England and America-The Problem of Unity or Imperialist Rivalry
England and America-The Problem of Unity or Imperialist Rivalry Liberals and American Foreign Policy by cHRISTOPHER T.EMMET,Jr TTHE pact of Moscow, and the passage of the * Senate resolution...
...Fascism binds the people to their government so tightly that in the end both the people and their' institution* of government are mined...
...T^ie English can say: "W« ask only to be not forcibly deprived of what is ours...
...After their bitter experience in the Spanish civil war, the Spanish Republicans feer'that no unity is, possible with the agents of the Kremlin who month the words "unity" and "democracy" only to camouflage their real aim...
...There is the Italy of the Nazis...
...with the CP...
...It is therefore gratifying to- find that after the success at Moscow a few of the critics now grant that the President knew Mr, Hull bettor than they did, and that it was Hull's presence in Moscow which ensured the passage of the epoch-making Senate resolution...
...England and America-The Problem of Unity or Imperialist Rivalry Liberals and American Foreign Policy by cHRISTOPHER T.EMMET,Jr TTHE pact of Moscow, and the passage of the * Senate resolution approving it, mark a turnling point in the political history of the war...
...It is like s nightmare lived through in actual reality by millions...
...The writer is proud to be one of them...
...The private imperialisms that have prevailed in such regions should be replaced by an international imperialism, giving equal rights to all members of the Alliance...
...When they 'say unity, they mean Communist contret...
...At the same time, if certain imperialistic forces in America have their way, the Englisl will starve 'however friendly they may be t* the United States...
...President's repudiation of him before his use fulness was at an end...
...Load-lease, they would say, was understood to be a plan foi defeating the common enemy, not a plan t< enable late-comers to inflict economic slavery upon those who had been in the war from the start If peace is to be secure, a bargain will hav« to be struck between the three rival imperialism...
...Such policies, if thej were to prevail, might persuade the Englisl that the price of American friendship is deatl by starvation...
...They have been proved right bey odd all possible expectation—in fact, too right for their heart's content...
...The lessons of the past were not in vain...
...2) a merchant marine very mud greater than that of any other country, (3) hugi overseas investments...
...Eng land cannot hope to win a war against a superioi navy...
...It should have direct control of places of exceptional strategic importance, such as the Suez and Panama canals, Gibraltar and Singapore...
...There are however, overwhelming reasons leading th< British, not only now, but in any measurable future, to side with the United States...
...i s delivered by Badoglio practically intact, while the French fleet with more reason te come over to oar side was scuttled...
...Union Democritica...
...The Russians can say: "We ask freeitom for the workers everywhere, and an end te capitalist exploitation...
...Clearly, there must be a compromise: no one of the three Powers will secure all that it desires, and each will secure something...
...The background of the unity part of the Spanish democratic parties is traced here by Dr...
...It also shows a socratic humility which avoids dogmatism and fanaticism in the face of a complicated situation where many facts are unknown...
...Our polic: keeps outside interference to a minimum, avoid anarchy behind our lines which would hampe our military campaign, encourages organize Italian resistance to Hitler, and recognizes tha it is impossible for us to know the full will 0 the Italian people how, while most of them ar still under the Germans...
...And it is the function of liberal criticism to »ee that the Italian people are given their chance as soon as possible...
...I believe that for the good of Italy, both r foreign and in domestic affairs, the king an his son Umberto should abdicate...
...This will not cease with the defeat of Japan...
...I do not think this will topjjan, but it is a possibility to be borne in mind...
...Emmet sharply criticizes these writers, we feel that perhaps he ii* too sanguine about the Moscow Pact aad the Badoglio deal...
...On this realistic basis, a stable agreement is possible...
...Is it too much to suggest that when the President's judgment is once again proved right on such an important issue it indicates at least the probability that Roosevelt may also prove right in other controversies * Yet in the November issue of the Wew Republic, Gaetano Salvemimi of Harvard returns to the attack on Anglo-American policy in Italy...
