Mexican Battlegrounds


Mexican Battlegrounds By BERTRAM D. WOLFE COVERING THE MEXICAN'FRONT. By Betty Kirk. University of Oklahoma Press. 367 pages. $3.00. I?OR the foreign observer Mexico is a bewildering land. He...

...When Rusty entered the Navy as First-Class Pharmacist's Mate there were no agonies or heroics...
...Says Wolfert, who was a correspondent in the Solomons: "Rickenbackcr's conclusions about what he saw during his day or two on Guadalcanal are wrong and grotesquely misrepresent the men...
...Lew had done his part in World War I. That was part of the.way of things...
...MacKinlay Kantor does not talk about the American people...
...But to write a Diary which has no laws of development of its ou-n, is to sidestep the problem and is to put down multiple events, anecdotes, speeches, in an elementary naturalistic fashion under the guise of rare intimacy...
...After it was all over Tony Cavrek dropped off the 10:13 train to fill in the last part of the picture of Rusty's unheroic life...
...He was born aristocrat—even a anob...
...There is no continuous and homogeneous mass...
...All of the joys and troubles are the routine and expected ones...
...Don't you know that I was born in what was left of the old Phalanstery just outside of Red Bank, N. J...
...There are individuals and groups...
...But lo...
...He knew the drug business—so he figured he could help most by enlisting as Pharmacist's Mate...
...But its ideals did not perish...
...He limits himself to Rusty Marsh, the boy, and Lew Marsh, the father...
...But die makes the Jatal error of seeing the movement as too much an emanation of "European" intrigue...
...John Mason Brown ia in London...
...Also Marx fin his third series of letters to Molly Pitcher...
...In this arrangement, of •ourse, the Church gets as well as gives...
...Administration has taken a bad enough beating on those fancy dinners around town...
...To the end of his days this man who had every sort of success a fellow could ask, carried with him a vision of an America where everyone can live decently and happily...
...He may be so moved by its color and drama that he tends to swallow its political lyricism at a gulp and eome back reporting that he has been in a country of socialist education, six-year plans (better by a whole year than the Russian with no ambition to accomplish six years of anything in five), a country with-the revolution-in-permanence organized as government and all criticism or opposition as the perennial reaction...
...The simple druggist who had never asked a question began to cry out: "Why, why, why...
...Grandpa Marsh was in the Civil War...
...but all night...
...Our American reactionaries always got the cutting edge of his sharp tongue...
...Osmond K. Fraenkel, prominent civil-liberties attorney, is defending The Militant, Trotskyite paper suppressed by the post office...
...His literary likes were far more varied—and questionable—than his culinary standards...
...They are aroused—or can easily be aroused...
...After all the buildap by self-blinded liberate and Stalinist fellow-travelers, this too comes as a surprise to the reader...
...Exupery's delicate and mystical Flight, a relevant body of insights that were convincing enough had not been gained...
...Leon Dennen is editing a newsletter for the Jewish Labor Committee called Voice of the Unconquered...
...But if we are to think at all about what is happening or what ought to happen, we must try to size up trends in thinking...
...He would go and do his bit and return just as all the Marshes had done...
...Both by virtue of constitution and policy, the Church is never likely to be caught with all its eggs in one basket at dubious turning points in history...
...At the end 9 of December relati^S of Blum were not permitted to see him and were told S that they cannot see him "until they will be notified...
...IN spite of the great number of writings devoted * to an examination of France's brief life as belligerent and its subsequent, somewhat more dubious, life under the occupation, one has continued to feel there was room for another...
...Once, in reply to a question, he said: "It's natural for me to come down here and help along...
...One might have expected something closer to that "explosion of truth" from Miss Beyle...
...Wolfert's book is fine (PM will serialize it), and his article in last week's Saturn was first-rate...
...Dostoievsky creates it in his Notes From the Utiderworld...
...The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN Town Crier Signs Off ALEXANDER WOLLCOTT stood out among Americans because he had the courage of his appetites...
