Food Monopoly Bloc Seeks Inflation - To Swell War Profits
Food Monopoly Bloc Seeks Inflation - To Swell War Profits Reuther Charges Eight Companies Lead Fight for Higher Prices Bv WALTER P. REUTHER, Yltt ?*mmm I'uM ArtWlW* Worker. (CIO) CIGHTING tide...
...1 The replies stoto that that eh esse hame<eskem a* public nssiems on tiibtidiet...
...As in the Darian episode, there were loud protests against the use of Badoglio and the AMG policy...
...And the peace?- . "The nature of the peace must be determined by the enduring realities cf the European situation, not by transient phenomena like Fascism, National Socialism, Socialism' or Communism...
...THESE, views of Vo&PaW net" these of the * entire "British ruling class...
...The N'ew Deal control* of the thirties did not affect these classes to any important degrte...
...As shown above, the income of every group has increased more than the cost of living, except professional income...
...Its fear top officers referred salaries totaling S43O.0O0 a year, according to a United States Treasury report...
...i These are the manufacturers of well known brands of foods widely sold to the public, sucr as Maxwell House Coffee... was the promise that the pompous, stuffy, "fair-play" old-tie English way of life-wis giving way to the new...
...Bat the ideological masks have fallen away, Aad a movie mad* just six months ago has the never of a period piece...
...In th« 30's, the Administration gave benefits to distressed farmers who were in conflict with conservative elements...
...Her enly foe is that power, or that coalition of powers, which may endeavor to dominate Europe...
...1 At the top of the list in this drive against price control a nd against labor is General Foods Corporation, a giant consbiie of many food manufacturers whose net profits before taxes in 19 42 were more than double the pre-war average...
...bssjuirfes addressed to major food chains bring replies from AAP Tee Company, Kroger Oak* eery aad Baking Company, Safeway Stern, National Tefl Company, Independent Grocers Alliance, District Grocery Stores...
...For Britain has the most to lose from the war...
...Of all the above, only "wages and salaries" go to a greatly increased number of parsons in 1943 as compared with 1939...
...Here -Were the brave old words flashed across the ghostly screen...
...The voters today aren't against the New Deal of the thirties...
...For th* jM reeling, so ominously present in 1920, of "anything for a change," has begun to appear igain...
...goTin 1940 it was "people's war," "the and of imperialism," "social revolution," etc...
...For the rhetoric is in tatters...
...At least three meetings were held, the first at 10 A. M. on October 19 before the farm bloc leaders met with the President at noon...
...This new language, af power is a cold and •iftreidding thing...
...Rents aad royalties increased 91 per coat...
...In the Saturday Review of Literature, Thomas Lament writes of Russia in favorable terms, stressing the huge post-war market that Russia will provide for American goods...
...In the thirties, the Administration backed labor ss against recalcitrant employers...
...Fee jaWi'tV era in manufacturing industries the iiicieane par worker is 86 per cent...
...Why they aren't philosophic about these controls is another subject THE forces which were formerly behind the New Deal and now* working against the Administration, are: (1) Farmers...
...These manufacturers are owners of the beat known bran ds in packaged and processed foods...
...majdr reuse of inflation...
...America's attitude towards Britain will be all-important...
...I do not believe that the voters are balloting against what used to be called the New Deal...
...Today, the farmers are not in revolt against benkars and Wall Street but against the OPA, WPB, and other war agencies...
...British exporters, as a recent report ia the HeruM-Tribune financial pages points oat, are bidding for the South American market on a carnal bails...
...Today, the Poles, suspicious that Poland has been soli out to Russia, have be-run to turn against the Administration...
...Furthermore, the British government previous a subsidy for its foreign traders by sssnmtrtg their credit risks...
...i, ^ ^-r War Measures Killed the New Deal By FRANK C. HANIGHEN Frank Hanighen is a well-known liberal journalist who contributet regularly to "The Progressive," Senator Robert LaFollette't magazine...
