The Home Front


A Page of Features Americana Books and Writers Chatter The Home Front By WILLIAM E, BOHN n0wn With Death AS religious and agricultural editor of The Mew Leader I lead a happy life- Only if I...

...I laid away two or three distinguished figures with real gitisfaction...
...Elimination of risks was the major aim of their business policies...
...But such joys are not for anyone on He New Leader staff...
...He was in the pearl-button business or his dogs «on prises or his fourth wife got her divorce in a sensational suit tack in 1923...
...1 have met Americans—the strong and the weak, the good and *• trying—and I have been accepted...
...All this censorship talk, they would have us believe, is just so much advance press-agentry for the premiere...
...The disturber, who-CTer he may be, must be punished...
...It may be an old lance resharpening—l.G...
...can still make gas...
...He used to edit a eolumn for the Call...
...George S. Counts and John Childs of Columbia are finishing their book on America Russia and the Communist Party, which John Day will rush off the presses in a few weeks...
...Arthur Koestler's manifesto of disillusionment in the Sunday Time* Magazine last week ("The coming victory will be a cunsei rathe victory and lead to a conservative .peace") caught the mead of more than a few American left-wingers...
...Written by a man of forty, who ham-but recently seen the light, it is a symbol of the hopelessness which has gripped intellectuals in a period when the great decisions of the century are about to be resolved...
...But this sort of thing palls on a man...
...Or, the fascinating story of the International Hydrogenation Corporation, where through Standard Oil agreement, and over British protest, I. G. Farben was given legal control of the French market (after, the Nazi conquest of France) .as regards hydrogenation patent royalties, and this was acknowledged as a permanent affair...
...Be careful about crossing the streets on these dimmed-out nights, the New Leader's obit man is on strike...
...The revered Times gives its obit men more scope...
...By Philip Wylie...
...Here is part of a letter from a young radical tend of mine...
...They were afraid of the tremendous risks they would have to take in case of another war...
...Inside and Out By Matthew Low Several short-wave kna* seats to the Italian people calling on them "to rally around the nag of Matteotti" have been censored here...
...Detroit's fluctuating demand for rubber controlled the life-ways of immigrant workers imported from India...
...It may not be what you are best suited for,but there is just no one else to do it...
...There is missing, for example, the vital story of the transfer of -2,000 patents from I. G. Farben to Standard Oil in 1939, part of a larger deal whereby I. G. Farben prepared certain post-war settlements for Standard Oil...
...This economic Vansittartism runs like a scarlet thread through the book...
...You will quickly see the point...
...For the world monopolists too "were tired of risk and wanted stabilization...
...But after that he went helling round with Hearst, wrote Five Star Final and, presumably, made a lot of mopey...
...A few months ago this man was a physician drawing down an income well up in the five-figure bracket...
...I write the obituaries...
...It was a particular political^ psychology, one which crystallized in the sickly and weak Chamberlain government...
...The flavor departs...
...The OWL for some curious political reason, wall not permit mention of the beloved Socialist leader, who was asm atom...
...T*« faith of o Fighting Man JJO you remember Carl, the chap who wrote to his father from Iceland ? Standing guard out there beneath those cold north-W skies, he had been digging back to the faith which he learned » •J^Jjwne...
...George Ross' Broadway column was dropped out from the-World-Telegram, so he's upped and quit...
...c * * I iterati & Co.:—Too bad about our "Peg & Old Sewery" item last week—popular demand (i.e...
...Vansittart who formulated the notion of 'innate aggression' is the former British Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs whose pamphlet, The Black Record, written in 1939, has sold millions of copies in England...
...In an irrefutable manner she documents the economic and political reasons why the fall of Singapore should not be forgotten, tells just how the corpse stinks, and in the face of gross stupidity displays a precise anger...
...WE are going to hear before long a highly vocal demand for a Carthaginian peace with Germany...
...The sun shines, my colleagues burst into song...
...Norway's Vidkur Quisling ordered three days of mourning for the defeat of the Nazi 6th Army at Stalingrad...
...We deal only with super-good men...
...srica has been disturbed from its slumber...
...M »e are to build later—and war is the forerunner of the building die spirit, the enthusiasm must be organized while we contend with the destroyers...
...They have to be darned nod, A man has died, a useful, upstanding citizen...
...I ait before ny typewriter and think of all the so-and-sos who still walk the streets...
...The civilian spirit that is so" ^aeteristic of you burns fiercely within me... now in nonprofit hands...
...You never know when you will be the ranking officer of an outfit, the only one left...
