It Happened Last Week


It Happened Last Week By LISTON M. OAK Tito-Subasitch Regime Not Representative MlLOYE M. SOK1TCH, Dotegste of the GonraMt of Yugoslavia far Unwta, like a lot of »tb«r official* who have Krr«d...

...He urged effective political warfare %0 encourage anti-Nazi Germans to revolt Churchill aide-stopped Bevan'* questions about decisions at Teheran to dismember Germany...
...It Happened Last Week By LISTON M. OAK Tito-Subasitch Regime Not Representative MlLOYE M. SOK1TCH, Dotegste of the GonraMt of Yugoslavia far Unwta, like a lot of »tb«r official* who have Krr«d under the regime headed by General Mfchaitoviteh, refaaea to roecgnlaa the new gsverssssnt-in exile art up by the Croatian leader Dr...
...The National Committee of all democratic parties is meeting in "the woods and mountains of Yugoslavia" to decide on -its attitude toward the new set-up...
...Of Yugoslavia's population of 16,000,000, nearly 11,500,000 have no representation in the new regime, Sokitrh declared...
...Iff is via vers as Lifffs leva a . . . Aneurin Be van is the spokesman of the widespread dissatisfaction within the British Labor Party and the Trade Unioa Congress...
...They pubfisb a paper...
...Sokitch urged the reorganisation af liberated Yugoslavia oh a federated and democratic basis, with full guarantees of the rights of minorities...
...In order wet to ma earless Russia, not at war with Japan, there win be pa railed talks as at Teheran and Cairo...
...Walter Waschsl will again have bean atom to be a false saaahat...
...violent demonstrations continue in Genoa, and sabotage jn Liguria...
...Paul MeMatt haa roceivod r tlifiu that the am ci 4.000 prtsosers of war in firkaasaa has cat wages of nstftsa fisbi workers srasUcally, from *4j» a day to $L«a...
...In the beginning, Loago was defended by Vito Marcantonio and the International Labor Defease...
...that antr...
...If expelled, Bevan would hast take several Labor MPs with him to farm a nucleus of a new radical group of these who feel the Labor Parte- has forgotten its socialist principles, that it has neglected opportunities during the War, that its coalition with the Tories and the concomitant electoral truce should now be ended...
...Ernest A. Haetoa of Harvard asaaibtii race prejudice, declariag sm ottos tale basis estate for say theory of racial aupertorHy...
...He was the officer who led the troops of the Belgrade garrison in revolt againat the Quisling Government on the day it signed a pact with Germany, March 27, 1941...
...Longo is a political foe of Mayor Hague, dictator of Jersey City...
...FEPC waa a battle wane the Phils eVVkia Traaaporta tiwa flap SOU caadtaUted to SB FMPC order u dsaist fram am i iliiiili i IT agatoat Negroes ia hiring avotcsaeea...
...The AFL oencsaeed tee huBng of Joan Antonio Sotori, Sacsslist, by tim Argentine Government...
...The big three will try to reach agreesaent, then will call in Ghana bar bar okay...
...A majority of these are anti-Tito, as well aa anti-Nazi and anti-Ustashi...
...Nasi Cersnan* will be used in civil control...
...This infant prodigy could read at three, spoke several foreign languages at nine, when he graduated from high school He finished a seven-year Dims as tat Brooklhse public schools in six i neat he, He tortured to Harvard professors on the fourth dimension at 14...
...These IO,oM aa dergreead fighters gaiaed central aeon after the invasion...
...iialartsrs sad drivers ea PhiTly's street cans ami homes...
...It has decided thus fsr that the peace will be "stem, but just...
...This government h freely functioning in the territory controlled by If ikhailovi ten's forces, and it has carried on aa unremitting fight against the Nazi invaders for over three years...
...peace terms bar Germany so slowly that the war snag end before its Job is finished... two years following Pearl Hn-ior 1,073,000 American firms west bankrupt, and only 572,000 new besmossee were organised...
...He worked afterward »« a clerk...
...The Ear eg sa a Advisory Committee is plan-nine...
...On the Italian Riviera, anti-fascists are in open revolt againat the Naxis...
...This new agreement seises nothing, Sokitrh says It involves constitutional faaattWM which eaa ha settled only by the Yugoslavian people after the war...
