SDF NEWS NATIONAL Ths Action Committee of the NEC. meeta Friday, June 2. Editorial and other details of the monthly four-page propaganda paper, The Social Democrat, will ho decided and...

...children under 12: 76 cents...
...In addition to attending formal report meetings, at which officials of the National War Fund, Community Chests and Councils, and the Red Cross were present, tbe delegates worked out practical plans to step up AFL support of war-related relief causes and aid to the emerging European trade union movements in the countries to be liberated from Axis domination...
...LsOOKING at the term "liberal" from these angles, it is really not a bad word...
...Too have bshad to organise it in New York state !3Lm intend to help organise Liberal a^rnes in other states...
...Women's Committee: Strawberry Festival and social gathering, Saturday, June 3, 1:30 p. m., in the People's House, 7 E. 16th St., N. Y. C, . . . 8.D.F...
...Cleveland, Ohio: The meeting here last week with August Claessens was welt 'attended...
...It is expected, according to Matthew Woll, that the AFL's fund-raising activities this year will surpass even the records set in 1942 and 194S, when a total of over $70,000,000 was raised for the National War Fund and the Red Cross...
...Branch In tbe Amalgamated Houses, Bronx: Meeting Monday, June 6. Picnic in Van Cortlandt Park, Sunday, June 11...
...Abraham Blu'estein, executive director »f the League, at several panels and meetings of the National Conference of Social Work, forcefully advanced labor's point of view an the many vital questions which are the concern of the nation's social agencies...
...N. J.: A new branch ia being organized, thanks to the efforts of Abraham Chapman of Brooklyn...
...So here goes...
...Adults: $1.60...
...Being a liberal is defined by the dictionary as being not restricted, one with a large and noble way, generous, bounteous, open-handed, ample, broad-minded, independent in opinion, and having democratic tendencies as distinguished from totalitarian...
...If— and who can foretell—a Liberal Party ran catch the attention of a large number of Americana and solicit their support for its program, then it is the plain duty of Social Democrats to pitch in snd help...
...At least you do not cuss anybody by calling him s liberal...
...New, toll me...
...and Herman Woskow, lifelong Socialist and leading member of the Bronx County Liberal Party...
...NEW YORK CITY City Central Committee meets en Wednesday, June 7. Guest speaker: Richard Hansen, a new member of the German Branch...
...It ia not a Social Democratic platform and we could hardly hope for that much at present...
...About $7,000 has been recived in cash and pledges to date...
...five hours at Bear Mountain Park...
...In other eeunh4*| af continental Europe, a libera) waa ¦east* ss intellectually free man, two lhaas* to the right of a radical In EngjgeV g liberal waa the Siamese twin of i'tVty, well-behaved when in office and , eta* unstable when in His Majesty's fjameatlir Today, ties British liberals ay* tat a relic of a once powerful party, "^¦atirsa Mtarals are something else seats, hesee 1914 they have hoea a art W ceasta as the Asaeaicsa pre> jjl llll tattlers sxasaet eeaservajta sad isastism asm pvtp*aints of aamy eaoaawast id*as...
...Whatever vagueness was associated with its term in the past, it is important to remember that definitions of terms do change...
...The once appealing term Socialism has received a dreadful meaning aa now used, and ia often confused with Nazism and Bolshevism...
...If this is liberalism, thea Social 1 Democrats can proudly associate themselves with the Liberal Party...
...Now, wkat more can Social Democrat...
...Haakon Lie, of the Norwegian Federation of Labor, and Ernest Liu, of the Chinese Association of Labor...
...Topic: "Social Democrats in the Seandinavias...
...International fraternal delegates attending the league conference included Albert Guigui, of the French General Confederation of Labor...
...The Journal to be printed in connection with the drive will be on the press in two weeks...
...Among the new members recently admitted as valuable workers m the SDF... I was a kid, my stepfather uaed yfife me about tbe terrible liberals B ah* Holland and Belgium sections SWwhich sprang the Claessens tribe, fist* a liberal was known aa an sntidotttMt an iconoclast, a rabid enemy of a)a sataaliahed church...
...He will also speak for the Libers] Party, Avenue U Club, 1818 Avenue U, Brooklyn, on Friday, June 9, at 9 p. m. Liberalism and Social Democracy By August Claessens 30 you New York Social Democrats lit |a the Liberal Paray...
...In America, thanks to some Socialists, Socialism is identified with pacifism and isolationism...
