COOPERATE WITH SOVIET RUSSIA By Bertrand Russell | SHALL write in thia aeries about such issues of the * moment aa might, 'if not wisely handled, endanger the prospects of a long peace when the...
...I am convinced that Stalin finds it quite as easy to cooperate with Mr...
...Opinion is not yet ready for the measures that must be taken some day if the peace of the world is to he made secure...
...Here I shall consider especially how to avoid misunderstandings between Russia and the western democracies, after a few general words about the importance of the problem...
...There is no suggestion that any of them had anything to do with devising it...
...It is to be expected that the countries which have been overrun by the Nazis will, when they sre liberated, be in a mood to desire much radical reform, for they will have emerged from appalling suffering and hardship into a world in which they will still be poor and many of them at first homeless...
...I do not think there is the slightest reason to believe that the Soviet Government wishes to see communism established in western countries...
...If Russia can be made to feel that peace is secure, I doubt whether any of the problems that might cause friction will prove insoluble...
...If there ia a division of parties in any country liberated from the Nazis, we must preserve an absolute and complete neutrality so long as neither party is pro-Nazi...
...At the same time, we should wt wish te inflict injustice upon small countries, not ily kaoaaao we desire justice, but because even a small -sentry with a serious cause for discontent ia a menace te peace...
...I believe this to be a mistake on the part of both radicals and conservatives...
...The Red Army has done very well without it...
...If the Soviet Republics are—even theoreticallyindependent, Russian imperialism ia made to seem less grasping...
...Often enough they refuse to accept them at all, as Canada has within the past week...
...Russell's hypothesis...
...Russia most of all needs peace for reconstruction since ' more men have been killed and more land has been devastated in Russia than in any other country...
...It is these beliefs that are -the source of '-rouble and that must be dispelled if sincere collaboration is to be possible...
...The first World War srose oat of a dispute between Aastris snd Serbia, the second out of a dispute between Germany and Poland...
...Subsequent broadcasts and articles will include the problems of reeducation •f Germany and Japan, the relation of the Big Three to Aaia, and other timely topics...
...Anyone who knows snything about the development of armies will be alow to accept this as a practical proposal...
...Yet each time America became involved...
...The method of the change is the first item to strike American citizens as all wrong...
...The Soviet Government itself has committed acta which arouse doubts as to Mr...
...How they should use their power in relation to separate imperialisms, to Asiatic problems, to the le education of Germany and Japan, are mattera which I hope to discuss in subsequent articles...
...But these persistent news items from Moscow seem to indicate that Joseph Stalin ia thinking of national security not in terms of peaceful international cooperation to ensure collective security for all nations big and small, but in terms of annexation of adjacent territory, of spheres of influence, ef strategic frontiers, of power politics played in the eld way which has always led to ware...
...All the recent actions of Moscow look like old-fashioned power politics...
...This would he ae great a disaster that it mast be averted at almeet any coat...
...MODERN technique has revolutionized the art of war, aa it has revolutionized ipduatrial production...
...If such a lielief prevails, however mistakenly, on the continent of Europe, it will cause liberated countries to turn towards Russia and will tend to bring about the kind of friction between the great powers which is above all things to be avoided...
...The other change outlined by the Commissar of Foreign Affairs ia separate representation of the sixteen republics at foreign capitals and on international bodies...
...for the present, England comes next in point of power, and China last, but these relative positions may be altered in years to come... is the memory of long hostility in the years following the Russian Revolution, with the survival of mutual fear...
...Churchill as with Sir Stafford Cripps, so long as he is equally assured of the friendship of both...
...technique and antiquated political systems do not harmonize, and until something is done to bring about some measure of harmony great wars will continue...
...For all of them, victors as well as vanquished, the next war will be an appalling catastrophe...
...What can be done to make the peace lasting depends upon public opinion, and the measures which would be Anally the most effective are as yet impossible because opinion is not ripe for them...
...The Molotov speech mentions two practical results...
...This constitutes one great hope for peace...
...America, Russia, Great Britain, and China...
...Great Britain would.side on the whole with America, but for the sake of peace would endeavor to act a • a mediator...
...Both seemed remote from the United States, and neither involved American interest in any obvious way...
...The first is the contribution of distinctive army formations by the republicssomething like the regiments contributed by our states during the Civil Wsr...
...Stalin has now only one motive for preferring radicals to conservatives in European countries, and that is that radicals are in general more favorable to Russia than are conservatives...
...There is indeed danger, as Russell states, that antagonisms may develop between the United States and Soviet Russia...