...At heart, fern see, he's still j ust a barefoot boy...
...He can't...
...Despite the hortatory quality in the writing of both Huxley and Wylie, what characterizes their concepts is not affirmation but despair...
...Big chunks were lifted out of the Andre Raynal story last week by the Office of Censorship...
...Who checked into the Hotel Harrington this week...
...I. G. refused to give Standard Oil the "know how" on processes after the Hitler government came to power...
...When he wrote he was on his way ¦ a western port—presumably bound for the dangerous reaches of *e Pacific—and his home, his parents, the teachings of his ehild-J0...
...German industry was rebuilt in the 1920's by American money promoted through Dillon, Read and Co., two of whose leading figures, Ferdinand Eberstadt and James Forrestal, are in leading positions in the administration today...
...Because they ride the thesis of Germany's master plan, Borkin and Welsh curiously underplay the role of some American business inter-, ests, strikingly, so when the material is so well known to them through their official positions...
...He lacks the sophistication of thought and the delicacy of style of Huxley, but he has the same reaction to the world in flames...
...Jung, and the old American Mercury...
...William Ziff is setting up a Washington bureau which will ' propagandise for the total destruction of Germany...
...When "Meatsie" (Alice-Leone Moats, author of Blind Date With Mars) was in Russia, she had a little trouble with the Soviet Foreign Office...
...They were tired of fighting cempeti...
...They are the intellectual counterparts of those conservatives who fear that the war will let loose new experiments in world organization...
...Germany lost the World War, but I.G...
...The Davies picture is straight GPU propaganda, and if the movie-reviewers award anything it ought to gat four hammer-and-sickles ' . . . The censorship quarrel fee tween Winehell-Pearsen and the Blue Network has bean patahec: up...
...This they were not...
...I was turned down...
...The root of the difficulty is that in The New Leader we can yecord the passing of none but the good...
...A cross the Seas:—At a very nice party in Buenos Aires recently, 7^ a British diplomatic attache cordially talked with a Jap representative he mistook for a Chinese—and a Mexican diplomn' affably chatted with the new Nasi military attache without n his Swastikaed uniform...
...IJACED with the imminence of War, and the * feeling that another cataclysm would unloose chaos and upset existing values, the archcynic Aldous Huxley some years ago retreated from professional skepticism into the camp of God The world, said Huxley, is falling apart, its norms have become lack of norms, and its stability that of continuous spiritual degradation...
...Don't die...
...A similar story holds true in magnesium...
...The Times columnist claims that Paramount is taking Franco for "a ballyhoo ride...
...One of us is Fire Marshall for the hospital building and area...
...You are among the few who can contribute traits----It is my biting realisation that what...
...Nor shall I. _ "As always in the past I turn to you again for aid...
...You are just responsible... Mussolini, and has since become the symbol of all anti-fascism...
...But the fly in this ointment has the size of an elephant...
...Moatsie shrugged her lovely shoulders and snapped—"Comrade, you can scarcely expect me, an American, to explain bureaucracy to you, a Russian...
...To take a guy like that and build him up to heroic ase—-that must be some fun...
...But whatever the reason, we *sH win this war decisively...
...A prise-flght Was listed for the evening, and it took a longdistance call from President Roosevelt to Ned Irish to put it off...
...Churchmen keep telling us that, a revival of religion is on...
...One can more than readily acknowledge that Germany's industrial barons, remaining in power, form a post-war threat and 'a possible backbone to a future militarism — without conceding to the hysterical purplish prose thesis of Borkin's economic Vansittartism, viz the scare conclusion: "Against a foe so resourceful — such a master of Science and War—4he United Nations can ill afford to falter...
...There is no single culpability when it comes to Cartels...
...which went from Oswald Garrison Villard to Maurice Wertheim to Freda Kirchwey...
...The result is a grave distortion of German history of the past 25 years and several strange omissions in the story of the industrial deals of German and American industry...
...318 pages...
...Its practices were the same as monopolies and cartels in all countries: destroy or amalgamate competition, restrict output, raise prices to create profit...
...Now maybe the Worker will get around to the other girls and boys...
...Just such a peace would-be to the liking of the huge Monopoly interests, once.willing to play the role of 'junior partner' to German industrialists' ambitions, but who now see vistas of supreme world domination for themselves...
...Military, economically and ideologically Malaya was British Imperialism in the Far East...
