Where the News Ends
Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Walter Lippmanns Misrepresentations A MUM, ail our columnists and commentators Walter l.ippmaun is distinguished by his habitual assumption of...
...Now it is s good thing in these troubled snd testing tinses if s widely road writer on internstionsl stTsirs takes s serious view of his obligation to report accurately and to interpret fairly...
...Now its election totals add up to well over 300,6oO...
...These* are great times for "the sovereign equality of all peace-loving states...
...The returns frees Tuesday* election contain astonishing items...
...Bereast he ran on the Democratic ticket they voted for hiss— outside of New York State—with a Democratic ballot But they are not Democrats with a big I...
...The people of this country want a change, but not Dewey's kind of a change...
...They are Isborites and liberals...
...Only a few months ago it set ite course with the definite purpose of cutting loose from the Communists on one side and all reactionary commitments on the other...
...It was thought that a vote of 200,000 would fully justify the experiment...
...It is certainly fatuous complacency to misinterpret the grave significance of Churchill's ronfessed "failure of a mission" as just a troublesome quarrel between two Polish factions...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Walter Lippmanns Misrepresentations A MUM, ail our columnists and commentators Walter l.ippmaun is distinguished by his habitual assumption of pontifical infallibility...
...In New York State the Liberal party polled more than three hundred thousand vote* sad the ALP more than four hundred thousand...
...It is acknowledged as the legitimate representative of the Polish national cause by the Polish volunteers who are fighting with the United Nations on land, on sea and in the air...
...Such a decisive independent vote is a sort of national insurance against political decadence...
...He often writes as if he fancied himself Use mentor of Presidents, the keeper of the American peoples collective conscience...
...All that we need is bold action...
...And the great majorities piled up for Roosevelt in Chicago, Ix>s Angeles, Detroit, Cleveland, Boston were not marshalled by the regular Democratic machines...
...Or the srbitrsry breach of relations with the legit' imste Polish Government, ns soon sa a torn in1 the tide of war offered the prenpert nf imposing a atooge...
...Labor does much mere than hold a balance of power...
...In districts where the Liberal Party put up a complete slate including local candidate*, it seems to have been stronger and rallied greater support...
...O.NK hardly knows where lo begin correcting awch e moan tain ef misrepresentation...
...in rights, if not in power, between email aad large nations...
...Here is what he writes: "The great question hss been whether these two Polish authorities (the Government in lxindon snd ths Lublin Committee) could be united before the rest of Poland is liberated, snd the rhsnces of s compromise depend on whether Premier Mikola-icsyk, who represents the democrstic wing of the London Government, csn overcome the opposition of the reactionary wing of thst government...
...Only an alert, critical public opinion can prevent us from being unconsciously dragged into a policy that would be an ironiVsl antithesis of everything for which the present war is supposedly being fought...
...They voted tor Roosevelt because he stsnds for an ideal and a program...
...Theae citizens who won the election fsr President Roosevelt are not merely independents...
...This need not be combined with a too serious view of the importance of his own personality...
...Tomorrow a British (lovernment may repudiate the dubious, re*er\ at ion-laden assurance of Indian liberty in the Cripps proposal...
...We are supposed to acquiesce, if not to applaud...
...They resulted from cumulative effort* of countless citizens who did not csre for the Dess-ocratir Party as a party...
...I.ippsean's misrepresentation ml the realities ef tke Polish issue in very signiarnnt He has leag bees reraainiending American participation ia a scheme of n or Id Semination tbreagh a global power politic* alliance with little or we effective restraint on tnV actions ef ita powerfal charter members...
...To place the Lublin Committee, which could not exercise governmental functions for five minutes without Soviet military snd police support on s psr with the Polish Government in London is about aa accurate as it would be to equate the Norwegian Government-in-exile with the rights of Vidkun Quisling or the Belgian Government, happily no longer in exile, but in Brussels, with the Naxi-sponsored Rexist movement headed by Degrelle...
...This magnificent result was the work of only a few men and women during a few crowded months...
...The idea of its founders was that tliey could marshall countless Isborites and liberal* on a straight progressive program...
...Ths composite of groups which elected President states, velt wss not a party at all in any accepted inn...
...made-in-Moeron" government on the pan of Poland that wss not to he snnexed outright to the Soviet Union...
...The hoped-for transformation has in many localities pss*ed beyond the balanre-of-power and choire-of-evils stage...
...Roosevelt hss not yet even secured Russisn recognition of thoee whom we consider to he the true government of Poland...
...More than one candidate in far-separdted localities was actually nominated and elected as the result of activity completely outside the regular party apparatus...
...It took imagination and nerve...
...So, by implicstion, s few resetionsry Poles in lxindon srs solely responsible for the prolonged Soviet-Polish crisis...
...Haa the rrnel mass deportation of a minion and a half Poles during the tret Soviet errapalioa played no role in preventing genuinely friendly Soviet-Polish relations...
...The liberals and lahorites are getting organized...
...Stalin's policy toward Polsnd, by implication, has been one of sweetness snd light, characterised by full respect for the principle of sovereign equal ity of peace-loving states...
