TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies.
TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies. By Liston M. Oak The Chinese Republic After 33 Tragic Years • Th« Chinese threw off the shackles of the Manchu dynasty on...
...But now that Lewis is supporting Dewey, the GOP press has to swallow him and build him up as truly representative of American labor...
...only 2,600 attended de Gaulle's meeting... their own ships...
...When and if Tom Girdler is fired from his job as chairman of the Republic Steel Corp., he'll get $36,000 annually for life from the firm, his contract provides...
...the standard of living will rise...
...China will take her place as the fourth great power among the peace-loving United Nations...
...The former governor of the Bank of Italy is being tried in Rome ^for turning over 117 tons of gold to the Nazis, and his colleagues in democratic countries have sought to bolster his defense —that he was merely serving Italy and was at the mercy of the Nazis...
...But Brooks Atkinson, N. Y. Time* correspondent, is mm.- realistic...
...Paul Bastid, ex-Radical Socialist member of Parliament and chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, paid tribute to the United Nations: Russia got the most applause, the U.S.A...
...Votehungry Republican candidates—Bricker and Curran particularly—call for economy, lower taxes, and in the same speech condemn Roosevelt for the economies of the National Economy Act of 1933, inferring that the economies were at the expense of veterans, which is untrue...
...The Manchciter Cnnidian commented, "The U.S...
...Senator Claude Pepper accused Dulles of participation in Wall Street dealings involving security market manipulations, international cartels, and connections with banking interests which aided Hitler financially in 1933...
...An FFI meeting in Paris had an attendance of 26,000...
...there is gloomy resentment sgainst the pitifully small aid we are sending, and the Chinese can offer little resistance to the Japanese drive to conquer the entire eastern half of the country with its essential resources...
...It is a contradiction in terms...
...The Naais extorted 126,400,000,000 from occupied countries in the form of occupation costs and goods, the London Ministry of Economic Warfare revealed...
...We Britons like the Argentine brand of fascism as little as does Mr...
...Tim Constituent Aaaembty will settle the de tails with regard Is indemnities and the methods of nationalising industry...
...all conditions have been against the emergence of a progressive democracy—and the worst is yet to come...
...postwar China will enjoy great industrial development which American investors ran aid to their own profit...
...The Kuomintang is determined to make no concessions to foreign criticism...
...China will supplant Japan ss the leading industrial nation of the Orient...
...These republics of the western hemisphere, like other small States, want a voice in all postwar settlements...
...Under a great leader, Sun Vat-aen, they took the first faltering steps toward democracy—still unrealised S3 year* later...
...Lord Breasted is its chairman...
...China is devastated...
...Kelly, boss of the Democratic machine in .Chicago, has had the support of the Republican Chicago Tribunt...
...Runaway inflation grows worse...
...Bidault, president of the Council of Resistance, said, "We do not want it said . . . that there exist in France attempts at personal power—that we have driven out Vichy in order to imitate its methods...
...They will doubtless be rejected...
...Armaatlaa ieef versus America* Furl . . . • The faltering policy of the U.S.A...
...Why l« Chart hill In Moscow 7 . * . 9 The London Evening Standard reports that the British oil interests which hsve millions invested in Rumanian oil are hoping to resume operations at Floesti soon...
...toward'our southern good neighbors seems to be getting nowhere fast Our threats led to economic sanctions which an too alight to do much damage to Argentina...
...The chances of democratic reforms at the top are not great...
...The Social Democratic Party is threatened with a split, one strong "leftist" faction favors appeasement of the Communists and Russia...
...but they arouse no enthusiasm among other Latin-American countries, which fear that the economic power of the colossus of the north may someday be used against them too...
...Our increased aid is desperately needed—now...
...Sibrza was indignant over these pleas for clemency from international bankers...
...Hague has been supported by most Republican papers in his bailiwick...
...In a vaet country poorly equipped to $u$tain it* 460,000,000 inhabitant!, the enormous difficult*** of modernizing China have been complicated by a frownful frudal cattt, by warlord* heading corrupt political-military machine* in each province, by Vommunitti who launched mn abortive revolution on the Hol*hevik pattern and who maintained their own private army and tcparate government, and by iiiidiiiiiinn within the ruling party, the Ku• mintang...
...11, 1911...
...Dewey and Dulles broke their pledge to keep the issue of a world organisation out of the campaign by stating that the Senate would be more likely to support a plan for international collaboration if Dewey ia elected...
...Representative Emanuel Cellar charged that the Nazis are building up Hjalmar Schacht as "a front man"—a German Badoglio—and that Hoover, Dewey, Dulles, and Robert Murphy have had dealings with the Nazis' financial wizard...
