SDF News

SDF News NATIONAL: The National Executive Committee of the SJJ.F. #fll shortly decide upon a meeting early in the new year and that gach a meeting be enlarged by invitations to active Social...

...v NEW YORK CITY: Annual Theatre Party Thursday...
...Editor, The Cbovehman...
...Why -did he tail to a*a**s*t* Oh* Amalgamated on racketeering change* if isnksaaai mg was practiced as his J cam* I antic hatchet men try to toner...
...President, assw»tlf» Csffeg...
...You know them and they know you.' "Here ia a text that might well be pondered by all of us who consider ourselves responsible citizens and who have anything to do with tbe responsible institutions of the state, the church, business aad labor...
...N Y. Adoipa Held...
...New York, N. T. Suzanne LaFollette...
...Dewey snu in positxm t» gather all the racketeering evidence about Hifaaan and ****r labor supporter* of F.aVR...
...W. E. B DuBors...
...This edifice, constructed in 1928 by tbe New York County Democratic -fgnnriH4—i at the cest of ever s million dollars, had been purchased last fall snd thoroughly renovated Cleaaers and painters have removed the dirt inside snd out and have returned the building to its pristine state of brightness...
...Barry Giwanberg, manage r of Local 91, introduced as speakers Mayor La Guard is, former Mayor James J. Walker, Frederick F. Umhey, Executive Secretary of tim I.L.G.W.U., and Luigi Antonini, First Vice-President of the I.L.G.W.U Ex-Mayor Walker took occasion to refer to the union's growth, during the Tammany Hall regime—giving special emphasis to the fact that it was with the support of the Hall that Al...
...This policy of segregation proves an insurmountable barrier to true happiness or even human decency...
...Berlin's home...
...8th, 2 P. M., at 7 West lfth Street . . . S.D.F...
...Clare Booth Luce, snd R. i. Thomas Of coarse the Communist Party and its Daily Worker, have consistently supported tbe Joint Anti-Fascast Committee, and loading Communists have spoken st its affairs...
...New York, M. Y. Aifmd Baker Lewis, Board Member, Union f*r Democratic Action, New Yet*, N.'-^hj _ Eduard C. Ldndeman, Teacher aad Aniatjr, **te York, N. Y. /. f? '*"••'$ Robert M. Msclver, Head of Sociology Dtps*, meet Columbia Univeraity...
...Max D. Danish...
...National Secretory, Workers Defense League, New York, N. T. Nathaniel M. Minkoff...
...What would give this assurance" Bishop Francis J. Haas, former Chairman of* the President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, writing in the August...
...Head of Sociology Department...
...Negro Labor Committee...
...Professor, Teachers Coueg* Columbia University...
...l^fmmmmmm,^*^ Automobile Workers (CIO...
...with the same chairman and secretary...
...Barsky was head of the United American-Spanish Aid Committee...
...Managing Editor, New Republic...
...the younger leaders of the Potts* g*ta*B*t entigratien...
...Miss Helen R. Bryan as its secretary...
...George Kagan...
...NAACP, New Yortt, Y. Morris Milgrem...
...Associate Editor, Survey Graphic N*w York, N. Y. Pearl L WiBen, Chairman Women's Ptission...
...New York...
...New England District of the Jewish Socialist Verbend will hold its annual convention in Springfield, Mas*., on December 25th and 26th...
...He is the ex-Ambassador to the Soviet Union who wrote Mixtion to Motarw...
...Manager, Goak Joint Board...
...Director, Local 155...
...1943 American Federationitt, suggests sn answer: "In commenting an the (Detroit) rioting, the editor of the Michigan Chronicle pointed out that there was absolutely no trouble among the Negro and white families living in tbe asms block, in some eases, next to each other...
...which by present iass****tos is supposed to oatet...
...easd Isst weak of pneamssria e*m-ptktttena t ¦isieatogf m, ind-iaaa, WsaK* h* had gone to assume ahapssatto* of Assistant Prof*ss...
...New York N. V. Guy Emery SMpnr...
...It torments the Negro people daily like a dagger whose point is always in the flesh...
...Professor of Rural Sociology...
...Negro Americans are outraged by segregation in our armed forces, where the gulf between professed war aims and their application to hundreds of thousands of Negro soldiers ia so great as to make a mockery of the Four Freedoms...
