The Turn of Events- A Review of Global Fronts

The Turn of Events- A Review of Global Fronts Turkeys Pro-Allied Neutrqlity Turkey's neutrality recently has been pro-Allied just as Spain's neutrality has remained pro-Axis. The conferences...

...Sullivan & Cromwell, New York law firm...
...Britain will be the weak partner—unless she strengthens her position in western Europe...
...Does that make,senseT T^HE American Red Cross recently turned * down an offer of 400 copies of Meneehen in Akteudecketn by a former German district attorney, Albert Lestoque...
...a non-commissioned German officer wrffil a memorandum to the American CetaamasgM Officer when the arst copy of tie Sen* V*9t zeituag arrived, stating in no uncertaia snaus thai he, charged with "upboJdmg the **** among the prisoners" (!) decided that m ^?tpaper...
...j? on* camp the representative of the war print* ers...
...Heroes of the Soviet Ualoa...
...Last week the Supreme Court upheld the lower court...
...1.5 billion, is controlled by officers who hold less than one-tenth of one percent of the common stock, Boehm asserts...
...Letters I have received from German prisoners, of war in several camps (some former social democratic constituents of mine...
...the United States Senate ratified it on January 7, 1932...
...The America a Commanding Officer, «*• pressing his regret, passed the Nasi aagja...
...Some wonder "whether we are going to liberate them from Japanese exploitation'only to return them to the British...
...The Teheran declaration assuring Iran of sovereignty and in-dopendenee—which must paean the withdrawal of Russian) and British troops after the war—, can be interpreted as a re-assurance to Turkey...
...LOUIS, Mo...
...enlisted man and non-commissioned officer* ht% held prisoner...
...Aayone who hat ffit C«K»» * mm Pgitical Phlleappay «f the Hague machine is ruthless deprived of kh fundamental civil rights... control appointments to the State Tax Com minnieo in iinnote: to elect governors in Ohio and to prevent Cleveland front expanding its municipal power plant...
...Istanbul and Adrianople are very vulnerable to German Luftwaffe attack...
...But the prieoowrt who are anti-Nazi are not allowed to pick the book* they wish to read became the Bed Cross too* to it that no anti-Nazi book*, even in the form of pre-1993 novels, ever reach a German war prisoner tamp...
...One might agree with the Bed Cross statement that there should he no compulsory antiNazi propaganda which the Nazi* might use as a pretext to start pro-Nazi propaganda among the American and British prisoner* in Germany, although the Nazis are already doing it ia their newspapers distributed is the camps over there...
...Joseph B. Eastman, and other industrialists...
...does not apply to Asia...
...Now everything is Biddle...
...When I was in Ottawa a few weeks ago negotiating with the Canadian Government to get the Nnu Vslks-ztitling admitted into Canadian camps too, as it has been admitted in the United States camps...
...This writer, writing from the provinces, does not have access to information on the national policies pursued by...
...But he can set forth only what is visible ircm here— an<l what is visible from here indicates not only a violation of the Sherman Act, identical with the first, but contempt of court in- that the Consent Decree is flouffed...
...Consequently, it is within the legal right af every Commanding Officer of an America* easts with German prisoners of war to deny ta»J»a» proval of the appointment of an outright Htm who, ua 99 caoes out of 100...
...I was informed by the Canadian Department of External Affairs that, under the auspices of the YMCA, lecturers are sent about who apeak on American history, as a first try-out...
...As a gesture of friendship, Turkey announced the closing of forced labor camps for capital levy tax delinquents...
...Does that make sense...
...The (complainant is Frank J. Boehm, ex-executive secretary of the Union Electric Company, a Missouri subsidiary of the North American Oo...
...Bee tun seryed ten months and was then paroled... shall have the poorer to appoint a prisoner of$oer to assist him as an interpreter Sate-ing the conferences with the camp o«taa*V Ms"__ But the story is different in the camp* irhjff...
...lecturing as the prisoners is no ill-treatment, no msoH: it night be interpreted as a disrespect of their honor sM tfceir person if the participation wen safe pulsory...
...They promise everything—we promise tte status que ante ballum—a "liberation" that (has not liberate...
...This appointment shall be subject to the approved »/ the military authority... line with hie farmer employment he teem to it that German war prisoner* in the United States get only books which were published after 1933 and have the approval of the Nazi-"Reichsschrifttumskammer", the Nazi authority on book publishing in Germany...
...The case was so clear-cut that it was easy to get a Consent Decree out of the outfit...
...Roosevelt was persuaded to commute this sentence to two years... emoted above, unMr «Wiration to protect the war prlaeasrs » our power from being inaaHed asd aw treated... determines •» rim the shew...
