The Turn of Events-A Review of Global Fronts

The Turn of Events-A Review of Global Fronts Kremlin Bars United Sfafes'of Europe •'Russia Bars Union of Small States/' the New York Times headlined a UP story from Moscow. "Russia has firmly...

...4. Even after the ttrtier dictatorship has been overthrown we shall have W> hght agshad...
...His views ere not only well known but have served to inspire many men and women in all walks of life, and to help them carry on the good fight themselves...
...2. We advocate a federation of all the peoples ef Europe, because fafl national sever* eignty is no longer compatible with the econusafc and awflflial rwadttion ef Earep...
...So I can only hope a thorough investigation will be made aad that the result of the investigation will be given full publicity...
...But the only alternative I can see, which 'is pressure from high places, is equally serious...
...Tbua the imagination and vitality that produced a plan for the conversion of industry to total war...
...He hopes to qualify, according to gossip, as the one German who can play the Tola of a Darlan or a Badoglio...
...If it is true that these "crypto-fasciste," as the Florida Catholic calls them, have succeeded in causing his dismissal, it is a serious matter...
...Be recognized the revolutionary character ef this war from the'start and set himself against all the anti-democratic forces here aft home—reaction anti-semiitism, racial and religious discrimination in every form... wffl have te take into account the proposals made here by the German Socialists...
...Greeks and Yugoslavs who are moat energetically supporting the plan for federation desire amicable rohatieris with Russia—and Hhsmke security...
...We desire the closest co-operation of the •rganiced workers est aN binds in a aew teWf-national organisation, with the task of working eeTt a teams* poHe> for the sbchrhst mfjr movement and potting it into practice...
...Frauds E. McMahon is the "rising volume of protests" which the administration of Notre Dame says it has received concerning McMahon's statements...
...Patterson, condemned by the Senate committed headed by Harry S. Truman (Dem...
...It is essential for the success of such s pofkry thst the principles of the Atlantic Charter should be applied to a democratic Germ any tn their foil erten t We German socialist* recognise the need lor reel guarantees of secant* felt hr ate nations attacked and oppressed by the national-socialist and faacist aggressors...
...Soldiers are paying fiaT*Jti*l prices, "while the poo?%aiiaa laaofhw **» ft paying the till fn misery as pi harsajiatjgr Badoglio has begged the American end WW*-, soldiers not to spend so freely...
...The French Committee of National Liberation is not recognized by Washington and Loudon as the sovereign government of France, and it has no authority to end the French -mandate over Lebanon...
...above stlef (ft* peasants and fhe mtelrhrentaria.' are in our ophnhsa the am June* Iteefa "ter the oMo^tmnw of this aha...
...For that is Fascism, stark and real—a secret complaint, an order from above, then the axe...
...As president of the Catholic Association for International Peace, he has worked for the type ef world 'order-which would flourish if the present Pope's peace plans were fully implemented...
...five physicians declared that continued incarceration might prove fatal, as he is suffering from phlebitis...
...4. Excess aircraft facilities can be converted into plants for construction of p re-fabricated houses: 5. Management-labor councils should be formed in every industry with consumer representation...
...Ton Papen washPiee r hi at Iter under Hitler when he came to power in 1«83...
...fa apposing federation gnosis reveals her imperialist ptupesaa in poet-war* Europe...
...Tee Afc* &r»w lienor in trey . . . "In the midst of poverty, starvation, and eon fusion, Italy's moneyed -classes, which arm suffered under fascism, are reaping s raiser harvest of American dollars and IHtn...
...and indeed of the wShteeratJ and socialists of all Europe that the peace of* Bail ope ntteetM be gives a trrahie f ssuaatfceV through the co-operation of the British Commoewealt* of Narinm...
...The real objection is that if the small natjona remain tree control or decisive influence over them, throughout this area...
