The Baltic Knot


The Baltic Knot 2. The Sovietization of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania By Solomon Schwarz TOWARD the beginning of the we*, the semifascist regimes, which sprang; up in the Baltic States as a...

...Sidney Hook, chairman, department ef Philosophy, New York University...
...later, Hitler's victory in Western Europe was to be followed by a direct annexation of the Baltic States by the &mt.yn...
...This book tries to adapt the Soviet legend about the Sovietization of the Baltic Stales to the taste of the American public...
...Joseph Brandt of Oklahoma, a Hutchins disciple...
...George S. Counts, Columbia tthiversity...
...The viciousness of the Soviet government's policy toward the Baltic States was naturally brought to bear upon the book of an apologist for that policy...
...It la oar wish that the pacta be carried mtii effect hoaeetly and meticulously in the spirit of complete reciprocity, and we declare that chattering about a Sovietixation ef the Baltic States ran only serve the aims of our common enemies and of all kinds of anti-Soviet provocateur...
...Robert M. Hutohins...
...Mark Van Doren...
...Moreover, he simply passed in silence over the elections, the democratic electoral platforms, the turn toward Sovietixation on the morrow after the elections, and the parliaments' decision concerning the Sovietization...
...Max C. Otto, chairman, Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin...
...These ••the demands for which we call upon^ou.*) vote...
...Naturally, "not one government official, not one school or university teacher, not one plant director was imported from Russia" (p...
...Almost a year elapsed between the Sovietixation of the Baltic States and Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union, yet it seems that nothing was done for the protection of the Statesthen already Soviet lands—against Hitler's assault...
...Boyd Bode, Ohio State...
...The elections in fact were •smpuisory sine* passports of the voters who took part si the elections were stamped, and those who remained eleef had every reason to expect reprisals...
...Lists competing with those •f the Union of the Toiling People, despite the election ¦«*, war* not admitted...
...In his speech at the fifth session of the Supra** Soviet of the USSR on October 31, 1939, Melotev categorically stressed this point: "The special natare of the aforesaid mutual assistance pacta by no means implies any Soviet interference la the affairs of Latvia, Lithuania asd Katonia...
...Mortimer Adler...
...The paramount goal of this policy was the political aettmtlatton of the States, and not their military preparation—both technical and political—for resistance against Hitler Within the limits of this article I can dwell only on the most important element of that policy, namely, the way in whirh the Sovietixation of the Baltic States, was accomplished, At tha ooacmsioa cf the "mutual assistance" pecv...
...No, the Sovietixation of the Baltic States had nothing whatever to do with war against Hitler...
...Duung the period between October, 1939, and June, 1940, i. e., from the moment when the treaties of mutual assistance were concluded between ttie Soviet Union and the three Republics, until their Sovietixation, the Soviet Union had ample opportunity to win them as faithful allies in ease of Nasi aggression by showing respect to the democratic aspirations of the Baltic peoples and to their national independence...
...0n}y on the next day after the elections did the ComParty lay its cards on th* table, and organize •¦wjstrations under the slogan "Long Hv* the SoOn July 18th the Tallin communist newspaper *•**•« Haal wrote: "The demonstrations which swept through the country on July 17, and which in their size exceeded th* election meetings, have set forth new political aims, namely the creation of Toilers' Soviets, the transformation of the Estonian bourgeois republic into an Estonian Socialist Soviet Republic, and Estonia's incorporation into the USSR...
...Teachers Guild...
...eigaty of the signatory powers and the principle of mataal non-intervention...
...The speakers on the Mutual coast-to-coast hook-up include Alfred Noycs, Catholic poet...
...Harry D. Gideonse, President of Brooklyn College...
...On July 81 the newly elected parliaments gathered, and contrary to the electoral platforms upon which they had been elected, decided to abolish the national independence of the Baltic States, and to present to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR a "request" for admission to the Soviet Union...
...On the contrary, all these mutual assistance pacta emphasize the inviolability of the sev...
...No mention is ever made of the poverty of large masses of people, or the insecurities and hardships fostered by the breakdown of our economic system...
...realisation will bring prosperity, freedom, t'ndettosines, and happiness to our people...
...and other important individuals and groups...
...The Presidents of Latvia and Estonia, and the Premier of Lithuania, acting for her jWdeht,"Sm«toThh, whd fled to Germany, handed over their power to new governments, consisting of men designated by emissaries who were dispatched for this parpos* from Moscow: Vyshinski, in Riga...