...What "the People" Think rTH radicals and conservatives talk a lot of nonsense about what the people think and.want...
...Lombardo himself has helped her to see through the bonding torrent of his eloquent word* fc-y causing those poured out while the Stalin-Hitler pact was on to cancel out those uttered in a contrary stream when Hitler attacked Russia...
...als>o a sort of spiritual leader of the continent by the Papal proclamation of 1941 declaring the Virgin of Guadelupe to He the patron sain: of the two Americas...
...That is true also of Leon Blum...
...And you worried about Carrie Nation i • » • 11/ash mat on Notes:—We've been pulling predictions out of the * star-wagon, and they've been turning out fine, so we 1i hazard now that General Marshall will take over active direction at the war in the European theater, and Leslie McNair will step into the Chief-of-Staff post...
...For Miss Boyle has refused the orthodox, cohesive demands of the novel, and she has ignored the creative gambit implicit in the diary...
...Underneath the swashbuckling and the sentimentality the man had a conscience, a mind...
...a horror expressed in his speech at Luna Park which he closed with the line of Victor Hugo: "Oh Patrie...
...We see through their eyes this ordinary kid joining the Boy Scouts, going with girls, graduating from high school...
...The father of Lew got the malaria in the Spanish American War...
...On the whole the affair was dispiriting, for India's progressive cause deserves better than dinner-jacket radicals...
...Archbishop Martinez was a friendly collaborator with Cardenas when he was Bishop of the latter's native state and Cardenas was its governor...
...And, above all, she possessed sensibility...
...Her heroes are all the men who act well or merely talk well in favor of democracy, the well-being and dignity of the common man, and continental solidarity in peace and war...
...To the readers of The New Leader the most interesting features of this steadily interesting report are likely to be three: 1. Archbishop Martinez turns out unexpectedly to be one of the book's heroes...
...U. S. State Department ordered it . . . The story of 'the fall of the Philippines told in the new book by Col...
...I ydia Pinko:—God knows the Commies are not short of their quota of crackpots in this world, but they deserve a prise of some sort—how about an autographed picture of Stalin at the age of three (already suspecting Trotsky and Bukharin)—for Mary Inman...
...tand with a national advertising campaign...
...Last year it was a small affair in a dingy restaurant...
...and behold, along came Henry Wallace this week—almost all of whose speeches have been printed and reprinted by PM until we were commonmanned and little-peopled blue in the face—to say that all Americans ought to go back to the middle-clas* and that "Horatio Alger is not dead and never will die...
...Moreover, he who would deal with any conference of the labor movements o f the continent will never understand what he is up against unless he realizes that in most, though not all, Latin American countries the governments will appoint the "delegates" to represent their "laboring classes...
...and everybody retired for cocktails...
...Kafka manages it in his own way...
...All those who dream of "using" the ex-leader of the Mexican labor movement as the head of the so-called Latin American Confederation of Labor should bo given this book as required reading...
...The love affair, the true hero of the book...
...The rest of the censorship is sillier and even more simple-minded...
...But there is no one to tell them...
...Miss Kirk depends for her interest on straight reporting and unashamed editorializing, and on her porting and unashamed editorializing, and on her ability to reflect thereby one of the most exciting places on earth...
...Published monthly in California, it looks like George Seldes' dope-sheet for dopes...
...Shirer got the ooh* and aahs by breaking the Churchill-FDR news...
...ran one release) was Manzoni—who wrote it in 1828, and the biggest plug for his classic novel was offered by some fellow named Goethe . New Leader reporter Richard Cantor is oft* this week for the Army Air Force...
...Frances Gunther spoke well, but people were wondering why she still takes her divorced husband'* name (she was listed as Mrs...
...I would locate it at the beginning, at the point where Miss Boyle chose, or was impelled, to use the form of the diary...
...hacked by Jeffers...
...From the beginning he sensed the dangers of dictatorship and used every means at his disposal to warn the American people, to wake them up, to set them in motion...