...National Secretary...
...Sen retry -Ti aaauuii...
...Writer, New York, N T. Harry W. Laodtor, Director...
...New York...
...Miami, Fhu, Judge Charles Solomon addressed , saparity audience at the Workmen's Circle Center last week . . tie Verband branch here is planning many activities for the season.' New York State: August Classsens will speak in Rochester...
...Mayor LaGuardia, on the contrary, taking Jul...
...New York, N. T. Lillian E. Smith...
...New York, N. Y. Varian Fry...
...Pmtisa LitessV, ilea Gear** Kagnn, «a* «f...
...EBss Tartak speaks on "America as a World Power," Monday, Jsn...
...Jnatise, Domestic Bekatisea Court New York...
...United Transport Employees of Amman fCIOl, CMoago OswaM Garrison VOlar... (be second Avenue Theatre...
...Open wide the doors of all churches, sll schools, all unions, all fraternal bodies and all businesses to people of every race • and color...
...nmnu of Local 6*0...
...In the magnificent and freshly redecorated auditorium tbe anion members aad hundreds of friends celebrated the, event with * fine program of music snd addresses...
...Research Director...
...N. Y. Philip Rhsv Editor, Partisan Review, N.Y.C A. Philip Randolph...
...Minister Pesos*toiIan Labor Temple, New York, N T. B. W. Huebsch, Treasurer, Anserioaa Civil Liberties Union...
...Secretary-Treasurer N. Y. Dress Joint Board, IL.G.W.U...
...N. Y. Ashley L Totter...
...g**r|g KofeM...
...Dec 30th...
...C. Waiter Hardin, Intern... 2818 Mermaid Ave., Brooklyn...
...Columbia University, New York, NY...
...Then this editor, a Negro, added, " 'You wouldn't hurt your neighbors...
...Writer, Maw York CHt * Thurgood Marshall, Special Counsel...
...Now York, N 1...
...Hllhnan, the awry nanus Hii> As District Attorney...
...IJU&.W.U (AFL), New York, N. Y. David S. Muzxey...
...Mew York, N. T. Arthur Muggins, President...
...Director, Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, N.Y.C...
...Professor of History...
...We must exalt tbe ideal of 'togetherness" in the place of separateness and division...
...Mumsilnl sen sua were held Monday...
...Educational Director...
...On The Race Relations Crisis Good citisen* agree that they was* to mm their wisdom to prevent r*p**tsd ran* rants throughout the country, to use foresight to creating the atmosphere in which no battles between races cam occur...
...Mary E. Woolley...
...16th, and will probably visit Syracuse, Buffalo and other cities during the week-end...
...Frustration of those suffering the insult of segregation and discrimination in employment, housing, the armed forces, and in political, social, economic and religious life begets hatred and bitterness...
...MsW ¦astoil for Social Research...
...N. Y Daniel Bell...
...New York, N. T. WiOard S. Tewnaend...
...N. Y. Dorothy Dunbar Brombley...
...Y. Monroe Sweetland, National Director CTC War Relief Committee, Washington...
...Israel Feinberg...
...Artist aad Author, Brewster NY Jacob Panken...
...The National War Fund has been non-partisan and non-political, and this has added to its prestige in its latest drive for $125,000,000...
...Communist Refugee Committee Seeks to Join National War Fund The Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, a Communist-led outfit, is currently attempting to bring pressure to bear on officials of the National War Fund in order to gain membership in it...
...The New Leaner New York...
...Algernon Lee answers questions on current'manes over Radio Station WEVD every Saturday evening, 9:45 P. M. . . . Banquet in honor of Harry Math*, active Social Democrat, on Saturday, Jan...
...Smith and Senator Wagner gave the impulse to the first phases of the New Deal...
...Lepke and Pegler (Csnttenss from Page Free) from the has is of Mr...
...New York, M. Y. Louis Nelson Manager Knitgoods Workers Union, Local 155, I.LG.W.U...
...He will confer with Joseph Davies and Charles P. Taft next Tuesday...
...Among the aynskirs were Thai dsn Dan, Frank K sag*on, Oskar Lange...
...New ork...
...Chairman, Jewish Labor Commutes, New York, N. Y. Philip Boiler Education...
...D. C Irving Salert...