...f| Governor Thoma> E. t>ewej vmenet/ mast return tr> wask-' to f'n nthnmr HtteTpriae «*• German Socialist Manifesto ASTATEMENT on She international policy of German Socialists has been issued bv the "Union of German Socialist Organisations"* in Great Britain...
...and barely saved his life... s result of TnrmanV criticisms...
...A Communist-led demonstration on Nov...
...Inflammation of the veins...
...Both nave worked loyally for the Nazis, but neither has been active as a National Socialist party leader...
...faeeeHe* tor c CMUge...
...6. A two months vacation with pay for the nation's war workers as a means of conserving human resources...
...Yugoslavia Greece, with the eventual inclusion of Hungary, Rumania, ami Amllia mil originally from aha ¦ulealtete and liberals ef these countries...
...Hitler made him aw honorary member of the Nasi peaty aad sent him to Turkey aa Van Papen is now hi Berlin explaining to Hitler «hy he cook...
...Will Morrison release Hess next...
...paundf from "soldier toxrrhrts'," reports Wte*JaJjjgan of the Associated Press...
...3. A nationwide housing program is to be formulated as the keystone of a post-war revival...
...Famine, however, is still claiming a heavy toll in the countryside...
...w>»k> We recognise it aa a duty ef honor for the coming faee Cm main to help with ail her strength in the reparation of the teteeatees iniicts* thv-ethev ha sates'-by HifVrile OerstaW, and in the rebuilding of Europe...
...He advocated aid to Britain, aid to Russia and understanding of Russia long before the cold logic of events fully justified those views...
...the Unban Of Sells*^ Soviet Republics and the United Slstes of tmei-h-a A free trad waited "Europe can ssfiy nf-velop in friendly co-operation with all of these newer*, net by leaning tn one or ttar sfaW side only...
...This one dealing with the complex problems of the changeover of our economy from war to peace...
...McMahon has spoken openly in many parts of the country...
...The "business men are "indulging is uncBschaj profiteering...
...The uieyiamm for federation of these small states — Poland...
...Georges Catroux has "pacified" Lebanon by cancelling the decree suspending the Constitution, reinstating the Chamber at Deputies and releasing arrested Lebanese leaders who demanded independence...
...Brehon Somervell and Undersecretary of War Robert Sa...
...I do not see how the stigma can be removed from Notre Dame or from Catholics in America unless President O'Donnell has the guts to admit his mistake and offer to reinstate Dr...
...not from the reactionaries...
...All that he stands for is soundly based on . Catholic1 doctrine...
...But many of these evils can he curbed through maximum democratic participation and supervision of the activities on economic machinery:" Reuther's main proposals as outlined to PM's James Wechsler revolve about the creation of a "Peace Production Board" to act as a postwar "high command...
...2. A far-flung public works program would be.projected not as relief measures but as part of an expanding national economy...
...Home Secretary...
...this system mast esestear S -trong executive capable of hobfiag down age reuser* with far reacnang powers of ai^KrathaT for the peaceful solution of conflicts...
...It is hard for me, as a Catholic, to believe that there are many of us who would swell the "volume of protests"' against views which conform so completely to the best American and Christian traditions But we have the word of Notre Dame's president for it...
...In what manner can a man achieve his purpose on earth and exercise his own God-given freedom of choice guided, of course, by the moral law and religious convictions, rf he can be slapped down in the dark with no chance to present his case...
...He opposed isolation long before the pitiful barrenness of that substitute for moral courage was exposed at Pearl Harbor...
...It is my earnest hope that he win do so...
...For such federations would be the greatest obstacle to pan-Slavism, to the acquisition by Russia of tins aaea aa a special sphere of influence...
...Be fought for- preparedness and intervention hers use he knew the true nature of the enemies who were reaching out to encircle and destroy us...
...strong reactionarv forces at basse far mis international poBt' W* hope thai the coailSa* and the active sapaon ef the hteevnatteasrisbor movement and of the farces of seac* Mfj progress fas ail nations will be win as tn fate straggle UNION OF GERMAN SOCIALIcrt OTttJATOTATJIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN...
