Germany Uses Argentina to Extend Influence Into Bolivia
Wineler, Max
Germany Uses Argentina to Extend Influence Into Bolivia Ramirez Seeks to Gdin Argentine Gold in U, S. By Max Wineler Professor of Economics. City College. New York. EARLY' in October came an... is ruling by decrees...
...talking of cutting back Palestine's re»«s^ able wartime industrial developmert and lettimMf* ••" portunity pass to calumniate the Jewish community, 'Jews are asked not to raise political crue*t*ms^dur*g the war...
...For fear of stirring up the Arabs...
...writings are somewhat reminiscent of the Franeonian Stretcher...
...Instead, their different viewpoints are well-reasoned and araaringly well-informed...
...On the contrary, there are definite signs of increased pro-Axis activities...
...J.XL Nc: for emigrating Jews Palestine will be **W...
...In view of the admitted strategic importance of Bolivia from the point of view of hemispheric defense, recent activities there or the part ef Argentina deserve more than passing notice...
...But they will have to go a long way before I am convinced that they have any special affection for us or democracy, and I would not count too ranch on their help...
...In the debate in the House of Commons an this document, Winston Churchill declared...
...The White Paper is thus a document which was adopted by the British Parliament only by dint of every means'*rl pressure known to the wily Chamberlain, over the outspoken opposition of those who now head the British government...
...The basic provisions of the White Piper were re affirmed, however...
...a« s recent "a*™*JfiMC conference" in Mexico City conclusively deffionsUwWa K chief concern of all participant* in that confetmp*.^, how to guard against too many or ted types war immigrants...
...Hull, and Moletov as ** a proving ground for joint sction by the United Nations, and assured of democratic self-determination and independence after the war...
...T?IGHTH Army Newt, which reflects the mood of a large body of soldiers, wrote on September 9. after the Italian surrender under the leader title THEY ASKED FOR IT, THEY'VE GOT IT: "We did not want war with the Italian people...
...Attention might perhaps be directed to the recent censure of Argentina by the Washington Administration in connection with the suppression of certain minority newspapers in Argentina...
...Gu3tavo Martinez Zuviria as Minister of Justice and Public Instruction...
...We could have saved more lives by giving in to Fascist demands...
...Wtr Correspondent for Louden News Chronicle...
...Although the ban is reported to have been lifted shortly before Urn Washington protest was officially presented to the Ramirez /Covernmenf, it was felt that the protest had accomplished con'Crete results...
...They thought they were on a get-rich-quick scheme., The British Commonwealth stood alone...
...The fact that they cheered the declaration of war was merely a coincidence...
...WITH the British Eighth Army, October 14.—By Mail.—This is an effort to ffFprt^ wrm^ti^jcitfers af tbe British Eighth Army are saying about "Italy, the Italian government of Marshal Badoglio and Allied relations with the government...
...Why do we act as if the democrats and radicals iff...
...Our own country is a|p» b> coming involved in oil ventures in Saudi Arabmaad m> cording to Drew Pearson has shown a reraars^dj| es*> piai8ance to proposals that for the time being !><l}aaif be made to shut up about Palestine It will b*_SP*W[ be red that the White Paper itself promises to Mg^W the Jewish National Home next March only n* ^"**J...
...The Labor Party members of the present British Cabine" are, presumably, bound by the policy of their party...
...That is why the Allied soldiers bv hhsT foDew developments, with quizzical interest sad,mss-^ der what is really' happening after all...
...Today nobody talks about such prSjeC^TW* m outlet for the immediate post-war pressure ef Jew* am*" ing a home outside Europe It is clear that ^Jjl...
...If one takes the leading personages of the British Cabinet at their word, the chances would seem to be very slight...
...ready to make unprincipled alliances on the doctrine that lives are worth more than principles, why did wc go to war in the first place...
...a -' • • '"'• A CONSIDERABLE number of Uoldmrs accept the doctrine of military expediency...
...If Britain had fallen with France the
...He even appealed to Mussolini...
...Since the economic and financial relations between Argentina and Paraguay •ire believed to be very close, resulting undoubtedly, from the activities of the Argentine National Bank in that republic, it is not unlikely that the primary reason for going into Bolivia is (a establish similarly close connections with that republic, and than exert more influence upon Bolivia* economic life Bstag a government institution, the Banco de la Naeion is Vary closely connected with the present administration, as it has been with tbe Castillo regime which preceded the Ramirez government which followed almost immediately after the overthrow of Castillo and the establishment of a temporary government under Raw son... Argentina's move the forerunner of more significant developments In the realm of Pan-American affairs...