...Will Churchill demand of Stalin the recognition of these oil interests...
...In France Libre, de Gaullist right-wing paper, Andre Mutter wrote: "There must exist in France only on* government, one army, one police force...
...They want higher prices for exports...
...IN SUMMARY: Some of the main political events of the week for those who do not read their daily papers carefully Bankers in America and Britain have demonstrated their international solidarity with the Italian fascist banker Vincenzo Azzolini...
...Who is France would attempt to maintain a private army...
...But if liberty is to be safe, k m mat ft* six mentha that the banks, usnraaee companies and heavy industries must be taken over...
...Ford's man Harry Bennett admitted giving $2,000 to Gerald L. K. Smith to "fight Communism and labor racketeering," .three years ago when the Auto Workers Union was organizing the plants...
...The government cannot tolerate any other body arrogating to itself any part of the executive power...
...The effort to resch a compromise with the Communists has failed and civil war threatens... also continues uninterrupted between the fascist country and other Latin-American republics and Britain...
...By Liston M. Oak The Chinese Republic After 33 Tragic Years • Th« Chinese threw off the shackles of the Manchu dynasty on Oct...
...h'arl Seitk, .Socialist Bttrgermeister of Vienna, removed by the Dollfuss putsch in 1934, was arrested by the Nazis, after four years of Dollfuw-Sehuschnigg fascism uhd six of Nazitth'during which he was unmolested...
...The firm which Dewey said got a raw' deal on taxes, the Lincoln Electric Co., was accused in Congress of defrauding the government of $4,000,000 in taxes by awarding bonuses...
...He announced that the Labor League for Human Rights has raised 170,000,000 from AFL members for relief...
...Frsnce, by tradition, representa a univcraal principle...
...owned a substantial interest in AstraRumania, one of the largest oil companies in Rumania, with an output of 1,300,000 tons annually... going rather far in its coercion...
...The shipping embargo does not stop Argentine exports to the U.S.A...
...A secret OPA report shows that profits of the steel firms, before taxes, rose 370 per cent in 1943...
...The Shell Oil Co...
...Sone of three problem* ha* bean wived Donald Nelson, returning from his mission to China, reflects the official optimism of the Kuomintang leaders...
...Matthew Woll heads a Free Trade Union Committee which will raise $1,000,000 during January, 1945, to aid reorganizing the trade unions in Europe and South America...
...Not so long sgo Republican papers were calling John L. Lewis the most hated man in America, guilty of calling strikes which cost the lives of American soldiers...
...Sir William Fraser, chairman of the AngloIranian Oil Co., is also chairman of Steaua Rumania, Ltd., a British holding company, which lent ?1,000,000 to pre-war Rumanian banks, the balance due is ?600,000... is now, "We cannot endure anything called French nationalism...
...Speaking before the flrst mas* meeting held by the French Socialist Party in Parts, Andre Philip said...
...In its sworn statement the Daily Worker gives its circulation as 22,000...
...Ten years ago the DIV claimed a circulation of 60,000...
...Through their turmoil and tragedy, they have aspired for but never achieved peace, prosperity, freedom...
...For seven years now the Chinese have fought the ruthless imperialism of Japan, and they have suffered the political as well as the military casualties which wsr invariably brings...
...The Communists...
...Elmer Davis, OWI director, said the Arnhem defeat makes remote the chance of final victory this year...
...There are now 3,300,000 • • < • n i l L I i_ • L . IT i- A...
...starvation stalks the impoverished land...
...V.rdell Hull, but we also prefer Argentine beef to American pork..., Britaiir least...
...In the elections in Finland which will be- held in a couple of months, the Communists are expected to gain about 25 seats in Parliament and one or two posts in the Cabinet...
...It is reported that part of the deal made by London with the Tito-Subasitch set-up was the granting to British firms of the right to exploit Yugoslavia's mineral resources after the Nazis are driven out...
...It is making profits three times as high as in prewar days...
...How strong is the C6mmunist Party...
...The British Common Wealth Party applied for situation with the Labor Party, on condition the latter will leave the coalition with the Tories and eatl far s general election on a full Socialist platform...
...Among other business matters which may be discussed is the development of British interests in Yugoslavia...
...The Chinese have had three dec axles of hell...
...Coincidental with Churchill's arrivaHn Moscow, it waa announced that for the first time Kueaia will compete with Britain, the U.S.A., and other capitalist powers in the exploitation of resources UUlc la LikurateeJ Franc...
...Curran seeks to buy votes with promises of bonuses...
...In the sixth war-winter Germany will have 5,000,000 tons less of food than last year as the result of the liberation of various areas by the United Nations...
Vol. 27 • October 1944 • No. 42