...fll shortly decide upon a meeting early in the new year and that gach a meeting be enlarged by invitations to active Social Democrats in several states and representatives of allied aad friendly ofsnnicstions...
...Itefooklyn, N. Y. . ' " — William H. Hastie, Dean, BgeTnBnt^**ww»tr School of Law, Wnentoeteh...
...indeed, did be fail to taetoe Lepke himself...
...Secretary, American Labor Conference on Intern...
...1 Laurence T. Hosts...
...Columbia University...
...P.....hlaul, PhasdMljlla Industrial Union Council Ann Arnold Hedgeman New York...
...University of Wisconsin...
...N. Y. Max Delson, Labor Attorney, New York, N. Y. John Dewey...
...N. Y. Edmund de S. Brunner...
...i B. F. McLaurin, Insert Bsprasaatatlv*, wbjttdF-hood of Sleeping Car Porters (AFL...
...When it was exposed in The New Loader and elsewhere as a Communist front, numerous liberals resigned, including Eleanor Roosevelt, Helen Keller...
...New York, N. Y. Broadns Mitchell...
...This includes segregation of the Negro in the white man's thinking, which makes it almost impossible for him to treat his Negro fellow citisen as sn individual on true merit...
...Frank Wton, Editor of Ford Facta...
...Lawrence Begin, Wiicattonal Director, Textile Workers Union of America (CIO), New York, N. Y. James Rortv...
...ami one at ste telented wsiiara...
...N. Y. Darlington Hoopes, Lawyer...
...S. M. Levitas, Business Manager of The New leader...
...After the program of musk and addresses, the persons present made an inspection tour through the beautiful and commodious offices snd the various rooms which will now house the educational and social activities of Local 91...
...NY Israel Knox, Editor Workmen's Circle Call...
...N. Y. James Myers, Industrial Secretary, Pedeaal Council of Churches...
...League for Industrial Democracy...
...and Henry J. MacCracken...
...United Transport Service Employees <CIO...
...Clark M. Eichelberger...
...If the Joint-Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee should be accepted as a member, each of the 55,000,000 donors to the National War Fund would be contributing something on a pro rata basis to a Communist-controlled organization...
...Writer, Th«e*n*ton...
...Editor, finnan Tuaag, Clayton, Ga Ben Stoeberg...
...who was •* when ate die*, was * contributor I* KoboOuak PobkL N*vy Pat New Bnigf i, Journal of Central Baropnaa Affsirs and other pvbikations...
...Author and Educator...
...New York...
...Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry A. Overs treat, Professor Emerftuf...
...AFL), New York, N. Y. John A. Fitch, Professor, New York School of Social Work, New York, N. Y. Hairy Fleischmar...
...Harry Lang, of the Jewish Dairy Forward, are among the gasnt speakers...
...Branch in the Amalgamated Ha—es, Bx...
...I. Levin-Shatzkes, National Secretary of the Verband...
...Can ft he possmie than in order to promote his own prenhtentml nnfbtthms T^ewny would offer s deal to that mm ihsiua* baa*, s deal of s reprieve from the electric eharr m euhaim for stOrtos which will be obvioealy false aad slanderous * If that were the case, tbe Federal authorities would not msroiy be suckers to shfJOer Lepke to Dewey: they would be Oerslkn in thstr duty They would Veonve parties to * cheap and ignOWe frameop...
...IGWU Takes over Tammany Hall Officials and members of Local 91, Ladies Garment Workers Union, celebrated on Satorsoy, December 18, the opening of their new headquarters ia the stately building on Union Square for-merly occupied by the Sons of Tammany...
...To lend this prestige to a CP.-organized agency would tend to destroy public confidence, and bona fide relief agencies would suffer...
...Now York, N. T. John A. Ryan, Director...
...Ernest Calloway...
...New York, N Y. Merle Curti... for the defeat of Tammany and for the i is*tkrn of the present state of affairs, which permits a tirade union to move into a structure which the great political organisation is no longer able to maintain...
...OnlyJ>y working, playing and worshipping together, day by day, can you wipe out the misunderstandings which are fertile soil for race hatred...
...Flatin-ookwiDe, N. J. Harold Ragg...
...Writer, New York, M. T. Sneba Strunsky, Secretary, Intela*H»l*ff sV*i— and Relief Committee, New TorkvN...
