LETTERS To the Editor
LETTERS To the Editor The Role of Nenni and Communist-Socialist "Unity" in Italy from ANGELICA BALABANOFF flETRO NENNI has been described aa a "lilt-wing 8otiaJi»t." This ia an error. Nenni...
...Do we want to eee Hitler in Independence Hall making fun of th* LiUtt* BelM No!'' av ^ That i* what William C7 BoflHt «bM at the time he waa supposed u hart •aaaimiloted the instructions of German Fascist propaganda," according t* th* Moscow newspaper Prmvda, which ttetsi "truth" ' in Russian...
...It will be a long time before the rank-and-file socialists who have survived fascism can become articulate...
...For over two decades these Italian socialists have been kept isolated from the rest of the world, ever since the Communists were still considered revolutionary...
...There i* nothing "left," or revolutlnary, or socialist about the agents of Moscow...
...The Italian Socialist party was always a truly democratic one...
...problems not directly and immediately connected with their needs and sufferings...
...Neither a left Spcialiit nor a, left-liberal could favor rapprochement with a movement which ha* aur...
...The opinion of thoae who know Nenni and hia record ia that he ia a Stalinist tool...
...The despicable method* introduced ny in* noisneviai 11110 m* laoui inovt inent—lies, corruption, demagogy, character atsassinatu n, intrgue, eipionage, terror against opponents — made collaboration impoeaible...
...But neither the Timet nor itt distinguished contemporaries, at civilized newspapers call their competitors, cared to publish in their letters columns this evidence in defente of Mr...
...There has always been an irreconcilable incompatibility between the Italian Socialist* and the Bolaheviks...
...That wat hew thi* prominent, liberty-loving America, "openly advertised hia sympathies toward Hitler," according to both Provdt't and PM't champion* of "truth...
...panted all other* in contervatiam, in political and social retrogression...
...In th* same address Mr...
...Considering the amount and the character of Communist demagogy, and the prestige of Russian military victories, and considering the fact that the Italians generally do not ascribe to the Russians any responsibility for conditions prevailing, it may be that they will be mystically attracted to what they think, or hope, Communiam and Russia to be...
...Bullitt'* disclosures eoevt the real betrayer* of Franc*, pull* a Goebbel* to show that, "more then as...
...than he went over to the Italian right-wing social democratic party in France...
...Unfortunately, it is not merely that, as Mr...
...The conditions under which they live-lack of food, bombardment, homeless-ness, humiliation—are such aa to prevent them from devoting themselves to politics...
...Chamberlin say*, the Communists and fellow-travelers in thia country are "acting and talking on the assumption that America ia a twelfth, or seventeenth, Soviet Republic...
...I know who are the enemies of freedom because I have seen them at their work...
...It i* quite natural for them to "assume that criti-ciam of Stalin and hia policies is a form of high treason"—the charge leveled against Mr...
...Bullitt in August, 1940, after the Fall of France: ". . . At your emissary, aa the representative of American democracy, I have witnessed the acta which destroyed French democracy...
...The masses long for bread and peace and liberation...
...And, of court*, they were against tending the bray* Britotj any kind of aid—even food and medical supplies...
...other American," the former U. 8. Am bassador to Pari* "was mixed up with Daladier, Gamelin and Raynaud, wa* engineered the fail of th* French Republic...
...Bullitt delivered in Philadelphia's Independence Square in the middle of August, 1940, shortly after hia return here from the then occupied French capital...
...Bullitt'* Lif* article on Europe'* postwar prospect* under Russia's expanding influence, as seen from Rome...
...I thought that the historic addreat, of which I had preserved a press-released copy wat most pertinent at evidence of the former Ambassador's democratic views, especially regarding France...
...Bullitt by individuals who, before Hitler Invaded Soviet Russia, did all they could to weaken thia country's resistance in the event of a then possible attack by the Nasi...
...They kept the Germans fully informed of the movements of the French army and of the intentions of the French government...
...Hails Chamberlin Article On Bullitt and Lerner from MAURICE WINOGRAD 7tft* Editor: I have no personal ax* to grind in the current controversy over Mr...
...they were the most numerous and articulate members of the party...
...From PAUL MEIER To tht Editor: My firtt introduction to your publication wa* through a discussion of tduct-tion at St...
...Whoever can fulfill these elementary needs will be considered saviors...
...He became a member of tbe executive committee of the Second International and it* representative in Spain during the civil war...
...They are ignorant of what has happened in Russia end of the role of the Communists in the labor movement in other countries...