...Thurman Arnold, heading for a judgeship, may like that better, but most of the talk is that he was squeezed out of the trust-busting seat by the old pressure...
...Moreover, on a continental scale the Catholic Church is today supporting the United States rn war without ceasing to harbor a powerful falangist wing...
...The people he went to dinner with where" the ones on the right side...
...From the anticipated rum of journalistic revelation through Jules Romains* egotistic corridor-secrets to St...
...Mary has a little newsletter, and every piece is as red as a rose...
...In the same situation ( are Edward Daladier and all others who were trialed at Riom, except Gcn1 eral Gamelin who was taken to Germany.] 1 - 1 Ku WIIff.AU r Mill ITT No man is less like the legend which has grown op about him than Leon Blum...
...It can do this because Mexico is a one-party (which means in practice no-party) government So long as the labor movement, the peasant movement, and the "Party of the Revolution" are subsidised by the government, so long as their papers and headquarters are paid for, their "leaders" selected by and paid, through jobs or otherwise, by the government, so long can Crtsteros...
...He runs the drugstore in a' wide-streeted, comfortable, friendly old town...
...Result: Henry get a mire handful of lines in the next day's issue, and Horatio, poor soul, got none...
...had made itself just too clear on the matter...
...There is something very decent and humane and gentle about the way they got on...
...I William Bullitt PavsTribute to Blum H / 1 [We print below the preface by the former Ambassador-to-France...
...It also seems that this is now becoming a seriou* menace to the war effort in the face of the manpower question, and that we must rally all "union auxiliaries, churches .woman's clubs, etc...
...But don't get our Mary wrong...
...Toifc on Guadalcanal ' ISA WOLFERT, in The Nation, gives a report on soldier talk * that squares exactly with MacKinlay Kantor's X-ray of thought **d emotion in Iowa...
...The indefatigable Dutchman has just finished a book on Thomas Jefferson, is busy on a history at the Average Man, and is planning a novel of the French Revolution...
...With reticence, shyness, restraint the springs of action are laid bare—or almost laid bare...
...Actually its strength as a mass movement of the poorest and most exploited layers of the population rests en the fact that it makes real criticisms—even has a monrpoly of ifai criticism—ol the evils of bureaucratic corruption and exploitation' as they affect the masses...
...Max Lerner showed up later, after writing the first of a series of editorials for PM...
...Devolution at Eight:—The annual India League dinner was ob*^ served this week by more than a thousand at the Hotel Bilt-more...
...It came t» a legal end in 1856...
...Years ago I used to invite him once in a while to the Randb<School, and now that he has gone I want to record the fact that I never called on him in vain...
...That's something that we need a lot more of...
...An occasional miner character manages to step out and take a breath, an occasional perceptive remark flares a page, and that is all...
...Over and over again it shouted that you can't go back to a moth-eaten past, full of Horatio Alger poetry and middle-class sentimentality...
...To be sure, Mi9S Kirk would have done a still better job had she realized that Lomfeardo's successor...
...First job is to be on the sky-rocketing prices...
...By the way, the current Army decision to standardise tank engines was advocated by Reuther in nhe UAW fully a year ago > . . . Alexander De Seversky may go abroad to check on latest wartime aviation developments before writing a sequel to his Victory Through Air Power...
...He wallowed is life, loved money, loved to know the great, knew how to get the publicity value out of knowing the great...
...Next year, we suppose, it will be scheduled for the Viceroy's palace...
...And Gide arrives at it in the interior Journal of The Counterfeiters...
...the man behind the scenes, was buzzing around, very much upset by Drew Pearson's item that morning associating . prominent American Firster* with the backers of ,the India League...
...In Fa-ci, and it's called "Facts for Women...
...It is of little value to analyze these inadequate concepts critically except insofar as they lead her to sound or unsound judgments and reports on what she sees and hears...
...One could have almost heard the faint moan of old Ralph Ingersoll in the PM Office when all this came over the -wire...
...He was discriminating in his worship of success...
...He had a horror of civil war...