...Per person employed salaries and wages have increased less than other income...
...2) The blatantly imperialist elements—Hcover, Kel-land, etc,-—who seek control over South America and the Orient while turning our backs to Europe...
...which The New Lehder favors...^a* j b a a | > t i c " Tne V S.A ments...
...But while these offers are being made, tiki British are taking aochaocos and ace renewing their efforts to' recapture lost markets...
...The above article is identical with Walter Revther's testimony before a Senate committee em subsidies... 1 m But if this happens If a BspahMrasi Administration takes office, the BspuhhV cans may lad that while the parse* "Now Dear is discredited, its lesLsaessmtog...
...The one hold which she Preside nt...
...Brookaeld dairy products...
...How does he look at the war... Roooevett sad his Ad- -mtamtratton, will seek te repair the traditional aretes...
...In the new "fagtonaT phut, the Areer• •pspaaasBUBM r - - s n w •* ••••• 2r1 • • • • • — scans would supply the finances through investment, Padnwre points oat, while British interests retain political and administrative control...
...The WPB fails to facilitate supply of these nteds...
...Is it spy wonder that Senator Wheeler chortled with glee and read the whole article into the Congressional Record...
...S For the future, a new technique is ready at hand, berftied from the experience of the America*,iCr*il War...
...From 1939 to 1943 total income in private employment increased 192 per rent...
...At the precise time when we are entering the phase of blatant power politics, they are quiet against the pewers-that-be...
...This is the stuff out of...
...The claim of tikis manufacturers' committee to speak for the entire food trade is disputed by four of the largest food chains and two groups of independent grocers, who report they have 'taken no position on subsidies...
...So Voigt, U) his thinking aloud, sags that Uds situatkn "would, in the end, compel Great Britain, whether she liked it or not, to modify her attitude towards Germany...
...But Voigt knows only too well that Germany tod France can no longer play the role of strcng nations,' so that for them the new balance of tower depend* upon the "integration of Europe...
...when the system ia on the shoals, capitalism sits penitent in the sinners' pew...
...b j Flexible ceilings on food processors tc allow for competition and to encourage production...
...But fz...
...Included in the organizing committee were representatives ol General Foods Corporation, Swift aad Company/ California Packing Corporation, H. J Heinz Company, National Biscuit Company...
...d) In the words ol Willis: "Raw material and labor rates must be brought under control before imposing a price on the finished product...
...This dash af national interests jeopardizes whatever chance may exist for peaceful in teruationa 1 collabora t ion...
...x The Food Industry War Committee's Noveav her 11 release adopts the farm bloc argumenb on subsidies, including the charge that increased incomes of industrial workers are- (he...
...He knows why kit England went to;war...
...2—A "junior partnership*' with the United States...
...Voigt is the editor of the austere English magazine Nineteenth Century and After, a magazine that talks in cold-blooded terms ol what England's interests and destiny are...
...The peace that will end the .second World War must be such that the balance of power will he restored and will be preserved for generations to come...
...The purpose of stabilisation would be defeated if hourly or weekly pay were fixed regardless of hours worked or skill employed...
...The price of labor ha* been stabilized more successfully than the prices of goods...
...4—Intensive exploitation of Africa (where she faces colonial trouble) or China (which has turned to the U. S. for investment...
...CIO) CIGHTING tide by side with the farm bloc, the biff food manufacturers of America are lined up against subsidies in a campaign to lift the lid on food prices and to promote "controlled inflation...
...Control of vftehirter would enable her to transfer toe movable plant to the Urals and to tfirnet Czech skilled labor (and German) *» the Russian interior: She is ahw promoting the disintegration of Rumania with * view, no doubt, to controlling the delta of the Danube and toe oil field...
...The 'compromise ef 1877," when Hayes withdrew the troops, instituted a new system...
