TRENDS: Ideas in action; events aa they reflect social tendencies


TRENDS: Ideas in action; events aa they reflect social tendencies By Liston M. Oak National Unify — as Practiced by Belgian Communists PROOF that Ceesmunmta believe hi their slogan for...

...The citizens will not discharge their civic duty with the deep joy flowing from a recovered right unless their house hss previously been put in prder...
...Tbe appointment of Stettinius to succeed Hull is regarded by Arthur Krock ss appeasement of conservatives...
...The Federal Prison Industries, Inc., produced these goods for use by the government snd the aimed forces...
...Those whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad...
...Victor Riesel reports in ths Pott that Dewey and the Republicans will amend the election laws so thst a candidate cannot run on mors than one party line, and thua smash the Liberal Party and the ALP...
...A significant editorial by Marcel Bidoux appeared in I.r t'opulairt of October 16...
...Brooks Atkinson,-able-Times-expert on China, m;ikcs the serious error of thinking thst "Chinese Communists are not Communists...
...The ideology of a nstion in its internal life is a concern of the international community...
...Uncle Sam owns and operates en« big business, producing goods worth $17,020,660 in ths past year, and he is not going to turn it over to private capital...
...Qf course he csnnot discover anything else -the Communists would not permit it...
...Hence the necessity ef providing jobs for 60,000,000, st wages sufficient to consume the vast wealth of goods American industry con now produce...
...In a few months the French people will vote...
...i a maneuver, the program of social reform advocated by such Democratic Socialists as Kautsky and Debs and 'Hillquit— damned as counter-revolutionary by Lenin—the Communists have not become Social Democrats or reformers...
...But for sll her strength, she...
...And, basically,'all of them remain.'tike Stalin hiiriself, Bolsheviks...
...Democracy to Communists mesne one thing only—the right and the opportunity for Communists to gain strength, legally...
...Of 48,000 in the Resistance movement, about half have surrendered then-guns...
...The Lublin Committee for National Liberation...
...Thia warning fallowed a strike against the Government Pierlot told the Chamber of Deputies that his policy is liberty with discipline," and was given a vote of confidence—116 to 12, with only Communists echoing Pravda* demand that he be ousted...
...One such episode took place this week nt PertiuS, where five were condemned to death without trial for throwing a bomb into FFI barracks...
...The wolf has donned the skin of a lamb...
...Government experts sre more worried over the danger Of deflation than of inflation in the postwar period...
...The sailors and war workers are mercilessly robbed, for rent, food, everything . Why doesn't Washington do something about it...
...Democracy is alien to Bolshevism—they arc mutually • exclusive...
...It urged all possible aid to prostrate nations in their reconstruction...
...It is a warning to the government to make haste with the job of carrying out the purge...
...Maurice Thores, French Communist found guilty of treachery and desertion during the days when Communists called this "an imperialist war" started by Britain and Franc*, arrived in Paris from Moscow...
...In the sense that Communists everywhere have abandoned the ope* ad-raeacy of the "Marxist" philosophy snd revolutionary program Of Lenin and Trotsky, in favor of a completely K.'poitunfciie drive for power, Cbou no more n Communist than is Earl Browder...
...The strike followed a demonstration in which' four wore killed by tha police...
...Commentate seek to eaginoer a aplit Spaak commented that the Communists are making ft difficult for the Socialists to work with them...
...But this does rot make a Communist into a democrat ' any more than Blunder's support Of free private enterprise and Roosevelt mskes him 'a New Deal Democrat) Chou En-lai i« as much an agent of Moscow as is Thorez...
...The Paris Government seeks to keep the revolution taking place in France within the law, but has a hard time of it...
...They do all they ran to discredit the government end create trouble...
...they are determined to have their own way, no matter how bard that way will be for them and Belgium...
...that "the 8oviet Union can never live down its failure te give help to Warsaw" during tat uprising...
...It is caused by those in the FFI Resistance movement who have refused to surrender their arms, and usually led by Communists...
...The British Government, through Deputy Prime Minister Clement Atlee, Laborite, haa reasserted its determination to continue Hong Kong under British rule as soon as the 'Japanese are ousted...
...The Chinese Communists are doing whet American Communists are doing: they are following a line of political expediency adapted to "the new situation"— always holding in reserve an alternative program if and when the situation changes...
...Granting that Chiang Kai-shek is a dictator and that the Kuomintang is both corrupt and inefficient, the hard fact is that the Chinese Communists are worse...
...What it-all adds up to is that Stalin has acquired another innocent . propagandist who is in the same category aa Walter Duranty, valuable precisely because - of his honesty, his innocence, his political immaturity...
...two-thirds of the big estates remain to' be divided.'' Only' tbe estates owned by *h« Church are exempt...
...Universal compulsory military training in postwar America was endorsed by the Daily Worker of "November 27, which greeted the American Legion's proposal and- damned- as pacifist defeatists aiding the enemy all who oppose it . . . ' The London' Tm— commented editorially: " Already Russia has emerged «s the greatest power on the European continent...
...When they are strong enough to suppress opposition they do so—and there is only one genuine test of democracy: can opposition flourish...
