The Groping for an American Mind


Books and Writers The Groping for an American Mind By HORACE M. KALLEN THE GROWTH OF AMERICAN THOUGHT. Bg JfesfcCos*, /ttustrato* Harper A Brotkers, tA+Ue+er. S*w York and London. 1943. 848...

...PIACE has become a comic nuaanernde of... is an attitude which sat the minds of philosophers upon events and gave philosophic...
...The private eon science and the individual initiative, enhanced by the uses of ma chinery, develops for its counterpart the cosmic consciousness, and this is invoked at once to justify power and privilege snd to advance the struggle, for equality...
...He postulate* the diverse...
...848 pOJMJ, THIS is aH important b<^ w^Ve^U eg tam eatir#ijr its own...
...singulari ties of their several cultures...
...Rosas ate eKhtons, seme arsskmsi...
...Books and Writers The Groping for an American Mind By HORACE M. KALLEN THE GROWTH OF AMERICAN THOUGHT...
...Of .course this new type does not hsve it all its own way...
...Mass unemployment is than the horror of peace...
...Merle Certi's book, forwards this preoccupation...
...The brittle cold of morning seems aa real With siu-h hsrsh toads of suns and flesh denned...
...snd 'American tkoe«ht" has s specific differentia, s singularity, which mekea it a part of bat net identical with "thought in America...
...The new North makes them its device...
...He lifts has pack* and sighs: "Father, I come...
...The old traits and thoughts survive and oppose...
...For Mr...
...She fought against the appeasement of Jspsn snd •masiny, against the export ef scrap iron to Japan, against the criminal stupidity of the Nan-Intervention to*** which sided Franco In Spain, and for effective wnctHMis against aggressors...
...It is a mood which turned historians more and more <*j^_« ajainst events, and gave their histories a strong philosophical unefcrfcone...
...The final chapter on "The End of Imperialism" calls ftooMhtstiaMof the Atlantic Charter to the Pacific, out also gives a reasoned defense of the British Commonwealth of Nations which he believes csn only ¦Ott in the direction of greater democracy and free-d*m for its component parts, and which will serve M* «e*el for a world federation...
...Thi» poem is reprtn^cd from the "Maryland %wrUrlgr" VoL I, No, I, a n*w Mermrg magazine puhlieked by the Department of Englieh, Unrntrmtg of MargUwd, College Park, Mat The Horror of Peace By C. WRIGHT MILLS THE UNEMPLOYED...
...That this last hear seems only what he feels, A backward memory pressing en his mind... grows cold...
...II« Eli Ginsberg & Associates...
...mug, Violence- has bean centralised only to be used in monopoly forms betwoen larger political units and with mora devaetettag effect on sB concerned...
...J expressions of this mood porcine itself in s Welt-j|.Hs\fl'lT~r All hod a certain vagus among American intellectuaU daring... definitely superior to hem* relief...
...3.80 If II.S.A caaushwes were as high as, those of New .ffsalssattha ¦rejssaujin, to pops satis*, our total would be around 2,200,000...
...Then ell of them experienced the horror of peace...
...Bt rVoJter A/os...
...The Old South rejects the idess of liberty and equality which it had matured...
...The conclusion is that W.P.A...
...Professor Ginsberg has directed a close examination of some 200 New York families drawn from people on heme relief, or or work relief, and from people wh«> are refugees from relief...
...Harper A Bros., New York, IMS...
...and the tradition of individual liberty, became the instruments of s unification which falsified the ideas employed to rationalize it...
...Effl Prospaets for winning the peace for the demo-*nfcTc «* I*, would be brighter if such small Mi New Zealand.and the f^tagesnaiBem caun...
...MOT that the book lacks an order...
...New Zealand is aissal'iisstij, petit hen served as a laboratory for se<»el experimentation, and could teach us lesaons ia oar graa4ujg^ss|srta* tew si d a planned bat democratic economy, income redistribution via comprehensive social security, labor legislation, and full employment and production, lease AM the factors which enabled New Zealand to make a. contribution to ths war srsinst fascism out of proportion to her geographic size...
...Because these del ideate the work, it is dMnentt to sum marine Us content snd to find out it* ffSagd rajjakji, sions...
...John Adams' idea of the mission of America is now transposed into the concept of "manifest destiny" and the high ardors of World Wsr I. , But that war eudfed in disillusion...
...urti weave* a narrative which shosld be read by every AavenWse who is concerned with the ideas thai hare or have had s part in the making ef the American spirit...