...The Food Industry War Committee's attack on subsidies is part of it* campaign to get hard ceilings imposed on the prices and wages which food manufacturers pay, and toft ceiling...
...And in general political terms Field Marshal Jan Smuts the other week sketched, what Vcigt had said in more hard-headed phrases...
...It is fashionable to dismiss the balance of power as an obsolete doctrine...
...What tne latter talk about is not defeating fascism oat of beating Germany...
...Such comparison does not prove, as sometimes alleged, that workers ate getting more than their share of goods available...
...the worker because of WPA, relief, social security and Administration support of unions...
...But what dees this all add up tat Tie war that the trade unionists and the common people of Europe are fighting is net the war that men who rua the war are directing...
...incomes increased 2* per cent...
...T"*HE food manufacturers and distributors run-ning this Committee are attempting to use the political power of the farm bloc to put their program over...
...But If the war drags on, people may torn against ham for tardiness ia providing the "quick" end vlfich rightly or wrongly they expect - If this prop dissolves beneath the President if the underlying forces continue to intensify their opposition, if the Republicans can unit* in a suitable candidate, we may well see s Republican President elected in 1944...
...T*HE regime instituted In 1932—not to change * the traditional system, but to reform it, shore it up, calk the leaks, keep it running— has expired...
...3—Hegemony over Europe, either in alliance with Russia or against Russia...
...Historians of the future may argue about the relative success or failure of the effort...
...To camouflage its inflation purpose, the food manufacturers attack the demand of industrial workers for increased wages as the chief inflation threat...
...Through a Food Induatfct* War Committee they seek to tie food wholesalers and retailers to their inflation program...
...The conclusion is inescapable that the Committee's attack on subsidies is wrapped up with its desire to escape effective price control on manufactured food products...
...Had Germany been the home oi' political enlightenment, progress and political freedom, had she been a nit del democracy, and had England been cursed with a poetical system as abominable as Hitler's, the would nonetheless have been under the absolute necessity of maintaining the balance,' for- survival must always "come first, political complexion second...
...Stabilization is not defeated by inoeeserl hourly or weekly wages resulting from these factors...
...Bet while the preachers and the publicists are discussing the foundations of a "tost and durable peace," and while the amateur architects of society plot with geometric precision the logical structure of post-war arrangements, the masters ef the giant world states are coolly bidding against each other for the spoils...
...And here a new factor enters, fcr "what-*y*r power ie master of that region—-which has ¦**» railed the master tone (the strip from the **^ic to the Aegean Sea*)—is the master of •M JWipsf* All this simply foreshadows, for this section 2 ^SjWtish "ding ciass, a clash with Russia "<^rontfines Russia's territorial ambitions ¦nd adds: •B*BFta*-re' determined to control the in-dusWes'^'br central and southeastern Eu-r»Pe, especially those of Bohemia...
...A Republican Congressman just the other day told me with great glee that he was winning jver the Poles in his district...
...They want higher prices for their product*—which the Administration OPA et al —oppose...
...Jt't a grotesque Mosaic and the pieces don't fit together...
...And what does Voigt say...
...Since these meetings informal collaboration on the defeat of subsidies is reported by both carries to be acceptable...
...Poker, Might, Force—these are the syuaWs of • the new "ice age" we are building...
...which international discussions are made...
...This view is backed by Wendell...
...Russia and the United States are both vast land powers with wide areas directly abutting them which they can control...
...Other British industrialists are thinking of Russia in favorable terms, as e market for heavy producers' goods...
...But when Vishinski was added to the Mediterranean Commission and the seal of Russia added to the other, two powers, the liberals found that some one had pulled the rug out from under their feet...
...So adjusted, the increase is 61 per cent Comparison of increases in average hourly or weekly wages with increases in prices or cost of living is deceptive...
...This "international civil war," as Willi Schlamm once put it, has simmered down into a war between natiqnsi states...
