The Case of Louis Waldman A Rebuttal from Warshow

The Case of Louis Waldman A Rebuttal from Warshow from ADOLPH WARSHOW Lmj WALDMAN. m bis reply last my open letter, covert a, food "Tfj ground to prove, apparently to Xtwneatiefaction, a number...

...Baltimore, Md., may be the next city in which tha N.E.C...
...Ashbes, Fred Shulmsn, Louis P. Goldberg, August Claessens, and others...
...Shiplaeoff linn, h Meeting Monday, Nov...
...Flatbush-Ceatrsl Hraacb: Meeting on Tuesday, Nov...
...Rand School Workshop for the manufacture of clothing for war sufferers is open daily from Monday through Thursday from 10 a. m. te 4 p. m. and on Wednesday evenings...
...No doubt Waldman includes among these "progressiyes" the Republican Party, which not only approved of his article but even reprinted it in millions of copies for distribution among those that would not know a Communist if they saw one...
...branch sre good...
...and are accountable to the people...
...All branches sre urged te complete the drive for S.D.F...
...Te this euestion, Wsldmsn convenient I y fsrgsts to reply...
...But he does not apply the same •"jitter connotation to the political ma•Mnes of the Republican or Democratic JJJ~*: it 's just another instance of "'•"g loose and irresponsible language...
...The November issue of the Social Democrat is in the mail...
...17, 9 p. m , on "1-essons From the Recant Flections...
...If this were the real reason, and if wam't, why did Waldman accept a nomination for the Supreme Court from a Communist ALP...
...If be would, his whole premise would crumble and the reasons for his article would disappear...
...Evidently, the question am tea embarrassing Ts my second question, Wsldmsn does reply...
...While claiming to *»"or labor political action, he would deny their leaders the right to form esmmittees to influence labor for candidates who will, in their Opinion, best •erv* their interests...
...But when these "situs enter politics, they sre seeking public power which msy directly affect the life and well-being of every American...
...Granting that ym are right, and I am of the opinion that you are, do you honestly believe that then' substitution by people wh«i ml be more to the liking of the GirdIan, Pews, American Firsters snd thrift** reactionary forces, in the event sf Dewey*a election, will be an imptwsint en the present condition...
...Fanny Hats, veteran Social Democrat, will he honored at a dinner Saturday, Nov...
...In politics, therefore, the philosophy ef government of the trade sakm leaders must be weighed in the light not of trade unionism but of the public welfare...
...26, f p. m , at tha Culturs Center, West 2Sth St...
...7th elections and proud of their fine work that contributed to the Roosevelt landslide in this Republican city...
...dues hy Mew...
...It is a fine aid to organization work...
...17, H W p. m , at the New F.ra Club, 274 East Hroadway...
...will meet...
...This vote represents an insignificant number in a state with over 15,000,000 population...
...We can report continued progress and increasing circulation, subscriptions and bundle orders for our modest little monthly propaganda paper...
...J*** should indeed be glad that this friendship" snd "loyslty" hsve, in re*»' years, been transferred to other Witieal parties...
...He slso ¦ peaks at the Brighton Beach Liberal Party Club, Brighten 4th Street and Boardwalk, Friday, Nov...
...Is ceaneetion with tha first, I ssid: "In year Saturday Evening Post article yea sttack the present Admin Ithslisn far tha bureaucracy in govarassasj and mainly for permitting mmiinsi Communists and feilowUtiolm to occupy key positions in iapertant departments...
...He denies that he is opposed to laser in politics, but maintains, by quoting from his article, that "while labor km the right, and many liberate believe tat duty, to take an active interest in atiitiea, the idea of a political junta sdivsriag the 'labor vote" is repugnsnt ts American psychology," and, again tatting from his article, he says: "As hag at trade union leaders ronAne themsshes to the task of raising wages, •bortening hours and improving the conditions of employment of its members, their political philosophy is of little etneern to the public...
...80th, whan the yearly report on ssamharskip will be prepared...
...Finding himself in a maze of contradiction and inconsistencies, unable to get out of the mess in which he finds himself politically, his resorting to abuse and insults upon those that dare to criticize him...
...Outside of New York State the Communists don't get enough votes to elect a dog catcher...
...20, st Singers' Studio, 852 Sutter Ave, Brook lyn...
...They would add at least one truthful chapter to his biography...
...He should re-read the history of the development of labor parties in Eurtpe...
...IK, it p. m.,at Ksppaport's Restaurant, !)3 Second Ave., New York...
...In his reply, Waldman claims that "the response to his articles from democratic and progressive elements throughout the country has been go overwhelm ing that he is encouraged in the belief thst the Adolph Warshows represent nobody but themselves.'' In the light of his support of a demociatic reactionary for Governor in one election and his recent support of Dewey, I am rather inclined to question his designations of "democratic and progressive...
...m bis reply last my open letter, covert a, food "Tfj ground to prove, apparently to Xtwneatiefaction, a number ef things: gL oropbotic viaion of the Communist struggle against it when all ItTta'esseeietas in the labor movement Tnti it, snd, to paraphrase one of the **TJlfl of his hook, tha high opinion tkaTwalshaan has of Waldman...
