No Comment. Says Dewey

Sherwin, Mark

"No Comment." Says Dewey By Mark Sherwin THOMAS HiM! Nil DEWKY is the most dangerous paradox in> publir life today. While ho strives with every running; at his command to achieve the highest oAVe...

...I am ready to admit that CED has done an effective job of convincing a lot of important people in Washington that business can provide full employment—(oops, that should have been high level employment...
...Even the pro Dewey newspapers have had to admit that his recent trip to sxeet the common man was a flop...
...What then was af aa interaatisnsl labor movement has base drastically awakened by attack, from the right aad corruption frees the left It ia up to us t* see to it that those who are left get s hearing...
...It is no secret that Dewey looks upon Hoover as his model...
...It is fairly ssfe to predict that the impeccablj planned Dewey campaign will have to undergo severs...
...Planned and plotted would be more like it...
...This means that if the businessman is hopeful about the future he is going to provide jobs—at least more jobs than if he ia called nasty names...
...In other words no mstter hew yoa slice it, it still spells unemployment...
...It seems that every man and woman who wants a job can't have one except in a dictatorship...
...The comment of the New Yorker was: "Job for Suoei man...
...After traveling with him for many days, Childs recalls that Dewey's smile and manner ere artificial because he is not by nsture "one ef the boys...
...Dewey lovea to plan...
...You sue, full employment is a nasty word in t)> ¦ best circles...
...Already liberal* are In agreement on their basic goal: an efficient aad equitable organisation of society along democratic-social ist lines...
...But Dewey did...
...Meanwhile ia Europe all potential democratic leadership i* beinf systematically destroyed by the Nazis...
...What happen, te those students ia up te people like yen...
...It new remeina te coordinate what has been a slums thetic periphery into an artfv*, inteafigsat and artareiate force for progress...
...Howard Meyers, a statistical light of the WPA...
...These words ware teue then and have barn true many ether Usees ia history, but never more aa thin now...
...Gardiner Means, formerly of the Bureau of the Budget...
...We often havi wondered whether the American system of electioneer' ing is a true testing ground of the men who run foi office...
...Once we agree on fundamental?, we have taken the first step and tkemld be able to go forward...
...Handsome looking brochures, ingeniously designed charts are the vehicles which it has used to promote economic literacy among businessmen...
...They're worried becsuse as one ef them told me privately they know tkat business raa't provide employment...
...He hated adlibbing reporters and constantly showed his dislike for l __ any questions that were not on the Hoover-prepared agenda...
...Ai a matter of fact, we don't have to look up any heavy political documents to And j examples...
...The economic ideas which it has promoted have the earnest ring of men who have received a new faith and inspiration...
...Dewey always made sure he had plenty of time to think of an answer without showing the normal faltering in the far* of the frankness which he so feared...
...the sham atbar ef pofctioal itjljlslij...
...The final attitude of England aad America js at this point tea much ef aa unknown quantity te speculate an, bat previses indication* would seem te skew that neither la prepared to diaaccemedate itself far the sake af i Mat racy...
...Therein lie* the danger af CED...
...Is that ia ail the wiMemeas of Festung Europe no outside veiee far social reform penetrate...
...His car waa parked st some aiding while he conferred with local machine bosses...
...Ia the last war, America muffed the throw, and as a result Europe turned from the western democratic tradition te the total it a nan wave of the futuie...
...The ease of the introvert Dewey blasting forth in the glare of a national campaign may seme day •sake an interesting paper lor a psychiatrist, oui si the moment America faces s greater peril because of hie' set...
...Neither CED nor anybody else whom I've pressed on the subject has been able to odd up the joke that private enterprise ssya it can provide in the postwar period to anything like the amount required to give everybody a job who will be looking for,one...
...We can go back to those days when he glorified himself as a "(iang Buster...
...But Dewey made certain he wasn't caught unawares His sanctum contained no phones and all the reporter* knew it...
...Harold Groves, tax expert of the Treasury Department and of the University of Wisconsin, snd Sumner Slichter of Harvard University, are some of the men whom CED ha* hired to do economic thinking...
...President and commander-in-chief, continues to hold his infoi mal meetings with White House correspondents, limited now only by the exigencies of war, Dtwey remind* too many correspondents of the stodgy, pedantic manner of Herbert Hoover...
...that she Is firmly <+eve*sd to any realty fcsjMMrratsa MtUeaaeat...
...He detests that part of the task, but goes through it, smug and sure that he is fooling everyone...
...the quick thrust snd psrry, the passionate conviction se necessary to extemporaneous public statement, we are assea u commit ourselves to the leadership ef a msa whose un healthy fesr of exposure restrains every public utter anre...
...When the inevitable disillusionment comes, the New Deal will be very mild by comparison...
...Everything, must be just so and according to schedule...
...There wss one place, you might believe, that Dewey couldn't duck the sudden, unexpected question from a reporter...
...In fact, lots ef businessmen are worried sick...
...Men of his type rarely have the courage to come out with a few healthy cues words and let it go at that...
...If they become Communists or fellow-travellers, if they slide over into reaction, if they simply remain disinterested, it will be because people like you have net offered them anything better...