...a few hundred letters) has put Westbrook Pegler's column back into the Richmond 7uw«•-/>«*• pateh, despite Virgin: us Dabney's fine blast against the '¦ pa Looks ' . . . But our "Lydia Pinko" paragraph of a short while back was on the nose—>Mary Inman, editor of Facts for Women, has beam disowned by the Daily Worker as s pro-Communist crackpot, which is exactly what we labeled her...
...But as for peace, we must remain ««htful...
...The administration of such a colony of and for business interests did not result in a balanced production for the population's needs...
...As Carthage was sacked awl leveled to the ground by Rome, so are we likely to hear the Cato cries for the complete crushing of Germany and the destruction of its "innate spirit of aggression...
...The official suggested that she go to Baku where a consul might give her the Iranian visa she wanted...
...Afraid of the future, their refuge is the past...
...And I have had enough of it At first I didn't mind...
...They have room for imaginative creation...
...The Malays, a minority on their "own" peninsula, lived under ancient native Sultans whose positions were stronger under British aegis than before Raffles...
...I feel the same way now...
...They can take a fellow whom nobody ever heard of and make a world figure out of him within |HI a column...
...And now that imperialism is contested by force of Japanese arms, and by certain sections of world opinion...
...Well, the facts still are that thev picture has been severely cut, that it* opening has been indefinitely postponed—and that the Franco-Spain situation is getting more and more critical...
...mouthings alongside the letters that come in from the camps...
...Given freedom from our competition the German cartels engaged in calculated overproduction, thereby sustaining their capacities in peace at wartime levels...
...gained the peace...
...Missionary for Mysticism By HERMAN SINGER GENERATION OF VIPERS...
...We are primarily officers of the Army and jwsBsrily medical officers...
...It may be so, but I have seen no evidence of it... meant that the human conditions of the people west up and down, like a fever chart, with the conditions of the world market...
...Life moves in gpritery rhythm from issue to issue...
...For the essence of the cartel economy, the very reason for compulsory cartelization, is the restriction of productive capacity...
...If only I could select a victim now and then—with what exuberance I would jump to the job...
...As Tom Hamilton says in his new book on Spain, Appeasement Child, "the black-shawled women waiting in the dawn outside the empty food stores, the Republican militiamen held without trial in Franco's jails, need only help from us to renew the total war against Fascism that began in 19*6...
...There is an amazing story about those German Generals, which we pass on to you without attempting to detract from the breathtaking Russian offensive...
...German industry—and ofttimes Borkin and Welsh write of I. G. Farbenindustrie as identical with German industry!—is accused of having begun plotting the next World War back in 1919, by scheming to tie the hands of American production with restrictive cartel deals while bending the German state to a drive towards War...
...There are no regrets...
...asked the Russian incredulously "Why can't he...
...j * » * I HAVE devoted this much space to the book * because of the wide ballyhoo given it: big reviews in the Times and Tribune, plugs by Winchell and L F. Stone, and others...
...Cartel system, which dominated German * industry in the Republican era, is a feature of a declining economy...
...The long-distance order came through an hour before press-time...
...Airpower is only one instrument—the next one may be a ray which grounds all planes or directs a lethal beam along an electrical path...
...323 pages...
...The whole international Cartel system is a system of exploitation and a barrier to free trade and production of goods...
...But—saint or no saint—he brought bursts of gaudy gaiety into the old Call...
...What language I could use to lay away a gangster, a wastrel, a reactionary and corrupt politician, got there is no such fun for me...
...What 1 do see is a lot of young men testing the foundations of faith— 2* that is quite a different thing...
...A comparison of the books is all to the advantage of the latter...
...What happens in and to Malaya will, in some part, depend upon whose troops take it and are on the spot at pivotal moments...
...but he hasn't the right to give visas...
...They, too, were haunted by and feared social upheaval...
...All of us have to serve on various boards—Court Martial, Limited Services, etc...
...So he said things to his 7»er that he probably would never have said when they were free-to-face: "For my love of the good and the right I have you to thank...
...The Germany of the Kaiser, to the authors, is also the Germany of the Republic, and also the Germany of the Nazi state...
...All of the put was forgotten...
...Behemoth, p. 268...
...000 pages...
...So you Do It CAPTAIN EDDIE RICKENBACKER doesn't know one thing about Labor or industrial production...
...In the face of ehaos, their reaction was to cry crisis and to point to undefiled Christ-like existence as the way out...
...The Nation...
...You might be the commanding officer, the supply officer, the mess officer...
...In the mass opinion of many Asiatic peoples it was the image of western superiority...
