It Happened Last Week


It Happened Last Week By Liston M. Oak French Plead for Recognition — Roosevelt Hedges »THE French Committee of National Liberation is disappointed and bewildered by the continued refusal of...

...The State Department vehemently denied any intention to deal with Vichy after the invasion...
...The rise of rival regimes, or the maintenance of the Vichy legime in camouflaged form, De Gaulle declared, would be "intolerable...
...The European Advisory Commission in London has submitted to Rumania, terms of unconditional surrender and occupation by the Red Army...
...Now King George can visit Chicago safely...
...Unlike the Slavic Bulgarians, the Rumanians and Hungarians are Russophobes...
...fight in New York...
...Only national unity, with prior accord and collaboration with the United Nations, can expedite the restoration of republican laws, he said...
...North of Bessarabia is Bukovina, small but strategically important, which Russia also covets, although it was never part of the Russian Empire except from 1769 to 1774, and for a while under the Hitler-Stalin part...
...Willkie hinted that he might bolt the GOP if it ran a reactionary candidate...
...We'll try to work harder...
...But Peter defied his own Cabinet...
...Thanks, Mr...
...Isadore Nagler was reelected manager...
...he may have to go to Hollywood to live happily ever after...
...Ciecft Ambassador Praises Stalin's Democracy . . . An indication of what we may expect from the officials of the Czechoslovakian Government, under pressure from Russia, in the future, is given by Zdenek Firlinger, Czechoslovakian Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., in a paean printed in the Daily Worker of March 17...
...It looks as though Tito would take over the King's job...
...But a notable fart is that although ¦ Republicans are declaiming against bureaucracy and centralization of...
...Ixive conquers all...
...The Battle tor fhe Balkan* . . . A ''Patriotic Front" haR been formed in Rumania...
...The Nazis have taken over Hungary and tightened their hold on the other satellites in the past week, seizing all key positions...
...He also criticized those who seek to turn the clock back, economically and socially...
...But the Red Army is the greatest of all "the first army in the history of the world that has grown out of the democratic system that it serves...
...The conflict between De Gaulle and the Communists continues...
...Two councils in Japanese relocation centers, at Gila River in Arizona, passed resolutions denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army, and expressing pride in the fact that Japanese -Americans have participated with honor In the war on the side of the United'States...
...Big Bill Thompson is dead...
...Japanese Atrocities Denounced— By Japaifst...
...All of the airlines oppose the plan as a monopoly, except the United Air Lines...
...Only a few years ago the Chinese were a nation of pacifists...
...He cannot be committed in advance to defense of the De Gaulle setup...
...The Government controlled oil monopoly now reports that these difficulties have been overcome, as well as the unfavorable circumstances caused by the war, and oil output is increasing...
...De Gaulle in his plea for recognition predicted danger unless a unified authority, under his leadership, controls France during and after liberation...
...He also pre-dieted the abandonment of railroads, and found that "the cause of all the world's troubles are laziness and idleness...
...Dewey's Unremarkable Year . . . The New York State Legislature adjourned in a irtood of futility...
...The Marshal is seeking refuge in Turkey, Britain, or America against the impending Russian invasion of Kumania...
...All previous officers who follow the party line were licked... given the right to name its representatives on the committee...
...Kuroki's nicknames in the Army were "Most Honorable Son" and "Hara Kiri " He said he felt safer in a bomber over Rome than on the streets of San Francisco...
...The lack of Allied political unityj a clear foreign policy, and a concrete peace program for the Balkans and the rest of Europe plays into the hands of Hitler...
...British Health Service . . . British LalMir Party leaders warned against whittling down of the Government's proposed national health program to provide minimum medical care for everyone...
...Mexican OH Output Expanding...
...The vote registered the continued decline of Communist influence from 30 per cent in 19:t9 to 15 per cent today, although- they tried to exploit the victories of the Red Army to increase their prestige...
...Roosevelt's attitude is said to lie that this Government should not tie itself to the De Gaulle group so that it would have to support it against possible popular opposition...
...But Hull has failed again to define any dear and democratic foreign policy...
...llya Ehrenburg says the Russians will march to Berlin...
...The trend was toward relaxation of control or regulation of business...
...they say this will create confusion and possibly civil war that De Gaulle is the only leader who can prevent disorder...
...Bukovina commands the Carpathian passes, the gateway to western Europe...
...It is to the credit of many California newspapers that they have denounced the racial hysteria in several coast " towns recently, directed against Japanese-Americans under the slogan that "Japs must never return to the roast...
...Senator Pat McCarran (Dem., Nev), advocate of American air supremacy, introduced a bill under which a billion-dollar private corporation with a Federal charter would be created...
...Willkie took a shot at Dewey as a Republican who does not discuss the political issues of the campaign lest he offend big business or the liberals...
...Some hint that maybe the Allies plan a "Dalian Badoglio" deal with ex Vichyites...