...a new musical comedy "Pal Joe" with an all-star cast . . . General membership ¦imlang of all woaton members of the* S.D.F., Sat., Jan...
...Howard Y. Williams, Nstiseml Fioki ¦taHl.r, Union for Democratic Action, New Tosh...
...IJL.G.W.U (AFL...
...Community Church, New York...
...Inter) Brota*rhoOd of Paper Makers (AFL), Albany, N. T. 1 Fannie Hurst, Author, New York...
...N, T. * Horace M. Kallen...
...Vicbaei C. Harris...
...AsMrican Labor Party...
...Common Sens* New York, N. Y John Haynes Holme...
...Joseph R. Da vies is chairman, of the War Belief Control Board, before which the application of the Communist relief agency is pending...
...29th, at Schor's Restaurant, 123 Second Ave., N. Y. C. . . . Women's Committee Workshop for the manufacture of clothes for United Nations War Sufferers, open daily from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. from Monday through Thursday, antl on Wednesday evenings...
...D. C. Nornten Thorn**, Oissisa*n, Post-War World Council, New York...
...Thereupon tbe committee reorganised and adapted the new nsme...
...N. Y. Harry Lorfn Binsse...
...Can it he pemsibie that the pare and noble Governor would Hire to get hold of tbe smngoter in order to make a dicker wish him far snsnsr stortes against Roosevelt partisans...
...Chicago, m. Frank R. Croseworth...
...Freedom House...
...New York Director...
...Celm Shapiro, life long Socialist and devoted branch member, died last Friday...
...CIO War Relief Committee, New York, N. t. Thomas Sancton...
...Unite Negro and white schools, churches and other institutions so that together you may help solve the economic, social and political problems which beset all people everywhere...
...Henry Morgenthau Sr...
...CIO», BOnahsia, nxtsta...
...Commonweal, New York, N. Y. .Anita Brenner...
...Socialist Party...
...Edward Barsky, has long been a fellow-traveler, lending support to many Communist fronts...
...Noah C. A. Walter, Jr., Assistant Mnmnget, Laundry Workers Joint Board, AXWA (CIO), New York, N. Y, George L. P. Weaver... Ecropeaa History st Indisss University...
...11th, at Dr...
...of Philosophy, City College, New York, N. Y. Walter Pach...
...William M. Agar...
...Upper West Side Branch meets Tuesday...
...When it became apparent that its political complexion remained Communist, there were mote resignations, such as those of Gaetano Salvemini...
...3rd- • • • Coney Island Branch: next branch meeting Thursday, Jaa...
...Banding, Pa...
...Unfortunately, m**y American* of good will think they have used all wisdom and foresight and have done their foil duty when they serve on inter-racial committees that work on improving housing and recreational facilities lor Negroes and decreasing Job discrimination Necessary aad important *s such work is, it does not strike at the root of the pi ihtom Neither does It convey to American Kegroe* the assurance of essential good faith which would sharply decrease the danger of further .race riots...
...Managing Editor...
...Now York...
...New York, N. Y. flawy D. Gideons...
...PI 111 lllllWl CIO Committee to Absitih steetnl rBserteanaftor Washington, D. C. Loon Whipple...
...The chairman of tbe Joint Committee, Dr...
...Editor of Justice, organ of the I L.G.W.U...
...Only in that way can we build a world of brotherhood, with peace, liberty and justice for an...
...Professor Emeritus of History...
...Managing Editor...
...N.Y.C.* Loner* G. Marshall...
...Brooklyn, N. Y. -Sidney Hertsberg...
...anwtherbood of Steeping Car Porters < API...
...wiry did he leave tbe Job to another Ototikt Astern**, WOhan OTHryer, toset She goads «n the hatter onto maiiii Mm to the electric chair* For those who are *e*aa*ntetl with tint fset* of the Amalgamated else nap of the racketeer*, tbe intent of the present smear «*aa**ign hi a* clear a* He hnprmntione as* serious for steers...
...Department 4?"Social Action, National Catholic Waif are Caanarence...
...President, Bretherfcoorj of Sleeping Car Porters (AFL...
...But discrimination by the dominant white community, not "togetherness," has been tbe almost universal pattern...

Vol. 26 • December 1943 • No. 52

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