...s veil Of peace indifrreutiy falls...
...Tspsfs npunnv...
...entire field of Asnaaesn thought sad life...
...With traditional church contacts relaxed, his folkways become enlarged, his religious fantasies diversify and multiply...
...Men unemployed thjeough no fault of their own are saved for a while Jwiause nation* need men to patinas the means of other men's destruetiun-The psgsdex extends into the future: aaenskogsPv full employment cannot be set up as a genutae was aha for peass thne> It is, rather, upder present eouditiens...
...New York: ItuslL SkM* and I'earre...
...This cenalgshnvsnnot grounded on the economic differences of the two Systems but rests upon their different effects On the self-appraisals and other human uspects of those who live them out...
...e THE fifth age, wherein the antagonisms corns to their climax, find this climax in "the triumph of nationalism...
...AH that can be said for home relief is that it kept people alive...
...Nsw Zealand has a fine record in foreign affairs... many respects, they dominate...
...Boards narrative of t|».etfla>.of.;ittlpSjn...
...Bet "only 25%" of those on work relief "disapproved" of it as s form of relief...
...A Way of Life ' By LISTON M. OAK Vflt ZEALAND...
...It has an epic 1 ^ order expressing the shape present in the march of time itself, and designated by the chapter headings...
...C, Wright MiO* i* assistant Professor of Sociology a* ths University of Maryland...
...Vat the nesults ate nevertheless of great human interest and definitely informative...
...faasasBky of ideas wish one another sad the events taMSg which they sre occurrences and to which they trsrsspinseet ana.he teases them in many of the vehicles of' fintonation which hfsterians snd philosophers alike hsve hitherto passed by...
...If the Resolution of 1776 over-rulc them, they subdue the, Revolution by the Constitution and it is not till 1800 that, in the setting of a world divided by Bouapartism, snd under the leadership of well-born gentlemen with a fighting faith in republicanism, the ides of the nation is opr...
...With t*s> degshssiaa interest concentrated aLn, the Atnaeisan aajaspysad ajahtmii was.intrigaed he flsa^Btckei WmPSntl f Hit slag eighteenth century sfcssjsl i »)sV.s% raajImtsUuii of Independence, WR/m'* s&rs^ymnlslJWlil M II I of the Amor...
...There is hsrdly a, vehicle which he doesn't explore snd draw upon, in addition to the conventional sources...
...The social democracy he and toward which New Zealand had made Hf*»* ttrides before the war resembles closely that of « Scandinavian countries...
...Such a comparison indicates thst the present work supplement/ certain points discussed in the Bakke studies...
...In the West, meanwhile, the new American type has grown up denuded of the wrappings ef European culture (I was surprised to find no reference to Barrett Wendell's sound and intriguing interpretation of this process), and is developing one of his own...
...The burning colors fsde, the scene grows pals, Flat from a bsckrloth stare the city wslis: The mists rise...
...Its value would khanJsapaed if there were a little lets stress en Mr...
...The author defines himself as a socialist, "in the •sue that I believe that a major responsibility of .••wrament is to provide collectively for the economic JMfareend security of the individual," and he thinks " can only he dene by economic planning snd gtenunental regulation...
...Although his personal faith is of record, sad his democratinm hae on occasion been militant, he recites this nsrrative in a manner detached, smooth, almost seamless, which contributes largely to the emsft of "obtecUvky" and imnsr tislity...
...His sim appears to be rather to establish the record than to prove s principle...
...the, arts and sciences sre encouraged...
...Because of this, the reader, as he gets deeper into the book, amy cone to doubt the aptness of IU title: for "growth...
...posed to the ides pf the citizen of the world, aid the idee of States' rights...
...In s sense, it is the coneestrsUoa o| his earlier studies imo...
...These are among them Irish Catholics, Central or East European Jews, and Anglo-Saxon Protrstonts...
...Ginsberg has not designed a study which permitted sharp questions and the prosmtjsnu "of crucial insights and significant generalizations...
...Disillusion developed into doubt Doubt led to flight snd criticism...
...Ths conscript leeks, and hears ths sackcloth torn Teen top to bet torn by a rolling dram...
...a smgk pattern, the prolonaation snd spread of his caaiactoeisUe interest over the...
...the family case...
...Curti American thought falls, like the life of man for Shakespeare, into seven ages, or stretches of time...
