Stalin-Benes Pact vs. United Europe
Stalin-Benes Pact vs. United Europe By FRIEDRICH STAMPFER QF THE REAL SIGNIFICANCE of the Russo-- Czechoslovak. pert few have taken note. Jan Mssaryk stated in Washington that the part ia a...
...If Sii^'iip ,Wst to the rest of us will be reaction **%Wtpread of totalitarian Stalinism abroad...
...Since men sre also pugnacious, this of necessity givee rise to group or gang wars...
...Its consequences can be enormous...
...It is the only wsy to implement sny of the grandiose hopes and consciously noble aspirations so generously sprinkled among those documents...
...or ¦* *«d Army is ready to suppress them, as political J™**** msy dictate...
...Nations are the most exclusive of these group*, snd, chiefly because they possess power, command the most unqualified loyally...
...SfcjP*Mlfl»rV speech decreeing the new line JP* fMWspfta Of hypocrisy and perfidy, many wafted out of Madison Square Garden in dis-5*1***'* hope that whoever remains in communist-¦?MtlOmf with a spark...
...All of the countries of Europe are bankrupt...
...But there is, slso, the power of ideas, and—for critics whose mouths are ready with an easy sneer—let as add quickly that there is a third sort of power, that of industry, of economics...
...The object of such a policy would be, not protective control, but collective security attained through the organisation of free and equal states...
...This suspicion applies likewise to what we ia the West rail the system for collective security...
...A similar but more inclusive group csn be formed...
...It can be done again on a atsfld scale...
...Not one of them rarr* itact l^rnnm ^Stst without American and British help...
...Otherwise it might VHI happen that some ef the worst reel crimi-»«!» would escape, if they would declare them strtoe...
...What encouragement have we to give, what constructive plans for the future of the world, what strength to back up our good intentions...
...Of this more at another time...
...tlaauslmummy UWro a» ssemty af hismll Csptsihs sad JJaJBSnie the Waal adll-itsry ssstiii...
...The JKieui pour olff-wine into new bottles—but one ^J?lkt go to * barrel "which has always held "Soviet Justice" ¦MaN sever •** the phrase 'I-Soviet Jeatsae* aaed as gU „iie of a fcomk or pass'?htg: Bat that's a con CTBsn ia terms...
...suscUy eaeagh ia favor ef a Soviet Ger-¦in,, while any active Gerssaa or Central Euro-sess Social Democrat might expect the fete of Heary Ehrlich and Victor Alter: to be killed kj the "proletarian dlctatorahlp" and then have Sis memory blackened afterwards • *«" W. H. C. IN MY OPINION TTHE PRESIDENT should be held to hisepvosaise (ia the Army and Nsvy Journal) to employ his power toward s "realisation of the age-long dream ef furled battle flags in s federation of the world...
...He would be as tame as any lamb...
...Jan Mssaryk stated in Washington that the part ia a barrier against the German Drang nock Osten—the drive to the*East That, st least, i* true, If Red Army tank battalions and planes occupy bases along the Fichtel Mountains between Czechoslovakia and Germany, it would he safe to let Hitler go on ruling Germany...
...It Is the only real basis for a durable peace, the only one that rests on psychological common a ease...
...But it m my owu imprtsstsn that if the Soviet regime had Nero or Ceeare Bergis •a trial tt would net be satisfied with the crimes UW historical villains had committed...
...Stalin remain* a Bolshevik...
...ftf*fc|>'lujB**, Lento snd Trotsky could not, y*» witsmm^mm/final trsnsformstion of the flPbaist International into its opposite...
...Russian foreign policy corresponds to her domestic structure...
...It would be, basically, nothing else than the start of a new isolationism...
...The Kremlin plans to bind the countries of Europe to her separately...
...up braised me tor net sbooUng enough people...
...For this reason, sll talk of getting down to snd removing the csuses of wsr is Utopian...
...But to conclude from these conditions that the determination of Europe's fate must be left bo Russia alone would bs a non-ssquitur...
...The terirfiaa Science Moaltor" correspeadtat la j*escewn tesnaV eHevamy reports one of toe tjtUstmTty^ Urn***," aa-eonf easing .uW^amsi Asssmae cafeaav ovhscfctg an apparent , ama^-asiit • m...
...Jtfy fcatmcdiato anperisr, Major Lalai...
...DUT the nations of Europe, from Poland to Portugal, have had for ages past a different structure and a different tradition...
...hepevsf eaeasgfaig, to ttf-ewn eamV» and as doelartag...
...After the "dissolution" of the Comintern its kssrhev CMiUnued to serve the Kremlin exactly as kfere...
...Eastern Europe, and hence the entire continent is assured...
...You might ss well try to remove the csuses of quarreling...
...nationalities speaking different languages into a nation...
...Khe sees in such federations a plot directed against the USSR...
...This hss been done many times in history—most significantly when the Swiss Federation combined severs...
...They most help, not only economically—ss Is universally recognized—but also politically, if they do net Intend to resign their places as world powers, to give ap thinking ia terms of world politics...
...What Russia plans for Europe is not collective security but a system of alliances and protective controls...
...The sole invariable factor in the multiplex causation of war is the existence of these powerful groups, each commanding the loyalty of numberless individuals...
...But those of democratic convictions dsre not speak... would iasist ou ronfeosons ef ethers that were purely One tapes that there will be international organisation, if passlbit with the participation of judges frees neutral saaatoias, In future trials »f «ar criminals ia Bussia...
...Not one of tspm} going it alone, has any bslis for credit...
...This line of reasoning would be correct were there no sort of power except the military...