...Thompson, a research associate of the Institute of Pacific Relations, who has already given us scholarly, readable monographs on French Indo-China, Thailand, and the nationalist movements of Southeastern Asia, wisely refrains from prophecy...
...I pray that "•-activities that, have till now employed you shall continue for "•"J years to come...
...I mourn for the departed...
...Consult your physician...
...The inside story is that Puts...
...Thompson has ably portrayed these colonial affairs...
...and its cartel brethren in German industry took back control of crucial fields despite all laws enacted here to prevent their doing so...
...As a way out for mankind, Huxley urged a return to the non-Churchly Christianity in which each man became his own saint...
...For some time they've been convinced that the Nazis haye arranged a policy of "extermination with honor" of their caste . Hitler hag revoked the order exempting from front-line duty the last male heir to families of German nobility...
...German big businessmen no longer believed in their ability to resume the Kaiser's struggle for a world Reich...
...The history of the dyestuff reveals the strategy and tactics of German geopoUtik from the time Germany became a nation to the present...
...German industries, especially in chemical production, received special government protection, because the General Staff was convinced of the importance of such industries for a future war economy...
...Now let us examine the following monstrosities...
...I hereby issue a warning to all good and useful readers of this paper...
...Curiously the Berkin-Welsh book makes no mention of Reimann's study, though obviously is was known to them...
...said Moatsie...
...Although I did not accept the new doctrine which prevails...
...Left-wingers are calling for another crackdown...
...But when he tells us that we should put our backs into the war as soldiers do—then I am all for him...
...are trying to cut in on the Free German movement, and are pushing sonfe front outfits in Mexico and Latin America under Lombardo Toledano...
...The Fighting Freweh have liberated and ok'd passage to North Africa for some 100 Vichyites previously held under guard...
...By Virginia Thompson...
...As rulers of private empires, they were awed by the power of Wall Street and frightened by the prospect of social revolution as the probable outcome of a new World War...
...We have to be trained to step into any set-up in this fast-moving, streamlined Army...
...I gave no trouble, I tried to learn •ad apply all that was offered...
...That's all...
...It happened in London, but the strings, it is said, were pulled light hei-e...
...Have taught me tolerance, humility, reason...
...Written in a style that smacks of Mencken, the book is a conglomeration of poorly-digested bits of Freud, Adler...
...Most of the commanders in the top officer corps which have been surrendering were members of the Prussian nobility...
...It will be much fought over, in every way available, and by more than two sides...
...and as the Truman Committee brought out, Standard Oil is the "owner of the patents" but profits from their use are transferred eventually to Farben...
...Those Malays who, in the crisis, requested to be trained in the use of arms were refused, were not allowed to fight for the imperial cause...
...Brazil has signed the U. N. pact (although without declaring war on Japan...
...A more cruel omission is that of certain activities of Standard Oil of New Jersey and its relationship with I. G. Farben, a relationship that was virtually a partnership...
...Even I. G. Farben, in some respects in an exceptional position, was in the twenties willing to be a "junior partner" to American world monopolists...
...If the lack of obituary notices leaves vacant space, we will open a department of marriages and births...
...Footnote to the New Masses' smear of Alfred Kazin's On Native Grounds: Schneider goes through a picayune argument insisting that Kazin's use of the phrase "mon-strously inexact" is simply "ignorant English grammar"—bat that whole section of Schneider's review is prefaced with the sentence...
...Joe Davies is insisting that Warner Bros, premiere the Mission to Moscow Mm eat m Watertown, Wisconsin...
...The British put in capital, took out profits, and consistently avoided the several fundamental problems...
...Watch your diet...
...As the Variety editorial pointed out, H. V. Kaltenborn is still going ahead with his labor smears, and Earl Godwin continues to preach his boss' (Henry Ford) brand of isolationism...
...Franco's man here, Ambassador Juan Cardenas, doesn't like it, see, so he has the State Department push through some heavy political editing of it...
...Now at is working for the few hundred dollars a captain gets...
...Even to those who have experienced little better, the pill was indigestible...
...With the acceleration of Nazi war plans, the German cartel policy -was completely changed...
...It was only after the Nasi Party came to power that these practices were smashed and the cartels bent to the will of the Nazi War machine...
...erted, the net results are heartening...
...It hasn't been able to meet expenses since 1939, and readers now must become backers if it's to go on...
...I was glad to go to war to fight for the evils and merits of <*r political, economic system—what we call democracy...
...We muat make war for <*e things we have learned to be precious without thinking of ourselves as great saviors...