...7. The coordination of the nation's manpower program leading to a universal 30-hour workweek...
...ease deveraused to break the irtrotigneWs of the social power af vkeMsronomic and noWatal fs^aa* behind German milriarism by the expropriation ef raihsaaj s~ war indastrles aa* Vhe W landed estates aad by the de«oera*ic'reb«Bding if (Ir ntawM HI I ll" I frwmthc -ww-c tv-uW upward...
...It is a sorry mess either way...
...Britain has recognized the "predominant position" of France in the Middle East...
...Walter Reuther Offers New Plan F$r "Full Employment" After the War WAS^NjpTON, D. C.—Walter Reuther has a new plan...
...Russia has firmly banned any fwterallun of small European states which might he used as a 'cordon aanitaire' similar to that drawn around the new Soviet State after World War I." Stalin also opposes the federation principle itself, the story continues, until a sufficient time has elapsed for the small states to establish themselves firmly...
...Fomme Continues in fndio . . . 'Emergency relief measures have reduced the number of deaths by starvation in Calcutta from one hundred to sixty daily...
...Government, labor, industry, agriculture and consumers would have equal representation on the board, with« special commission functioning under the PPB to pro-sect the interests of small' business against monopoly...
...At the warn* time, we are convinced that all technical gear an tees of peace ran only have leaniag aaVete" they form part of a truly international system of security...
...aad the 7*ew^ntaujaeBar group...
...War#l MeroJd- Trifcaa* ***** Wendell L. Willkie: We mast p-treat tfct Moscow agreement from degenerating lata s Btere alliance of four poaerfu cnaairiaa for the rating of the world...
...If'"ear democratic Germany is to be built after the war...
...and Germany's satellites should not receive equal treatment with countries the Nazis save conquered, /xeeatie declared that Molotov had "emphatically" declared thia position at the Moscow conference, and Hall and Eden Shads no objection...
...The manifesto, emphasizing the need for an international order and the destruction of the economic bases of German fascism, is important for it represestts the opiate as ef She strongest democratic elements in Germany...
...This pacification came about as a result of British and American pressure and the protests ef the aroused Arab world...
...A : Aatheay fides: The foar-pnwer e«ehau> t*>** wt M***- h D>»t» rh.fsagjg* wesM he he etfeaast ve isra**, a ^ngri a#aajf dJctsesi .lefts -ea other stses* mil * » « Henry A Wallace After V* nr\& Vtv ^ in the years of «ora>aWr tame ¦« dated That -we rah* nmr Uf^ttaggfk they were harfl'beade...
...Shch a system win also guarantee the peace aad sanssW of a democratic Germany...
...He was en the Hat of those to be liquidated in the Mood purge of 1934... will be confined to a seven-mile radius of his country house...
...Van- Papen is a Prussian, of the Junker class, and a practicing Catholic...
...All the more serious" as the paper says "because his passing from Notre Dame University will leave in undisputed possession of the field a sorry assortment , of peace-at-any-price voters, of America Firsters, and of bitter anti-Government men...
...the DeiiaBs^AtaaMir Party (SAP): the International Socialist Fight's* -fyronp "rSfT...
...There will be the beginning of chaos in that rivalry...
...r+* an ease* offer la Hilar* «**ta • is (wasasJM.* he* «s «•» csssaast the traaw faayay undereieria-stiinr eer enemy*-•stanch...
...s****- " lt wffl be one af our mam tasha te create the sroral sad mental coodttiona far the pnrsnit of a censtetent poHcy of peace-and anderstanding by Har"new >OeVman oemacrScT a thoroagh-goteg reform-ef German euacatior •*' "» Lasting »access In •Hamiirg the Gene an* people for aach a polio will largely awpcaa^e* • hether they are gtvea i chance 1o tvaow* their own initiative in shaping their teUatel political, social and cuKaral Hfe Abev, all it weeUbave fatal ronseqaence» far Germany's internal development 0*Jgf dittena were itetsoosa which wnnht cause Mating maa*' unemplov went and prevent tree poticy of social aecai Ky...