...and the right-wing of the Socialist Party of Spain...
...Here is at least a partial answer to the query recently posed by the New Leader, "Is this a revolutionary war...
...The aftermath of Fascism ia anarchy...
...permitted to air their views freely...
...for example* England no longei has a penny invested in India...
...It is to be hoped that gradually other political groups, such as the Basque group and the Syndicalists, will give their support to the Committee of Unity...
...He ignores the delivery of the great island of Sardinia without our firing a shot...
...Hence this is a favorable moment for a backward glance at the controversies over AngloAmerican policy which preceded the conference...
...When liberals not only ridicule the policy of our high officials but attack the principles and even the motives behind our whole foreign policy they are not acting as counter-weights but rather as trail blazers for isolationist" and reactionary critics...
...But Charchill revealed in his speech of September 27 that Badoglio began negotiations to join the Allies almost immediately after the easting of Massolini...
...of America, England and Russia...
...On November 10th General Eisenhower de manded that Marshal Badoglio should dismis General Roatta, who is accused of war crime in Yugoslavia, and urged him to broaden th political base of his cabinet...
...What the President said some time ago about France is true when applied to Italy...
...Bitterness and disillusion among these critics divides the forces of those who favor international cooperation and strengthens the isolationists...
...In the name ef unity the Communists a t t a ck Prieto and Barrio and all ether Spanish labor leaders, liberaks, and Socialists who will net accept their 1 • . » * the statement are the Communists and stooges and GPU agents who contributed to disunity within the Spanish Loyalist Government by their ruthless persecution of opponents, their unremitting intrigue for power, their subordination of the interests of Spanish democracy to the national interests of Russia...
...Ex port trade is likely to be faced by prohibitiv< tariffs, and kept out of South Ametira (its las' refuge) by the United States' policy of commercial treaties with Latin American countries The English will, therefore, be driven to dependence upon the resources of their Empire American imperialists, however, are determinec to deprive them of these resources if possible It has already bean publicly proclaimed b> influential American business men that all oi controlled by the British should *be ceded tt American oil companies in part payment oi lend-lease obligations...
...The internal political' quarrels "among all European anti-facists in exile have been intensified by the convulsions produced by the world war...
...No Unity with C. P. <CIX Spanish front *~ or ianiza tions ia which Communist influence is predominant recently issued a Joint statement denouncing the establishment ef a Committee ef Unity ef the Spanish Republicansin-exile...
...Ed 1 Mat 1 on•aknmdW teach the fundamental truth that, apart fawn the defense of freedom, nothing to he achieve 1 by successful war Is as vaTuaMe h» peace' T*Hl8 this becomes part of the common consciousness of civilized men and vonsa, aeu la*titatunaUMSe preserve peace will be permanently successful...
...We belle*e it may be necessary to use Badoglio, hot certainly once the military phase Is passed, the people should he...
...England is about the s i» of Illinois, and has about five times the popu lation of that state...
...Britain's Shrunken Economy Makes Her Dependent on U. S, By BERTRAND RUSSELL THERE has been much talk of friction be * tween the Americans and the British, am undoubtedly causes of friction exist...
...Mexico welcomed with open arms all who were able to reach its shores...
...But the evi dence proves that the situation facing ou government is not clearcut but confused an delicate, and that out policy of permitting th King's fate to be postponed has been justified...
...and partly by a change in education...
...There was, for in stance, the story by Homer Bigart of the Nen York Herald-Tribune to the effect that the Kin was given a rousing welcome when he arrive 1 in Naples...
...This gulf was widened by the Russian-German pact of 1989 which encouraged Hitler to invade Poland and begin the war...
...Without recanting their general point of view, Samuel Grafton and I. F. Stone made generous acknowledgment of this...
...And this type of charge is more damaging snd more readily believed abroad when i t comes from the President's friends than when it comes from his inveterate enemies...