...As Professor Oscar Halecki, of Warsaw University, one of Poland's most eminent patriot scholars, said recently: "For a Polish patriot, loyal to his country, the alternative is not 'London or Lublin.' It is victory or surrender, Poland's freedom or enslavement, life or death...
...The vitality of its underground movement only recently received a tragic and impressive testimonial in the two-months struggle to wrest Warsaw from the German invaders...
...It has gone far beyond thst stage...
...Thunder on the Left would sin ely be in order here...
...I am looking, so far in vain, for signs of alert criticism of the recent extraordinary action of the Soviet representative in Teheran in saying the Soviet Government would have no relations with the Irsnisn Prime Minister because of his refusal tq grant oil concessions to the Soviet Union...
...I.ippmsnn's Olympian thunders sgainst Governor Dewey for one of the latter'a few forthright and rlearcut criticisms of the Adminis-tiation foreign policy, his statement thst "Mr...
...It is proof enough thst the public is ready for a new sort of party...
...But the real significance of what has happened goes far deeper...
...People are Wartus* that they can represent their genuine interests tad ideals at the ballotbox...
...They are learning the political game...
...Things are stirring...
...Millions of men and women without party ties lined up for what they wanted...
...liberal Reveille A NEW political wind ia blowing...
...The event has fully justified the fsith of its founders...
...It is so acknowledged by an overwhelming majority of those Poles, in the United States and elsewhere, who can e\press their judgment freely, without benefit of a (iestapo—or a Soviet political police...
...Whst I am thinking of is Mr...
...They would much prefer to have candidates of their own, a program cut to the measure of their purposes, a party which they can control...
...Most hopeful symbol of better things to come is New York's Liberal Party...
...i^k NATION'S foreign policy is clearly set on s dangerous course when stronger and stronger doses of irresponsible misrepresentation are required in order to mske it palatable to the people's mind and conscience...
...found their leaders shot snd departed by the Soviet authorities...
...The Ixtndon Government snd the Lublin Committee sre smoothly presented ss two bickering Polish fsftiontv'of approximately equal Strength as regards popular support...
...Or the imitation, followed by cynical denunciation, of the heroic Wsrsaw uprising...
...To all the scattered groups from Massachussets to California it offers a program and a technique...
...If this meant merely that there ha- been a great increase in independent voting, that would be cams for celebration...
...Juit about one-fourth of voters of this state recorded their choices under labor auapkies...
...We and the Russians will be supposed to stand by approvingly...
...Four years is s long time, snd in 1948 there must be new lesders snd new align-ments...
...Creeks are becoming politically eoascieus...
...Lippmann's own interpretation of the issues st staks in the Polish problem is almost incredible in its irresponsible misrepresentation...
...The Soviet I'-nion and Crest Britain will he expected to give their Messing...
...By its very nature such a system will make possible the devouring snd oppression of smaller and weaker countries...
...Such a system contradicts very dseprseted Aeaer-iran conceptions of liberty, erf self -determination, of esjaalily...
...Our two-party system as a* saw It ia operation thia week ia not merely two sets of political machines running to snsnsre voters...
...The leaders of the Liberal Party have received manifold proofs of interest and support from other states...
...Il i« all set In become sn independent party presenting its own csn-didstes and standing for its own ideal-It wss a daring venture...
...Transcending the role ot kibitzers and mourners over political corruption, they have achieved a dynamic of their own...
...Perhaps the editors of some of our totalitarian liberal journals would get themselves into the proper frame of mind for adequate comment if they would imagine what they would write if an American Ambassador to Mexico should publicly announce that President Camacho could either come across with oil concessions—or scram...
...Or the mysterious disappearance of tbea-assds of Polish wsr prisoners, ef whose a hereabouts the Soviet authorities could or would give ¦o information te the Polish «"evernment—nntil their bodies were found dead in the Kstyn Forest...
...Or ths repeated rases when Polish auder-ground units, after cooperating loyally with the sdrsnciag Soviet troops, ia Igbliag the Germens...
...The Polish Government in London is a fair cross-section of sll the more articulste end influent ipl parties in pre-war Poland...
...But whst is quite intolerable is s combination of the grand style of self assumed infallibility with irresponsible misrepresentation of o very important and very tragic situation...
...Today the Soviet Union repeals the worst features of the historic Tsarist policy toward Poland...
...The slandering of Poland today is in a direct line of succession from the slandering of ( zecheslovskis in which advorates of "appeasement' freely indulged at the time of the Munich Agreement...
...That Winston Churchill felt himself compelled to go to Moscow to plead for a dubious compromise between this legitimate Polish rsgims snd the aynthetir Lublin Committee, an unsavory amalgam of obscure Communists and bankrupt and discredited militarists and politicians, is an alarming symptom of the ominous unbalance of power that is growing up in Europe...
...Day after tomorrow an American Government, departing from the principles of the Good Neighbor policy, may want to crack down on Argentina for being too "Right** or on Mexico for being too "Left...
Vol. 27 • November 1944 • No. 46