...It call* for a mixed economy, protection for memo form* ef prioato enterprise, but it oypoeee the trend toward monopoly and it stresses tko need ef an over-all governmental control, a planned economy and speedy etepe toward* public ownertkip whenever and wherever private ownertkip fail* to provide full employment, a better distribution of income, and production of abundance...
...Saturday, June 3, 8:30 p. an., at the Workmen's Circle Lyceum, 1200 W. Ogden Ave____Buffalo, N. Y.: August Claessens speaks on the "Liberal Party and the 1944 Elections," Sunday, June 4, 3. p. m., in Moeller's Hall, 390 Pearl St...
...meeta Friday, June 2. Editorial and other details of the monthly four-page propaganda paper, The Social Democrat, will ho decided and organisational matters acted upon...
...liberal views mean broad and generous views...
...Annual Boat Ride up the Hudson River to Bear Mountain Park, Saturday, August 6. Tickets are now available...
...atk of a Liberal Party} In every section of the public documents issued by the Liberal Party and written by some of the ablest minds in oar land, the proclamations on Foreign Policy, an Economic Program for Postwar Aaserica, the Transition from War to Peace Economy, Democracy and Equality, Labor's Rights, Agriculture, Cooperatives, Civil Service, Education, Housing, Social Security, Civil Liberties, etc., the views advanced and measures suggested are not far removed from the program of Social Democracy...
...The word liberal also suggests freedom from prejudice or nkrrow.ness...
...A "liberal" man or woman is popularly regarded as a good-natured, .tolerant, unselfish kind of person...
...The National Organisation Fund Drive closes on June 15...
...It demands an aesser...
...had octaas ta* Americas Bberal as a "wellhill " f sadrridaal «ith both feet sJaatsd Irmly la the air...
...returning to New York City at 8 p. m. Algernon Lee answers questions on current issues every Saturday evening at 9:46 o'clock over Station WEVD...
...Progressives eats sawJsujalahtd for a while as that they hod a fairly detail* program, ssset ef which they swiped from the wisji dssasaa*" ef the SeciaHat...
...Along with the enlightened trade unionists and other elements who with the liberals have founded this party, Social Democrats are a considerable part of i*s membership...
...The wetter in the restaurant, hotel, or dining ear lovingly bestows tbe term liberal" upon any customer who leaves a generous tip...
...Uewaa, *a the other hand, were always isgaaisd as a sallirtiia ef w*j|ssttuai aiiotaeaa of away geed refsmas, with no gwoahtg phiiee»phy belast their eaTerta, Oaa was...
...Guigui, who was a member of the French delegation to the^ILO conference at Philadelphia, attended the League meetings as his last official art »efore returning to London...
...Communism in 1848 was synonymous with Socialism...
...are Richard Hansen, brilliant and hei-ote Gorman Social Democrat active in the Gorman end Danish underground movements and the Scandinavian Social Democratic Party...
...About $60 was raised for the National Fund...
...Delegates to the league's conference included the' League's twenty-five regional directors, AFL representativs on the staffs of Community Chests, and fraternal delegates from the trade union movements of France, Norway and China...
...The average American baa a much warmer conception ef a liberal...
...Woman's Committee Workshop for the manufacture of clothing for United Nations' war sufferers, open daily from 10 a. m. to 4 p in from Monday through Thursday, and on Wednesday evenings...
...The platform and principles of the new Liberal Party of New York is a new definition of liberalism and it is a close approach to Social Democracy...
...w whet te a hberelf" This inquiry is Sjsjj at mo frequently...
...fflL: Aagust Claessens speaks on "After the War— What...
...Boat leaves Battery Park at 9 a. m. Six-hoar sail...
...Aagust Claessens is instructor in the public speaking elans, Thursday, 8 p. m., at the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nasi League, 161 Weat 40th St...
...New Course for Labor in Community Charted by AFL Relief Conference CLEVELAND, Ohio.—A course of action embracing servicemen's rehabilitation, labor-community cooperation, and increased activity on behalf of the National War Fund and the Red Cross, was laid out here at a nine-day national conference of the Labor League for Human Rights, official relief arm of the AFL...
...Likewise the term progressive has been abused by the Communists, who organise disruptive factions in trade unions and call them "progressive...

Vol. 27 • June 1944 • No. 23

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