...The critics refused to believe that the des with Darlan was made in order to hast* th defeat of Goering and the whole Nazi %*m Since Germany and Japan are the altimat enemies, the unconditional suneudei foemuL can logically be applied to them (aJwegl Stalin's Free German Committee seemH t doubt this...
...When fUnr developed, have an exeru'rre...
...Indalecie Prieto was the next victim of Communist intrigue...
...The Stalinisf eorrtpiracy against Socialist unity reached its climax in May.' 1937, when they provoked the historical crisis of the Loyalist Government which resulted in ousting Largo Caballero...
...The view that ultimate solutions in Italy ma...
...Italy today has no national center of integration and power, either inside the country or outside df it...
...Future events wHt determine whether or net Roosevelt and < hurchill are as wise and farsighted as they are portrayed . here...
...But these moral principles must be dropped during negotiations which must be baaed upon the hard facts ol the- power of each negotiator tn each region, If they are based upon anything else, they will become an incentive to war...
...And what of those pessimistic liberals who feared that Secretary Hull, and all the State Department advisers he took to Moscow, wanted to see Russia bled white...
...Ramon Araauixtain, Spanish Socialist writer and son of Luis Araquistain, Spanish Loyalist Ambassador to England State Department T H E State Depart* ment and its policies have o c c u p i ed mora square yards of • p a c e in American journals -than any other issue of the war —and The New Leader has carried many articles pro and con, and we have expressed 'ourselves editorially...
...ip the conduct of international affairs, there/ is not likely to be another great war far ^a generation...
...Salvemimi concedes that it is the dcty of the Allied leaders to do whatever will win the war in Italy with the least possible sacrifice of the lives of our soldiers, but he thinks that our whole policy in Italy has been utterly inexpedient...
...Kusriaand China will remain in -alliance when peace hi concluded, and will invite the other United Nations to join the Alliance...
...which will be recognized by, at least, several Latin-American republics, and, it is hoped, by other governments...
...With its monolithic, semi-military form of organization, and backed by Russia, the Communist Party maintained and increased its strength, and it was the main cause, cf the disunity of the other parties...
...a* • r e w a r d Hefty of $ p e » i » » p e e e t e r e j h * i 1 TTHE treachery of the Communists in Spain 'produced a gulf between it and the socialist snd liberal republican groups...
...Crawford showed that the North African expeditidn Was a risky and premature affair from the strictly military point of view, which was rushed through partly to satisfy Russia's demand for a second front...
...But the President' statement, like the unconditional surrende formula in Italy, was evoked by the storm o criticism...
...Schools every where teach nationalism...
...The merchan' marine has been hard hit by the diminution of international commerce owing to economic nationalism, and is to be faced—so some sayby jthe competition of a large American mer chant service kept in being by subsidies...
...Navy is now the strongest in the world...
...Russia will probably support this movement, and will thereby acquire a great smmeeamuai ss* * " ' 1 1 11 n"s advantage over England and Ameriea InJaU negotiations concerned with Asiatic questions...
...A disjointed nation is a horrible thing...
...Even if the settlement at the peace is inadequate, it will be pOaseeta1 to supplement it...
...x After Franco's bloody victory in M»39, many representatives of Spanish labor and liberalism escaped the fascist terror and found refuge ; in the few countries which offered asylum ta anti-fascists...
...The population ha* beer kept alive hitherto by three things: (1) a larg< export trade...
...Moreover, the cbfut^ts of interest between the two Powers are.much less than thos-p of each with the British Empire, and such as, with even a little good sense, ana be amicably adjusted...
...levied by the Alliance, on all goods imported from .ration* outside the Alliance, but, within the Alliance everything possible, should be dorle to lower tariff barriers, or, In the case of ,s country Mke Russia, to promote trade, by barter...
...He is not the leader whom free Italians hoped to see emerge from the rains of Fascism, bet in his hands seems to be some of the power which can again make of Italy a nation To refuse to recognize as Italy the largest part of Italy that is in condition to fight is to indulge into s last for righteousness for which the Italian people will pay...