...Works such ss H. 0. WeUs's Ontftae o/ History, jsmes Harvey Robinaoii'g Mind «'* the Making, Henry Adams' ffaWtewv Oe«sM distaste's The Dectta* s/ t|s ffwet, Lewis Mumtord's l*s»h*|se end Civilization, BereTSsst Russell's #'rase?ss* and Organization, Trotsky's H*tU>W of the dssnswm si's****!iss, seem to me...
...colleges, libraries snd museums see multiplied, snd the sense of aa American destiny to be expressed by an American literature ia articulated...
...ft P^stCx* aim which ran be accomplished only In wartime...
...The major part of the book the level of the informative detail aad...
...Now authoritarianism spd totalitarianism spread their contagion from Europe...
...He shows as first, with a wealth of detail and specific reference, that the peoples ef island and continental Europe came pa the continental wilderness of North Am«rics, bringing with them the...
...MexiedVkre to hsve s place in the councils ^^IfcuiedNeAioatv - The Conscript A eonscript stands sswabjy mmMnthr, Upon the tavTa edge flsrisaj kma a MamV In the (set rays ef day before that safmi Whose tunneled dark will swallow up the life He's known—to whites on i crude tomorrow...
...writing a n^ed hiatoricsl content, and a tendentious emphasis...
...Nash makes some excellent suggestions for imphnaeatiag the ideals of the Atlantic Charter, foi demobiliiation and reconversion snd reconstruction...
...Hash's csctujt sad New Zealand's war effort, and aiora emphasis on tag social progress achieved in that country by the Labor Government...
...Pram this unprecedented!* wide ranging and detailed material, Mr...
...As counter, to justify the centralized policing of business enterprise, to vindicate the individualism of ' the little men as against that of the big trusts, appear the philosophies of collectivism and pacifism, a new form of the international mind quite other then ths cosmopolitanism of the revolutionary age...
...however taken, is not merely s sequence ef events, sack as the weather man deals with...
...These sre the countries »« ««J.sV-whieh point the way to the ex-,r"5"«> of democracy into every field of life...
...Om^amlatav Ralph Gabriel's i^Khhsaeaasm ami _lmntjaaBdHlj*afiSj^ni^ ^ftafmmmumndL...
...that they, also brought the Negro with hie cuMore, and that they reacted to that of the Indian aborigine ss well ss the scene of which it was a function...
...Ths study avowedly explores the borderline between economics snd psyahology in aa effort to note ths different effects of two kinds of relief...
...The examination is divided into two partsi an interpretive overview of all the esses, sod concrete cass-atudieg of twelve families...
...the pulp-wood niagaainea, the popular and highbrow weeklies, the reports of schools, colleges, museums, ths publications of Tin Pan Alley, foundations, learned societies, records of correspondence schools and lecture bureaus, radio programs, plays and movies, letters snd diaries, and what have you...
...Th« Giusberg.stud* of unemployment naturally invites comparison with E. Wight Bakke's recent two volumes...
...Many men can get along better personally during war than during peace...
...The sunset palate the streets below with light, Deep tot the garish embers of self-pity He sees his heart burn ia a howl of sorrow...
...Before relief they made ISO to NO a week...
...Then, in the sixth age the railroad, the trust, the bank, exploiting the inventor's epplicstlous of science, rationalizing their conduct by appeals to a providential darwinian...
...Criticism led into ths re examination aad "new searches, of which,, this book is so excellent and heartening an expression...
...ispafraV naslto, *§* rjstMcy...
...the twenties, and early (fates...
...The setting aim melts into a gold past With the pathos of legends left behind Vivid through iron bars ef future contrast...
...Bat it is at tit* umi time ex-""Ti?™ • ^'^t^^toJk«?toto *** k**™* eenapicuous anlhTeod of the W»rkl War and ru^SakCheji j» sign* of recession since...
...Walter Nash has the im-.fueenee to insist that, since New Zealand and other • nxnll ¦ rn, t a* ti m io ¦ m rtm aurih !-----^- ooasiAsao #9anna *-tefAdUT Mane?s- fteTYr TnisCW Hum (frfall *»>CriTrrrn TOT iiw m\ they ftm«Q«ld be sMcord«*<» ia tlvt matting statesmen and an exceptional nteiaiffra*0%%-*s^ This book should |e l»tts*tham it island it to easy good, in content, and fsirly good, otherwise...
...The Civil War seals in blood the ides which Daniel Webster defined as "Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now snd forever...

Vol. 27 • January 1944 • No. 3

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