...If subsidies are killed, the responsibility for the rise in food prices and the cost of living will rest With these Who sought that resort and with those who voted to kill subsidies...
...The Republican President ami hi* Administrstion...
...Wage earners have gained lass than: other major groups from the rise in national income due to the war...
...If Russia is going to grab land and machinery, why shouldn'e the United States do likewise, will be the logic...
...Walter Lippman pointed out the obvious: The Russian policy, like our own, like any other great policy in foreign affairs, rests finally not on sentiments of friendship, but on an enlightened conception of enduring national interests...
...Italy is a case in point...
...Part of Karl Haushofer...
...The result in Ihirope may he an Anglo-American economic rivalry...
...Britain's Dilemma BRITAIN'S fears are the real clues to the post-war world...
...Britain's empire lies far-flung across the seas, and without them she is an insignificant island of 56 million people eff the fringe of western Europe...
...It is, for Great Britain and the Empire, the immutable condition of survival...
...Jewel shortening...
...2) Labor...
...The food manufacturers' and farm bloc's attack on subsidies and price control is an attack on labor...
...c) Distributors' prices to be governed by "historical margins'* and dollar-and-cent retail ceilings to be eliminated...
...Premier Jan Smuts' recent plan for the British colonies is part of the first line...
...each contributing to a general fund to set up offices throughout the continent to sell British goods...
...When" Russia was absent from the Anglo-American discussions, there were loud outcries...
...Before another year elapses, this trend may go much farther...
...Finally, Jhe recent by-election in Kentucky surpassed the wildest Republican hopes...
...Willkie, the Herald-Tribune, Donald Nelson arid other businessmen...
...The masters af...
...thus official British policy inclines towards granting Russia her main territorial demands...
...South America ia becoming stiff...
...Russia's demands win have a terrific psychological effect on the American mind...
...Despite this, many trade unionists still fee) gratitude towards the Administration for past favors...
...Master also, ft may be, of . a region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India...
...In the United States, the industrialists and financiers are split on their attitude towards Russia...
...Now that Russia has put the Stamp of legality on these proceedings, they are quiet...
...They want parts fcr their tractors, and other farm tools...
...Bat one section of labor after another is now obviously turning against the Administration—firm, the mine workers, next, the railroad workers...
...The foe of yesterday may he the ally of tomorrow, and the ally of yesterday the Joe of tomorrow...
...And each nation is sucked is to tint imperialistic maelstrom, racing about madly, with a suspicious eye on rivals, to stake its claims on the whirling globe...
...w *w competition" would mean undercutting thi British in their colonies, for the JtMiii hour goowe are seeltag OS escape from British pe liticat control aad wouM tarn to the Carle* S t e g r l i ^ e a p i t a l , machinery and other im \ 4 A N t p«aa> still think of " " • • • ^ j am ii m its old farms and rarefy regard Aavertear po...
...Eagle brand milk...
...Net income of agricultural proprietor* increased 199 per cent ¦ Corporate profits, after taxes, increased 119 per cent...
...In the case of these rroups (and there are other similar groups), the old political adage explains the situation: 'Even if you give 'em 80 per cent of ahat you promised, they'll turn against you because you Haven't delivered the remaining 20 per cent" » * * rSESE arc the main components of the tf3e which has beaten so strongly against |he r.itherto strong Administration pssirisn...
...The word power has become a mania...
...3) A group including Lamont and Willkie, who favor "free competiion" with T}^,4.m.^.— Mm...
...4) Varioi't group...
...The Republicans' sleight-of-hand with the phrase "New Deal" is as deceptive as the sleight-of-hand which The New Leader and others have worked on the word "isolationism," as William Henry Chamberlin ' has brilliantly shown in recent numbers of The Progressive...
...But how could they make pledges against territorial aggrandisement when one of the subjects under discussion was Russia's territorial demands and the various spheres of influence...
...The farmers gratefully rewarded the Administration at the polls...