...Parsgrfph i *i the Convention provides: "/* Mtsst of officers and persons ft e-qutvalent ftatas...
...raadam on to me...
...The anti-Satis m ffi> camp are exposed to the insults of their taytf Ittentative because a rabid Nasi is permitted te run the camp...
...What's going on is also a violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act against false and misleading advertising as well as an impediment to the war effort- But these are small-fry and prankish misdeeds, of a kind these irrepressible oilmen regularly perpetrate in moments of exuberance...
...Boehm said...
...Their quarters aboard ship are very crowded, the air fetid, the food abominable, their treatment unnecessarily severe...
...This attitude is not entirely dissipated by the Cairo conference, but the growing certainty of defeat for Germany • — m—1— maVo <Fiii*+tw>i- cnTicenninns to th* Allies, and she will (ret on ihe 1WIVW * T" '«r " -----bandwagon as toon as possible, hoping thereby to reap some of the fruits of victory All that Von Papon, Hitler'* shrewdest diplomat, can do is to minimize the value of Turkish aid to the Allies...
...and to influence selection of ntesa-berk of federal commissions dealing wtu utility business...
...In fact, that's all they are now, since there is so little ethyl fluid on band that only a four-point octane, spread is posible between house brands and ethyl...
...We know that the "independence" gra/afcsifg Burma is a swindle—but the Burmese art as-* dently "enthusiastic about it...
...The American Communists have set up a pro-Tito committee in New York, under Louis Adamic as a "front," to aid the Communist-led Partisans and their newly established "government" * » • frrfoia Mast Fled New Allies, Soys Sfacts . .. Jan Smuts, Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, has warned Britons that in the "great trinity of powers" after the war...
...The German War Prisoners in the U.S.- What They Say and Think By GERHART H.SEGER Editor, "AW VetixzeUung" THERE are, at preaeat, more than 50,000 Ger...
...all reasons!* do***,* the lftitiQO, addressed to AttarS Gejeejrtl Riddle, stated...
...In a recent issge, the Seafarers' Log makes a further point—the prisoners are used to do sailors' work...
...So far as the officers are concerned, th* representation of officer prisoners is regrfhjlaf by the Genera Cooveq|)on, and we can set f» anything about it Article 43...
...An alliance of the western European democracies with Britain and with a consolidated group of colonies is the only answer, he thought • • • Tee At/aatic Cearter— 4*4 tie Pactfc . . . William L. Shirer, in his New York Herald-Tribune column, writes that if we have believed that half a billion persons in the lands we will liberate from Japan will welcome our white faces with unanimous enthusiasm, we are kidding ourselves...
...Quite the coatraryT^g tieaaliet orsmmaatieas in Burma and otter1 countries dominated by Japan have gateM strength and agitate with frenzied enthosiasH* for the aew "independence," parroting Jtm propaganda on "Asia for the Asiatics...
...Slush j funds of the North American, he charges, were used to defeat Daniel Hoan, Socialist mayor of Milwaukee for 24 years... well as reports from American citizens of German descent who visited relatives among the war prisoners, testify to the fact that accommodation, food and general treatment in the United States war prison camps is excellent and gives no reason for complaint...
...A suit filed last week in a St...
...And Turkey, like Russia, is not without aspirations in the Balkans...
...Back when cigar-waving Ttauraan Arnold was ahffiiiog the big stick of ruthless anti-trust enforcement, one of his standard evidences of malpractice was the case of Etayl Gasoline Corp...
...Granted that British and Dutch rule is sgfM than Japanese rule, the subject peoples 4%V . seem to see it that way—they do not want taB dominated, by any imperialist power...
...was not u be admitted to this camp...
...Political passions and prejudices," said Mr...
...I should not like to see an unequal partnership...
...The company was fined and its president, Louis H. Egan, was given a two-year term in jail...
...SeamenCharqe Prisoners Used to Undermine Union Seafarers' Log, organ of the Seafarers* International Union, has reported the terrible conditions under which prisoners of war have been shipped to this country...
...But it seemed that Standard of California bad a lot of the fluid on hand, and it seemed that Standard of California insisted on the continuation of the Ethyl contracts...
...Because many officials are afraid of violating the Geneva Convention...
...Dapper Ralph (double-pay) Davies... all such cases we are violating the Geneva Convention for the benefit of the Nazis...
...To maintain her power, Britain must find new allies...
...Dillon, Bead at Co...
...Mikhailovitch has demanded that all guerrilla* forces submit to his authority as Commander-1 in-Chief of Yugoslav forces under the Yugoslav" government-in-exile...
