TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies.
TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies. By Liston M. Oak The Growth of Dual Power in Europe THE Daily Worker of November 12 carries • revealing story: "Greece and Italy...
...leader, praised the works of Stalin and damned the King and Umberto, and said: "He are the new ruling elate of Italy...
...The reactionary prelates of the Church urge recognition of Franco and* the expulsion of the Spanish Maquis...
...bat 3.000,000 soldiers to fight with the Nazis against Russia...
...Only the political idiots and totalitarian liberals believe that the Comintern has been dissolved...
...The Catholic Church of France is split by the fact that some of the clergy were collaborationists, more were part of the resistance movement The Vichy its Catholics are being violently attacked by the left Socialists, who see the Hierarchy of the Church as a threat to a program of drastic social reform, and by Communists who fear the opposition of the Church to their drive for power...
...The Unbalance of Power In Europe . . . • The conception of a federated Europe, a United States of Europe, as part of an international federation of democratic peace-loving nations, has been abandoned in favor of domination by the Big Three, the division of Europe into spheres of influence...
...Walter Nash, a moderate, seconded the resolution for drastic socialist measure* as necessary for postwar reconstruction...
...Admiral Horthy was long the pro-Nazi dictator ef Hungary, the murderer of democrats...
...The American people are aggressively behind Roosevelt's imperialistic policy of world domination...
...Franco is quoted ss beaating that he sent, not' I.OO0.00O...
...The Polish Government has traced only 613.000 of them...
...Liberal Catholics like Foreign Minister Georges Bidault are members of a moderate group between the two extremes, critical of the reactionary Hierarchy and of Communists alike, advocating progressive reform measures...
...In every particular, they follow faithfully the line handed down from the Kremlin...
...By Liston M. Oak The Growth of Dual Power in Europe THE Daily Worker of November 12 carries • revealing story: "Greece and Italy are faring problem* similar to France in stabilising the liberation governments and incorporating the guerilla organisation into national armies," the report runs...
...Newspapers in Mexico City, subsidized by foreign capital, denounced Comacho for his refusal to grant the concessions and demanded his resignation...
...Political Foble .. . • President Avila Comacho refused last week to grant a demand from the Standard Oil Company for oil concessions and abrogation of the law nationalizing the oil resources of Mexico...
...Today trends and events seem to be shaping up so that Britain will be forced to form an alliance with western Europe and America, osteitsibly against future German aggression, but actually to balance the expanding power of Russia in eastern and central Europe and in Asia...
...The re-election of Roosevelt," said a Japanese broadcast, "makes it clear that there can be no compromise peace...
...And the Greek army from exile is practically non-etistcnt, whereas the old French army still retains its power...
...I leave if to the reader to guess where it actually happened, and what great power delivered it* ultimatum...
...Semantics lesson In Daily Worker, November...
...Soeialitt tolidarity betweeil the right and left wing* wamrrettaJilithed...
...Secretary of State Hull declared that "Comacho's pro-fascist attitude endangers the security of Mexico...
...But a multitude of parties such as paralyzed the government before the war should, be avoided...
...This explains why, in Greece, the Communist EAM is willing that its armed forces shall be incorporated into the army, while in France the Communists refuse to obey de Gaulle's order thst their Militia become part of the regular army...
...Washington is debating whether or not American Marines will be sent to pacify the country and restore order...
...The SAM is is a ttronger puttttom te control fevemment than is the Council of National Resistance in Paris...
...The Trotskyists and revolutionary Socialists in France and Italy support the Communists in demanding the continued independent existence of this dual power, the workers' militia...
...This is power politics aa of old...
...IN SUMMARY: • Wane Ching-weJ, Chinese Quieting and loadarof iheJapajiesn, dominated puppet government of Nan...
...Like Chiang Kai-shek, Wang was a protege of San Yat sen, father of the Chinese Revo, lution...
...The French Socialist Party at a four-day convention took the stand that "the resistance movement is inseparable from the nation," that the Communist proposal for a single ticket in the elections is unacceptable...
...We have a common program of struggle for the overthrow of the Franco dictatorship snd the reestablishsnent of the democratic Republic," the msnifeste stated...
...The fatal weakness of the western democracies is that they have no such weapon as Moscow possesses— the Comintern...
...Germany will be a disarmed, impotent, second-rate agricultural nation in between...
...The manifesto said that this Communist-monarchist "Junta" has no influence in the Spanish Underground...
...Roman Communists and Socialists joined in a huge celebration of the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia during which Pietro Nenni, S.P...
...Thus Britain always held the balance of power and no other nation held the hegemony of that continent...
...A Spanish United Front—Without Communists The Spanish Socialist Party recently held s conference st Toulouse before the Communists held theirs in the same city in south France, and decided to expel any member who supports the "Supreme Junta," which wss characterized as s "figment of Bolshevik fantasy...
...not in Mexico...
...The question is simply one of power...