...And, incidentally, what has this to do with an anti-fascist war...
...feesionsl) increased 77 per' cent...
...The increase in income of the average worker has been less than the increase of the average farmer, corporation, dividend receiver or small businessman...
...This program duplicated on at least foui points the food price program proposed by ex-President Herbert lifover on June 8, including oppositions to subsidies...
...telL .. '. { The program proposed June 7 by Paul Willis of GMA called for...
...Today, the war controls have aroused fierce opposition among the little businessmen and they have reacted against the Administration at the polls...
...of the Snath's transportation systems, its credit arrangomenta, At utility facilities and nature...
...Wages sad salaries increased 199 per cent...
...Swift'i Premium meats, Silverleaf lard...
...For those In nun snand-facturing industries the increase is 40 per c*n...
...Jello, Post Toss tie* Bakers Chocolate, Grapenuto, Swaaadowa Cak« Flour, Del Monte fruits and vegetables...
...What <is England's basic principle...
...COME people ask why there was no statement out of Teheran which would lay down some moral principle, such as the Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter...
...England has but few courses open to her: 1—Possible retention of her present possessions, overseas trade and investment...
...At the same tame, it is equally evident the balance of power permanently has passed beyond the British Isles...
...They are revolting against the new system of war controls...
...The farmer supported the New Deal in those days because of benefit payments...
...Gold Medal Flour, Nabisco, and the "5: Varieties...
...Perhaps, tke Reaeth-Hesns may diocover a oahstitut...
...As to Europe one section of opinion (Voigt, Smuts) seeks U build up the continent as an ally against Russia another seeks friendship with Russia...
...The words we now employ tonnd like the very thing our Vensittart authors 'lulve accused the Germans of creating...
...Survival Comes First A MAN named Voigt is the English counter-T...
...resources, got and herein Use tits stssJsl virtue of the now arrangement—tne Southerners ware allowed to manage the pruaertf ,. and in return for their services, too Southerners lecetved the rewards of managers—th« control Of their localities, the semblance of powei aad tile social prestige that inheres in being invited to seats at the banquet tables of th« mJe/rnTOi*" -J Two pi obi ems beset Britain: One Europe the other the overseas empire...
...Better a despotically governed Germany that is not tco strong than a liberal Germany that is too •trong... The Mood of Power Politics By DANIEL BELL By DANIEL if U *THE ideological masks fall swiftly, ones the a crisis is past But when still te crisis . . . well, they say no man is an atheist when adrift ja the ocean...
...England has no one permanent foe in E j rope, for none of her vital interests conflict with the vital interests of any European power...
...In its November 11 release attacking subsidies, the Committee clsims that it i« "repretenting aB phases of food processing, wwulsaol* ij»d retail distributing...
...The price of labor is the basic wage rate...
...And everywhere there are red-eyed, heavyhearted men who once thought that out of the We are fan*** a twentieth seats** war, but turmoil there might come a batter eon la...
...if iNW-his party, still possesses, lies in his conduct of the ear abroad...
...Its technique as oell—wffl probably resemble that ef the old New Deal... picture, made in England, The '¦We' and Death of . Colonel Blimp...
...But today, the crisis is past and the men who run the world have slipped back to play with their Pandora boxes...
...Ai* ready American exporters claim that British competition in...
...wmj3 mm • i t l i aa • • 'aaaimBBnW s N H s m i s y ' I*mv Satan Britain ana an aumnce unua anaana...
...Ms defamie...
...I There's a deathly formaldehyde smell clinging » those.old slogans...
...T*HE actual tip-off as to what the shrewd * men in Europe are thinking is contained in the amazingly bhmt and outspoken interview granted Henry J. Taylor by tins Portuguese dictator Antonio Salaxar...
...Food Monopoly Bloc Seeks Inflation - To Swell War Profits Reuther Charges Eight Companies Lead Fight for Higher Prices Bv WALTER P. REUTHER, Yltt ?*mmm I'uM ArtWlW* Worker...