...An Editorial Storm Over Education A CAMPAIGN to discredit progressive education and reintroduce into our school system the teaching of religious dogma, launched recently by the Robert Hutchins-Mortimer Adler theology clique via a series of thirteen coast-to-coast radio programs, has aroused a tremendous protest in the educational world...
...In fact, there was *> question of the Baltic nations' joining the Soviet Union, either before or during the elections...
...It is a typical sample of new fellow-traveler literature...
...Praode, November 1, 1939...
...Conference on Scientific Spirit and the Democratic Faith...
...Id the middle of June, under the threat of immediate military intervention, the Soviet government by sn ultimatum demanded the formation of new governments in the Baltic Republics "able and ready to put into effect'' the mutual assistance pacts with the Soviet Union (as if Molotoi had not declared, almost the eveniag before, that the pacts were being put into effect with great success...
...The underlying issue of this fight is not only the question of free public discussion, but also the vital issue of whether or not American education and culture will take on a more scientific and democratic character or be driven back to the outmoded clerical concepts of education and anti-secularism...
...essia's Pledge—Wo SovietJxafioo 'T'HIS circumstance was clearly reflected in the Baltic * policy of the Soviet government in 1940 and 1941...
...Just recently their ideas and methods were attacked by the Association of American Colleges, an organisation of presidents of different universities...
...they argue that we must look to revealed theology and metaphysics ta provide us with the basic truths about the world, society and man...
...Only in Latvia did the Ulmanis government try to maintain a strictly authoritarian course, but even there it was generally felt that something was in the wind, and there was a vague sensation of an approaching crisis...
...More than fifty nationally-known democratic educators have protested to WOR and the Mutual Broadcasting Co...
...For the crux of the Hutchins Adler thought is the denial that scientific method gives us genuine knowledge...
...These prinwere unequivocally expressed in the electoral ¦Jstform* also of the Unions of the Toiling People in wnania and Latvia...
...However, everyone of the thirteen speakers has been a proponent of the Hutchins Adler school and all have attacked progressive education and John Dewey...
...True, the Communist Party did not nominate its candidates either, and supported the list named by the "Union of the Toiling People...
...the fact that a small group, totally unrepresentative of American education, haa been given 13 weeks free radio time and an audience of millions to attack modern science and secular teaching, while radio time has been denied to leading educators to reply...
...On the ether hand, in the middle of June, 1940, Germany was at the peak of her military might—right after the lightning rout of Holland, Belgium and Prance, after the fall of Paris, after Dunkirk and after Italy's entry into the war...
...up in the Baltic States as a result of the eoap d'etat* of 1926 tin Lithuania) and of 1934 (in Latvia and Estonia), were manifestly on the decline...
...These programs have been co-sponsored by the Mutual Network and an organization deceptively entitled Education for Freedom Incorporated...
...Only in 1940, for reasons which can not yet be ascertained, was the plan concerning Lithuania modified...
...The pacta are basal apoa mataal respect ef the political, social and economic structure ef the partners ta the pacta, and are inteadad to strengthen collaboration between our peoples...
...And yet, it must be borne in mind in what state the Red Army was at the beginning of the summer of 1940, just after the Soviet-Finnish clash which revealed the serious defects of the Red Army...
...This plebiscite •Bagosly constitutes the legal foundation for the Somatization of the Baltic republics...
...Stringfellow Ban and Scott Buchanan of St...
...The newest sample of this kind of literature is Meiksin's The Baltic Riddle referred to in the first article of this series...
...recently persuaded WOR and the Mutual Broadcasting Corporation to give free radio time to a group of speakers selected by them...
...In the pre-war years, Estonia timidly began to restore some elements of democracy...
...What is more important, "although the native Communists with Russian support could probably have easily gained a clear major ity of votes, they chose rather to foster a broad democratic front, a genuine people's front in which the Communist Party was allied to all established democratic parties, Social Democrats included" (p...
...And it is better not to recall what in reality did happen in the Baltic region in June and July of 1940...
...The German-Soviet pact of August 23, 1939, at one stroke upset the relatively balanced international situation of the Baltics...
...The progressive educators ask that in view of the above line-up democratic practice should give the other side a chance to he heard...
...What is the way out from the present situation ? This question will be studied in the next article...
...Alexander Meikeljohn, whose last book was attacked as a glorification of the State and classical teaching...
...The Lithuanian regime, too, was somewhst mollified...
...Father Gannon, President of Fordham University...
...According to Meiksins, the coup de'etat in the three socialist opposition cooperating with the local Communist Parties" (p...