...It is possible, however, that the pan'Asiatic movement may become hostile to Bzisn»a..jik»e white Power...
...No agreement can b< reached if each advances an ethical principle The Americans can say: "We ask only payment for value received...
...A beginning has been made at Moscow, but it is safe tc assume that many post-war problems were left unsolved in that agreement...
...But that makes all the mere necessary constructive criticism from the left to counterbalance the pressure from the right...
...The United Nations should welcome this first step, toward a Spanish Republican Governmentin-exile, and realizl that the reestablishment of the -Spanish...
...Salvemini ignores the fact that the Italian fleet, foarth largest in the »orld...
...Accidn Catalana...
...Despite the reams of ropy, the issue stilt is not settled and won't he while diplomacy plays an active part m the - oar...
...Republic is the only way to peace and security that is not in contradiction to the Atlantic Charter and j our War aims of democracy and justice...
...Move to Form a Spanish Gov't-in-Exile By RAMON ARAQUISTAN has taken the Spanish Republicans hi exile fflfive years—since Franco won thef cfvil war to take the important step toward unity Vhich they have just taken, j On November 20 a pact of unity was signed jn Mexico City by representatives of the following , political parties: Izquierda Republieaita {Left Republicans...
...The representatives"of the various republican groups who signed the unity pact in Mexico City have declared that it is not their intention to exclude any bona fide liberal, labor, or socialist group, whieh believes in democracy and not totalitarianism...
...I AM OPTIMISTIC concerning the prospects * of agreement on the realistic hams of a business deal...
...T i e War for Serv/vo/ *T*HIS quotation shows the honesty snd the * courage to face hard, unwelcome truths...
...These liberal critics of the President's policy contend.that such attacks from the Left serve as a counter-weight to the isolationist attacks from the Right This is no doubt true when criticism is moderate and constructive, after the manner of Walter Lippman or Dorothy Thompson who have rightly opposed some of our actions toward the Fighting French...
...While Mr...
...Serious criticism of our policy in the Mediterranean has come chiefly from idealistic Americans who are passionate believers in the Atlantic Charter, and who feel that our government has not been living up lo its principles...
...The purpose o both of these moves was to help the Italian wa effort, but the demand for broadening Ba doglio's cabinet may well hasten the abdicatioi of the King, since this seems impossible withou his abdication...
...But Lippman has never questioned the' motives of the State Department or shared the profound suspicions which others have expressed and inspired...
...Bat wherever there is a fragment of - Italy that fights, there is the hop* of Italy The largest tamp of fighting Itsly is sround Badoglio...
...the obviousness of this ipsiwhj}t» occurrence improbable...
...Even during the civil war, in fact ever since the election of the Popular Front Government in 1936, all the various political groups of which it' was composed were ..in process of disintegration—except the Communist Party...
...It is a liberal-labor coalition representing the majority of Spanish antifascists,, but leaving out the extremists...
...Yet American cor respondents send contradictory reports on wha the Italians are thinking...
...The Socialist Party was its first victim...
...In fact, in his column of September 30, Lippnian spoke of the "ideological criticism, much of it untrue, unfair arid irresponsible...
...If England were allied with Russia against the United States, England would starve, ever if Russia were victorious everywhere else...
...J -: There is reason to believe that the United States, the British Commonwealth...
...liberal friends, and in the field of foreign policy where his prestige was formerly highest...
...It should...
...when they say democracy, they mean totalitarianism...
...He writes "Mo sane man can dispute the statement that we mdst try to win the war with the least possible loss in human lives, but has one single life of one single American or British boy been saved by the Badoglio deal...
...there is the Italy of the King and Badoglio, and the Italy of the anti-Fascists...
...here with.the perennial destructive criticism of our government and of fur Allies from the~it«lstionist minority of the Senate, or the Hearst, Patterson, McCormkk Press...