...20, 8:30 p. m., st Dr...
...meets Saturday, Nov...
...Il>»mh in the Amalgamated Houses, Bronx: August Claessens speaks on "The November 7th Victory and What Is Ahead" Monday, Nov...
...21, at the new headquarteis, 1110 Eastern Parkway, near Utira Ave., Brooklyn...
...21, st the Labor Educational Center, 416 S. 19th Street...
...he •words this right to the Hagues in New •Jjsey, the Kellys in Chicago, and the Ottnnells in Albany...
...By the way, Louis, how highly do you rate your political wisdom in your support of Bennett for Governor and Dewey I or President ? SDF NEWS NATIONAL The Action Committee of the N.E.C...
...It is simply not true...
...In his last, and regretfully unpublished paragraph of his letter, Waldman "in all kindliness" tells me that as a political thinker I am not rated very high, and as a tactician 1 have been pretty flat, but that I can fill with distinction the role of King of the Kibitzers—whatever that may mean...
...Among other business to be transacted will be setting the date and place for the first meeting of the National Executive Committee elected by the S.D.F...
...My letter was a criticiam, not an at lack, af tha reasons for his support of Dewey against Roosevelt, and of his peutMn «a labor's participation in politics...
...And, finally, why did he not join the Liberal Party when it wss completely free from Communist control or influence...
...He forgets te mention that these organizations too have what he chooses to call "political juntas" and evidently does not know that they also, in their early periods, traded with other parties and thus placed the "labor vote on the auction block," thereby laying a foundation for their future growth and development...
...Many of us knew of this condition and fought it with all our force...
...Mid-Bronx Branch: Meeting Monday, Nov...
...Maggin's, 1235 Grand dm course (167th Street...
...20, at 3876 Sedgwick Ave., Bronx...
...21, 7 p. m., at the Milrose Chateau, 1830 Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn.....Memorial meeting for Fannie Shainblum Tuesday, Nov...
...Meeting for this purpose on Tuesdsy, Nov... natural and understandable...
...If he really wants to be candid, he should give the real reasons, which are well known to him and those who were associated with him in the movement and the ALP...
...August Claessens will be present...
...national convention in Philadelphia, Pa., on Sept...
...Con¦mj «f his awn faultless position, it a mtursl, then, thst he should demand "Adolph Warshows have the „ ,,wT and sportsmanship to apologuit for the unjustified attacks" in tha indeed of "starting their abuse all tear agal" " All of which is characteryfa ,7 Waldman but does not snswer tat eueations rsised in my letter...
...East Flalbuth Kraarh 2: Annual affair, Saturday, Nov...
...He ••Mgnates the labor leaders, entering ~* political field, as a "labor junta" •'•''ng the "labor vote" on the auction •jock...
...Philadelphia, Pa.: Prospects for a new S.D.F...
...Speakers: M. ,1...
...Since the "danger" of Communism was at all times the motive for Waldman's actions, he attempt to "prove" his case by pointing to the 100,000 votes given to Amter when he was a candidate for Governor in lU.'IH, and to the election of two Communist Councilmen in the city of New York...
...Our Philadelphia comrades are jubilant over the Nov...
...this, Waldman docs not mention...
...In both his book and articles, Waldman, dressed in a mantle of a crusader, attempts to impress his readers that it was he, and At alone, thst foresaw the menace of Communist influence in the ALP and the trsde union movement, snd thst it was only he that hsd the courage to point out its danger...
...wajdman has nothing but j>raise for in politics in Great Britain, New **oJ*nd, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and 22 eountries...
...Algernon Lee answers questions on current issues every Saturday evening at 9:18 o'clock over Station WKVD...
...The political phi"*°Phy of these corrupt politicians need "* he weighed in the light of public welfare, but that of leaders should...
...On the basis of his own quotations, ssy statement that-he repudiated his previous convictions, and the position of all forward-looking people the world •vsr, still stands...
...These democratic poll^ organisations, he states, "function !|**t*gi)»ntly under the laws of their "•on, presenting to the public programs **• candidates of their own...
...Unlike Waldman, however, we did not run away from the fight but remained on the inside and quietly but energetically continued our struggle against this element...
...Arranged b*y the Workmen's Circle Shiplaeoff Branch 880 E. .. . Christmas Party Dec...
...Cowry Isiaad: August Claessens speaks on "lace Prejudice" Sunday, Nov...
...Why did he not support Dean Alfange when he was a candidate for Governor and was opposed by the Communists with a ticket of their own...
...28, at 1314 Kinga Highway, Brooklyn...
...NEW YORK CITY William Ksrlin speaks on 1 l.alxu and the Election Returns" Friday, Nov...
...18, 2 p. m., at 7 East 15th St., New York City...
...The reason given by Waldman for resigning from the American Labor Party, and subsequently from the Social Democratic Federation, ia the infiltration of Communists in the ALP and the failure of their leaders to follow his advice...
...and mermaid Ave...
...22nd at the Rand School, arranged for members ef the City Central exacutive committees and branch euVers...

Vol. 27 • November 1944 • No. 47

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