...Pitirim Sorokin and John Erskine...
...the election, with the majority of the vot*r$ eup•*»*'«# tkit platform, is to be regarded a* a pltbieatr, ¦ *•* «* mas a plebiscite not in favor of incorporating "•¦Bsltie republic* in the Soviet Union hut in favor *•*•*> maintaining their national independence, tod • foreign policy baaed upon friendship with tha ¦»«*•* Union...
...Such undoubtedly was the plan in regard to Latvia and Estonia, and it was not in vain that as early as October, 1939, Hitler concluded agreements with the two countries—but not with Lithuania—as to the "transfer" of their German nationals to Germany...
...Thus the fortunes of the Baltic States were sealed...
...However, when the war began, they found themselves cut off from the outer woild, and the severance of connections with the English market shook the foundation of their economy.' It was at Later the hypothesis was widely accepted that the annexation of the B«ltic States by the Soviet Union was carried out for the purpose of strengthening its defense against future German aggression...
...As a matter of fact, Riga was occupied by the Germans on July 1, i. e., nine days after the outbreak of hostilities...
...Soviet Russia exercised a restricting hand" on them, ensuring a bloodless and democratic development...
...As a model school, this group has held up for shining example the work of St, Johns College of Annapolis, where modern education has been abolished, investigation into present-day society and its problems ignored, and attention concentrated on the "classical" studies...
...The Baltic States were transformed into Soviet republics...
...The idea of Soviet annexation of the Baltic States, not against Hitler's will, but with his consent, does not fit into the popular notion of the Soviet-German relations in 1939-1940...
...Ordway Tead, chairman, Board of Higher Education, N. Y.*C...
...Alonso Myers, New York University...
...all other political parties were virtually prohibited...
...At present there is no doubt that the agreement foresaw a seizure of these States by the Soviet Union in two stages: as soon aa the partition of Poland was accomplished, the Soviet Union was to occupy strategic positions in the Baltic by concluding agreements with the three states, concerning military bases...
...Similar statements were made by the Estonian and Lithuanian governments...
...Thomas Aquinas and the scholastic philosophers...
...Progressive Education Association...
...1*HIS organisation calling itself "Education for 1 Freedom Inc...
...The complicated plan carefully elaborated in Moscow ¦—probably Uie only plan of a coup d'etat in history -which was to be accomplished in several stages—was successfully brought to an end at the beginning of August...
...After the bounds between the interests of the two nations were determined, we proceeded te the settle ment of relations between Germany and Russia...
...The Red Army occupied the whole territory of the Baltic Stales Yet the trend toward Sovietization was not yet openly admitted...
...between the USSR and the Baltic States in the autaauj of 1939, the Soviet government solemnly accepted the obligation to respect the sovereign righto of the Republics...
...Pravda, March,, 30, 1940...
...By recalling the way 1-atvian riflemen died for Riga in 1916 and 1917, it is easy to imagine what an important role the Baltic States could have played in the first weeks of the Russian-German war...
...They seek to drive out of the school system modern social science and progressive education and replace it with the study of the medieval trivium and quadriviurn, based on the theories of St...
...Is it conceivable that precisely at that moment Stalin, who in 1940 and 1941—possibly under the impact of the Finnish experience—waa carrying on a consistent policy of "appeasement" toward Hitler, should have made up his mind to occupy strategic positions against Hitler...
...Not a single execution was carried out either in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia...
...7m reality the CommunUt Party had a p*Htiml monopoly...
...LESS than three months later everything was changed...
...Neither Germany nor Raaaia has taken a single step outside the apherea of their respective inter rats...
...Yet this idea is in crass contradiction to historical facts...
...They told tlie radio officials and obtained the time on the basis that these men were representative of all major trends of the educational world...
...This fact must arouse bitterness ti> v" those who remember the long struggle for Riga A World War 1. Moreover, the Sovietixation of the Baltic States in the summer of 1940, far from strengthening the defense of the Soviet Union and of the States, in feet considerably weakened it...
...Pravda, July IDth, 1940...
...According » the "electoral platform" of the Estonian Union of toe Toiling People, "our demand in foreign policy is mli establishment of friendship between the peoples of mtonia and of the Soviet Union, and a close union •*»•*» the Estonian republic and the USSR...
...John Tunis, magazine writer, John U. Nef, University of Chicago...
...and as soon as the war broke out, the Red Army hastily evacuated the greater part of that region...
...For the past several years, a small group of educators, under the leadership of Robert Hutohins and Mortimer Adler of the University of Chicago, have attacked modern education and the democratic theories of Professor John Dewey...