...Russell truly says that "all the powers must interest themselves in any dispute which endangers peace," and specifically mentions Austris, Serbia, Germany, and Poland, aa countries whose "disputes" led to two wars...
...Unilateral action is the reverse ef international collaboration...
...The real difficulty between Russia and the western powers is not Poland, or any other definite question...
...This part of the proposal cannot be taken seriously...
...There is no doubt that the peoplea of all the world are war-weary and aspire to an enduring peace with real collective security guaranteed by a world federation...
...Germany and Japan will find their opportunity in the rlvalriea of the victors, and before long, two world alliances will eoafreut each ether in a aew straggle...
...The trouble is that, everywhere outside Russia, certain parties fear Russia while others look upon her as the hope of the world...
...The Big Four will Hvt « practical monopoly of armed force, and will, ft* they ace not careful, be an object of auspicious fear te the smaller powers which will be at their merey...
...There is a danger—and perhaps it is the gravest danger of the near future—than an antagonism may develop between American and Russia, in which the rest of the world will side with one or other...
...the United States tried it throughout the period between the first and second worl • wars...
...There is no claim that the sixteen republics asked for this change...
...America and Russia are the most powerful...
...It ia based on a broadcast delivered over Station WEVD under the auspices ef the Rand School •f Social Science...
...The preservation of peace has become, for each nation, the preservation of world-peace...
...In old days, a country could choose to lie neutral, but nowadays the neutrals are fev and their neutrality is precarious...
...And Russia will need American lend-lease aid in the post-war period...
...In that case, the present war will have been fought in vain...
...Great Britain tried it during the years of appeasement...
...Assistant Secretary of State Berle haa said: "If you imagine two or three hundred Pearl Harbors occurring all over the United States, you will have a rough picture of what the next war might look like—if we let a 'next war' start...
...But it waa handed down from on high like the laws of Moses...
...But thus far it has been Moscow, not Washington or London, that has refused the method of conference, compromise, and reconciliation of conflicting national interests...
...This action was decided by the dictator...
...In the future, if we wish to avoid being involved ouraelves in a war, we must prevent the war from breaking out...
...It will be very unfortunate, if it should seem as though the State Depart, ment and the British Foreign Office were trying to obstruct the realization of their wishes as regards the management of their own concerns...
...Bad as this one is, the next will be even more terrible...
...And each will be worse than the laat...
...An American liberal looking things in the face is driven to the conclusion that Bertrand Russell overlooks the main quantity involved in his problem...
...This means thst all the great powers must interest themselves in any dispute which endangers peace, no matter where it occurs...
...And reciprocally, if grave trouble is to be avoided, ¦jaau we* have ta abstain from aupporting those ^ruo wAueh unwisely proclaim tb*maelvet her special Llmth Oaly such mutual forbearance will make list—possible...
...Molotov presented the plan for establishment of the Union-Republican People's Commissariat in an address which took 43 minutes...
...Thia meana that America and Great Britain mast avoid all appear* naee of profiting by any injustice to weaker nations and that if they are compelled to acquiesce in any injustice they must make it dear that they do so solely in the interests <ef world peace...
...CANNOT but think that the way to prevent such a * development is not merely to consider each separate cause of possible conflict calmly on its merits, but also to empbasize our immense common interest in peace...
...Hence The New Leader has had to point out that the threat of unilateral action is a threat to international cooperation and to peace...
...Isolationism, as a national policy, can no longer secure its objects...
...I am afraid that some of the smaller countries are pretty certain to suffer injustice, or at any r«t» whet they will think ia injustice, but everything aassibie must be done to prevent this, except risking a serious conflict between the great powers...
...I hope that thia is the policy of America and Great Britain, and that, if it ia so, they will manifest it more unmiatakably than they have done hitherto...
...The Supreme Soviet held one of its rare meetings on Tuesday...
...e • , THERE is a problem which remains even if the Big Four succeed in prolonging their cooperation after §0 eafeet ef Germany'and Japan...
...The only way to make the occurrence of great war* permanently unlikely ia te create a Federation of the World, with a monopoly of armed force...
...But these nations really are independent They do not accept decisions from London in four hours...
...It was written in Moscow, they applauded it, accepted it and went home...
...The plan involves a basic change in the Soviet Constitution...
...But this involves a limitation of national sovereignty for which the nations are not yet prepared...
...If we accept his basic assumptions, all his arguments are logical...
...There was loud applause, delegates rose to express brief agreement, the proposal was unanimously voted and the "Congress" adjourned sine die...
