Meet The IN e w Leaders Contributing Editors
Meet The IN e w Leaders Contributing Editors 11/1 I II the new foi mat we proudly mttodure to oui " readers • group of wnlirn who join The New l.eadei as t ontributing Editors. Taking them...
...The> weeld have feand their fishiag more <tul> cult had Carle IVeeea, net been re mo red frees the scene by est unmaowa baaed...
...Those vhn ' mourned the loss of a friend and comrade included anarchists, socialists, liberals, trade union leaders, and even conservatives...
...Carlo fought and attacked bis enemies not out j 01 any bitterness of - pint, not out pf any mean -, ' uess, not out of any frustration...
...From Hegel to Marx, Reason, Sociul Myths and Demur niey, and the recent The Hero la Htstsry...
...I* 1 is strange that District Attorney Fiank llog&n in a whole year during which he has had hi...
...he asks, use some of this money to underwrite a noble experiment...
...He's a sort of Dutch Frenchman, a Protestant Catholic, a Puritan epicure, a serious humorist, a democratic aristocrat...
...hands on the driver of the muislei car - has been unable to cast any light on this i|iMtstiou Rut we do know that both groups which hated Carlo Tresca >mv...
...We do not know who killed Cailo Treses...
...He wanted only to love...
...Sidney He ok wields one of the keenest intel lectual scalpels in American philosophy and politics today And back of his lively and polemical mind is fused a system of values drawn from the great radical thinkers of the past, moat prominent of whom are Marx and Dewey . Prof...
...But many of the stoel companies produce for special markets, and knew the...
...He is a historian, antiquarian and philosopher knowing all the out-of-the-way places along the road of human wandering up from Neanderthal man...
...And Mormel's hams and spam are for summer and w aatra consumptaon...
...Max ilanish, in his capacity as editor of Jimt,,, the publication of the International Indies G'at meiit Workcis Union, has had a long and intimate in i|uaintance with the Amciican labor scene Although horn here, l<eon Demon grew up n> K nope and has tiaveled lliioughout that cmtineiil several times since His travels and wide knowledgi ¦ d languages have made him conversant with many intimate problems of eastern Km ope and the llalkans Ia 1$32 33 be was literary editor of tin-Moscow fktilu hex* und wrote a book Where the Ghetto > *4s In tl <• I nil seven years, he has bxr11 s penetrating crijn oi the Stalin regime...
...Of course, this does not solve the proMams of an individual steel company, which may lose out in the bidding for battleship orders...
...The organisations and social gait- ¦' of American labor will be forever part.ef what he fought for...
...AjkjM "ease eighteen, per cent, railroads.sake tassntg-orie per centre' nianicut flake* five per cent, and »o on, It legislative and city Vnd state road planning programs .nee known ,In Advance, it should not be difficult to project Hie steel i,'nuti-eiiieiits tor brslgos...
...Selig Perlman, together with his old teacher John R. Commons, has served as the dean of American labor history and research...
...Already Mussolini has fled and Americans are marching on Rome Unhappily, confusion reigns over the political status of Italy, with monarchists, disguised Fascists and Communists all rocking the boat These are the events which, were preparing early in January of r.n s On the eleventh of that month a inwardly assassin killed, on a dimmed-out New York street, the best loved and bravest Italian anti Fascist in the United States Had Carlo Tresca escaped that assassin's bullet, his eloquent words, springing from a long and spotless record of struggle against Mussolini in Italy and against his agents in the United Slates, unglii have provided (lai itii atloti on many a problem which today puzzles the friends of a truly democratic Italy For this iea)aon alone there nan rejoicing • among those ph • bated Carlo Tresca...
...No doubt there are many liugs in the proposal for au annual wage...
...Harry David i. .I...
...And everybody knows that his haters and detractors 1 included totalitarian* of both fascist and com 0 urn i varieties, against whom he had struggle...
...A Hawkeye by birth, be has long been kiaiwu through out the international socialist movement...
...Soap, is beOght on a month-to-menth basis in practically every home*in the land...