...It Happened Last Week By Liston M. Oak French Plead for Recognition — Roosevelt Hedges »THE French Committee of National Liberation is disappointed and bewildered by the continued refusal of Washington and London to extend full and immediate recognition to the committee as the sole future authority in liberated Fiance...
...The Assembly adopted Dc Gaulle's position that he should choose the Communist memliers1 himself...
...This is part of the borderland of the U.S.SR...
...Young King Peter of Yugoslavia married the girl he has long loved—Alexandra, the daughter of King George of Greece, with King George of Britain as his best man...
...All existing American air lines would become part of it...
...Opposed in previous years by the British Medical Society, just as the American Medical Association now opposes the less radical Wagner-Dingell-Murray bill, the British physicians now support the plan for health service, with a few exceptions like King George's doctor...
...De Gaulle intimated that France will join other western European powers in a grouping "chiefly on an economic basis," and declared that the restoration of France as a groat power is essential to Europe's revival...
...Internal tesistance is coalescing into the nucleus of aii army of liberation...
...Occupation of Hungary by the Nazis will increase resistance...
...Simeon Strunsky advocates the establishment of a Federal Department nf Complaints, Adjustments, and Improvements...
...They would cooperate to defeat competition, with the full barking of the Federal, State and city governments...
...Coming Straggle for Air Power...
...But be Mid that neither his uniform nor the medal* he wears for heroic action in the Italian campaign make him immune from insult when he walks the streets of the country of which he is a citizen and for which he risked his life...
...Most.Tories favor it, but want to weaken it...
...Aa areas are liberated, the French Committee, not the Allied military heads, should choose the local officials, to serve until elections can be held...
...power in Washington, in Albany the same trend took place under Governor Dewey, with Republican legislators restive under his tight control...
...Red Army in atessarabio . . . The Red Army crossed the Dniester River into Bessarabia- to stay...
...Other progressive armies were the Czech Hussites, Cromwell's Ironsides, the French Revolutionary armies, and the American Revolutionary army...
...The Timet approves...
...The Atlantic Charter has fallen into a state of innocuous desuetude, opposition mem-liers of Parliament declared...
...Dewey locked up a huge surplus of funds for post-war use, passed a State soldier-vote hill that rejected the Federal ballot, robbing soldiers of votes...
...Swell idea...
...Expediency still rules...
...But De Gaulle insists that he has Ihe support of all such regional and local anti-Nazi leaders...
...Bukovina was Czarist Russia's coveted prize in World War I; Stalin will succeed where the Czar failed...
...Six years ago Mexico expropriated the foreign companies which owned her oil resources, (neat difficulties followed — sabotage by American oil firms, inefficiency of operations, trouble in getting capital and equipment from abroad...
...His vast wealth is invested in America...
...Principles enunciated by Roosevelt and Churchill have been nullified by the hard reiilities of practical power politics...
...Five of its leaders were sentenced to death by Marshal Anto-iicscii, and 25 to life imprisonment, at the behest of the Gestapo...
...The Gestapo is working feverishly to check the growing movement for peace, in all satellite countries...
...David Dubinsky hopes that this presages a similar victory over the Hillinan-Communist coalition in the March 28 primaries in the A.L.P...
...De Gaullists fear that the Allied High Command may reserve decision as to the choice of French officials with whom to deal when the invasion comes...
...Miscellany . . . Henry Ford prophesied that the w»r will end in two months...
...Of nearly 2,000 ILGWU officers elected, not one was a Communist...
...Rumanians hoped for Anglo-American occupation...
...which Moscow now claims as Kussian territory President Benes of Czechoslovakia has stated that Russia offers the coveted land of Transylvania, now possessed by Hungary, to Rumania if that Nazi satellite will get out of the war, in exchange for Bessarabia...
...The Red Army, he writes, is "the first army in history which, as an integral pait of a democratic rule, represented the true interests of the people...
...He claim* he has always been "pro-British," The entire ruling class fears Kussian vengeance...
...This should please Churchill, who is devoted to the "monarchical principle...
...The Chinese are the bravest soldiers in the world," said Colonel Rothwell Blown, commanding a detachment of Chinese peasants with two months' training fighting against veteran Japanese in the Burma jungle...
...Francois Billoux, Communist delegate to the Consultative Assembly, reiterated Ihe Communist declaration that complete national unity could be achieved only if the CP...
...The French may establish a new regime of regional and local anti-Vichyites now in the underground, which will not want to accept the Committee for National Liberation as now constituted...
...McCarran thinks it is the only way to compete successfully with government-backed foreign lines such as British Imperial Airways in the struggle for dominance of air commerce, • * • Commvnists Dotsattd in Cmrters Union, ILGWU . . . Following decisive defeats in all other ' locals of the International Indies' Garment Workers' Union, the Communists were beaten by 4.269 to 810 in the Cutlers Union...
...Sergeant Ben Kuroki of trie American Army remarked before a /club in San Francisco that "when I visit Tokyo, it will be in a bomber...

Vol. 27 • March 1944 • No. 13

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