...Of course we have to look up a lot of these things, but ignorance is no excuse...
...The rest of my letter deals » ywing man's thinking...
...Davies' whistle-stop birthplace...
...The story gets out (it was first broken in these page*), and throughout t)^*country the picture gets an awful bad press...
...It's pretty frank on Franco...
...The invidious thesis propounded energetically by Borkin and Welsh only buttress the notions of a Carthigmian peace...
...With Singapore at its tip, it was the mooring of European naval power in the strong tides of Asia...
...Washington Notes:—We know you haven't been keeping track, so well tabulate for you and note that there are now $2 United Nations...
...This thesis completely misreads and misrepresents the true picture...
...An anti-fascist picture is being made...
...Whose Master Plan...
...jkJIALAYA was a company town for rubber " . planters and tin merchants...
...Post Mortem — What Died...
...Today, after five months, 4e surroundings have not changed—nor will they as long as I >ekhfr...
...Hanfstaengl hasn't furnished the U. S. with any important facts...
...Even if the collapse of the colonies into the hands of the Japanese—counter-imperialists of a later beginning in a world already gobbled—can be satisfactorily explained as a purely military default, still it should be taken as a symbol of the collapse of wider arrangements...
...WyHe, erstwhile slick-story writer, is the grade-school Huxley...
...I don't ever want wwseit...
...By Joseph Borkin and Charles WeUk...
...Walton Hamilton, anti-trust advisor of the Department of Justice, has shown this in his article on Sterling Products in the January Harpers...
...It is only the begmking of a new series of convulsions, until the new world is born...
...And that's the reason behind all those phoney stories you've been reading on the Hemingway movie...
...Chiang Kai-shek's scheduled address at Mad:scheduled address at Madison Souare Garden was almost called off...
...With the coming of War, and the organization of the world for destruction, many thinkers and writers dropped into a state of passive cynicism, while the more active ones lost no time in urging mankind—for its own salvation—to accept a set of absolute values to maintain itself in its hour of need...
...But regardless of my personal feelings, I am completely •eeumattd...
...Slowly I am beginning to "•Usewhy 'America always wins.' It is not due to patriotism alone...
...when the Nazi war machine started rolling, some were willing to roll along...
...A prerequisite for attaining such a condition was the revolution within, and to achieve it, Huxley implied that it might be necessary and justifiable to submerge belief in science and find a more sustaining faith...
...And the Appeasement psychology grew out of these desires and fears...
...Here is a letter from a young officer, a captain, sad it tells a story...
...Now comes the word from Paramount bigwigs—"build up For Whom ths Bell Tolls quick...
...But these policies were pursued by relatively small though influential groups, which were not typical of the spirit of other German businessmen during that period...
...I adjusted myself rapidly...
...I saw no justification for it then...
...So you do it, and by God you do it well...
...tion that could not be easily defeated, and they were ready to compromise when confronted by powerful competitors...
...The destruction of German industry from without, rather than a reorganization from within by social revolution, can only lead to an era where the German cartels' old partners, dividing the loot and gorging on Germany's industrial remains, will develop a new industrial feudalism shackling the democratic aspirations of peoples and the resources of the world...
...they're all related if you ask us...
...Said Koestler: "The character of this war reveals itself as what the Tories always said it was—a war for natural survival, a war in defense of certain conservative 19th century ideals, tad not what I and my frieodi of the Left said that it was—a revolutionary civil war in Europe on the Spanish pattern...
...and the more static that past the better...
...I wanted, for example to say a few suitable Words about the passing of Louis Weitzenkorn...
...DueU, SUsm tmd Pearee...
...For the authors do not tell the full story of joint German-American industrial collaboration but ride hard a narrow thesis—the sole culpability of a German cartel camarilla for this World War—meanwhile portraying American and British industry as mere "babes" interested only in profits, and not politics...
...American cartels were no "Trilby" to the German "Svengali...
...A Page of Features Americana Books and Writers Chatter The Home Front By WILLIAM E, BOHN n0wn With Death AS religious and agricultural editor of The Mew Leader I lead a happy life- Only if I were on a farm slogging over thawing sod and planning my spring planting could I possibly be gayer...
...Franz Neumann, in his study of German monopoly writes: "With the enactment of the Tour Year Plan on October IS, 1936, the economic policy of National Socialism changed, now aiming at full employment and utilisation of all resources for preparedness...
...Always I must comrnenorate a good man—he did this or that, he has passed on, we are sorry...
...Despite Huxley's learning and Wylie's cleverness, both are afraid of the new and untried...