...Generally, they voted for the Administration...
...oar world-image it nineteenth-century psBtfes and eighteenth-century mercantikst «pan*mice...
...Corporate areata, before federal tame*, sjnereased 341 per cent...
...In late September Clarence Francis, Chairman, wrote to the American Farm Bureau, the National Grange, and the National Council of Farmers Cooperatives proposing they get together on October 19...
...This week I. made a "content analysis" of several newspapers and magazine* to And the new Lexicon...
...A hard, tough-minded realist, he will have nene of this talk of "anti-fascism...
...A by-election in Missouri a fjser" mouths tokW terved to confirm this trend...
...Hence the farmers have turned against the Administration...
...Maybe that will happen in any case...
...Competition and the innate honesty ofl the American businessman will keep consumer prices from rising...
...Ai George Padmore points out in a recent issu« m^sbritish^wsd'^Dutch areas in Africa and the Pacific This plan would need off the daaaaad sei "epen doors" that American luslsasamir...
...This trend, ! 1>*> ieve, rises from the force* outlined above...
...retained contra...
...on the prices at which they and their distributor...
...for taxes, General Food* earned a return of 17 per cent on iti net worth...
...I looked in vain to see if the term "people's war" was still employed...
...It will have more RFC and leas SEC...
...What the Repvblieans call the "New Deal" today, of course, bears no relation to the prewar New Deal...
...After dedacnnn nt iham tfc.n k.l# ' i Qd9 -.— III...
...increased tabor income ha* net contributed in undue proportion to the expansion of purchasing pouter...
...Great Britain and the United...
...I believe that the people gsasratly feel that he is pushing the war to a quick and triumphant finish...
...But this does not make conflict inevitable...
...As Frhnk Hanighen points out, "Voigt—who has served as spokesman of Sir Robert Vansittart— is a very reliable weather vane of ruling class thinking...
...Non-agricultural proprietors (except pre...
...Hare are the words ef the head of a Bares saw ooate, and one that has been long under British influence: "In the path of this pressure, the United States now enters the wBW$«ejbetMs directly and irrevocably ajid'besosMs to this hemisphere as a whole waafc^Enj|faad used to be to the limited continent .of Europe— the detached but everiastaugry involved sentinel in which will rest foe imwnot of "Even with all of t y J S % J [ s j | j h ^anll demonstrated potentialities, toe bamhcf of power cannot center fcn that IsateVtopked nation any more than the balance of power previously rested in poena fat OH many— which it never did...
...3) Small butinest and tradesmen...
...As to its empire, the British hsve two lino of defense: in certain areas they are offer:nj the Americans a partnership, in other areas they are seeking to wis back the trade they lost during the early years of the war...
...The liberals are in a weak position...
...The balance of power for tins century win be in the United' States...
...In recent elections, evidence mounted that the Negro voter was returning to the Republican party...
...I am less interested in the reasons for this demise usually given by liberal commentators, such as the bureaucratic shifts which have ousted New Dealers, than I am in what I call the voters revolt against what the Republican politicians call the New Deal...
...marches on...
...They falsify the facts about workers' incomes, to shift the blame to the workers, and to cover op their own campaign to knock out subsidies andjdaaiToy price control...
...Plllsbury Flour Mills Company, The Borden Company, and Grocery Manufacturers of America, Inc...
...But, for practical purposes, Roosevelt's New Deal lies in its coffin...
...Some years ago, the citizens of Polish birth or descent voted for Roosevelt...
...I do not believe that the farmer and urban worker now regret their support of the New Deal Administration in the *30's...
...And it wee painful, the other night, to ait through a preview cf Michael Powell...
...States bate a common Interest in the economic development ¦ of Europe, especially of the region between the Baltic and the Aegean, a region capable of measureless economic development...
...At the moment, In fact, they represent only a section...