...He wss charged with forging his voting record on the registration hooka of Hudson County—a gruesome joke in view of the practicea of the Hague machine...
...Ivan Sebasiteh in agrwatnent with Marshal Tito...
...Preach patriots hold aa area' of 140 aauare mflm near Vichy, waiting the word to strike, ameathne oamaheg raaaasg eaUsfci to aakstogo raBwaya, attack-big German anils, seising weapons...
...Eden promised that there will be no bargain with fas Junkers, the Army, or sny other group in Germany which will make another bid far world domination possible • e • Tcble 4tracks Natal . . f* ' An editorial in Dan Tobin'a The /nUmsfteaeJ TtmmtUr stupidly attacks "the starry-eyed reformers" who are in ntaorgs of the relocation of Nisei—Americans of Japanese ancestry, removed by military order from the West Coast Jobs are being found for them, and Tobin toys It la ell a plot of big business to "lower wage scales for American workers...
...It is not ia accord with the Atlantic Charter—"no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned...
...a GcTasaay Ir re deaf a? »,»¦¦' The Polish Gov*rnment-in-exile baa advanced its claim to Seat Praasja, a iamsst that evidently meets tim apprseal of Washington, T seise ami Moscow But there are many Polish Socialists and liberals who have opposed tiie annexation of this German territory, be-cause it will be acquiring a permanent headache They alga* that It win prove to be as much of a mistake as Bmmarck'a aaasratiia af Assess asm Lorraine, which stimulated French passion bar Is rseqseae, and divided Polish aemiiartioa of East Prussia will invoie the •xpuMea at s couple of million Germane- sot a simple matter...
...Business turnover la normally of startling proportions," the survey said...
...Of osarae, intelligent clerks are aa asset...
...Since the Communists' new "national unity" line and their support of Hague as a pro-Roosevelt Democrat, they have dropped the ease, • • • Small lesisess Declines . .. "Startling figures" are cited by the Department of Commerce, showing the casualties among small business during the war...
...The Tito-Subasitch government haa no representatives from large areas of Serbia, Montenegro, fterxe-govina, and Serbian Voivodina, and moat of Slovenia...
...A let of sob sisters criticised as several months ago when we opposed the rstoeas of any Japs whatever...
...Little'' Bevsn haa often flayed "big" Bevin, Minister of Labor...
...Use Communist lie that Mikhailo-vitch and his Chetniks are collaborationists is • grsve injustice and an injury to our common cause, Sokitrh continued...
...In May Ova party leaders gave bin a reprieve because they feared that...
...Disappointment was S* Item I a that Stalin rejected the prop—al for a Chase— eMegmto to jobs with the big three m joint conference...
...Milosh Bsnkovitch and Captain Uroah Hsjduknvitrh...
...military attache* in Ankara... said wuikto wowhi be the Item n era tic candidate for Vice-President Rather, all indications are that Harold Lev i m of PU is correct awl Willkie will si t this one eet, ueecamg bath safes...
...It ia a cheap and ally he that these American citizens of Japanese ancestry who are being released frees ramps to resume work in varieae jobs . are being renacieualy Sad aaoresxfaUy...
...The Asueikaa ana envisages a world order similar to the old Leaps at Nations, hat with sasrs power concentrated in the hands of the big four, ami without forfeiture of national sovereignty... fact, by recognising as official acts, retroactively, ail dames iasusd by Tito, aome of which abrogate the constitution, the agreement tends to destroy the cohesion, the legitimacy, and the sovereignty of Yugoslavia...
...exploited by anti-union employers to lower wage scales, • . * Loago Case) Reopened...
...This principle should be applied to Eastern Poland claimed by Russia, snd to East Prussia claimed by Poland • • • hfisraaaar...
...Deserani-aatory practicea at fifty ahiasuwg iimaiiiilii hi the Mew York regie, have been corrected by tarn*)) WWfC • • • By the tana thai ia pritftod...
...He doesn't want to offend Japan, with whom Rwsshi baa a non-aggrsssion pact ana trade agrtmeerito...
...Loago claimed that he was being framed, and he had a lot of liberal friends who supported him, including ex-Governor Charles E. Edison...
