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It Happened Last Week
It Happened Last Week By LISTON M. OAK British Intrigue in Italy Churchill conferred in Rome with Marshal Tito J\ and Premier Subasitch of Yugoslavia, a serious J. V. political crisis was brewing...
...The Communists and Socialists, who have agreed upon a common program for Italy's rehabilitation, refused to participate in the proposed new government...
...Or maybe Nenni is a Stalinist tool and Wants it {hat way...
...The Bonomi Government argues that its hands are tied by the Allied Military Government and the harsh armistice terms of surrender...
...He turned and asked why they were tailing him, and they shot him six times...
...Walter von Seydlitf, president of the Union of German Oftcera and vice-president of the Free Germany Committee, proclaimed in a Moscow broadcast that the addition to their ranks of the "senior officer" of the German prisoners of war in Russia makes "more complete" the "community of all Germans in the Soviet Union who have begun the fight against Hitler on a great united front...
...Nenni addressed an open letter to British Labor Party leaders to unite the Socialist parties of the world so that they can exert an effective influence on peace settlements and postwar problems...
...He was on his way to a meeting and realised he was being followed by the Caruso-Koch gsng...
...An article in Leningrad's Zrazda give* the key to the Soviet plan for "collective security"—it stresses the role and responsibility of the Big Three as the directing power* in the new international organization...
...on the contrary, Anglo-American policies have inadvertently aided Stalin'* machination...
...The Allied Military Government of Italy has surrendered tie the Italian Government administrative authority aver three mors provinces, including Rome...
...It also issued a call for a congress of all unions of liberated Italy...
...The National Union Party is an extreme nationalistic, isolationist party...
...Von Paulus and von Seydlitz typify the German Junker military caste which is fully as responsible as the Nazis for German aggression...
...Tito is preparing an offensive against Mikhailovitch to conquer Serbia, which ia the dominant factor in the Yugoslavian federation and which now is overwhelmingly pro-Mikhailovitch . . . Moscow has reached an accord with Bulgaria, "guaranteeing" Soviet non-interference in Bulgarian affairs, and the Nazis are powerless to prevent the early withdrawal of that satellite from the war . . . Baron Mannerheim became President of Finland, with Eero Rydman as Premier) fhe Germans are withdrawing and Helsinki hopes fo...
...The leaders of the General Confederation of Labor in Rome are Orestes Lizzardi, Socialist...
...London and Washington have signed an agreement governing the development of the world's oil resources, assuring availability of petroleum*supplies to all countries without discrimination except sijeh as may be necessary to collective, security...
...The EAM maintains its own private army, the ELAS, just as do the Chinese and Yugoslavian Communist...
...They own 70 per cent of the supply of whisky, and have hoarded good whisky to sell inferior Muff at high prices...
...They also control the output of distilleries in Cuba snd Puerto Rico, Senator McCarron (Dem., Nev...
...The Socialist* seem to forget that when the Catalan Socialist* merged with the Communist*, the joint party became completely Stalinized...
...Calorni was professor of philosophy and wrote on scientific subjects...
...Names and detail* are cited... is anti-Semitic and semi-fascist and anti Ki itisb...
...In Alberta, Social Credit Government defeated the CCF...
...The United Preea reported that, addressing a mass meeting, Signor Paceiardi said: "Churchill often haa said 'one man alone' was responsible for bringing Italy into the war...
...The Sudeten German Social Democratic Party in I ¦¦"> don haa been informed by its chairman, Wenzel .laksrh, that 10,000,000 Germans will be compelled to leave East Prussia, Danzig, Silesia, and Chechoslovakia, over a period of five years . . . Congress amended its amend* nient to the Servicemen's Voting Act to remove the clauses giving the censor* an excuse to ban such books ss Beard's Tht Rtpublie from soldier's reeding ma-tsrial, or such film* as WiUon...
...Mikhailovitch'sbeaduunrUis in Yugoslavia issued a statement that the Communist-led Partisans had made an agreement with the Get mans through the Italian prefect of Gorica, Graf Pace, on July 3, providing for cessation of hostilities in rcitatn coastal areas...
...They, of course, confessed...
...This ultimatum was unanimously .i ejected by the Cabinet at Cairo, as political blackmail...
...The Bonomi Government haa renounced rule over Albania...
...Eugene P. Connelly, Communist leader of the ALP, has been appointed to membeiship in a leading committee of the Empire State Society ef the Sons of the American Revolution, staunch fo« of Communism, to the horror of moat SAR's...
...special treaties between the big powers must provide binding military commitments to organize resistance to future aggression...
...But the Catholic liberal* manifest no enthusiasm for the idea...
...success in peace negotiation* with Russia . . ¦'• The United States, Britain, and Ruasia are to govern Austria through a joint commission until the Austrians rsn create "the conditions necessary to independence...
...Canadian Election . . . The schism between French-Canada and the rest of that country has been temporarily widened by the recent elections...
...if they can reach an agreement, they equld rule Italy, for these are the three largest parties...
...The Socialists charge that the British Tories, including Churchill, are backing the Democrats in fear of social reform and political control by the left...
...Another group of politicians and trade unionists, among whom was Dino Gentile, organised the Naples Confederation of labor, which subordinated the anions to political parties...
...Miscellany . . . A summary of some of the msln political events of the week, for those who do not read their daily newspaper carefully...
...The former Socialist Deputies Juan Solari and Americo Ghildi were among the political prisoners f teed by the Argentine dictatorship . . . Greek Communist-led gtierrillss of the EAM-ELAS are cooperating with Tito of Yugoslavia...
...Badoglio is slated to be Foreign Minister in the Orlando Government when and if it gains power...