...Why are we not donas...
...The Communist Party recently catted ansa its followers to support the Hague maehfcie...
...Involved by Boehm are Harrison Williams, chairman of the North American...
...I kno» the Nazis »tfl essays to expect {rosy the begmalni «WT8| actual hsppened: the rahjfr NaafHfrg the prisoners have estaMGOied ii aW compounds a Bourtsamf terror ¦pB Now and anti-Nazi* asaoat the praattsu havo a tough tisae...
...far ahead of all our Allies combined...
...It operates (through subsidiaries...
...They are for the purpose of price-fixing...
...the question periods always following shewed a profound interest, and by way of obvious inference the speakers could contrast impressively the democratic ideals with the totalitarian idiocies...
...We quote: A second SIU ship arrived in port this past week on which German prisoners of war had been used to do sailor's work This" ship belonged to the Bull Line' and during passage from North Africa back to New York, 15 selected prisoners chipped and painted the 'entire boat deck...
...In 1943 the foal is another 20 per cent increase...
...The lectures have been a decided success: although they were delivered in English, enough German war prisoners know English to make the lectures worthwhile...
...son of Marshal Josip Broz (Tito), has been decorated by the Red Army with its highest award,' Hero of the Soviet Union...
...So we are very busy indeed, making certain that Nazis remain Nazis, so that we can deliver to Germany after the war the only Nazis who will then still be Nazis...
...The Assistant Provost ?*rsh*l GfaeraJ of the United State* War r>effiartj|i" decided that those prisoners who want la, •» re#4 a German language anti-Nazi ntrpspfgK the prisoner repreaantative decides otberjng his appointment having been confirmed by mf Commanding Officer... the' name of "unity behind rusTlsil Roosevelt" Expose Utilities Election 'Slush Fund Used to Defeat Liberals Sit...
...Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, California, and the District of "Colnnttia...
...Now be is suing the North American for $25 million ioi "defamation, slander and libel...
...What is being done with these German war prisoners, and what can we do with thf mOn July 27, 1929, the Geneva Convention regulating the mutual treatment of prisoners'of war was signed...
...Lecturing to the prisoners of war is no violation of thf Convention so long as the participation is rohtntary...
...The conferences between Roosevelt, Churchill and Inonu, the President of Turkey, brings that strategically important country into closer identification with the interests of the United Nations...
...JapejjS pennies 1 warfare has been awe effective thaa ours...
...Iitical boss in our community since 19117 aaC set our city and county apart from the rest a) the United States as a Fascist unit within say very borders," the City Affairs Committee of Jersey City declared in petitioning far a fitted mvestisatiQu of Hague's "persistent suppression of civil rights Hague's tyranny is "conspiratorial in design, and Can be fontanentod beyond...
...Their future is with Great Britain and the next world-wide British system...
...Had the shipowner observed the union contract and used the crew for this work, it wqnlc) have been necessary to break out the watch below and the result would have been eight hundred hours overtime...
...This book received the highest praise by a critic in the New York Times, and in many other Americas papers In turning down the offer of the author the National Headquarters of the American Bed Cross (aigned Maurice Pate, dated July a, 1943) wrote, "I know of some earlier attempts to carry on s program of anti-Nazi, democratic education of German prisoners...
...We are...
...Wilson, executive vice chairman of the War Production Board, formerly president of General Electric, announced plans at the Congress of American Industry (NAM) on December $. The tonnage of aircraft production wol be almost double that of this year—which will place the U.S.A...
...Wilson declared, "seems likely to tax both our capacity for sacrifice and our capacity for industrial production beyond anything we have experienced so far... influence presidential elections in favor of Willkie...
...Then Boehm filed his suit He, states be testified falsely and juggled the company's book under orders from superiors, who tckl him he could perjure himself with impunity...
...Therefore, in - every ealap wfceir the America* eommeadiug o%er gave his approval to the apuwtutaveut of at oo" right Xaw to he the represeetatn f of th« pth-oaera, Vfe violate oar obligation as » pre-tei-tiag pow'ef...
...But to deprive anti-Nazis among the German war prisoners here, by turning down an offer of 400 cosies of a s excellent hook, mesne the opposite: it means that ia effect the American Bed Cross acts as a voluntary censor in American camps of prisoners of war so that they may not read what they may wish to road... prisoners of war in 3S camps in the United States, and many more are expected...
...Eiaele, is now in charge of distributing German books in American war prisoner camps in behalf of the Red Crocs...
...the same in the United States...
...Louis court reveals the extent tof which public utility corporations often go to corrupt politicians...