...a legists!iig/auH a judicial...
...Moreover, it is all the more dangerous to the President when serious charges come from his...
...The whole philosophy of the war as a fight for freedom 'has been involved in this debate, and it also .raises the question of how far democratic 'peoples can criticise their own governments in wartime without aiding the enemy...
...It was tins military risk which necessitated our arrangement with Admiral Darlan, which was most violently attacked by the same liberals who were most clamorous for the second front As John Chamberlain said ia his review of Crawford's book, "to paraphrase Churchill, never in the history of human affairs has such tremendous military success evoked such a niggardly amount of praise from so many persons...
...That threat is always with Us and has " recently been functioning overtime with the indiscretions of the globe-trotting Senators...
...He accuses Badoglio of having come over to the Allies, unwillingly, only after long procrastination and when there was no other choice...
...JLCC'ORDING to Kenneth Crawford, Amer •V*.ican officers in North Africa still believ that Darlan might have succeeded in gtttini the French fleet delivered to the Allies imlteai or being scuttled, if Darlan's influence with tbl French officers had not been undermined by tf...
...Pfnnounce promptly whether, in any given ease, there had been aggression, or failure to abide by the constitution...
...In this consideration, some repetition of what has already been said is unavoidable...
...The long delay was caused first by the necessity to deceive Hitler while waiting for the Allies to finish the campaign in Sicily before isnarng m itsay anu, ascend, oy tne nesttanc of some important Italians to assume the mrl burden of fighting the Germans withouf*sm concession to Italy for the future, boyoffc ml cold fact of unconditional surrender...
...Revealing the same sort of courage to face hard and even humiliating facts as Max Ascoli, a tribute to the Allied soldiers as the real llberatort has Alio been made by a Frenchman writing under the pseudonym GaTlicus in the New Republic of Nbveinber I . His article was announced ss a startling revelation of facts unknown to the American people...
...so thst lomp to the hope of Italy, •Tor the anti-Fascist exiles, certainly also • for the anti-Fascism in Italy, this is a bitter pill...
...It was important for the liberal, democratic republican forces to arrive at such an agreement now, when the reactionary forces in 1 Spain, collaborating with similar elements in other countries, are trying to impose a monarchist restoration upon the Spanish people...
...This article by Christopher Emmet is an examination of recent events with discussion centered on the views of the liberals...
...The tragic defeat suffered on the battle' field contributed to the disorganization and demoralization of almost every Republican •group...
...But it was certainly a hawcai for quick dealing with Italy or' other Axi satellites...
...Bnt to predict aa event with striking accuracy U a dnTerent IhrSg from"bringing it about The fact if that fhe faTT of Fascism was not caused by anti-Fascism, and particularly not by stiti-Fascists abroad...
...any mean ber guilty of aggression, er of failure to Join it n si static* tr aggression should he txpejled from the Alliance...
...There are'those who talk gtiWy of a war between America and Russia, but I do not myself believe in its likelihood- It might, if it occurred, continue for thirty years without either side inflicting any vital damages upon the other...
...or powerless to circa ineir encnacuniu...
...For while the solution of the political and economic problems of Spain will be along the fines of the problems of other European countries, the Spanish problems have acquired certain exceptional characteristics, due to the civil war and five years of -Franco's dictatorship of "neutral" Spain...
...It wai the doinr of men from Canada' and Australia and Warns ami Ohm...
...This is obvious to every man, woman and child h England, because consciousness of tite sea is it our bones...
...Jeaucrra Republicans de Cataluna (Left Republicans of Catalonia...
...The Aa sbciated Press confirmed Bigart's report...
...Socialist Party, which was the cornerstone of the Spanish Republic...
...The chameleon-like changes of party fine, which became sudden and frequent, the fact that the Communist Party was engaged exclusively in promoting its own interests and those of Russia, in whatever country it functioned, convinced the Spanish Republicans that no agreement with the Communists on an honest and royal basis is possible...
