It Happened Last Week
It Happened Last Week By LISTOM N. OAR Polish Socialist Underground Appeals to British Labor THE Polish underground leaders have been instructed by the Polish (overnment-in-exile to coordinate...
...The following was submitted as evidence of increase* to leading steel executives: T. M. Girdler, president, Republic Steel Corporation, average salary 1936-39...
...State officials and businesi men are planning to create a vast new industrial empire there after the war...
...War proOteer* are *a the Is***, Limisay Warrea, Controller Geaeral, t*M Coagreaa...
...Among the exhibits offered by the union waa a table to show that officers snd directors of nineteen steel firms representing 86.6 per cent of the industry received in salaries a yearly average of $7,760,550 in the 1936-39 period and $10,571,263 in 1942, an increase of 36.2 per cent...
...ticket, so they got their candidate endorsed by the three other parties...
...The Polish Socialists protest also against Russian plans to establish a sphere of influence over the Baltic and Balkan states, and urging a central and eastern European federation as an alternative, to provide security against both Russia and Germany...
...National Steel, $74,715 —$175,400, an increase of 134.8 per cent...
...The United Statea Steel Corporation's average net earnings after taxes for the 1936-39 period were $44,732,000...
...The municipal council at Tel-Aviv, Zionist and other Jewish leaders, and the General Federation of Jewish Labor, all expressed abhorrence of the violence committed by lunatic extremists against British police in Palestine...
...Argentine Minister for War Againtt Russia . . . General Luis Perlinger, Argentina's Minister of the Interior, made the amax-ing, and dangerous, statement that all of the belligerents in this war will soon unite to fight Soviet Russia—that the United States and Britain are more anti-Russian than anti-German...
...Eugene Grace, president, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, $306,127—$527,724, an increase of 72.4 per cent...
...Paul McNutt, chairman of the Manpower Coccissicn, came out against a national service act, as did Donald Nelson, War Production Board chairman, in conflict with the stand taken by Roosevelt...
...Mikhoilovifch Chefnlk... estimated at between 1,500,000 and 2,000,000 by Albert N. Dennis of the Columbia Broadcasting System...
...This is attributed to curtailment of production and cut backs in wsr contracts...
...E. T. Weir, chairman of the National Steel Corporation, $181,015—$275,000, an increase of 52.1 per cent...
...Assuming that the company broke even in 1944, which meant operating at less than 50 per rent capacity, it would be entitled to receive from the Government $49,200,000...
...The percentage increase varied from 18.2 for the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company to 122.8 for the Rustless Iron and Steel Corporation...
...Mitceflony . . . The number of unemployed persons in the U.S.A...
...It Happened Last Week By LISTOM N. OAR Polish Socialist Underground Appeals to British Labor THE Polish underground leaders have been instructed by the Polish (overnment-in-exile to coordinate their anti-Naxi fighting with Red Army operations...
...Greed and avarice, rather than pa triotissa, aeesas to be the rale, he declared in condemning the coat plus I led-fee way of doing business Army and Navy oftcera "are dishing out Government money with reck leas abandon," Warren declared te the House Naval Affairs Committee...
...The Nazis have closed the only theological school in Norway that was still functioning, the Congregational Faculty in Oslo...
...Perlinger, a rival of the dictator Peron, is an extreme nationalist and a iti American...
...Despite difficulties our forces are gaining in strength and increasing their resistance over a larger area, from our mountain strongholds which are still in our possession...
...This manifests itself in both open military conflict on the battlefield and in secret underground activity...
...The cause of Yugoslavian independence and that of the United Nations is injured by the propaganda of the Quislings and the Communists, the Mik-hailovitch radio declared...
...In the region south of Belgrade alone, the enemy forces number 7,000...
...If the company had a loss in 1944 equal to its loss in 19S8, when tis annual operations were 44 per rent, it would receive a check from the Government for $55,451,000 Should the entire industry in 1944 drop down in operations to the break even point, which is less than 50 per cent of ingot capacity, it will receive in refunds on Federal excess profit* and income taxes $122,153,000, or a sum almost equsl to its net earnings in the peacetime period of 1936-39...
...General de Gaulle, in an address before the French Consultative Assembly, declared that "The wealth earned in the midst, and sometimes because of, the general suffering of France, particularly eueh wealth as will have been gained by activities benefiting the enemy, will b* quite simply taken away " He added that "the government will not tolerate coalitions of interests, monopolies whose existence would imperil the economic ami social reforms desired by the majority of Frenchmen...
...Frederick Kuh, one of I'M'* star specialist in distorting political news, gave this story such a terrific angle as to conceal its meaning altogether, making it appear that the Polish underground hates Russia more than Germany... increase of 134.1 per rent...
...Simeon Strunsky wonders why Mai cantonio doesn't try to disprove th* allegation that he is a Communist (which everyone knows is true) by citing the fact that he belongs to three parties— lie was elected to the House of Repre-aentatives on the Republican, Democratic, and American>or Parties...
...The example of the International Association of Machinists in opening iti membership to veterans without initiation tees was cited by the Ives Committee of the New York State Legislature in urging unions to aid returning soldiers to find jobs...
...It MorcantonJo a Command* '••¦bficon...
...Which is a neat trick...