...By "planning," however, it meant business planning for the needs of business and not the interests of the nation... fhe republic...
...Negotiations are unfler way with Canada for a division of the oil...
...basiaeag wtot^S* aeipe net...
...Patterson "freed of Case*/' , Treason Critical . . . Controversy developed in Washington over the Canol (Canadian Oil...
...The PPB would have full control over allocation of materials, manpower and tooling facilities...
...Said Morrison: The leader of the British Union of Fascists cannot now be any menace...
...It is a vital interest of German democrats and aeeiawsta...
...Harry Polhtt, secretary of the British Communist Party said...
...Federations which comprise only groups of nations we regard as a guarantee ef pease only if they sre integrated in and subordinated to tm International orgahiration ' 3. The first objective of the post-war in terns t ion a) awUey-of German socialist* me* be to integrate a democratic Germany rrfto this tateinsftoual order...
...The Russians have previously mads dear their opposition, in principle, to the idea at federations of small state*, and aaperiafly to a Central and Eastern European termsatiori The reasons Mascow gives are phony...
...British Communists Exploit Motley Release fo Attack Morrison . . . Sir Oswald Hoaley, leading English fascist, was released last week from prison...
...There are rumors that this is the reason for McMahon's dismissal...
...8. New plants built by government funds during tire war that operate in strategic or *emi-monopolistic industries should he ran by the government, while other plants shall be held in government hands and leased to private business under PPB direction...
...Reuther's other suggestions deal with: 1. Creation of a list of "social priorities" so that industries dealing in vital civilian products be given preference...
...The statement follows: 1. As international socialists we aim at a causes of armed camfict n international order that »jH eummstf ate The international labor movement and the etherdeaaocratir arowessaata...
...An Emergency Committee for Indian Famine Relief has opened offices at 40 East 49th Street, New York City...
...Federation was planned far letuiltj against Germany, not aaauaat Russia, and for mutual economic benefits to he derived from cooperation...
...This $1X4 million pun to develop Canadian, oil wells at Norman was approved by Lt...
...Senator Truman charged that the project was approved without examination of all the facts...
...The veterimtterhwisfs presaged by the pact of Moscow -will stand or fall according to its solution of this veaatieus problem...
...The declaration issued by Hans Vogel...
...No oae seriously pee jj as as a new cordon sunitaire around Russia...
...t'afortunateb ** art much furtker fraa victory rr**r Taacisui Twee trim lTtija/1 over The German arnrie* *aaem*i gfagf ds on ts>th side* of the Ihw F^neSaV' fights as ws both cnetinvnt* w the eMF weS-M: Fhseien...
...discussion, for up to now "we have not fa sari {he challenge that the post-war period presents...
...Another candidate of prophets is Hjal-mar Schacht...
...Tens of thousands have been so weakened by hunger and disease that they are beyond salvation, reports Tillman Durbin of the Times...
...The) fear So vie Usance of Eastern Roland throngs the Mosio w organised Union of Potash Patriot!, and the deportation to Russia by the GPU at leaders of the Polish underground resisting a* Nasis...
...Too bad the French aad American governments cannot bring similar pressure on Britain to release Gkandi and Nehru and other leaders of the Indian National Congress...
...that is the resuscitation of an eld myth...
...he will be prohibited from speaking or writing for publication or communicating with other fascists...
...Both are hated bitterly by many high Nazi leaders, but saved from a purge because they have been exceedingly useful to Hitler, one as a financial wizard, the ether ah an expert diplomat...
...Poles aW tv-quest that British and America- offleen' accompany Red Army forces into Poland...