...the S'eue \ vlkszeUung it am read even by anti-Nasi prisoner* in *hi» JgJ ticalar camp...
...the senior officer of ike highest rani shall be recognized as mitt-meJistry befweti the camp authorities ekd fie offhbrrt etnd persons of equivalent store* who art prisoner...
...municipal ownership in San Francisco and elsewhere...
...bat voluntary attendance is aefiaiteh no vaalatM* of the Geneva Convention, In one respect we do violate the ftfea i obvmUdb...
...Article 2, Paragraph 3, in addition stipulates that prisoners of war at* entitled to have their person and their honor respected...
...It is doubtful that Turkey will declare war on Germany until the final phase of the war—perhaps next spring...
...It goes without saying that this convention must be observed meticulously, even if the Nazis do not quite as-correctly reciprocate...
...It is difficult for leaser oilmen to overlook this, federal if they want to stay in busioes.....B»tW WTwk ggstfee and Osborne handle bot\ and delPl^fet o|e rjorc^v^ of freact JlW «p...
...Other funds influenced appointments to the Public Utility Commission in Washington, D. C; to obtain favorable legislation in Missouri...
...My own feeling is that firm and fair treatment of Germffm prisoners here, and allowing them to pick *ut the literature that they Wish to read, is probably the best long-term poKey...
...however, so far as the Red Cross and the War Prisoners Aid of the YMCA have been able to ascertain, American and British prisoners of wax are treated correctly...
...The North American Company, one of many big holding companies, is accused of spending f5 million since 1930 to influence elections and the appointment of officials in Missouri...
...being anti-Naii...
...the Ethyl Corp...
...1944 War Production To f e 2t% Above 1943 American production — without which, as Stalin said, the war could not have been won— was SO per cent greater in 1943 than in 1942... many camps the prisoners see a movie once a week, have bowling alleys, can read newspapers (the Neue Volkszeitung among them) and books...
...I am deeply alarmed over, the possibility that a right-wing reaction may draw some sections of capital so far away from our traditions as to imperil the entire structure of American life...
...How Standard Oil Forgets About the War To Keep Its Profits By DAVID MUNRO LOS ANGELES...
...For this purpoe...
...They likewise agreed upon the necessity of labor-management-government cooperation to prevent a depression after the war and to provide full employment...
...COME time ago s German bookstore in New ^ York (Wcstermann's) was1 closed,having been a Nazi outfit...
...They draw salaries totaling $500,000...
...Paragraphs 1 and t of Artiejep provide: "In every place, where there are prisoners of war, they shall be allowed to apptrpl agents entrusted with representing thorn itreeily with military authorities and protecting powers...
...Britain will emerge from this war impoverished...
...French and Dutch to oral ait • • -" Only the Filipinos hjMa^aS assured of isdisii end orjy (hag resisted Japan...
...Wilson, in the 1944 election, may "jeopardise our entire national future...
...And the contracts are right back where they were...
...j Turkey wants guarantees that Russia's aspirations in (the Balkan* and for control of the Dardanelles will never be realized...
...The Securities and Exchange Commission discovered several years ago that Union Electric had spent $600,000 to influence elections...
...The greatest lesson to come out of this war is the value of power...
...Smuts rejected the idea of an Anglo-American political axis...
...and by Paul Hoffman, Frederick C. Crawford, Tom Girdler...
...he attributed, to, the treasury «f Wrrfm- \*ffJ against his o-vi-n countrymen WllfWW^ WO trance re*ciu:.g tbt IP!} >fif » thf...
...In short, the crew is $720 the poorer, the shipowner is that much to the good, and the German prisoners, their own unions haying been smashed by Hitler and the German bosses, are now being used by the American shipowners in an attempt to repeat the pattern here...
...terBatJoiial Trangnprt Workers e>deration in London yrnounce that thf pfusral Secretary of the Aistr.Uo Baujpjjx-WMWP IU TWFutijr dej^red fa tW hfji , m ^.gyiftya %j *e personal order of L»yal Wi *tfrWf> hecome 9 fetaw agept ieedm. ?*«;r f^tlqrttaut approached, f|aj labor W « T« » the und^pHp^ moysUstty refusing to Ui ay htt |«Uqw »»ti-f*so*t... acting as Deputy Petroleum Administrator in Washington, has neither been removed from the payroll of Standard of California, nor released from the obligations which such payment implies...
...One example for iUustratie...
...North American, with assets of...
...As a matter of fact, I can tell you only this—four bridges on the railroad Uzice-Visegrad were destroyed by our units under my own command and in the presence of Brigadier General Armstrong, chief of the British military mission...