...We' « g v i » t ~ share the half-hysterical •ifaon'lhaT tfoeaeveit will sell out to a Bchacht or ven Papen in Germany, er to Kbit Emanuel and Badoglio fat Italy...
...It is a fact that there is disunity and internal struggle everywhere among such emigres, but the case of the Spanish Republicans requires special study...
...As a matter of fact, in many instances the criticism of the liberals and the isolationists actually overlap, as in the series of columns by Waverty Root in October which attacked Anglo-American imperialism as an accomplished fact, or in the' attacks on Anglo-American policies in the Far East by Pearl Buck...
...The fact is that ever since the landing of American troops in North Africa a year ago, a political battle has raged which was hardly less bitter than the military struggle...
...i»e iiriwrj of Franco wea dee in some decree te the tion crested fct tlae Gsne^iiws serving the national interests of BsaeU...
...In regard to all Asiatic questions, it must be realized that the Japanese have aroused a powerful movement in favor of "Asia for the Asiatics...
...I think therefore that, even if there is no more wisdom than usual...
...There will have tp He an increased attention to world histoTTj'a greater readiness to emprfaslSe the *mert4*wt foreign countries, and a glorification of peaceful rather than warlike heroes...
...It should have rights ef intervention in all colonial regions not ripe for selfgovernment, especially tropical Africa...
...Roetavelf.ls Neffher e Reave Ner a Feel THOSE who are rightly indignant when the Chicago Tribune' or the New York Daily News echo the line of Nazi propaganda, allow it to pass unnoticed when liberals In good standing themselves repeat one of the most popular Goebbels lines about Anglo-American imperialism...
...It should establish an international university, and endeavor, by financial inducements, to footer an international outlook' *m education...
...Juan Negrin's group has not, as yet, joined this committee, but it would be welcomed if it would free itself from the Communist influence through which it gathered strength...
...The bargain should be approached in the spirit of a business deal and no one of the three parties should claim i superior moral right...
...modify, or abrogate 'a* treaty judged contrary to the principles of the Alliance The Alliance should consist of Powers all pledged to come jointly to the defense of any one of its members if attacked...
...Ex actly how much monarchist sentiment exist among the people it is difficult to estimate...
...If all this is to come about, and if tt ja to work successfully, there will have to'he W ail nations a change of sentiment...
...Out of this, JJ dH gore wett, an effective international government may in time develop...
...Herbert Matthews of the New Yor Timet drew just the opposite picture...
...Whet Do Italian People VTeirf...
...It ie also a curious auo-mnly that this use of the democratic right to criticise our government in wartime should come from those who are such ardent admirers of Russia's method of waging war, where no breath of criticism of policy ie permitted...
...Some critics here presume to know the wii of the Italian people now...
...It should protect racial and religious minorities from peri sen ti on It should forbid any change in the taustHettHi of any of Its members except by demoeretie process...
...The whole of the over seas investments have been used up in th< present war...
...An file ties that mold a people into a nation have snapped...
...For more than twenty year* these men, chsDengtn* What seemed to be fhe overwhelming optnioh of Italians and nonItalians, asserted that Fascism was wrong and botmd to carry the nation to rain...
...The legislative rhouid take-eognizanre of all treaties to which members o f The Alliance are parties: none should be va|Vt Until ratified by the legislative, which should ah» have newer to...
...They had become morally and political incompatible...
...The coalition excludes the Anarchiits, gib Basque Nationalists and' the Spanish Communist Party...
...children learn the history ef'thaw own country and are taught to venerate -fts national heroes, particularly- suck as, ans|» achieved glory in war...
...The answer seems to be that Fascism itself is a revolt against civilization and that only after civilisation has been saved and some semblance of order restored can a real regeneration begin...
...L Did the success at Moscow result from a reversal of previous Anglo-American policy, or w«t it the logical development of the line which Roosevelt, Churchill, Eden and Hull have pursued all along in the face of so much criticiMmf ;j We need not deal...