...It would be good for the capitalist system, even though individual capitalists might resent it...
...Mild, even-tempered Horace M. Kalben is an other intellectual "heretic" who preferred to leave tin stuffy halls of American universities for the Jree swinging give-and-take atmosphere of New pork's N>-» School for^Social Keseart-h, where he was one of the esrliest faculty members, A student and later a friend >t William James, he has constantly emphasised sfhe individualist approach Recently he completed a tremendous two volume historical examination of Art and y> eedom Algernon I*e is one of the few remaining of the company of Morns Hillquit, Kugene V. Debs, Victor Berger, and other great figures that pio i tee led the American Socialist movement...
...A regigai contributor to The New Leader, Mr...
...Bin if steel is a season...
...which bis friend, Gene Debs, also display...
...the seasonal production dips o*cr a Wiile'area of the economy would have if* stabilizing results in steel, A conservative economist, John Maurice Clark, has argued that fixed charges act as a goad to industry to go out and sell the produce necessary to cover the inexorable debt...
...With his anarchist philosophy »a never agreed, except that We share his devotion ' to liberty...
...The influence of Dewey's thought has been felt in education, philosophy, sociology and every intellectual discipline of the day...
...Taking them alphabetically .William Henry I hamberlin is one of tbe keenest nbsei irm of the international seene...
...Under 11 in mat Sjeacetimc coinnmaorav auavmwbuVes rake fifteen pet cent, of the steel eeUput, ohe construction, industry...
...Carlo, Tresca fought the good fight...
...was his, one year ago...
...Hook is the author of The Metaphysics of I'rag mat ism...
...We are especially proud that this grest liberal thinker has agreed to beeenie a oontributing editor to The New Leader A restless mind and rebellious teni)M'rament has cauard Max Eastman to rove in the fields of poetry, philosophy, criticism, and politics, and in each his fertile mind and probing brain has left its mark...
...It is an attitude sorely needed in the America of today...
...Knowing that its customers can't very well turn elsewhere, Republic should be able to estimate at least some of its probable tonnage well in udvauce of orders...
...He points to the war-swollen depreciation and "post-war" contingency reserves that the .companies have been salting away since Pearl Harbor...
...For thirty years at the University of Wisconsin he has sent a host of students into government, trade unions, and economic research, equipped with a deep understanding of American labor...
...His steady flow of books on history, music and the arts has educated several generations of Americans...
...New York Ci*v has never seen a more striking funeral tha...
...h record irver several cnnti nents and several decades of disposing of their critics by violence...
...Editor of a paper whos-> circulation was so narrow that its character could, not survive his death, Carlo dead summoned out of every district of the city mourners who pucked the Manhattan Opera Hou.-i.' overflowed to the sidewalks, constituted a mighty cortege behind his corpse...
...But if other industries were to get the idea—the automobile industry, the railroad industry, the electrical equipment industry— "the reHult Wf ironing out...
...An old and active figure in the trade , union movement, he wrote his nssue indelibly 1 in many an American labor struggle, frecn 4 Minnesota's iron mines to Massachusetts' tex ' tile mills...
...Truly Italian , was his delight in a blue sky, » rummativ • cow in a green field, a bottle of wine, ohildre \ at play...
...Today those groups are fishing in the troubled ».iiers of Italian politics...
...Wiiy not...
...If the District Attorney has wet aseadoaed his aunt for tbe murderers of t «rl« Tresca, he mijht bear these facts in mind ¦i As for us, we do not forget, and we will not let the w.iihi forget, how Carlo Tresca lived* and died...
...Aa saa^saVswl—iCarlo Tresca, One Year Cone A YEAR ago history was pregnant with event* *¦ ef great importance to every Italian and to every Anaerkan...
...Happily, he transcended bis own , philosophy...
...Marx Lewis has -pent most of him life m the IiiImh movement...
...An annual wage would be a fixed charge, and the company that hud assumed it would presumably try to price its pioduel nt a point calculated to hike the gotsls off thr- market and keep the working force employed ut top capacity...
...of lender human sympathy, made Carlo botb ' loved and admired by many...