...It declared that the trade union organizations were working together in a real united front that includes liberal Republicans, but excludes Communists...
...Unlike the Communists, they urge a social revolution, by violence if necessary...
...In Greece the EAlf, which has several government posts, will remain in being aa a ..M«lf4«l«M« to the government...
...He broadcast an appeal for a revolt, urging Hungariaa soldiers to desert to the Russians... the idea that peace ran be maintained by an alliance of the big nations...
...But the ELAS...
...Enrique de Francisco acted as chairman...
...This manifesto wss printed in the Madrid Underground and 500,000 copies were distributed throughout Spain...
...To the Comintern, the throat of revolution is merely a political weapon in the game of power politics to compel Washington and London to continue to appease Stalin...
...The New Zealand Labor Party at a recent conference decided apoa a more dynamic polky ef socialist reform: The party will urge that the Labor Government take over electric power, medical (are, boikaiag and iahing, transport, the production ef munition*, ineurance, and the Bank of New Zealand...
...king, died unmounted...
...Francisco Largo Caballero, now in a Nazi jail, snd Julian Resteiro, who died in a Franco jail, were chosen honorsry rhsirmsn of the party...
...A pamphlet published in Rome by the Catholic Church (not the Vatican) stated that 1,600,000 Poles were deported to Russia when that country invaded eastern Poland in 1939...
...Sooner or later the Comintern will upset any balance of power that may be established...
...This would serve the double purpose of checking any possible future aggression on the part of Germany, Russia, or any ether power, and of integrating Europe in an economic unit, as opposed to the Balkanization of that continent...
...Each party will have its own candidates...
...The influences of reactionary Allied circles are more remote...
...Chou En-lai, Communist leader and Stalin's chief agent in China, returned ta Chunking to resume negotiations with, Kuomintang representatives for national unity, which broke down on October 2, after four months, without any agreement...
...Unrest is reported throughout the country, with public demonstrations against the Mexican President...
...General Voeiees, chief of staff of the Hungarian Army, last week escaped from the Germans and crossed over te the Red Army...
...Bat we have nothing whatever to de with the socalled "Supreme Junta" led by the Communists...
...Among fascists, democracy becomes popular at 11:&6 p. m. . . . Like King .Michael and his father, Carol, and Den Juan, Otto of Hapsburg, Umberto, Victor Emmanuel, Hadoglio, and the ex-Nazis in the Moscow Union ef German Officers...
...Togliatti was careful not to mention the monarchy...
...The rest are presumably either elead or in forced labor camps...
...In Italy, where the partisans have been disarmed, the Communists demand that they be rearmed and allowed to light United after the war with the Communist and Socialist partisans of northern Italy, they would be a strong armed force, in which the Communists would have predominant influmce...
...The American State Deparement issued a statement that Mexico's one-party dictatorship is moving toward fascism, and backed the demands of the Standard Oil Company...
...He ended his broadcast: "Long live free democratic Hungary under th* leaderthip of Regent Horthy...
...The Populares were supported by the Communists, whoso party was dissolved last spring...
...A manifesto jointly issued by the two trade union organizations of Spain, the anarcho-syndicalist ('NT and the Socialist UGT, was read...
...18: "Puerto Rico's Popular-Democrats won a resounding victory in Tuesday's elections, completely routine the Republican-Socialist coalition...
...In France, Italy, and Greece the Communists are stronger than any other party today, and have lieen able to organise united fronts which increase their influence...
...the guerilla arm of the EAM, will be transformed en December 10 into a new national army...
...Hence the urgent importance of abandoning the whole prewar balanreof-power system and setting up as the only practicable* alternative a federation of nations, to include such secondary federations as one of the small States of central and eastern Europe, from the Baltic te the Aegean...
...Our only path is to recognize the beastly character of the American people and renew our determine-, tion to crush America...
...The conference urged the United Nations (o sdd to the list ef war criminals those Falangists responsible for the murder of Luis Compsnys, Cstalan liberal, killed in 1940, and ef other loyalist Spsnish leaders..., iif eourte, is a fable...
...Such a balance of power ran be effective in securing peace only so long as there is no sharp conflict of national interests between the two agglomerations of nations, and only so long as the balance is not upset by the rapture of the government in either Germany, France, Italy, Greece, or Spain by the Communists, acting as sgents of Moscow...
...It didn't happtn...
...The situation in Greece is somewhat different than in France...
...Wang was once leader of the left-wing of the K mini i nt eng...
...Great Britain and Royal Dutch Shell likewise supported Standard...
...But with a difference: Britain's prewar policy was to play one European nation against another—t ¦ , France against Germany—and to prevent any one nation front gaining ascendancy...
...Jn Greece, the Hatty Worker says in effect, the ELAS will be able to control the army, while in Prance the Communists would be in a minority in the army, and so prefer to remain independent, a dual military power...
Vol. 27 • November 1944 • No. 47