...To break the power of the Jankers-—as amch responsible aa the Naefcj for World War II—jt ia hardly necessary to expropriate all these peasants...
...Exploratory uhumss lions" oa a world peace system will begin in Washington early in August, Hull announced...
...Conversations oa Coflecffve Secsrify to leaf...
...The John Longo case has been reopened by the New Jeisey Supreme Court to determine whether evidence was suppressed at his trial...
...He has continuously violated party discipline, sod has been threatened With expulsion...
...aaas BNeres^Bsamtwamai w • la the recent Cooperative Cemeaonweatth Federation victory in Saskatchewan, when the CCF woe 47 out af is seats in the provincial Parliament, the CCF got 00 per cent of the soldier rote, the Liberals 28 per cent the Conservatives 10, the Communists and other*, 2 per cent...
...It has rescued thousands of Jews from neighboring States, and saved the livea of 137 American airmen who bailed out over Yugoslavia...
...In his latest criticism of the Government...
...Colonel Dimitrtyo Putntk, Commandant of the Yugoslav forces in Cairo, was another of the Yugoslavian leaders to follow the example of Constantin Fotitch in resigning aa a protest againat the Tito-Subasitch agreement...
...We repeat what we said than—a Jap is always a Jap, no matter where he happened to be bora,'' The fairt-national Toamtttr drools...
...And Moscow expects a Polish Government which will be subservient to her kig Esst Prussis is the horns of the Junkers, who own 40 per cent of the land...
...Major Vlastlmir RadjalovskJ, attache in Lisbon, and Vojislav MirkoviUh, Yugoslav Consul in Chicago, also refused recognition of the Tito-Subasitch Cabinet Dr... two years before Pearl Harbor 114,000 bankrnpeies occurred...
...Tito and Subasitch accepted the mandate of the King to create a new government, but at the same time abrogated the Crown's prerogatives, Sokitrh stated They likewiee refused to recognise the asset important and strongest factor in Yugoelavian politics—the National Committee and Parliament, hi which all political par-tics are functioning, except the Communists and Fascists (Ustaahi...
...Political pressure cracked Owen* Grundy, s friend of Longo 'a who was the chief witness against him...
...Tbbin, is race prejudice, whether ia Hitler's Germany or in the United States, and whether the victims are Jews, Negroes, or Japanese...
...Bevnn charged that unconditional surrender is an obstacle to an early victory...
...that the man who plays the rale af Badoghs will not become head af tea government . Horthy, Regent and dictator of Hungary, promised not to deport any mors loam to exaratiea camps In Germany...
...Profits base been at a high level, the survey reports...
...are azged to great protective dtisenshte to Hungarian Jews, aa Sweden has dene...
...There sre rumors (bat he might start a aaw liberal party before 1*48----PDR'» weak, wsaael.eaiaad letter re Wallace did not elicit bias, ii ah i at aaastami and with ptoaty af reservations...
...The bjft wing charges that Transport Bouse has become an annex to the Tory Carlton Club...
...Lt Col...
...Moscow has urged the granting of East Prussia to Poland as compensation far the less of Eastern Poland, which Russia covets...
...William James Sidis, who graduated from Harvard With high honors at the age of 16, died in destitution In s BrooMine boarding house... ia a cover tor the asbaab asssre to esaataata...
...Bat (be eWvssSsrtos ernes* small exmes*** "bee net bem aeesmpani'm' by n aiaaifer decline in the STs/KsiihSy er eebsme of euataes*" among (be ssrrreers...
...And race prejudice, Mr...
...Zivan L. Knesevieh, military attache in Washington, also reasserted the unwavering loyalty of his staff to Mikhailovitrh...
...Rista Jeremich, Masonic leader in the free part of Yugoslavia, issued s declaration that the Masons, persecuted nearly as relentlessly aa the Jews by the Naxis, bass fought continuously under the command of Mikhailovitch, "for his cause is the only one here having at heart freedom and democracy...
...Britain and the U.S.A...
...Paitasamsia, Mososw objected to the ides of sahmiUlag writton plans far the collective security system fas athaass...
...But the mam of the people are poor peasants who constitute 48 per cent of the population...

Vol. 27 • July 1944 • No. 30

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