...Don Age, Con ienniooH of "" /ndtrtilitaltnt and the more recent and successful The Hutsuin Rntymu...
...j the Steei^roblem (CefUismad 'rem Page Nine) and dowua...
...Several years ago he was "drafted" by Mayor Lattuardja to serve as special deputy controller of the City of New York, A brilliant journalist, Eugene Lyons lived in Russia as UP correspondent for six yesrs and came out to write Assignment in Utopia, the record of his disillusionment Since then he has been one of the most active enemies of totalitarianism here, ex|H>siiig Communist fronts in his Hed Decade...
...Practical or impractical, Philip Murray thinks the steel companies could afford to try the annual wage for a year or two...
...He is widply and deeply missed- He will not'be for- ^ gotten as long as there are free men in America, j and he will be gloriously remembered when j men are free again in his native land...
...He is a mountain of a man, this Hendrik Willem Van Loon...
...Eastman calls himself a radical with a I saenH r, a man who wants to get to the root r of things and understand them...
...There is a story that Harry David Gieteotue refused to take his Doctor of Philosophy degree be-¦ suae it was a mark of the intellectual straitjecket of American universitets...
...A foreign i 01 lesponderit in Russia foi twelve years and later ¦ ..i i t-spomirnt in Japan, his many books siol articles show a deep probing of the tides hi low event* turned on his intimate knowledge of histui > and [polities and people Mi < Sainberlin is the author, among other books, of a two volume history of the Russian K volution...
...Dennen ha written for the ArneWrnn Merruty, Jewish Frsn Iter, Meiiorah Join mil and many otht r publications John llewey never was ipnet enough to gain tin title "Grand Old Man" of American pbdusophy But the steady stream of books and articles over the past fifty years has placed him firmly among the great thinkers in the world's intellectual history...
...perfcrnrer, it might be possible to use market tjrexlietsart as a> basis foi iroiuuK oat the ups and rarwTss oi lnget jroducti...
...He overflowed w it h warm spirits, a love of life...
...Such "heretical" quali ties have dominated the thinking and activity of this brilliant economist sad educator who is now Resident of Brooklyn College...
...and for cruiser and battleship plates a year ahead...
...he had hate..] P. was only for those who hated love and S freedom...
...probabilities of customer iespouse lie public Steel, for instance, has a. virtual, corner on much of the light alloy steel market, for its electric furnaces-see built t« tum out this sort of metal ti»- rigid specification...
...Lyons is editor of the American Mercury...
...Thus the annual wage would have beneficial results on pricing policy, nil volume, and on competition...
...There was in him that greatness of sou...
...for yeais...
...United States, and author of A Theory of the labor Movement as well as other writing...
...Marx Lewis is one of these quiet, hard-working figures who have molded the progressive labor movement as the executive vice-president of the United Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers, Once the ^ Congressional secretary to Victor L. Berger of Milwaukee and later to Meyer London of New York City...
...I,,, is an "old-fashioned liberal," as he once described himself at a Town Hall meeting, because he prefers to stress tbe urgencies of morals and n uth as the test of political doctrines...
...There was never a sufferer from 1 oppression, never a civil liberties vtolatien which could not cb.un Carlo's devoted interest The names of Saeco and Vanxetti, of Greco and Carritlo, of Tcrzani, of Bcllussi, of Peduzzi, of n hundred other Italians and of 100 per cent Americans, too, recall the good fight which Carlo fought uustmtingly But one cannot close a moment pf thought .'Im.ui Carlo, now one year dead,, without ' realizing that he was of a breed now all too rare...
...for reinforced cousneto...
...Perjsnan is a co-author of the standard History of faster in the...
...The campaign was to begm Which will not end until the Nacis are driven from the Italian Peninsula...
...I ~ • I These qualities of fierce devotion to tin ideui...
...For more than ,1* years he has been one of the active directors of the Band School of Social Science, which has made a deep contribution to the socialist as well as the workers' and adult education move ment of this land...
Vol. 27 • May 1944 • No. 2