...So— that's MacKinly Kantor's Gallup report on the common People of the Midwest...
...And Miss Boyle gets it in...
...Just before he slumped oyer the table before the microphone he said: "Germany is as responsible for Hitler as Chicago is for the Chicago Tribune...
...Her book is one of that epidemic of foreign correspondents' reports which throw a backward glance over some sector of the world as it appeared in the period that ended in the second World War...
...They get little news from home, often enough t*i»ted news...
...They went, but they always came back...
...She asked no quarter or privilege as a woman, kept her feet off the brass rail at the American bar, went wherever the news was likely to break, chased after interviews till'she got them, was interested in everything: the cultural pattern, land distribution, the labor movement, the Church, oil expropriation, Sinarquism, socialist education, the murder of Leon Trotsky, Mexican elections,r Nazi-Falangist-Japanese intrigue, foreign policy, continental solidarity, North American Good Neighborliness...
...1987, pp...
...The Army-has the job of winning one war...
...A Frenchman once said of President Roosevelt: "He is a human being of considerable importance...
...He did not need to appeal to the people out only to give free rein to their aroused strength...
...They live in a little T----- *----„ „A1UJ HorlfiolH . The boy grows up, joins the Navy, is reported missing...
...Or he may be so shocked 1_ xL.___V...
...Sidney Hertzberg...
...Moreover, he is an impassioned democrat—and he is our friend...
...He had been caring for the wounded while the ship was being bombed...
...His going overboard for Goodbye, Mr...
...Looks like no annual Jackson Pay dinner...
...2. Lombardo Toledano, ironically dubbed "The Mexican Father Divine" and the "Interplanetaryleader" is one of fhe villains of Miss Kirk's piece...
...In the first place there is no such entity as "the people...
...And so all is tenuous, fugitive, a filling in of ghostly outline with half-gesture, oblique attitude and poetical understatement...
...Simon & Schuster...
...Carlos Romulo has been really hacked by the War Department censors...
...MacKinlay Kantor, in Happy La nd, gives us a carefully filled in picture of the mind of the folks out in the Midwest section...
...All his political acts, which in spite of the revelations at the Riom Trial remain misunderstood by the general public, testify to his love for France and for liberty in the world...
...It is especially important right now, for answers to tremendous questions will nave vo ue gjveu during this coming decade...
...All of these things which his fellow writers say of him are true, hut they are not enough... the gap between the lyric phrase and stark poverty and bureaucratic corruption that he cannot enjoy even the scenery...
...With eyes blinded to the reality at their feet they have talked of "socialism" and the universal well-being of the masses in Mexico...
...He belongs to the Lions Club and the Methodist Church...
...In 1938, when Blum was being forced out of power, bv pressure of the Senate alone, he told me how easily he could break his opponents...
...She had seen the Germans in unoccupied France...
...Fidel Velasquez, is in his post as President Avila Camaeho's labor lietrtenant, just as Lombardo was Cardenas's and Mororre...
...When the Governor of Michoacan became President of Mexico, the Pope advanced the Bishop to the headship of the Mexican Church, signifying that there was an agreement ia gestaOnce Again The Fall of France By HARVEY BREIT PRIMER FOR COMBAT...
...Vyshinsky's Mosntw Mtshahgakski...
...1 t__" _ _ 1_______J .__1...
...The thoughtful reader can discern the background of this unexpected fact even more clearly than does Miss Kirk, which is a tribute to the skill of her reporting...
...It is said that Mussolini may, when the time comes, seek sanctuary within the Vatican...
...He had just been doing what he was supposed to do...
...Hamilton Basso, the novelist, is now working for Time, and Ben Robertson is now with the N. Y. Herald-Tribune... a powerful and terrifying force for reaction and possible Falangist-Fascist manipulation in Mexico...
...Then came the telegram: "The Navy deeply regrets . . . son killed in action . . . greatest sympathy . . . great loss...
...One chapter tells of the bitterness of some our last-ditch fighters, and of the song they used to sing...