...Nothing will prevent the forward march of our army to victory, inspired by the high ideals of democracy, hatred of the Nasi invaders, and unwavering fidelity to the King and the people...
...They made it clear that they do not look forward with hop* to exchange one yoke for another, that Red Army occupation under the prevailing conditions will constitute a threat to Polish independence and to the very lives of many of those who are both and Naii and -"nti-Communist They plead for the presence of Allied missions aa a safeguard...
...Hope of continued Jewish immigration to Palestine faded as FDR told his press conference that he xould find no fault with the Army's opposition to it...
...Production on a regularly planned basis should continue into peacetime, it was srgned...
...William G. Stigler, New Deal Democrat, won in Oklahoma's special Congressional election, watched as a possible clue to ISM presidential results, defeating a conservative Republican...
...To create a natified church they have intensified their drive to enlist students for a lightning course to graduate pro-Naii clergymen in record time, all expenses paid . . Sine* the battle of Stalingrad the Hed Army has driven the Wehrmarht back 800 miles from their deepest invasion point to the 1941 line...
...But obviously secrecy is the absolute condition of its success "Our forces hsve not cooperated with either the forces of occupation or with Yugoslavian and Bulgarian Quislings...
...They couldn't elect a Congressman on the CP...
...He added that whoever wins will rule the world and that Argentina must remain aloof...
...Steel Workers Ask Annual Wage...
...He charge* that cm-trading oOkera of the War Depart-¦wait are mat exerciaing thoir authority i. aav* the pablka money, ta testi-fyiag aa war-contract terminations...
...They estimated that between 5,000,000 and 6,000000 Poles have been killed...
...The Yugoslav army has never ceased for a single day its anti-Nari activities, since April 16, 1941...
...War ProM oars •« too Loot...
...H. G. Bstcheler, president, Alleghany l.udlum Steel Corporation, $46,143— $108,030...
...Simultaneously Premier Kwapinsky delivered to Clement Attlee, British tabor Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister, a message from the Polish underground Socialist Party rejecting Russian territorial demands and appealing for aupport in insisting Soviet plans to dictate unilaterally what kind of a government Poland should have...
...Meantime, they use, when they ran, any and all parties for their purposes...
...171,172—1942, $275,000, increase 60.7 per rent...
...Formerly the Polish underground and Polish government-in-exile had taken the position that Ihey would not fight the Russians but would not collaborate with them until the Soviet Government resumed diplomatic relations...
...A representative in London stated that Mikhailovitch's armed forces numbered 30,000, ready to strike at a signal from the Allies to clear the path for invasion through the Balkans, and 150,000 more men waiting for arms...
...The President said he favors justice to the Jews in their aspiration for a national 1 e—after the wsr...
...So that makes, not three, but four, parties to which he "belongs...
...But Mr...
...little Russian territory now remains in German hands...
...H. E. Lewis, president, Jones & taughlin Steel Corporation...
...ferafir !« Antl-Nati Struggle . . . The headquarters of General Mikhailo-vitch in Yugoslavia issued a vehement denial of the propaganda of the Communist-led Tito guerillas, and of the Quia-lings...
...He initiated the recent suppressive action against the Associated Press, the United Press, All-America Cables, and Pan American Airways...
...96,285—$135,000, an inereaae of 40.2 per cent...
...The cost of the war in February was $312,300,000 daily...
...Constant clashes are taking place daily between our army and the enemy...
...Th* Russians claim that the Germans have suffered casualties of 13,000,000...
...or Democrat...
...T. F. Millsop, president...
...The Revenue Act of 1942 provides for a It per cent postwar refund of the excess profit* liabilities of any firm for the years after 1941, and a system of carry-backs and carry-overs which gaarantee to steel companies for two years of net profits in excess of their 1936-39 annual average net profits...
...It would be an advantage from the viewpoint of propaganda to give the detailed facts about our tremendously increased underground activity...
...Expenditures from July 1, 1940, to February 29, 1944, totaled $168,600,000,000 • • • Do Gooff* on Confiication and Socfof Democracy...
...In arguments before the National War Labor Board for modification of the Little Steel formula, the union declared it an imperative social need to assure half a million steel workers of security through full employment in this industry...
...The United Steel Workers have adopted as a major aim a guaranteed annual wage based on a ferty-hour week...
...Under tht British White Paper the doors close March 31...
...Funds to guarantee an annual wage would come from refundable Federal taxes and from reduced operating coata due to the elimination of overtime...
...Ex-Senator George Norris declared: "Our soHisti will be practically disfranchised by the failure of Congress to give thein s workable Federal voting law...
...The French democracy must be a social democracy . . . planned to develop our national resources, anil which will not be to the advantage of private interests . . . the great sources of national wealth will belong to the nation...
...This would also assure the industry itself of atabilixation...
...Strunsky forgets one fact— the Communists believe in a one-party dictatorship, only after they have tttltd power...
...R J. Wyaor, -Republic Steel vice-president, $94,062— $196,000, 108.4 per cent increase...
...The underground fighters told of the horrors of German occupation and their long struggle against the Naxis...
...The Southwestern States —Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico —contain 50 per cent of the country'i resources, but only 20 per cent of its factories...
Vol. 27 • April 1944 • No. 14