...Moscow's positive, dynamic program can be defeated only by a policy equally dynamic, instead of a futile effort to restore the status quo ante helium...
...An international commission will administer the oil pact . . . Eight more high German officers were executed after a trial that was as much of a travesty as the Reichstag Are trial or the Moscow treason trials...
...But the Allied Control Commission remain* the real power in Italy...
...The Greek Communists hope to repeat in Greece the triumph achieved in Yugoslavia by Tito...
...Reoraanitcf ion of Italian Trad* Unions . . . Delegates of five reborn Italian provincial trade unions met in Bari, I sly, on June 24 and voted to affiliate with the General Confederation of Labor in Rome...
...Prediction* were made that a "national concentration" coalition government headed by aged World War I Premier Vittorio Orlando would displace the Boi.omi Cabinet of six anti-fascist parties...
...Avaxti published the details of the assassination of its editor, Eugenio Calorni, by a fascist gang...
...v • •ollticol llockmail in Greece . . . The Communist Greek organization, EAM-ELAS, demanded that as a condition of their collaboration in a united Greek government, George Papandreofa, Social Democratic Premier, resign... were shot, 40 injured, 74 arrested...
...They say the Vatican also supports the right wing parties...
...The French Committee for National Liberation made its first call to the people of France for a nationwide uprising against the Nazis, as the second invasion began with a landing on the southern coast of France...
...During the speech, which was frequently interrupted by anti-monarchist outbursts, Signor Paceiardi, who fed the Italian Garibaldi Legion against the Fascists in Spain and who recently returned from the United Stater, Raid that "if it had not been for President Roosevelt, we still would be under the German heel...
...The Bari Conference protested against the action of the Neapolitan...
...Hs was for years a leader of the Italian Socialist underground in Milan, and waa imprisoned at Trieste, but escaped before Italy's surrender, and led the resistance movement in Rome...
...the principle of equal opportunity in the acquisition of oil concessions is recognized... has been gaining strength due to food and other shortages, the Mack market, the lew wages, the inflation, and other distressing and chaotic conditions which the Badoglio and Bonomi governments were powerless to improve...
...The "Democratic" Party led the fight against Bononti and the left wing, charging that it was ineffectual and had ilone nothing to improve conditions, which are growing worse...
...Achille Grand!, Catholic, and Guiseppe Di Vittorio, Communist...
...The combined parties are appealing to the Christian Democrat* for a "people's front...
...They organised a revolt a couple of month* ago against the Greek Government in Exile, and carry on civil wsr within Greece against other anti-Nazi groups such as the EDES (National Democratic Army) led by Gen...
...What is happening in Italy is a portent of what will probably happen in France, Germany, ana throughout postwar Europe...
...It Happened Last Week By LISTON M. OAK British Intrigue in Italy Churchill conferred in Rome with Marshal Tito J\ and Premier Subasitch of Yugoslavia, a serious J. V. political crisis was brewing for the Bononti Government of Italy...
...Arab leaders are planning to call a congress to consider formation of a league of Arab States on a federal basis...
...The Democratic Party ia a mixture of conservatives, reactionaries, monarchists, and neo-fascists...
...Bandolfo Paceiardi, leader of the Republican Party, declared that the British are insisting on reorganisation of the government to include Badoglio, a monarchist...
...And Washington and London have devised no mean* to check this trend...
...Allied economic warfare experts agree that Gei-msny's economy ia cracking up and can support total wsr on four fronts for only a few more months...
...Ifolion United Fro** The accord between the Socialists and Communists was reported by Anne O'Hare McCormick as the first step toward an eventual merger...
...Msny military as well as economic experts expect the wsr's end within a few weeks or months st most...
...Moscow's Now United Front .. . Two more German generals—Field Marshal Fried-rich von Paulus and General Frits Franek—have issued appeals from Moscow to the German people to oust Hitler...
...The election was riotous...
...Schenley Distillers, and Hiram Walker-Gooderman and Worta, Ltd...
...National Distillers...
...Lix-ximli, known in the underground as Longobardi, is close to Pietro Nenni, left-wing Socialist leader, who favors a united front with the Communists...
...They demand national unity—under Moscow's direction...
...The Italian Railwaymen's Union had been reorganised previously and affiliated with the International Transport Worker* Federation...
...This federation of Socialist, Catholic, and Communist unions was formed at ¦ conference in Rome on June 14...
...Lloyds of Ix>ndon bets 8 to 6 that the European war will end before October 31... shows one of the many devious way* by which the Communists will increase their influence everywhere, and by such means Moscow will exert a controlling influence on European polities...
...He is wrong," the Republicsn leader said, "for the King, his son, Crown Prince Humbert, and the Army Chief of Staff (Marshal Badoglio) shared the responsibility with Mussolini...
...Austria will be "permanently" separated from Germany...
...He was an advocate of a united Europe on s federated basis...
...Zervas, and the EKKA (Social Liberation Army) led by Col...
...They and six other German officers joined the Union of German Officers and the Free Germany Committee, both organised in Moscow for purposes of political warfare, and as the possible nucleus of a future pro-Soviet German government...
...He sdded that the interest of the United States was In healing Europe so Americans would not be sacrificed every generation, and the only way to do this was to work for n "United States of Europe...
...In Quebec Province the voters rejected the Bloc Populaire as well as the Liberal Party* and the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, and returned to power the National Union Party led by Maurice Puplessis...
...Bonomi would be Minister of Reconstruction...
...Its triumph is a catastrophe for Canadian progressives...
...Papandreou has offered the EAM (National Liberation Front) Ave Cabinet posts...
...Four large distilleries monopolise most of the production of alcoholic beverage* in A^merica Distiller* Corp.-Seagrams, Ltd...
Vol. 27 • August 1944 • No. 34
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