth year and was In close contact vat th* German army I perfectly know tjs^aassnse danger to liberty by corneals*!* military training...
...The Democratic Party, now that labor has helped it return to power, haa already resumed its relentless swing (o the right...
...Bdltoi : sAkPTER a .solution to a problem is found, it frequently turns out ui lie very simple...
...Nothing will bring the cynic out of his hole quicker than a vigorous new party alignment for the common man—on* that is free from all the machine entanglements Just as the new Liberal Party waa nurtured in New York by David Dubinsky and the ILGWU...
Vol. 28 • January 1945 • No. 1