Battle of Philippines at all Embassy Theatres
"Battle of Philippines" at all Embassy Theatres First Dramatic Films 1 Head World News Shots at Embassy First pictures af tha BsttW far the Philippines headlines the new program tats weak...
...Greatest Man in Siam...
...oath St.: "That Men Msy Live...
...A Jap dlvei bomber is hit and falls in names...
...P4B4MOUMT HOLDS flUd ST4GI snow "I Love a ggldiii," co-starring PauietU Geddard and Sonny Tufts continues for a third snd Bnaj week at Dm N. Y. Paramount...
...Battle of Philippines" at all Embassy Theatres First Dramatic Films 1 Head World News Shots at Embassy First pictures af tha BsttW far the Philippines headlines the new program tats weak at all Embassy Newsreel Theatres...
...U. s. Navy defeats three Jap fleets in mighty air-sea 'battle...
...Home Front News: Cheering crowds greet President's return to' Washington for his fourth term...
...Sensational action shots show Jap dive bombers attack U. 8. Carrier Princeton and score direct hit...
...MacArthur at front, directs tha bitter savage battle for the Philippines...
...SOU St.: "City af Brigham Yjung" and "Plane Daffy," color cartoon...
...Exclusive: Naws Forum presents "Frontline Footlights" with Tom Sister interviewing Bart LyteH, Broadway star and director af UBO Camp Shows, and Sarah Lee Harris, actress, who tells af entertaining C.l...
...Exploding snd burning, she is sunk by our own gunfire... of the scores that fell in the naval battle af the Philippines Admiral Nimita praises men far ' rilllant victory...
...This Is America...
...Jot's at tat front 4tnd St.: "City ef Brigham Young," Fitxpa trick Travel talk...
...color cartoon...
...7?nd St: "City af Brigham Young" and "I've Got .Plenty of Mutton," color cartoon...
...The Leyte Front: Immense amounts af armament, munitions and equipment am picked up on the beaches of Leyte...
Vol. 27 • November 1944 • No. 47