...Polish, Russian, and other prisoners of war is a different story...
...That doesn't make sense...
...The war in Europe," Mr...
...Moreover, tite Field Marshal said, Russia's position will be unique in European history, because the power Of the Japanese Empire will be destroyed and cannot serve as a cheek or balance fa tile East He portrayed Russia as a new colossus bestriding the continent of Europe and dominating Asia as well...
...This company, Trust-buster Arnold said to any and all listeners, misused its patent privilege in that the company hooked up use of the ethyl fluid with price-fixing agreements to establish retail grades and rates...
...Zharko Broz...
...contracts altogether, and take the fluid out of the gas... on the Coast, as elsewhere, the demand for aviation gas has moved view the octane rating of the motorist's fuel...
...ex-Governor Philip LaFollette of Wisconsin: and...
...He was sentenced a trial that followed an inquiry into political skullduggery by Union Electric...
...So far, so good But—is it really the tatk oftht I'mttd State* to conserve Sazis by the thousands, so that a geeond German Republic will have a fifth column at its outset, delivered free of charge b% the United State*, where they were carsfuUy canned...
...and that's something else again...
...Thrace, or European Turkey, is likewise open to attack...
...Thei ere accused by Boehm of "milking" the company of $100 million, $25 million, and $1.5 million, respectively...
...Our army has not favored this on the theory that the final result might be a boomerang...
...Its former manager, a Mr...
...The Cairo conference tailed to promise thai the Atlantic Charter will apply also to tE Pacific aM^^fy^C eW Cov^wJa^OJaWS Iw^w^pB &f l^**JI*n^Sawar* e a • "The pattern of terrorism that now easts ¦ Hudson County (New Jersey) under tte dictator ship of Mayor Frank Hague, as the pa...
...Naturally, by reason of dapper Ralph, it is difficult if not dangerous fur other <p>& companies to dare to go counter to the wishes of Standard of California...
...What the Nazis are doing^to French...
...Charles IE...
...He accuses the company of making him a scapegoat iu a conspiracy to conceal its political activities...
...assisted by two British officers...
...Canada has begun to do so...
...He vehemently denies that his Chetniks hare fought with Nazis against the Partisans...
...Cynical Turks have said, "Britain is our ally, but Germany is our friend...
...Nazis «epresest Prtsoaars AfcVlOUSLY...
...He, according to his own statements, gets considerable contributions from German-Americans, who wish to remain anonymous to buy books for German war prisoners...
...Given this situation, there was a strong move to abandon the Ethyl Corp...
...Compared with the vast resources of Russia and the United States, the British Empire will be poor, he stated...
...Full cooperation in reaching these astronomical totals jras pledged by William Green, AFL president, and Philip Murray, CIO president, for labor...
...The price spread is two cents, however, and that's what counts...
...This tax ruined 30,000 Turkish citisens, nearly all of them Christians and Jews, who were imprisoned...
...Shirer asks: "Why nboSi^B...
...Should we not try to begin the re-education of the German people which our military governaaent division and other organizations are planning, right here in America...
...What fcege have we held out to ttoassl Churchill made it dear that the Adentoe CaugffiJ...
...because the Geataps-trainod Naals rule witb an irws asai: an German soldier knows the if auaug of tbt term "roll coaaujando.*' Who can gjn every anti-Nazi prisoners during the night, to protect aim from being seates up by the Gestapo agent* among thf praV oners...
...General Mih-hailovitch commented (UP): "I am surprised by such great lies...
...Therefore, Smuts advocated working "intimately together with these small democracies in western Europe... men, he was Cc .ouneed to the Gestapo, who lo<t no time in a' resting him...
...But thjs was, as I say, in the "dear dead days of Thurman Arnold...
...Egan and the company-appealed to the United States Supreme Court...
...It has also soaked up the available ethyl fluid, since this is used to boost the octane of plane gas as well as auto gas...
...Hence we oaajpaV expect them to welcome and aid adraaeS Anglo-American forces and to sabotage the ? treating Japanese...
...Recently the Yugoslav Partisans under Tito claimed, through the Communist radio" station Free Yugoslavia, that they had destroyed four bridge* on a strategic railroad...
...Russia will be "mistress of the Continent,'* Smuts declared, with the reduction of France, Germany and Italy to second-class powers...
...Article 2, Paragraph 2. of the Geneva Coaven-non stipulates that prisoners of war matt at all times be humanely treated and must especially be protected against ill-treatment, insult* and public curiosity...
...This would consolidate the opposition of the rest of the world to dominion by the two...

Vol. 26 • December 1943 • No. 50

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