...The other obvious advantage would be in presenting a more impressive front to the outside world, to have additional votes in any future world conference...
...This article is the first of a aeries by the noted Knglink philosopher and mathematician...
...If all this should occur, the world would revert to the' old system of balance of power, which four aad a half centuries of European hiatory prove te he a certain read te war...
...An American will inquire: "What would have happened if one delegate had voted no..., in all likelihood, would most of Asia, though in China there would probably be a civil war between the friends of Russia and the friends of America...
...Russia, more than the United States, more even than Crest Britain, will nave need of jeact to cure the ravages of war...
...The implication seems iobe that the aim of the Soviet Government is not peace or world welfare...
...This must be what the Soviet Govvernment is really driving at...
...There are people in Great Britain and the United States who believe that the Soviet Government still wishes to promote revolution in capitalist countries, and there are still people in Russis who believe that, if once the Germans were defeated, the western powers would again be hostile to Russia...
...But enough is already practicable in the way of international cooperation to make it possible that measures ensuring lasting peace may gradually grow out of the alliance of the United Nations...
...It pretends to be a change from a centralized to a . federal system...
...Its policy in recent years has been concerned only with the interests of Russia...
...Under modern condition of wsr the maintenance of distinctive units is quite impractical...
...AH these countries, great and small alike, found this policy self-defeating...
...By this time the typical American is driven to the conclusion that this move, so carefully prepared and so smoothly executed, is but a part of Joseph Stalin's tactical campaign for advantageous position in the post-war world...
...What we may allow ourselves to hope ia that the cooperation of the Big Four will continue when the war is over, and that they will not use their power to tyrannise over weaker nations...
...fM ouurae of the war has shown that small countries maest preserve their independence except by the protection ef great powers...
...the small countries of Europe tried it by clinging to a policy of desperate neutrality until they were overrun...
...COOPERATE WITH SOVIET RUSSIA By Bertrand Russell | SHALL write in thia aeries about such issues of the * moment aa might, 'if not wisely handled, endanger the prospects of a long peace when the present war ends...
...If this is to happen, misunderatanding meanwhile must be avoided...
...An EditorialToward Understanding Russia DERTRAND RUSSELL suggests that to get on well with Russia, we must "emphasize our immense common interest in peace...
...We do not have separate representation for our 48 states...
...Each of the British Dominions has its envoys and each sends delegations to international councils...
...Of these...
...What was he driving at...
...The only parallel cases are those of the United States and Britain...
...It is doabtlesa true that Russia needs peace and that the Russian people want peace...
...In the meantime, less drastic measures must suffice...
...Its home policy has become the very reverse of revolutionary...
...but'in the international sphere the organization—or rather lack of organization—of the world remains almost what it waa two hundred years ago...
...It is obvious that the first and most immediate necessity, if the present war is not to be a mere prelude to the next, is continued cooperation among the Big Four...
...Yet the attempts of the United States and Britain to interest themselves in the present dispute over Poland—its borders and its government—have been arrogantly rebuffed by Russia... far from keeping them out of war, it helped to bring about the war in which we are all engulfed...
...It has dissolved the Communist International...
...Bertrand Russell reasons like a good mathematician...
...Also that perhaps the danger of a separate Russo-German peace was not entirely eliminated by conferences at Moscow and Teberan...
...This way of doing things, so different fromvours, will naturally give the American his clue, give him his basic notion as to what sort of government we are dealing with...
...This illustrates the necessity, If America or sny other great power is to remain at peace, »f taking steps to prevent the outbreak of war no matter where, since every wsr, nowsdsys, is likely te become world-wide...
...It no longer spends money on the support of communist parties in various parts of the world...
...If the sixteen republics are supposed to correspond to our states, the Supreme Soviet, an innocent American might suppose, parallels our Congress: This "Congress" met for four hours...
...It is important to avoid sueh conflict...
...And in this the interests of all the different nations are, identical...
...In such a situation, it might be expected that most of the continent of Europe, with the exception of Poland, Finland, and Sweden, would side with Russia...
...The difficulty is that his assumption that the Comintern has actually been dissolved and that Stalin desires the same kind ef peace and collaboration as do Churchill and Roosevelt are of doubtful validity...
...It is therefore a vital interest of each one of us to prevent the next war...
...The latest in this series of acts is the decision of the Supreme Soviet regarding the autonomy of the sixteen constituent Soviet Republics...
...The embodiment of Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia, parts of Poland or Finland seems less imperialistic...
Vol. 27 • February 1944 • No. 6