Capital Comment


Capital Comment By JONATHAN STOUT WASHINGTON. D. C— Revised calculation* by exports tare iamisll that Pwttol RoMtnlt not only .ill W r» elertad far a fourth Una. bat that Dewey will net...

...Sheetaigbtad handling of international affairs Buy start aa on the way to World Wsr III...
...Ill Dan Haaa...
...Bat the party professionals were against him...
...This means being against the New Deal...
...If ws have sense enough, courage aad imagination enough, we eon da two things which bare not been daws before...
...Nary sssVrmls thto week iosaed a short sad guarded Witaataat that the President has approved a Nary atoa far ¦ mailt ma, Negro weeaea ta WAVES...
...former Milwaukee mayor, has aaweeedod ia leading liberal and progressive fsrres la rapt are af the Desaeeratie Party state ma ramery, <3t Wtsrwwsia's faaeous Progressive Party, lad to gift aaaa by LaFallette Sr, is singing its awaa seat to thes campaign . . . tap aits that two Americas dirisioas have been sent ta the Prrarb Spaanh harder ta halt a premature antiPraaea aprtsmg remained aaeaainaed by War Departaaaat hare at the titer this dispatch was e i a has...
...Ha baa gathered together mmm helpers with energy aad fresh ideas than any other pruhlsat to oar time...
...A man does not become PTSiidont af the United States by himself...
...The aajtitjaa is: Which man will come nearest to filling the bill...
...Dewey to etoesad...
...Newest C seaman est ants-United Nations smear cam ***** to to torJaato Norway, historically ana of the moat •lassuaUc nattoas to the world...
...not on a asrnt basis <vwpa rakes to al ether recruits, bat on a special quota •nteat far Negroes____ Last Wednesday the Chinese naval kttacbe...
...Abroad we can collaborate ia the creation of an effective world security organization...
...We are winning the war, bat no one can feel sure that any positive good will come of the victory...
...Already *• CP...
...Revolutionary Justice in Rome Two Views of the Recent Fascist Hm&wm «i i ltom KOwTrrz «awwtmtmmom Wendell Willkie: A Close-up View fff)f | ||Bf W A L If I Monopoly of the Air ALflfO BAfffff UWtS The Political Scene in Italy uominmwu For the Postwar Pull We Need Roosevelt EVERYONE agrees about the dangers which we face...
...He goes toto office with bis party, with the groups which hare supported hint, with all the eoncentrationt of power which are on his side...
...Oar business, then, is not merely to site up two men...
...What they earefaffy avwidad saying to that the Nary will •rceat Negro WAVE rerrwits...
...Doring his 1 ourth torn Presidestt Rooserelt will be more than erer the rsprasaaU tire af theaa great groups... ww) mt be t he glib eampaiga talk which wtt rawest...
...The Presides* hm proved under the most trying circumstances tlmt he has the eawraea aad iangtoatlia to take aaw steps to meet the needs af new times...
...What ha has said since does net count...
...So we vote for Rousevelt—snd advise oar New York readers to veto the Liberal Party lias, How F...
...Is avians on the ether...
...His election will furnish the basis for a real hope that oar victory to War will be followed by • victory la peace...
...Ta gain rates be says thai ha is for social security, international cooperation—everything which Roosevelt has prewstad...
...By accepting this nomination he classified himself...
...It means giving free rain to profitmaking...
...If it had born a liberal party...
...It came frees the labor forces, taw liberal forces, the grest mamsa af mam aad women who want far-stghted and courageous meaaures...
...If Mr...
...11 ¦¦¦¦i.ii...
...This time of peril can be made the storting point af a struggle toward fine and far goals...
...Wendell Willkie would hare been its candidate...
...EeTert of CIO members W War User Beard la am steefsrwrkers' Little Steel formula caaa » heart aa* AH...
...The man had aa social creed...
...Ho hat proved that he has his smart ia tat business and that he has the qualities which make for success ia it...
...Lack af eoerage aad imagination at home may land as ia the greatest economic crisis we hare erer known...
...This party —with this program—nominated Thomss E. Dewey...
...We must measure, against the tasks, the persons, powers and interests which cluster about the candidates...
...King Haakon fpro¦•¦aitd Hokew) win hear brant af campaign...