...The usual bibulous, erotic and adventurous accompaniments and boastings on "how I scooped the other fellows" are missing...
...The dinner, our reporter tells us...
...With Rubber Czar Jeffer's coup taking over South American rubber program, it appears that Jesse Jones may yet have beaton the Board of Economic Warfare...
...They say the conventional things about workers getting t«od wages back home—but without conviction with vague restlessness...
...A careful analysis of the work of our State Department in Spain and South America, or of the Rockefeller Cultural Interchange Committee will reveal that both give tacit support to the conception that Latin America is a group of Gatholic lands without taking into account the strong liberal, free-thinking, masonic and excommunicated poor-priest tradition of its fighters for independence and the Jacobin character of so many of its movements for social reform and political democracy...
...Khica now reads: "— — — — —, — —, — —, — — —»" Well fill it in for you—the song was called "The Battling Bastards of Bataan...
...He is not weak, but a Man of unshakable physical courage...
...Didn't even want to be a fler or do anything else spectacular...
...them through their words and, as far as active investigation permitted, through their deeds...
...Sinarquwtas, or plain reactionaries of any brand mobilise mass support by giving voice to the real grievances of the masses in the name of "the revolution" itself...
...It is all commonplace— even a bit on the stupid side...
...Both ought to be pushed as a progressive antidote to the kind of things Rickenbacker has been saying...
...Brehon Somervell might have had an outside chance, but his bad press mangled him...
...And the "boy had time to work and dream and fool around...
...This is the chief missing piece in Miss Kirk's valiant attempt to pat the Mexican jig saw puzzle together in a coherent picture...
...343 pp...
...Then they lived round getting a little shame-faced credit during the rest of .their lives...
...Other People Get Killed J^EW is as unheroic as a man could be...
...When Wolfert Wd them that there are two wars and that the men in the plants hack home have the chance to fight the two wars at once, they <Wkkly got the idea...
...The diary, it would seem to me, may be employed in two ways: as an escape from form and the inherent disciplines of writing (as a good deal of surrealism and free verse is an abandoning of the most vexing problems of art), or as an illumination and irrtensifica-ton of the complex relations between' things and the diarist...
...They had just done what people had always been doing —#o there was nothing special to talk about...
...Am still not sure whether I have it all right, but Mary promises to send me (for 60 cents, but maybe we car collectively bargain I S<6 full-sise pages (with footnotes so big every page looks as if it had a three-day growth) exposing other aspects of this fifth-column in the Women's Movement...
...THE author conceives'of Mexico as a battle-* ground of "Europe versus America...
...By Kay BoyU...
...They don't say much and don't think much...
...It seems that only Stalin understand' the woman question (e...
...Her first issue feature* an expose of "Trotskyism on the Woman Question...
...No Mama, No Papa, No Unele Sam...
...He was no hero...
...Here Miss Kirk's factua' reporting is so solid that this feature alone would make the book worth reading... all the bad-bad words are blacked out...
...4th ed., app III) and that Bukharin waa a rat anyway (e.g...
...Lew and the old spirit wander through the town, and they are reminded of all the little things connected with Rusty's growing up...
...But there were big, smudgy streaks of vulgarity in his aristocracy...
...But they are decent, and, if'need be, they can fight and die without much fuss...
...We can't count on it for the ••cond one...
...Hugh Cox or Tom Clark may move up and take over...
...She has not come back from six days or weeks spent on the grand tour through Cuernavaca, Taxco, the Pyramid of the Sun and the Desert of the Lions, but after six solid years of hard work as a foreign correspondent for the London Times, the Christian Scienece Monitor and other papers...
...It is for these "sins" that he is being punished today...
...But if we understand them, it may be that we have a clue to lot of Americans...
...The speeches for the most part were fussy and rhetorical and full of debater'* trick...
...American is Mexico's indigenous brand of "middle-class, moderate, evolutionary socialism": "imported isms," Communism, Sinarquism, Falangism, "the exfVemism of right or left" are European...