...Ever since Pravda and the local comrades cut loose against our former Ambassador to Russia and France, smearing him aa a "bankrupt spy" who had "openly advertised h'is sympathies toward Hitler, striving for an alliance between France and Hitlerite Germany," I have been trying to refute this lowdown lie by recalling to the editors of several outstanding New York dailies a certain addreat which Mr...
...The industrial workers of northern Italy are atill under the yok* of fascism...
...In France much of the moat terrible •nd traitorous work was done by the Fascists and Communists working together...
...Nenni advocate* a united front, and poaiibly a merger with the CommunUt...
...But it will be a very long time before there can be a class-conscious political orientation In Italy...
...The attempt Upon Bullitt's reputation is a caae in point...
...The surprise is that the local proas, with the exception of The New Leader and certain publicationa that don't enjoy a very good reputation, teems to be yielding to Communist pressure in the name of Teheran...
...In Italy the Communist* have assisted the monarchist* and the Vatican more than the Pope end the King could have dreamt poaaibl...
...Oherthi, Ohio...
...He cannot be considered the spokesman of the masses of Italian socialists...
...After the suppression of the Socialist party in Italy h* remained for a while a member of the I eft-nationalist socialist party in Franc...
...Throughout France, especially in Paris, there were hundreds of Communist and Nasi agents of the dictatora with ahort-wave portable radio transmitting sets in their hiding places...
...hi* native land to adopt conscription sal aand mora aid to Britain, which wtt fighting Hitler alone, while th* Con...
...Th* Mow tow dor Cnllhr...
...The only personal •atitfaction I derived* from the Chamberlin article, beside* the gratification of seeing a victim of Communist calumny defended so courageously, was the pleasure at finding that your distinguished contributor share* my view of the leftist professors and their disciple*, whom I have long ago claaaed aa "lotah tariana...
...Bullitt's own words, what group* had brought about France'* collapse in 1940...
...Many honett French democrats and liberals had been snared by Communist propaganda and argued that, be ceu*e the CommunUt* called themselves a political party and planned at the time to be in favor of democracy, it would be undemocratic to deny to the Communiatt the right* of any other political party...
...Bullitt urge...
...John'a which led to th* lost of th* ittues containing Sidney Hook'l excellent articles on that subject Mr interest increases with the resding »f your articles on Devil's Advocate fw tier many and the Michigan Commm-wealth Federation in the issue ef August 5. It is a pleasure to com* tcroti a newspaper of The New Leader's caliber...
...He started aa a violent Republican and wa* *o vehemently pro-war during the first world war that when, many year* later, he had to emigrate to Prance, the Communists prevented him from participating in meetings, re-preaching him with having been a follower of the incipient fascist movement, end with having sent the faseieta a congratulatory telegram after their first vandalistic destruction of Avanti N*nni wa* long the target of attack* for opposing a merger of the Socialist and Coattawmiet parties when ho waa en tbe staff of Avantt...
...With them it is not a question of discrimination between Socialists and Communists...
...Hia increasingly intimate collaboration with the Communist International (and it* GPU) led to hia recall by the Socialist International...
...He continued his close relationship with the Comintern, and was an ardent defender of the Stalin-Hitler pact...
...But what ia most alarming i* the influence they are exerting over respectable American publications...
...At I said, it is from the address delivered by Mr...
...This manifested itself long before the Communists capitulated to capitalism, militarism, jingoism, clerivaliam...
...munista were advocating * "P**plt, Peace" (with Hitler), organised aatt-contcriptJon ralhe* and aang "Th* Yanki Aren't Coming...
...For, despite their glib talk about freedom and democracy, that, I am aura, i* what the Lerner* and their iik really are...
...And yet the new Communist terror it ouch that the otherwi** fori est I'm* wa* afraid or something to publish t letter showing, in Mr...
...But PM'i professor, who probably rt-member* Mr...
...now he play* the came role in Italy...
...Nor, as 1 pointed out before, was th* TYmt* tat only respectable New York daily to cleat it* correspondence column* to a defttttt ef a criminally alandered Americas notable...
...Bullitt, which I am now pretenting before you...
...They discovered too late that the Communists were traitors who were claiming the protection of the State which they intended to destroy---"When the German invation began to tweep into Belgium and France, there were Communitt and Nasi agentt of Germany in each town and village who produced panic among the civilian population...
...I know of my own knowledge what blowt were struck, what devicet and intrigue and treachery and force were employed...
...Many of the yo'tnger generation and of various social strata have never participated in politics...
...Such ar* th* fruit* of Teheran, alaa...
Vol. 27 • September 1944 • No. 40