...Bet it's main aim— and...
...Therefore the wages and salaries increase should be adjusted for the increased numbers... east* . .. > hake not kept pace with the alarming rate at which over-all incomes of all wage earners has grown,* • * • . . -n INCOMES of industrial workers have net tor * creased 200 per cent since the war stortoeV Salaries and wages in non-governmental employment increased as a total from 1939 to 1944 by 109 per cent When allowance is made for the increase of 29 per cent in number of salary and wage earners sharing in that increased tap tal of wages and salaries, the average msreaap per person employed is 61 per cent...
...The Food Industry War Committee it the veto* of the large fond manufacturers, mmmmStJ^t serf justification to speak for the entire food to* duttry against subsidies, and seeking to enlist toe farm lives political power to ¦¦pperf of He drive for inefactive price control ok food product...
...But internal developments in the colonies make that unlikely,' and America has captuced^her trade...
...As William B. HesftffiH has clearly pointed oat ia' The New Leader (Aug, 21, 1242), the North for several years experimented with direst political control of tinSouth...
...Stabilisation requires that the price of goods and the price of labor, not labor income, be eontrolled, and on a comparable basis...
...a) Fixed ceilings on raw material prices and wages paid by food processors...
...They might well, if the elec-tiou were held today, respond to a piss af •don't change horses in mid steam...
...Sat this resulted in disorders...
...The farm bloc leaders turned down formal affiliation with the manufacturers and distributors...
...Important .for him is the friendship of the United States and a common front in a drive for power and mastery of Eurcpe, "The United States is, si present chiefly concerned with prospects of long-term investment Its greatest interest is in Sooth America, and after South America, in China...
...Another example —the Negro vote...
...Today there are three trends: (1) Cooperation with Britain, reflected by the Roqsevelt Administration, by sharing sections of the empire and dividing trade...
...But the Administration's WLB does oppose these increases...
...T"HE Food Industry War Committee was formed in January...
...The exorbitant strength of Germany must be reduced and it must be kept reduced...
...If so, I suspect its form will not differ basically from the eed New Deal...
...Congress should not be deceived by the effort of the large food manufacturers, or of the farm bloc, to shift the blame for inflation to the backs of the wage earners...
...Wages have been more tightly controlled than prices, and workers have shared to a much smaller degree than farmers and corporations in the rise of income...
...But I did find, in Its place, the harsh phrases of "Balance 'ef Power," "National Sovereignty," "Spheres of Influence," "National Interests," "Power Ptltecs," "Oil Oopceaskms,'' "Air Bases...
...But gratitude for these policies disappears under new conditions and with the rise of new dissatisfaction* What the Republican* hare succeeded in doing it to fix the designation "New Deal" to a set of new controls which voters dislike...
...Imoeria *T*HK nature of the peace has * generally been discussed in the f uzsy terms of "cooperation" "collective security" and ether nebulous concepts...
...He is the author of "Merchants of Death...
...Today, employers generally do not oppose wage increases...
...capita... h9tm to make, in order to secure raw ,materials...
...He promised the meeting would be secret, with no report to the press...'thi Flections of 1942, the Republicans made gajps far in excess of their most optimistic dopsptoxe...
...It seems to me that the Republicans, whether through habit or shrewd subtlety, have succeeded in identifying the target of the voters' dissatisfaction with the New Deal...
...For their whole position was oriented about Russia...
...f-ahe eucceeds, she will fn time be •aster of Europe, perhaps in association with Germany...
...The state •***» nous this fall also reflected a much sttwaaptf Republican trend then forecasted...
...Old Jsn Smuts reports that "the greatest lesson to come out of this war i» the value of power...
...Arrayed against them are elements represented by Herbert Hoover and some of the globe-trotting Senators...
...1943, by representatives of the Grocery Manufacturers of America, the National Association of Food Chains, and other food trade representatives...
Vol. 26 • December 1943 • No. 51