...I ticused myself by ssying that I bad] esdy beea St the camp far « sheet Usee and had net yet ¦ad sn^saajssismUr to sheir ssy dUlganee.'' Wh^k^mmtm^msmsVtMtsstmm^iHt, more sag-pean^Tst a Imtsy ajar ia fjggslssm than ef the for sis MS...
...But this does not exhaust the meaning and potentialities of ths pact...
...For I ytf, sever olfnsslsd s aeW-bel tkial ha Moscow where-pMxias seteisd to fee a pri-aarf or even a.aeeoamsry' ZsaWsttsa, ITrn trhiK were b,v«i.bly spmsged » s»P« H»ll> w„«d atyle and the par-(hiasaU sad the acts to which they "con (oaoed" with sawn sousing resdiaeus wore about M nasi ss the figures ia a puppet marionette skew...
...nrterp jet all costs," is the communist slogan...
...Beside the four pillars of world power which sre to he erected—the American, the British and the Chinese—we dare net leave Europe lylag as s heap of ruins...
...If Russia is enthroned in Prsgue, the control of Centr$l and...
...Until it is done, the sword-rat tiers sre right: wsr is the natural state of man...
...Once these national groups exist, the csuses of wsr among them sre as many as the causes of fights smong individusls...
...And that is also the sole factor about which something Eimple and practical can be done...
...There is, then, s practical plan which immediately suggests itself as s European policy for the victorious denrocracias: make economic assistance conditional upon a deflnfte minimum of mutual understanding and cooperative effort...
...Thst ia worth ths Atlantic Charter, the Casablanca Manifesto, the Moscow Pact, snd ths Teheran Promulgstiou all rolled together...
...A federated democratic Europe is essentis...
...The igjip*e»»|P|sll bjiai ad three Germans tastes* Rsseisa am smirgea ef remmittlag stroc hies was sssiil satiy rasping tree to form...
...In either event social revolu-P* will be given the kiss of death...
...If this goal is not attained, if on the contrary Europe becomes a Russian protectorate or sphere of influence, then we shall not be in a position to assert that the war for democracy has been won...
...Ths communists in Yugoslavia organized 6> Tito-Ribar government and its army of Partisans, ktkta^bo^jhe Chetaiks hid, by M'ikhailovitch and rsnWajeitthe-Free German Committee, ready to hsuul pro-Soviet governments as soon as the Red trnmishsfepsausi iiij ¦tilia...
...Even now, in the silent Europe of today, there are uncounted men and women who, could they speak, would raise their voices in favor of it...
...Men have sn irrepressible tendency to form groups with which they identify themselves, snd from which "outsiders" sre excluded...
...The Comintern ftnudable and indispensable weapon of the *y/ffefp* o/doe...
...Under these conditions they await with strained attention what the democrats of other lands have to say...
...Once it is done, the psycho-social conditions will exist which make efforts toward esasMuy.' psses sensible snd scientific...
...It is impossible to sidestep the question whether there is, in regard to Europe, anything which may be called a democratic foreign policy...
...United Europe By FRIEDRICH STAMPFER QF THE REAL SIGNIFICANCE of the Russo-- Czechoslovak...
...The obligation to continue the struggle up to the moment.of Hitler's surrender and the sllisnce with Russia are inevitable necessities...
...Dhnitrov is being paused as the great liberator ef the Balkans, and hsdar of the Pan-Slavic movement to ensure Russian Mhmpasneinmjrs ptii sues a devious course, nf diptaasey and that of the S^fctant*elt jsaeiab revolmmnts occur in post-war "V*pi.^m*CoaUhtern is ready to seise control... the fifth pillar ef aay successful organization to preserve the peace sad freedom „ of the world...
...The objectives of Russian foreign policy will become the decisive factor in postwar Europe, although much will depend also upon Germany—whether the Germans will willingly undergo serfdom in ord»f to once mare build up their army, or tske the road to democracy and freedom...
...of intelligence and ¦p^kslkoat, leaving the Stalinist untouchMMmry of "dialectic materialism" postu-ftth*t quantitative changes can become qusli-Evwlsftfisihg can tarn intovits opposite...
...Russia opposes any federation between the various countries...
...But a new Europe, organized on a new basis, Would Inspire confidence in any prospective creditor...
...During the war military might counts more than economic...
...That the eoaveuttea denounces the Veerhm act as harmful sad destructive ef the democratic rfcoU of the people, as designed) to coerce the steak hi to to amies Up to the entry ef the United mams late the laterriamu war...
...The Chinese Communist Party dill not in mrpn-nte its army into that Of the Koumintang gov trsncm) of Chiang Kai-Shek, but went on fighting Mm i rusng and Japan, splitting the national unity a* China...
...Raaaiaa policy is firm and definite, simple and clear...
...All of them—not excepting the Czechs—stand, with their hearts and the best of their minds, on the side of western culture and democracy...
...There are persons who ssy that after the war Russia will be the only real power in the old world and that it is mere political realism to recognise this situation...
...The United States of Europe as a member of a werid organization for coUstsias eaouiity is net • aly the recognised goal of the western democracies hot slso of the international' lsbor movement...
...The Kremlin will then decide such question "lis whether or not Germany is to be disarmed or allowed to rearm — whatever diplomstic forms are observed...
...This does not mean enmity to Russia, but it does involve concern over a state of affairs which would leave Russia in Europe and Asia without any other comparable power to preserve the balance...
...1»HE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE has for centuries been the objective of the noblest minds...
...But after the war, when we tackle the Job of reconstruction, economic power will count more than military...
...They can only listen—and that at the risk of their lives...
...The British and Americana eanaet simply leave Europe to Its fate...
Vol. 27 • January 1944 • No. 3