...When Miss Kirk finishes confronting the self-nullifying words of "before" and "after," Lombardo Toledano is stripped of his bright raiment of words altogether...
...And he went on to tell that his grandparents had been Utopian socialists in...
...Inside and OUt By MATTHEW LOW Into Holly weed front Washington last week came Jack Www, ' and the production of the movie life of General Charles DeGaulle has been stopped cold...
...Walter Reuther is in Washington setting up a new lobby for' the labor movement...
...Death had torued routine into tragedy...
...Only recently Kenneth Crawford wrote a long manifesto on the coming New-Dealish socialism, and only recently too V'olta Torrey went in for some kibitzing on the Alger mythology...
...Conversely, during the years of sharpest conflict between Church and State, Catholic "observers" brought back reports which sounded as if they just returned from a tour of Purgatory hotly pursued by the seven cardinal sins and trailing an odor of brimstone in their wake...
...But of men and women no one can talk that way without making a fool of himself...
...He and the other folks all get along...
...This is the dialectics of failure...
...All the bits, the color, the "fond" material which is not pertinent, can be gotten into a diary...
...We are left to guess a good deal...
...Deep in his consciousness Alexander Woollcott always carried a devotion to socialist ideals...
...PM, you see...
...There is "» one whose business it is to bring them to the surface and harness them to action...
...Chips, for instance, brought him very dose to the tastes of the lowly...
...As we predicted, Walter Lippmann is really neither the State Dep't, and Hull is currently fuming against "Mt...
...She had seen France go to war...
...With her working concepts frankly avowed she picks her heroes and her villains, makes them come to life as persons, portray...
...I According to authoritative sources, the position of Leon Blum in BurW rassol is much worsened...
...To add to the confusion, the observer is apt to bring his Mexico with him and travel around in the penumbral aura of his preconceptions of what he is to see there.' In the years when the Cardenas administration was supposed to be a "People's Front Government," Stalinist tourists have stopped to talk with me with feet planted in the midst of homeless waifs sleeping on the sidewalks with.strips of billboard paper as beds and a flea-tormented dog tucked into the torn shirt for warmth...
...Literati & Co.:—The N. Y. Tm^s has taken an editorial *wat at Ira Wolfert for his i beral-labor slant in reporting his experiences on Guadalcanal this winter...
...The soldier hates fascism and loves democracy, hat «*h hate and rove are somewhere beneath the surface...
...This man Woollcott was the strangest combination we shall ever see...
...He's not especially religious or specially patriotic or specially anything...
...Betty Kirk's 7 Cover the Mexican Front is a bit on the starry-eyed side, but she is a first-rate newspaper woman, eager, intelligent, inquisitive and warm-hearted...
...Richard Watts in Dublin (for the OWI), and Brooks Atkinson in Chungking (a Times foreign correspondent...
...Then a torpedo blew up the deck, and that was the end...
...The events never burst the cocoon, the characters never come alive...
...He was never deceived or intimidated by the success of brute force...
...The whole story is about what the boy thought and felt and what the father thought and felt...
...He knew how to shine, and he loved to shine...
...Watch for news of fanner, labor, and New Deal maneuvers to form a new national political organisation for U. S. liberal forces The Townsend plan is making a new (last...
...She has a decent respect for her profession to which she assigns the important collective mission of keeping the American people informed so that they may make sound judgments on the matters which are likely to determine our immediate future...
...He refused to loose the reins,—even though his refusal meant giving up his post as Prime Minister and damage to his party,— because he would not weaken his country in the face of the growing threat from Germany...
...Why, then, is her novel so complete a failure...
...So anyone who comes up with a report on national psychology is sure to have his findings pretty thoroughly leafed over...
...Oh Concorde, entre les Citoyens...
...It's all about boy and his father...
...It seems that Bukharin once "slandered the housewife" by calling her "a mere eatar...
...The boy and father understood each other in a wordless sort of way...
