Can TOM DEWEY Write The "Best Peace The World Has Ever Seen"?

Can TOM DEWEY Write The "Best Peace The World Has Ever Seen"? Ton Dewey and the Republican Party have called for tha "beat peace tha world ha* over aeon." And they make no secret of their belief...

...In short, it demonstrated again that THE AMERICAN MERCURY Is mora than a magazine of opinion . . . it ia "th* magazine of opinion that makes things happen...
...Heart Disease And Surgery Will surgery perform the miracles for th* heart that penicillin and the aulfa drug* are doing for infection ?Will a cardiac operation some day be aa com—— ~rr— dectomy ? It ia too early to say "Yea" with certainty . . . but the time has passed when the heart was a tenctum ttnetotum into which ao surgeon dared enter...
...tkt company as trustees, hold stork std securities In a capacity oilier than thst of a bona tide owner: and mi* stTitfll lias no reason to believe thai any other person, association, or corporation nsi nny Interest direct or Indirect In tot said slock, bonds, or olher securities than a* so stated by him...
...Russell W. Davenport—Republican, coordinator of tha pra-convention campaign to noawinata Wand all Willkie, and then personal representative for Mr...
...Other newspaper* reported upton the article news, aad discussed it in editorials...
...Its arguments and significance were aired in radio debates...
...Moscow indicts whole classes —th* large landowners, industrialists, bankers, and great section* of the wholesale and retail trad...
...Th* New York Sun, in a special Washington dispatch, said, Attracting wideapread interest and attention in the capital today was an article in THE AMERICAN MERCURY...
...Litton M. Oak, 7 East I .th St., Nee York, N. Y...
...aht that tbe laid two paragraphs contain statements embracing aft/lanl'i full knowledge and belief as to the circuitstances and conditions under whlck stockholders and security holder* whs do not appear upon the Itook...
...Notary Public...
...Henry Halpern, 7 K 15th St., New York, N. Y. 3. That the known bondholder*, mortgagees, and other security holderi owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None...
...He looks at the Democratic party under Roosevelt and finds that for years it too failed to grasp the role of America in world affairs...
...In "Why I Cannot Vote for Dewey" be lays hie reasons on the table for all to rend and ponder regard lea* of political affiliations He baa written n significant message for Republicans unwilling to follow blindly in tha footsteps of the Old Guard—and for every American who reepects the importance of hit ballot in an election that may decide the course of America and the world for generations to come...
...Panld Bell, 7 K. 15th St...
...New York, N.Y...
...Once Again-American Mercury Opinion "Makes Things Happen" A few months ago Oswald Garrison Villard—noted liberal, friend of labor, and for many years editor and publisher of The Nation— chose THE AMERICAN MERCURY to express hi* view* on "Why Unions Must Be Regulated...
...But between the two choices be baa no hesitation...
...A»n,lar 7 E. lath St., New York, N Y , Milts William P...
...Repairing Hearts by Surgery," by Leone Alberts Wasaersug, is a carefully documented message of hope for cardiac sufferers...
...It brought about a great deal of constructive discussion among labor, business and government officials...
...ncnt Russian historiar and economist, in "Ru» sia'a Plans for Germany" in tl|* October issue ol THE AMERICAN MERCURY...
...Numerous cases of coronary thrombosis and congenital heart malformations, for instance, have yielded to the Burgeon's knife...
...Samuel M. Levltas...
...I-e vitas, 7 East 15th Street, Nee York, N.Y...
...7 E. 1Mb St, Nee Vorl N.Y...
...Business Mantgrr, Samuel II...
...New York Comity...
...Through the pages of THE MERCURY he reached not only I he many important labor leaders to whom his message waa addressed, but also a large segment of opinion leaders in and out of government...
...And they make no secret of their belief it i* tha Kepublican* who can write it I Does the evidence support them...
...Managing Editors...
...Today ailing hearts—of both children and adults—are being successfully operated upon...
...What happened thereafter ia a matter of record...
...aad Marsh X. „ , , Of The New Leader, published weekly at Ntw York, N. Y., tor October 1. till State of Ntw York ( „ Connty of New York I " Before me, a Notary Public la tod for the State and county aforeiatd, personally appeared Samuel M I .trust, who, having been duly iwom accordlog to law...
...He draws a vivid picture of Ton Daway—a good executive, precise as to detail, wank on policy, heading a party sorely in need of courageous ideological leadership...
...Meyer faro...
...BTATEMENT OP TBI OWNEtnUUT MANAGBMENT, CIsKULATION/lTC BAtaesjaalsrted by the Acta el Csasrsts a! 14...
...4. That the two paragraphs aril above, giving tbe names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, II any contain not only the list of sloesholders and security holder* as thrf sppear upon the books of the roinptnt but also, In c u e s where the stockholder or security holder appears upon las books of the company as trustee or Is any thrr fiduciary relation, the nsme of the person or corporation for when such trustee It acting, Is given...
...Mstthew M.Levy, 7 B. lath St., New York, N. Y ; Treasurer, George I. steiuhaidt, 7K 15th St., Ntw York, N, Y...
...Sworn lo nnd subscribed before an thi* ltd of October, 1911...
...Rend "Why I Cannot Vote for Dewey" in the October issue of THE AMERICAN MERCURY, just out...
...deposes and sayi test hi It the Business Manager of The Nr« Leader, and that the following li, to the beat of hit knowledge and belief, a true statement of tbe ownership, management, etc., of the aferejsM publication for the date shown la It* above caption .required by the Art at August It, 1*12, at amended by IS Act at March 3, IMS, embodied In section 537, Postal and Hegaltlions, printed on the reverie ol tail form, to wit: 1. That the names and addretiei tt the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publish* Tbe New Leader Publish...
...Russia's Plans For Germany Who ar* Germany's war criminals...
...1. That the owner Is: The Nee leader Publishing Assn., Inc., 7 V. 1Mb St., New York, N. Y...
...Willsrio answers the question ia a ringing article in THE AMERICAN MERCURY for October...
...How Russia plans to us* war guilt aa a social weapon . . . how ah* counts on the punishment and destruction of economic groups to redraw the entire pattern of German society . . . how reparations and the reshuffling of territories and populations will be carefully shaped to --------¦ i. .„u . by David J. Dallin, ami...
...Read it in the October AMERICAN MERCURY...
...By Russian standards they include not merely the Hitler clique aad a few thousand military men who ordered atrocities...

Vol. 27 • October 1944 • No. 41

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