...The man was no saint...
...Sir Oswald Moeeley is still interned, but his Fascists are active in the so-called British National Party... fighting JTJ reflected in you, . . . Wherever I land, there will be only a enthusiastic desire to do the job and do it well...
...X Tee rating Radical as Soldier THE pitiful publicists who are trying to put their second-hand, I moth-eaten ideas into the mouths of soldiers look more and more shabby as one reads thei...
...The sense of satisfaction comes to an end...
...Reimann writes: "Before Hitler's rise to power most German business executives were pervaded by a spirit of defeatism and shewed little eagerness to fight again for the world supremacy of German militarism...
...Britain and Canada found him pretty close to worthless when they tried his "services...
...Business treaties followed Nazi conquests...
...It is true that he was once a socialist...
...Though much remains to be ab...
...It rationalized its techniques, organised the markets, created cartels, all at the expense of its own small-business...
...Farrar & Rinehart...
...And it is necessary to dwell on, this point to understand the whole Appeasenjent psychology that dominated Big Business ini the past ten years...
...The advent of Hitler changed the picture...
...It shows that Ira Wolfert was right, that young men don't all think alike the minute they learn to march and take a machine gun apart...
...Hedda Hopper, the studio hack, writes that "they're making the picture stronger...
...And even when it was possible to evacuate some top men by plane in the last hours, no effort to do so was made...
...To have reacted Werently to the transformation would have shown your teachings a*_a failure...
...I entered the Army and P'ffcund what I hoped would be lack-iaf: abuse, intolerance, discouragement...
...We require sanity, integrity, understanding, Jr"** and affection...
...To a democrat, to a person who has preached and practised the doctrine of democracy, the transition was difficult...
...By DAMlEi...
...More direct testimony comes from Goenter Reimann, noted German economist, whose Patents for Hitler covers most of the ground of Borkin-Welsh...
...Incidentally, in nearby Madison he has deposited his collection of Soviet paintings and Russian church icons which set him back more than a half-million...
...To this day, I feel no different...
...It is because of this that Germany's Master Plan by Joseph Borkin and Charles Welsh is a "dangerous" book...
...for Whom the Bull's Told:—Those Hollywood boys are smart...
...Max Lerner's reply in PM was soaked in watery, sophmoric optimism, and answered nothing...
...What we had, needed a militant defense, and date what I loved most was being destroyed I never thought it heroic of myself or others of similar beliefs to go out with a gun ¦d fight...
...It was more than narrow interests of stockholders against the needs of the country that dictated the roles of some American and British monopolists in the later phases of their dealing with Germany...
...Any reading of the Patent deals, as brought out in the Truman and Bone committee hearings, will show a dividing line in German cartel tactics before Hitler and after Hitler...
...The Stalinists—in the midst of the turn of their new line: "all Germans are to blame...
...Marines and soldiers have- tiii'ibexi Guadalcanal's bloodiest battleground "Chicago Heights" i...
...Of the many recent books which have described the crisis in civilization, few have had the racy quality of Philip Wylie's Generation of Vipers...
...So nobleman after nobleman have been killed on perilous Russian-front assignments...
...The fact that he printed bits of my stuff is beside the point, but no one can blame me for the warm feeling that flows through my diaphragm when I recall him...
...After the war, German Industry, crushed and beaten, its markets lost, began its recuperation in a manner now traditional and commonplace for all Big Business...
...Patents for Hitler...
...I am the man who minds the morgue...
...As a literary production, Generation of Vipers is negligible, and its theological qualities are nil...
...were running through his mind...
...Stronger in 1919 than five years before, I.G...
...Arch MacLeish's recent resignation from OWI has quieted down some internal dissension, but a cleanup in several field agencies is still on the agenda...
...It is an anger the right to which she has won by sound scholarship...
...Beth have become missionaries for mysticism...
...The place of the cartels in the preparedness and in the war economy has, consequently, also changed . . . the aim of the Four Year Plan is necessarily in contradiction to the traditional character of the cartels...
...the world tin situation deeply influenced the conditions experienced by immigrant Chinese who worked the tin mines...
...He writes: "I have just been appointed from the hospital staff to take another course in chemical warfare.- Then, I suppose, I Till be the gas officer for the hospital and responsible for the training of our personnel...
...If it had been written by a young unknown, It could have been dismissed as a collection of the unformed impressions of a newcomer intent on shocking his readers...
...auw-of the heavy tommy-gun action there...

Vol. 26 • February 1943 • No. 8

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