Mikolajczyk's Proposals to Stalin
Mikolajczyk's Proposals to Stalin PoLISH Prisma Misdeter Mikolajczyk gave the following outlines of a saemsraadum sent by the Palish Government to the Soviet Corel asaaiit: 1. After the...
...Under the torrent of German shells and bombs, thsy seized factories, in hands of workers committees, snd proclaimed racial agrarian reforms...
...Nothing snd no one ran he allowed to separate the fate and common destiny of the Polish snd Jewish messes of our country.!' "The Polish Army is the Army of the Polish Republic...
...Help which the insurgents received from outside was too little and ram* too late...
...We are sure thst thsae attempts are also condemned by the Jews in Polsnd...
...It is known, however, that the Polish Government has urged postponement of this question until after the war...
...Warsaw rose only when Russian armies approached the very gates of the city and whea German reprisal* reached their peak...
...One of the Socialist messages from fighting Warsaw read: "The Germans shall not rob us of freedom again, even with their monstrous methods, even with fire and the massacre of women...
...William Green and Robert Watt, on behalf of the American Federation of Labor, David Duhinsky, on behalf of the II.GWU, and Philip Murray, on behalf of the CIO, sent fraternal greetings ot the fighting workers of Warsaw...
...Secret sdministration coordinated all dspartmsnta of Polish national life...
...It will include members of the present four main political parties which are represented in the Cabinet and members of the Polish Workers" Psrty (Communist...
...The representatives of the Polish Socialist Parly (P.P.JS...
...AN these guilty ef aati-Sentitic ssTeases mast he brought to account...
...Warsaw left to us her last will to fight .on for a Poland free, independent, and democratic, which will take her rightful place among the free peoples of the world...
...These twa organisations leaned a Joint declaration te the Polish National Council ia Leadaa The meat important excerpts are aa follows: "Certaia reactionary aad aati-Sosaitic elements hare tried to eeatiaae abroad aad to develop la the Polish Armed Forces their damaging policy of racial hatred, a policy condemned by the majority of the Polish people...
...Warsaw has fallen, but the fight still goes on...
...KdaeaHaael activity in the Polish Army mast he began to counteract the nationalistic, reactionary aad anti-Semitic ideas against which the majority of the Polish people, particularly organised Labor and Socialist workers, have alwaya fought...
...The Ijilnir Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand appealed for arms for Warsaw...
...Three Special Cables from London The Timing of the Uprising from TOM4S2 AftCfSZfWMi le* talis t Underground Loader aad Preiiefeef Designate af Palaad ThERE is ne Warsaw anymore...
...it gave on the radio encouragement to the fighting people of that heroic city snd roused public opinion through the press snd public meetings, and it also used the whole weight of the many millions of organized workers in their request to the Soviet Government for assistance to the beleagured city...
...3. The new government will take up diplomatic relations with Russia, and one of their first tasks will tie to sign an agreement with them concerning administration and military affairs...
...He has feaght...
...This aim will be achieved when the Poles are enabled, to use the words of the Teheran agreement, "to live their lives untouched by tyranny and according to their varying desires and their consciousness...
...There must he a multilateral settlement...
...Warsaw is hut a heap of ruins...
...Walter Citrine, speaking on behalf of the International Federation of Trade Unions...
...The last Polish stronghold ceased fighting only when the last hope of deliverance was lost...
...The whole population supported, by all means, the struggle in which every street, every house, every cellar, every sewer was contested...
...If the frontier is to be drawn now, it should be part of a general comprehensive agreement on all disputed points...
...Mikolajczyk's Proposals to Stalin PoLISH Prisma Misdeter Mikolajczyk gave the following outlines of a saemsraadum sent by the Palish Government to the Soviet Corel asaaiit: 1. After the liberation of Warsaw tha Cabinet will be reconstructed...
...4. At the earliest possible moment elections based on democratic electoral laws will be held...
...Those who utilise the saten«¦* committed by reactionaries in the Armed Farces to discredit the right af the Polish meases te freedom, aad those who advocate the transfer of Jews te the British Army, or the creation of aeparate Jewish units support the wrong solution snd only hinder the bslll- sgsinst anti-Semitism and reaction "We simelteaeeusly condemn all attempt* by certain external elements hostile to Poland te utilise these recent events for a general attack on Poland and on her Army...
...The last words of the radio operator at (ienersl Bar's headquarters, dispatched to London, were: ' 1.....r live Poland...
...The position of Supreme Commander would be abolished...
...George Dallas, speaking in the name of the Socialists of the United Nations, and Ian Millner, in the name of the three Internationals—Miners, Metalworkers and Transportworkers...
...An ever wider network of underground activities covered the whole of our country...