...Corporation tsxes sre to be eat Private monopolies are to be given a free field... ROBERT F. WAGNER: LABORS FUEHD Mam^^n...
...This need is the touchstone by whiea we mast judge the candidates for the presidency...
...Bo ami ha farced to da what tm was saweaaaaad ha dav • so MOW look at President Roose.elt and the men and the forces be hi ad hiss...
...Conspicuous *T their ahatact were representatives af the Series Dawpjte toatraiaU imieau spread a boat by caretoss ripm ling la the Hearst aad Scrippa-Howard press, '¦¦ansibilili far the atogrraccfal Brosrder rise mess ™»ts aat with the State Department bat with the Departasewt, which retained jurisdiction from •tort tofastoh...
...They can he a routed...
...Taw V. S. officials present were laorrsecretary of State aad Mrs...
...By that act the Republicans plainly tagged themselves as the conservative party of this country...
...bat that Dewey will net ran*** aa high aa apposition vote, properttaaatsty, aa Will*- did to IMS...
...Rear Aaasiral Lia Tew-Pa, was host to 250 ranking oaViats •f the United Nattoas to the Chinese Room at the Hsraweni Hotel hare... raging with greater farj thea ever...
...President Rooserelt has gone far to bath these directions...
...If they were not against them, they weedd have nominated Wendell Willkie...
...Bat the aaaa who nominated kirn art against ail these things...
...Edward R. Stet*¦»»» aad Rear Admiral William D. Leahy...
...Lml« Steel petition res a) tad in aaaa lereek art war* CIO aad All...
...Recent events hare giren measure of the Republican Psrty...
...Bat to steer clear of them—to usher to s period af pears and prosperity—we shall need bold action...
...metis fraaa Wtsrwaaia iadirate that 111 Roosevelt wdl cany the etale...
...In his stead Thomas E. Dewey was chosen...
...stot asariali hare make no secret af their eager at what to regarded here as "a serious interference with the war effect against the Nam " It is fait *iaaa.|i here that all military efforts and all poaaasto ssaapower shaalii be caactntrated aa defeating Hitler Brat and that all "lids excursions" at praatnt peay toto the hands of the Naxu aad i as swat ta sabotage af the asaas war effort...
...Oatlaek far labor unity in the near fetare to aa peer that CIO oeVtaM who hare peraoaal fiuarli laaaajnd ia aay way with the AFL are finding a naadiinl ta drwp theaa...
...Battle bet aaaa CIO iW All...
...Bat these exteeastets aerar faratohed haw ¦satire power af taw Mam' Deal movement That came from the great mass of citixena to between...
...It means being isolationist up to Pearl Harbor and nationalist from that time on...
...It means soft-pedalling reform, going in for states rights, cutting down social security, curbing labor anions...
...Mach haw been shouted aad written sheet the Commun bta aa one alia at the Prsaidtal's electoral army asm the siatJtoia...
...beard seewbers, wnh the resort that the WI.B report is act yet in the Preeidewt'a ha eats aad aaw eaaaat reach the White Haaae Man Nrrra.brr 7. Aad nobody think* that -aa aetataac...
...The disagreements withia the adastototrattosi which CemaV date Dewey makes the staple af his campaign prove that he did not sarroand himself with toslgmiataas yes-men...
...At hems we can continue production at taa wartime k witch and reach a level of eoaunan welfare which baa tiros far existed only in dreams...
...For the hard pall before as »e nerd jost such a president aad just such subordinates...
...Theaa calamities are not written in the stars...
...If the GOP wins, the clock will be turned back to the days of ¦nrtstrainsd "private" enterprise with unlimited rewards to the mast ruthless exploiters...
...waitpei itoadu atarhincry is smearing him *» "aarretfy a Fascist,- than which there U so greater *"¦*»- Behind the> campaign is Sulin's objective of •ateadftjw the Wirt htgSBaunj in Europe to include •A ef Traaaiaaiia Opeaiag gwa af campaign to rehabilitate Sidney Hillmaa with tap aught capital newsmen and offset afferto af Isafc aa with Communists in PAC will be *"* **** aa Monday, when PAC head appears at ***** aad toarhiia speaker at the National Press Club, larrtattoas tors* aaaa restricted ta "Members Only" **4 *—¦awttatcat that Hitlman will "talk and answer •*»«¦¦•» aa the recor 1" . . . The Roosevelt Trend THE HALF-DETERMINED MEM ...............rau mmmm MINORITY PARTIES AMD PROTEST VOTE...

Vol. 27 • October 1944 • No. 44

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