...there is the Italy of the * Anglo-Americans...
...The treacherous maneuvers of the Communists— always under the slogan of "unity" of anti-fascist forces—were a blow to the integrity of the...
...Tlx chief of these is the fact that the America...
...Fascism could not stand aad had to melt away...
...Men who foaght up and down the Libyan Desert and finally in the way through from Ct Alamein to Pslermo and* Naples...
...rightly be postponed was eloquently expresses by the great Italian liberal Max Ascoli o: November 3, in the New York Herald-Tribune "Italy today is a disjointed nation, "a people without institutions...
...In fact H is an even more sweeping justification than Kenneth Crawford's Report on North Africa...
...What Is left of tghtttg Italy is led by the Duke of Addis Ababa...
...Miss Buck proclaimed three months ago that she feared the fight for freedom in this war was already last and that we would have to pin our hopes for freedom on a Third World War, Robert Spivak of the New York Post announced that the United States Government "wants a vassal, Fascist France...
...Par it w « f then charged that the State Department woui make a Seal With Goering if they could des with Darlan...
...The judiciary should...
...Then the Communists frankly adopted a hostile attitude toward the western democracies which further alienated the Spanish Republicans...
...The majority found shelter ' in Mexico, for that country has net only a very liberal policy regarding refugees, but has close spiritual ties with Republican Spain...
...In fact there is NO Italy...
...It seems almost certain that out j of this committee will emerge the nucleus of a provisional Spanish Republican Governmentin-exile...
...Spanish democracy cannot accept Don Juan as .King, with or without Traneo as his premier, but must insist on sweeping every remnant of fascism from their country...
...The Anglo-American policy has been to avoi< dictating Italy's future government or the fat of the monarchy in order to leave this to th Italian people once Italy is free...
...After a due lapse of time, even Germany and Japan should be admitted if they were thought to have beeetea capable of sincere international cooperation...
...The executive should he concerned with the waging of war, and should have officials in every country whoa* doty It should be to report any infringements of the constitution, and any facts needed for a decision of the Judiciary » • • I N time the international authority should * acquire ether functions...
...They would resent being penalized because they alone resisted the German* whiU America was still neutral...
...This must be combated r""*rTr *uT a diminution of the causes of economic conflict between nations, especially by the, creation of the international imperialism of whisk 4 spoke a moment ago...
...If this Is true, there will be time to study the causes of war, and the means that muat.be taken to prevent it...
...Any country should be ellowed to join .the Alliance whenever the legislative was convirsSJd that the applicant would be loyal to the primciples" of the constitution...
...In short, be indicts Roosevelt and Churchill as fools rather than knaves...
...There should be a tariff...
...And yet this article, entitled Sf$fkhbwer A fricanta, flatly contradicts the criticism of our North African policy whieq the New Republic has consistently expressed...
...Let us therefore consider* what can and should be done to prevent great'ware after the weariness caused by the pr^ent war has worn off...
...Aid from Russia was conditioned en giving the Communists greater influence, and the representatives' ef the different political groups that constituted the Populsr Front had become either collaborator...
...It means s whole social and political structure go** to pieces, split into myriads of "aimless" convulsive groups...
...At present, in all nations, both great snd small, 111* MNlWiltl of nationalism is an obstacle to international .cooperation...
...His defeat wea net dne to lack of political foresight The ' . Communists had managed by that time to -mmmmsmmmsvem^\ammesmia»\im mmmmsssssm destroy the natty of the Socialist Party and to gain key positions in the government...
...internationally-known Socialist and trade anion lender...
...H o#evei it is an open secret that the rigid nflcondjiidfes surrender formula which delayed the ARm negotiations with Bsdoglio, was devised 1 Casablanca in order to still the storm of jeriti eism against our use of Admiral Darlan to Wi 1 military control of North Africa...
Vol. 26 • December 1943 • No. 49