...The Jewish American Labor Committee also voiced their support...
...Thus amalgamated in unsurpassed unity, they based their national political and civic freedom upon social and economic liberty not imposed by force, but agreed upon by every one...
...It started in Warsaw at the end sf September, 1999, under German occupation, in spite of terrible persecutions...
...aad of the General Jewish Workers' Union ("Hand") of Polaad sUle again that Poland is the fatherland of sll its citizens regsrdlese of their origin, religion or nstionslity...
...The British l.aUoi Movement not •nly used its influence with the British Government to obtain help from Warsaw...
...If I do not remember thee, let my tongue rleare te the roof of my mouth...
...Today, mere than ever, he is inspired by the heroic determination of the Jewish people, caatinusasly being mnrdered by the Germs* occupants, and by the resistance ef the Jewish under ground worker, who, together with the Polish worker, fight far a free and Independent Palaad...
...It must be stated, however, that the International labor Movement did everything in its power thst Warsaw sheuld get adequate help...
...2. A new National Council will be created after council* in Warsaw...
...This underground army carried on sabotage, punished atrocities of Gestapo and German police, harassed German srmies from the rear and fought battles in units up te divisions in various parts ef our country...
...They mast receive punishment bath exemplary and severe...
...Longer delay was neither advisable nor possible...
...When the proud capital of our Republic rose to arms ill-equipped, it revealed that long years under German terror had not crushed its spirit...
...Warsaw Is a Symbol From ADAM CIOLKOSZ Sociolitf Loader DuRING 63 days of insurrection, the men and women of Warsaw were free once again...
...In spite of Isck of srms and ammunition, raging fires, hunger, the struggle was carried on until district after district fell in ruins...
...certain anti-Semitic sancsrs ia tha Palish Army-iaKxile...
...Perftcs with on ti-domoere tic or fascist tendencies will he excluded from joining the government u* well em those group* which controlled the Polish Covemment until September, 1939...
...London and Lublin are dissolved...
...The insurgents of Warsaw ruled themselves in perfect discipline born of burning enthusiasm and revolutionary devotion...
...The Curzon line cannot be accepted as the eastern frontier without simultaneously deciding upon the western border...
...Mikolacjczyk did not disclose his formula for the solution of the frontier problem, which was part ef the memorandum...
...World Labor Aided Warsaw From JAM STANC/fff CMroM, Potts* Trade* Uaraa Coaucil...
...The National Council of l.abiu made a special appeal for help to Warsaw, for the recognition of combatant rights of its Home Army...
...Germans did not conquer Warsaw...
...But Warsaw perished that Poland may live...
...The backbone of insurgent troops was formed by Socialist battalions...
...Do not forget us...
...The dangerous policy of these elements has not always been met by the suateiently strong opposition of the authorities responsible for maintaining order in the Army, sn opposition which, in itself, would have been conducive to an atmosphere of sincere brotherhood snd citizenship...
...She is now indifferent to mourning and unaffected by the howling of jackal...
...POLISH PIOPLI OPPOSf ANTI-SfMrTfSM TrlE Polish Socialist Party aad tha Jew ash Socialist Bund, always opponents ef the Seaacje aad of Plana reaction generally, reatiaae their straggle ageism...
...But there is still s big underground movement fighting for our independence...
...For that purpose they started, in October 1943, a wave of public mass executions...
...If I forget thee, let my right hand forget its cunning...
...is aaw Ighting and will rent inn* to ffght shoulder to shoulder with his Polish reaarade-in-arm...
...Freedom was their watchword...
...roll.h Mi.lster af labor w ARSAW fell sfter 63 days of fighting against ever whelming odds...
...1. A war cabinet will ha created after the British pattern in which tha Chief of Staff would act as adviser...
...The boundary cannot he settled unilaterally by edict from Moacow...
...The Germans tried to provoke premature uprisings all ever our country to suppress it before their front line was broken...
...The defenders of Warsaw were addressed en the radio by Csmille Huysmans, speaking on behalf of the Socialist International...
...sad the piece for a Polish soldier, regsrdkess of his religion, is ia the Polish Army...
...Warsaw long ago prepared herself for resurrection...
...for democracy and social justice for bN...
...The United Nations security organization, and especially Britain and U.StA., should guarantee the security and independence of Poland within whatever borders are ultimately decided upon...
...The International labor Movement will not waver in their resolve until, in the words of the Declaration of the British National Council-of Labor, "Poland has secured its full freedom and is enabled once again to take its place among the democratic and peace-loving states upon the basis of sovereign equality...
...Inaurgent Warsaw became a symbol of our national integrity and dignity as well as of our Socialist ideals...
Vol. 27 • November 1944 • No. 47