...301(000 have been killed, 67,000 of them civilians... aa they reflect social tendencies By Liston M. Oak National Unify — as Practiced by Belgian Communists PROOF that Ceesmunmta believe hi their slogan for "national ¦nity" sway when it suite their partisan pip mm la seen tat events in sMflismi Premier Hubert Pierlot, acting under martial law, baa warned tbe Cesnaauoiete that he will suppreas their paper if it continues to incite jiierdlr and advise the Resistance movement not te surrender arms aa ordered...
...Bill Green sharply opposed German slave labor battalions to rebuild devastated Russia, as demanded by Moscow, and advocated by Arthur Horner, British Communist who is a delegate of the British unions at the AFL convention...
...ii reported to be carrying out its program for agrarian reform...
...IN SUMMARY: • The highest authorities of the Catholic Church of the U8A issued a statement which utterly —JTeUii "power politics," demanded a just peace based on the Atlantic Chaster, urged an international organlxatiee of all nations, and with a strong World Court, insisted on tha rights of small states, and of minorities, sad counseled that the peace be based on "Christian democratic traditions...
...The fundamental purpose remains unchanged—the defense of the interests of Soviet Russia, the acquisition of increased influence and ultimately complete power...
...To achieve this the nations has "sacrificed its Victorian inheritance," contracted overseas debts twice as large as prewar (?2,000,300,000), selling CI,066,000,000 of overseas assets, cutting imports snd exports drastically, and spending ?26,000,000,000 for the war...
...Pravda say* that 40,000 landless peasants havs received allotments...
...Max Learner, PM editor, who is generally very »ro-Sov let, said that "the Poles have a good moral case" against Moscow...
...Even in democratic USA it would be prove ' in court thst any political, financial, or military con-1 nection exists between the American Communists and the Kremlin...
...the Communists have hidden theirs...
...Within the area of China dominated by the Communists, no opposition exists, there is no least trace of democracy, critics and opponents are executed as Trota-kyists or fascists, totalitarianism is more complete than in kuoinintang China... hss been operating for ten years in noncompetitive enterprises as a means of rehabilitation ef prisoners...
...Attorney General Riddle, „f intervening in' the business of the Justice Department te aid Thomas (the Cork) Corcoran once FDR's chief braintrtuter now in private law practice...
...The Communists • in China as in the USA, in-becoming practical politic ' nans seeking power bynonrevolutionary -methods, temporarily, have lost their-revolutionary romanticism and utoptanism.' But iff adopting...
...One basic reason is the slowness of the courts in purging the fascists...
...its leader, Paul Henri Spaak, is Foreign Minister, and Achills van Acker is Minister ef Labor...
...Throughout Europe the CP is surging ahead in its drive for power...
...But everyone except the dupes and stooges and innocents knows that the umbilical cord has never been severed...
...owners will be compensated...
...The numerous letters which we receive esch dsy are an expression of the will ef a detply wounded people to see justice done...
...Thia statement of the Catholic Bishops appealed te all men to free themselves front racial haired, from unprincipled expediency, frosi greed...
...In demanding that the task of carrying on the purge...
...Key West and other Florida cities stem never to have heard of the OPA...
...bat Bolsheviks minus the revolutionary internationalism and idealism which lent a certain glamor to Lenin and Trotsky...
...In a choice between these evils, I choose the lesser and ssy that China's only hope is in ths democratic forces within the Kuomintang...
...Further, it is truo that China is an agricultural country needing first r;< .ii ian reform, and the Communists have accepted the necessity of earning mass peasant support by carrying out -neb reforms in the vast territory under their totalitarian control...
...One house in every three hss been destroyed or badly damaged...
...Whisky sells st $16 the quart, a plate of frankfurters and beans is $1, and you have to stand in line to get it...
...Ferns ad de Many, left-wing Socialist who fsvors a united front with the Communists, resigned from the Government The Belgian Socialist Psrty continues its support ef the Pierlot Government...
...A Does Waif* Paper . .. • "The total war effort of the population of Britain per head is greater than that of any belligerent," London claimed in the latest White Paper...
...Norman M. Littell, Assistant Atteraey General, accused his boss...
...The people know democrscy will remain menaced so long aa our enemies remain free to plot our destruction.' The country . . . does not wish to be exposed again to the inijuit:es of a fifth column...
...Unless these conditions sre fulfilled, the new republican regime will be under suspicion from the stsrt...
...Tbe faro* in Franc* . . . • Throughout the French provinces there is frequent disorder which local authorities cannot control...
...They may force the government to ask the Allies to send in troops to restore order, and possibly to set up a military regime...
...The French Government took the first step toward nationalisation of key industri" by a decree confiscating.the coal.mines <>* northern France...
...This could bring another depression ss in the l«30's...
...has "° aggressive or expansive designs... undertaken promptly and energetically," he says, "the press is only representing the determination of the public...
...Atkinson, whose dispatches from China were always interesting, reveals himself as a political moron on the subject sf Communism when he writes that "there is no political or military connectionvwith Rossis," so fsr as he can discover...
...The Chinese Communists, like their colleagues everywhere, demand "democracy" and "national nasty" but this is as absurd as it would be for the Vatican to urge the world to accept the precepts of Mohammedanism...
...They fear that production will far outrun consumption instead of vice versa...
...Chinese Communhtt Are Commenisrs...

Vol. 27 • December 1944 • No. 49

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