Where the News Ends
Where the News Ends •by william henry CH4MIERUM" Normandy and Finland THERE were three active fronts in Europe in th* month of June. First in interest and importance was th* inrasion of th*...
...It is a good principle to regard a man as innocent until he is proved guilty...
...we are for lahor, hecauae we are agsinst MM *y*tem« of exploitation...
...a a • One wonders what motive caused Stalin to select the Finnish front, the only one of seversl on which there were no German troops, for the beginning of the long promised and much advertised Soviet summer offensive...
...M The best wishes ot, our international Vnlon for the ron^m United auccett and growth of The New J4eader...
...H The Sew Leader makes no each pretention...
...In the case of the campaign in Normandy, every forward step of the American and British and Canadian troops is a cause of rejoicing, open or secret, to the vast majority of the French people...
...H Thi$ warm endorsement from th* lenders ot one ot America's „ ¦ truly progressive trade unions te inspiring...
...We have reeeired j,**" -~ ^ H hundred* of othet letters from trodn union leaner* and from J^t...
...It certainly ¦ aeaereea a greater circulation than It now enjoya and 1 hope ¦ that It will get ^ihat It deaervea...
...H We hope, in future Utters in thin space, to arknaw ledge some . ttmd% a,*""" ^ We know you want to help The New Lender too...
...a * « 1*0 the Finns the war of 1944 must seem very much like the war of 1939-1940, a heroic struggle against fearfully uneven odds, to maintain national independence...
...There are German troops in Finland...
...How different is the situation in regard to this third Soviet attack on Finland within the last five years...
...The Finnish Minister in Washington, Hjalmar Procope, was given a spontaneous ovation at a dinner of the Gridiron Club in Washington...
...A ¦ paper may be neatly \»i<\ out, attrsctive in deaign, its authors H may have something important and pithy to say, yet the editors ¦ atill wonder it their word* And a reaponne in their audience...
...One might think that Soviet manpower and material could have been more usefully expended elsewhere...
...Th* Finnish armies represented no offensive threat to the Soviet Union or to th* United Nation* cause...
...WU It did mo maemmme tt eoamtderm the work of Tbe Saw t*mdoe ¦ ot Brant tmmortamem and It weald llfcr to see jmmr rOtrrtlrrWm araa externa**, net enly tor tbe sake a>f Tbe New Leader not ¦ ' for tbe sake ot tbe eawaea It merre...
...The expulsion of the Finnish Minister on a conveniently vague and entirely undocumented charge will not divert the attention of thoughtful Americans from th* deplorable weakness of oar diplomatic policy, or leek ef policy, in Eastern Eorepe, While Stalin pursues th* most active policy in Italy and Ounsanaky has a wid...
...We sre not in¦ terentod in apeaking in anyhody'a asm...
...we are against "free enterprise" 9M when that maken tor control of thin country'* reaoureom by a H few monopoly group...
...Should the Soviet offensive overrun the whole of southern Finland no serious blow would hsve been dealt to Hitler's defensive plans...
...In conffl etaerlng th- amounta to bit allocated, our (ieneral Kiecuilia ¦ Board taunt that tor the moat Dart It muat spread Itaelt out ¦ thinly...
...Procope found him a highminded patriot and a sincere friend of this country...
...H Said Mr...
...For more thsn two years they had been passive, guarding their country's frontier but taking no part in the German siege operations against Leningrad...
...But on the main issue of driving the Germans out of France, of restoring the Republic, only a handful of active French collaborationists with the Nazis would be out of sympathy...
...Znrittky, in part: H The number ot Ineiltntlonm and 01 Kuitlz-.tthinti requiring ¦ Hn*nc\e\ help haa multiplied aa a icauli of the war...
...Return it with * 3, v your contribution to The New Leader Snttain...
...From the moment when the Soviet troops crossed the legitimate Finnish frontier at Terioki they were fighting on foreign territory, fighting against people who hsve repeatedly shown themselves passionately averse to Soviet or any other form of Russian domination...
...Bat apparently Harry Hopkins and others who were in charge of negotiation* for lend-lease aid to Rossis before Pearl Bar-ber felt In seas* ceafaoed way that it waa s favor *a Stalin's part to accept ear subsidies...
...Finland is fsr sway from the decisive sectors of the Eastern Front, from Central Poland and the Carpathians...
...Those who are personally acquainted with Mr...
...i Memo—No...
...It would be a grim mockery to speak of that (invasion as a campaign of liberation...
...A gallant small nation is •ghting to the last gasp sgainst fearful odd* for the right which is aasored to sll peoples under th* Atlantic Charter: the right te li*« in peace under its own sovereignty...
...It seema that no effort was made to tie op lend -lease aid with ao explicit recognition by Stalin of the obvie** implications of the Atlantic Charter: namely, th* recognition of the independence, within their 1131 boundaries, of Poland, Latvia, Eatonia, Lithuania and Finland, la th* cold tight of aeotfrar awake*, log I doubt whether this •mission will be reckoned t* th* credit of oar diplomacy, or ef th* men wk* directed it...