...The basic character ef the prop seed international collaboration will be determined, net by its treat a«Mt<ef Italy and Austria, but its treatment of those small states in Eastern and Central • \ • • vTrwo vVIW Wtry fwe Dottos• UBV*|llv Kwiv (If WI rrfw F? W f . . . Speculation is rife in all capitals as to who wiB he the German to lead a coup d'etat against Hitler... imagination that many observers had feared was delinquent in meeting the problems of peace, has gone to work and mapped out the jroad outlines of a democratic program for full employment and post-war prosperity...
...Polish authorities in Washingtor warned that the Pales wil resist an invasion of Poauid bj the Bed Anmy, unless .Russia re-r «tabhsbm relations witt fhe Bolish Government-iTi-exae sat gives as sua wines that Russia does net intend to annex part of...
...All it can legally do is to join with Britain and the USA in pledging freedom as soon as the war is over...
...As Ambassador to Austria be did a clever job in organizing the fifth column there which made Hitler's victory o cheap...
...H. N. Kunzru, Hindu political leader, declared that 50,000 persons were dying weekly in Bengal...
...Oew the past six months, industry has stolen a march on labor and through its "innocent front...
...9. A government scientific and technological agency to make available to all the advances made in scientific knowledge...
...As Reuther states: *4wtos the war -ends, the competition of rival narrow economic pressure groups will be more violent and dangerous than at any time in our history...
...Although Reuther has gone into great detail on many of these points—these will be taken up-in subsequent issues of The New Leader— the auto union leader himself states that his major hope is that the* proposals he advanced will become she starting pom* ef fill she...
...23 before Parliament carried banners reacting, "Mosley in, Morrison out" There is no doubt that there is much spontaneous indignation among the English people, but it is being utilized by the Stalinists for narrow partis on advantage in their hatred of Herbert Morrison...
...Now Waiter Reuther has come forth with a plan to rnauiL a social point of view in the preparation* for peace...
...One of the favorite candidates for the leadership of the palace revolution is Franz von Papen...
...Whence come those protests and what do they protest against ? Dr...
...frees twe ^ranepswit fcSmanf tn*> watsanal all <+ She** *nt -*#t, piwttlea* eai easse of them were sshMt-arorons...
...This is a frightening thought foi Catholics who believe their Church flourishes best in democratic surroundings and is destined to rise in influence and power only when she acts according to her teaching concerning the dignity and right of the individual as direct gifte of God and therefore unassailable...
...Pelhfh territory...
...The Poles, Czechs...
...These who let him out should be put where he came from*' The UP speculated that *it is possible that public feeling will reach a point where a reorganization of Churchill's government would be required...
...But thus far no face-saving formula has been found as a amy out ef the dilemma in Lebanon...
...the Committee for Economic Development has Whooped it up for "planning" after the war...
...chairman of the Union of German Socialists, is signed by the SefctM Deiao-cratic Party of Germany, the largest democratic part...
...The British Communists leapt gleefully into the broach to save British democracy...
...The first contribution of a democratic German yte nach a system will be its iaaanufiate We are eonvineed that it is not enough to destroy the Qaiisaaa military machine...
...they asked rhetorically, at hundreds of protest meetings organized to exploit this incident for propaganda purposes...
...He declared the French now consider the incident closed...
...Federation ef Central and Eastern Europe is an essential step toward world federation, and a sine qua aea -of security and peaceful prosperity...
...Agar Asks Probe of 'Pressures' Behind McMahon Firing By WtLLlAU AC A It Director of Freedom Bouse The most disturbing fact Connected with the dismissal ef Dr...
...not prevent the Atbe* from getting increased aid from Turkey According to rusaors in Ankara, Turkey is raovmar rapidly Us a aid dsrteeetioa of- war . sat sag la ' nee Tarhay promised territorial m m U ¦ !¦ ¦< mim m f - - - - wwii was nvfwi uiva wwny n amaasnMeasamnV"' ¦ • Gen...

Vol. 26 • November 1943 • No. 48

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