...And where that guidance comes from will determine the shape of things to come...
...He ronies by it naturally and we do not have to search his recent arts for proof...
...So long as liberal students depend upon the rest ef liberal America for inspiration and support, then their problems are your problems, and vice-versa...
...He (Dewey) said the problem was of too great importance to be worked out by any individual or group of individuals...
...R; porters addressed him frequently as Tom and paid him none of the deference he might expect as President of the United States... his command to achieve the highest oAVe in the land, which also is the most publicised in the world, he himself fears and mistrusts the spotlight...
...There are just a few things wrong with the CED'a program...
...In daizlc his audience," »ay» Rep...
...Contrast bis history of press relations with thatjof President Roosevelt...
...Corporation taxes, says the CED, impede the incentive of business to provide as many jobs ae it could...
...MaRQUIS CHILDS calls Dewey a consummate actor...
...Kmmsneel teller...
...Where Roosevelt...
...etedent organisation la America Bat ia it...
...quick changes, and then will be revealed the true colors of the man who can't stand criticism, who must have everything his own way so long as that way will win him the election...
...Bat we watch hi* performance prior to the studied rendition of the political speech His most common comment ix 'no comment.' He is afraid because he lacks the nimblenes...
...It is up to u* te give expression to those ideas for which men are dying...
...Bear in mind that Dewey is no introvert in the ordinary sense...
...He enjoys making a well prepared speech as much as any politirisn...
...Here's one' from the W nthtngton Timet-Hei aid...
...If it isn't, he is thrown into an invisible rsge...
...Because of the tremendous economic and political weight the United States carries in the rest of the world, what we do ia of strategic importance...
...One of CED's accomplishments has been to make the term "high level employment" more reputable...
...Certainly this should be sufficient basis far some sort of workable cooperation...
...He preferred to meet White House correspondents only when, he had something to impart to them...
...This it not juat a dream, it ia a necessity and • reality...
...A myopic nxal-is* seems te have paralysed liberal activity, and nothing short ef an emotional and intellectual shot in the arm will shock us out of our lethargy...
...I In the criminal courts building, where Dewey held forth as special prosecutor and district attorney of Manhattan, there was less of the formality and protocol than one will find in the White House...
...The CED, notably through its spokesman Paul Hoffman, Sturleliaker live wire, had also popularized something'known as "a favorable climate for business...
...Young Tom's ambiguous speeches al ready sound as if the Old Man had written them...
...Conferred" is net quit* the word...
...But frankly we need guidance...
...The CED haa also fostered the formation of several thousand businessmen's postwar planning committees in cities throughout the nation...
...All this may seem a far try free* the eaawUea af...
...Hoover never held regular press conferences...
...Consequently gradual elimination of such taxes is advocated...
...His weakness and dubious strength lie in the fart that all his public Utterances must be carefully planned and rehearsed before he allows them to see the light of day...
...The Dewey train schedule never was announced...
...Armed to the hilt with careful $1 j scripts, Governor Dewey now seeks CED-New Fashions in Businessmen By BRADFORD V. CARTER Columnist, Labor Pre** Attociatet In terms of broad government policy, the most influential business group in Washington is not the National Association of Manufacturers, or the U. S. Chamber of Commerce but the Committee for Economic Development...
...Dewey has proved himself an apt pupil of the Ancient Hoover...
...Perhaps it is true that the future of the world belongs te the youth, and perhaps we do have all the necessary idealism...
...As Election Dsy nesrs and the rough and tumble el fitial campaigning begins to take its toll of all well Isid plans, the American public may finally get i glimpse of the crack in Dewey's irmor...
...Through a high powered publicity campaign, it has led maay well meaning people to believe that buelaeob can provide something spproximatiag fall employment...
...The CED has learned much from the stuffy reaction of the NAM end the (' of C. It is sophisticated and literate, snd hss employed some of the most prominent heavy duty government thinkers at fabulous salaries by Washington standards...
...I hare tried to show you a state of mind that exist* today among many progressiva atudenta...
...Unemployment compensation, even government public works, are discussed by CED without a noticeable rise in the blood pressure of its spokesmen...
...The total situation, then...
...And tt>« mutt never forget that a calculating, tunning per ecu of thit type will pay any price, make any com premise, in order <* tern the election...
...It would be expected that bis private office in the criminal courts building would be insccesaable to the unannounced...
...Unlike the heavy-handed sermons of the NAM, CED says government hss a legitimate interest In economic affairs 6." the nation...
...Tet once again it looks as if the United States is preparing to sacriAec the moral kadarabtp th.t .houkj be our...
...The tax program of the CED is also currently receiving a let of attention in the halls of Congress...
...His esndidsey makes it necessary for him to come out of his reticence into daily contact with the sverage American... Tie Patriate, Sidney Iiejgeiiy hag Jefferson say, after seeing Washington at a crucial time in the nation* battery: If net her* and new, where thenT Where will men ever hare such a chance again...

Vol. 27 • September 1944 • No. 40

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