...Wn thought that, that would be better than omit-¦ ting any ot them, ^m In «ae ease »r Tbe "few leader, our Beard extended tteett...
...This time w* have beea spared the crude fsrre of the Kuusinen "people's government" in I inland The Soviet communique" admit savage resistance and de not indulge in any "Potenakia Village" tales of happy Finnish workers and peasants coming out to meet their deliveries...
...Thus the Amerienn press, in the inrge meiority, opposed Frank¦ Mm D. Roosevelt in 193* and by an even larger majority in 1940, ¦ only to sec FDR win hanailj againat hi* appoaition...
...I tag Fund today...
...I ordinary workers, from noted author* and white cottar worker...
...When American minds were not clouded by war passion and propaganda the first Soviet attack on Finland, in 1939, was recognized here for what it actually was: a piece of unprovoked and unprincipled aggression...
...We are a paper 'with H a point of vi*w and a policy and we have Often reiterated that H point: we are a paper at the "democratic left" opponent to ¦ totalitarianism in all ita forma...
...toxoou from any country to which he might have extended lend leaac aid...
...So today, H more than at any other time, the pre** prenume* to apeak in the ¦ name o'f "the peepul...
...It is this last move that throws into sharp relief the painful contradictions that arise in fighting a war alongside a totalitarian state, which is pursuing annexationist as well as defensive objectives...
...but these are in the remote North and were not involved during the first eek of fighting on the Isthmus of Karelia...
...Th* fall of Rome was followed by an advance northward up the Italian peninsula against what seemed to be mainly German rearguard delaying actions...
...WE HAVE FELT ¦ THIS RESPONSE AND IT HAKES OUR VfORK EA91EE I Typical ot the eipreaniona of opinion regarding The New H Leader is the letter we received thi% week tram Mat 7*rit*ky, WM apeaking tor the executive hoard ot the Vnited Hat, Cap and H Millinery 'Worker* Union...
...H We have not reached the largo maiority ot the American H people: our reaourcea are too email for that...
...It la eaay to imagine how a re*Untie stateaaua like Stalin weald have ssjoresrd the last hit of ran...
...Send as $5 and the nmma* ot five / friends and wo shall mail The New Lender to / them for fear month...
...The Soviet Ambassador in Washington at that time, Constantine Oumansky, found it advisable to stay away from the dinner for fear of encountering a hostile demonstration...
...This would be comical, if the situation were not ao serious...
...It was hastily added that there was no intention of revealing what these "inimical activities" were...
...First in interest and importance was th* inrasion of th* Cherbourg peninsula...
...It is improbable, to put it mildly, that he was engaged in trying to wreck munitions plants, or to carry on espionage or Nasi propaganda...
...It was our desire to help them all, avan tt the con-mM tribullona were a treat deal less than we ahould have pre-¦ terred...
...Here is a campaign that is of no military benefit to the common cause against Germany, and that is otVgrave political disservice, since the threat to Finland's liberty ran easily arouse doubts and misgivings as to Soviet intentions elsewhere...
...3 __________ J ______________________________________________________.....FROM THE EDITORS I EDITORS often wonder whether they writ* in a vacuum...
...And one wonders how much American lend-lease mateiia) was used to speed up the offensive against Finland, and how far such us* of lend-lease supplies corresponds with the arguments that were used for the psssing of this act...
...As if anything Procope, or anyone else could say would he as eloquently revealing as Stalin's own actions in relation to Poland, Finland and the Baltic Republics...
...Should organised resistance break down, one can imagine the tragedy that will follow: a tremendous evacuation of women and children to Sweden, while unconquered patriots will take to the woods snd awamps and carry on a guerrilla struggle...
...We need money and w* want '........^ / subscribers...
...field of official and unofficial activity in Mexico and Latin America we hart apparently been afraid to lift our national voice above a whisper on behalf of Atlantic Charter piincipies (to which Stalin has formerly Mate ri bed) in the future settlement of Eastern Europe...
...Yet st this moment the State Department, which evidently failed to obtain reasonable peace terms for Finland, if indeed it ever made any such a tempt, expels the Finnish Minister and his three aides, on the vague charge of "activities inimical to the United States...
...It would be pretty difficult, on* might feel, to regard the crushing of a small democracy by a huge totalitarian neighbor ss contributing in any way to the security of th* United States...
...But wo do have ¦ the pride and **ti*f*ction ot knowing that among the fairly ¦ Urge lahor and liberal audience we have reached there in a ¦ loyalty and devotion to The New Lander...
...There is a y0 ^-.^ simple coupon on the left...
...A news agency report from Washington states that the action was taken "because of Procope's conversations at social affairs, which, officials feared, were promoting suspicion of the Soviet Union...
...And there waa the mounting of a huge mechanised Soviet offensive against Finland...
...There may have been, there may yet be, political blunders in dealing with France that make our military task harder than it otherwise might be...
...Thi* ¦ feeling ot "whistling in the dark" often can*** an arnte feeling H of Inferiority, which may turn into a ramhunctiou* superiority...
Vol. 27 • June 1944 • No. 26