...161) prior to the Red Army's appearBaltic nations was accomplished "by the democratirance...
...All along the line, Hutohins and his Thomist adviser Mortimer Adler (Thomist—meaning a follower of the medieval Catholic philosophy Thomas Aquinas) have been rebuffed in the-educational community...
...Said Hitler: "i consider it right first of all to determine realistically the bounds between ear interests and these of Raaaia in order to make It clear once and for all what Germany regarda aa the sphere of her interests la the fatnre, and, on the other hand, what Raaaiaooaaldero essential far her existence...
...Th* government is firmly convinced that the unshakable friendship between the peoples of the Soviet Union and of the Latvian Republic will continue to be s real and powerful factor in the consolidaion of Latvia's national independence," says the "Government declaration" of the new Latvian administration...
...Figures for 1937 show that one-third of Estonian experts, almost two-fifths of Latvian, and almost onehalf of Lithuanian, went to England, that moment that the Soviet Union made its appearance on the Baltic stage...
...Needless to say, there is not a word of truth in all this...
...the chief qt the seciet polne in Riga, notorious for maltreatment of political prisoners, was merely resigned, with a payment of a month salary" (p...
...For Expansion—Nor for Defense IT is amazing how stubbornly the fact is overlooked 'that even after the annexation of the Baltic States, the Soviet government never attempted to turn them into bases against Nasi aggression...
...officially th* democratic phraseology prevailed on all occasions and on July 14 and 16 parliamentary elections, had to take place with a democratic suffrage...
...Failing to influence the educational community, Hutshins and Adler have carried their light to the general public seeking to scare the people with the notion that modern progressive education is responsible for "materialism" for "the rise of Hitlerism" for "isolationism" for the "breakdown of the moral fibre of the nation...
...But all this was phony...
...aa some organs of the foreign press try to assert...
...Dean George Payne, School of Education, NYU...
...Cited from Preode, Jaly 21, 1940...
...This Hutrhins-Adler drive against secular education is a drive against secular society and seeks to undermine the best in the American traditon of free enquiry and scientific spirit...
...What ¦atten is something else...
...But the Union was formed of representatives of non-polit•ml organizations and of the Communist Party, and merely screened that party...
...At the sixth session of the Supreme Soviet, on March 29, 1940, Molotov once more reverted to this subject, and declared that "the experience of six months definitely warrants a positive evaluation of the pacts with the Baltic States," that/'despite intimidations with which imperialistic circles hostile to the Soviet Union have been busying themselves, nstionsl independence and the political self-determination of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have suffered no harm," and that thanks to the pacts "further improvement of rekvHtns between the Soviet Union and the Bailie Repwblfea may be expected...
...Edwin Wilson, editor, The Humanist...
...According to the provisions of the unpublished NuziSotiet agreement on the division of Europe, the Baltic States were to be included in the Soviet "sphere of influence...
...It was carried out for the sole purpose of Soviet ezpansion, to whirh even considerations of defense Were sacrificed...
...Johns College...
...Hitler's speech in the Reichstag on July 19, 1940, when the fate of the Baltic nations had already taken a definite shape, rang out not as a capitulation before the move of a clever adversary, but as the realisation of his on might...
...Later the Soviet press described these elections as a plebiscite which had deter•med th* fate of the Baltic States...
...Soviet Apologists Distort History THK Communist and fellow-traveler press was not sparing in its efforts to efface the memory of these painful facta, and to represent the joining of the Baltic States with the Soviet Union as a free expression of national self-determination...
...Thsm is no need to go into further detail...
...Arthur Murphy, University of Illinois...
...In regard to Lithuania, it seems that at first it was proposed U» keep her as a feraeUy independent, setrti buffer state between Germany and the Soviet Union, though she waa to be kept under Soviet influence...
...Dekanozov, ia Kaunas, and Zhdanov, in Tallin...
...The new governments unequivocably declaaed their devotion to democracy and to national independence ef Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, and also to the idea of friendship with the Soviet Union, r«l« turns with which they treated as a matter of foreign policy...
...But with all his recklessness toward historical truth, Meiksins could not explain how "the genuine people's front" including "all established democratic parties" was converted into "Long live the Soviets...
...Among those who have protested, The New Leader learns, arc Algo Henderson, President of Antioch College...
...There is only one anawer to this question...
...Far the first time since the beginning of the war, Hitler was not handicapped in hia choice, and could freely determine the direction of his next blow...

Vol. 27 • February 1944 • No. 9

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