...All the world's a stage in total war, and the drama critics are everywhere covering it—now Richard Lock ridge is a Lieutenant in the Navy...
...He is portrayed as a friendly supporter of the present government, an active opponent of the powerfully entrenched Sinarquist movement within his own hierarchy, an advocate of continental solidarity in support of the United States in the present war...
...There weren't more than a half-dozen good words spoken for the Indian masses all told...
...Pub!., v 13...
...He and Agnes have lived their life in a rambling house under the maple trees...
...John Gunther) . . . Wm...
...The Marshes wept to war...
...In Mis9 Boyle's hands the diary becomes a kind of arena for promiscuity...
...Bat as far as thought is concerned, social objectives, political ideas, they are—out there in the Solomons—precisely what they -were at home...
...They want the four freedoms, and "if they were told in a way they could accept how these four freedoms could be obtained, they'd help...
...Just as the sonnet has become an antiquated form and must be transformed by the contemporary writer of sonnets, so too must the diary be manipulated and transmuted...
...An advertisement for Capt...
...was very goad-—even though the next seat at the press table was occupied by the Daily Worker man...
...As we in the United States have our Currans and Coughlins along with their predominating opponents, so Mexico has its Sinarchist-Falangist hierarchs as a powerful, perhaps a dominating force in a ^lierarchy captained by the Archbishop and his adherents...
...His latest wisecrack reveals the man as something far more than a popular writer, actor and man-about-town...
...The Church in turn has made Mexico, which largely leads in the political movement for continental unity...
...In writing this brief preface, I have tried not only to fulfill the 'dnties of a friend but also to pay homage to a man,—unjustly accused.—whom history, rather than any living man, will adequately defend...
...He ate the best things at • life's feast, threw dawn his napkin after only 56 years, and now leaves the board a vastly less lively place than it was...
...He is an internationalist but also a great patriot...
...There is not a touch of rebellion anywhere...
...And he went to war without explaining himself...
...Even cumulatively, the sum one arrived at seemed irrelevant... equally ghostly and defies even fractional belief...
...If this country were exclusively inhabited by sheep, we could talk of them as constituting a blank and monotonous herd...
...The author of that flaming anti-Mussolini novel about which reams of Hollywood publicity is now being ground out ("II Duce is apprehensive becaHse of its democratic theme...
...German police replaced the French...
...A new series in these pages will feature the wartime diary of Hendrik Willem Van Loon...
...The type was already set up...
...Sergei Kournalwrfr, who has been doing a lot of florid Stalinist propaganda work here, features his long military record, which include* his service in the Imperial Army and his three-year struggle against the Red Army...
...In the midst of the anguished questioning comes back the apparition of old Grandpa in his Grand Army uniform...
...the lieutenant of Calles...
...that far off time when the North American Phalanx was set up_the most successful American cooperative community...
...tion between Church and State...
...Thus only does the structure of the diary, the novel, the sonnet, become the tissue of real and imaginary worlds...
...With that corrective in mind, the reader will find this one of the moat instructive and absorbing pieces of reporting that has come out of Mexico in a decade...
...Thing* broke up with a "Inquilab Zindabad" toast ("Long Live the Revolution...
...Willi Ham C. Bullitt, to the forthcoming collections of speeches and articles by = Leon Blum which will be published in Montreal, Canada, by the publishing g house L'Arbre...
...IJenry & Horatio:—It was most amusing, and chuckles here and * there can still be heard where politics doesn't kill a sense of humor...
...3. Miss Kirk portrays the Sinarquiste movement, and rightly so...
...The Wallace-Milo Perkins BSW is quiet, but watch for another flare-up with Jones' RFC...
...Miss Boyle chose the former method which, in the final analysis, is the antithesis of ' method...
...The old pattern was broken...
...I believe) exposed this plot...
...She had listened to the refugees, talked to the demobilized soldiers, and had experienced the collective assault...
...Men come out of battle, he says, "startled fcto an awareness of what remarkable thing a human being is...

Vol. 26 • January 1943 • No. 5

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