...people would have treated us with kindness and n.....ism tion...
...would have brought shiploads of wheat into tat country and paid huge prices for beer and silk stack, ings and handed out cigarettes to us...
...of Palrttine do not consent to further immigratiof^nafr rng there about the Arabs of Egypt or Saudi nrsanaV In 1938, at the Evian Conference for Rcfuimp #j other wretched failure—the plan to close down *atamj" to Jewish refugees was made palatable by proh*ja ^ Jewish mass settlement in every conceivable ejnjfljnT t the globe...
...And in satiric vein Eighth Army Sew* makes soldiers smile with this: "It is quite obvious if you talk _ to the average Italian that they were always our friends...
...will either have to be admitted to Palestine J*"?*^ normal life, or they will continue to be a pl"jljjay^ United Nations and a burden upon their consfsmsaff} fjp Solon Reports What the British Army Thinks About Italy ffy $. L. SOLON New Leader Correspondent...
...most of the old Fascist appointees, egpjft, ^for those at the very top...
...ence on Refugees with the fixed determination attorn permit a.-y talk of opening Palestine—and thus eoMfssfftpl to a moral fiasco...
...rfi In Bari...
...and Cripps have, in addition, specifically stated their own categorical opposition to the White Paper policy...
...and it provided that by the end of March 1944, at the end of the fifth year, additional Jewish immigrants would be admitted to Palestine only if "the Arabs of Palestine" consent...
...debate on the Palestine land sales' restrictions: "Whst a moment to inflict fresh wrongs en the tortured, humiliated, suffering Jewish people, who are exerting themselves to help us in this war...
...h»e situation is reminiscent of developments in Italy immediately after the ousting of II Duce...
...I hope Italians will co-operate against the Germans...
...There is still asv ds> mocracy...
...Sir Archibald Sinclair...
...In the meantime, . 'Argentina has succeeded in arranging for the transfer to Argentina of all the gold held for its account by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, with the first shipment already on its way to Buenos Aires...
...dnn*i» The result of such a policy would be that Jews who have survived Hitler, will be condemned*™* ther misery u-til tbe policy i* abaidoned In 'tB*JB|9...
...The White Paper itself wss given to the world on May 17, 1999, by the n*w discredited Chamberlain Cabinet...
...Jj' insists that the Jews' goose must be cooked, and^WffPlk before further details are gone into...
...J""* " t ;* ^ » • • 1*HE British soldier, like the average Italian, seas * that very little has changed in Italy as far ps the Government is concerned...
...First it must be said that the British soldiers— ui fact all the Allied troops—are in the great mass generous and kindly in their attitude to the Italian people...
...VHqtf^'^ Old-Fashioned PRESIDENT RAMIREZ, * pro-Nazi dictator of Argentina, has recently declared that he hopes the demoeraeies will win the war...
...They do so quietly, considerately, with no demonstrative hostility...
...fpAJr turned toward the Allies for inspiration, bs*.epSt...
...The reason given for maintaining a policy to which the present Cabinet leaders once declared themselves unalterably opposed is the old one—appeasement...
...The Catholic Heirarchy in the United States has just issued sharply-worded misgivings about the Moscow pact...
...In talking to British soldiers* about the political issues which now revolve around Allied-Italian relations, I have found Very little bitterness entering into their comment...
...It also has restricted Jewish immigration into Palestine to a top limit of 10,000 per year for the pas* four years (plus an additional 5.000 yearly officially designated as for refugees...
...AUSTRIA was singled out by Eden...
...I should feel myself personally embarrassed in the moot scute manner if I lent myself, by silence or inaction, to what I must regard a« an art i»f reandisMon" r«f the R»lfonr pledges...
...This gave the Germans ample time to ' hiove' fnttT Italy sufficient equipment and armed forces to put up a more effective resistance against the Allied troops, which would hot have been possible if the Anglo-American forces had exploited speedily the gains which they secured at the time II Duce was forced to resign...
...Some Soldiers have net these jsjjWjitlsT' ;^j|s|tfj|stsjpsy i to remain apart...
...The White Paper policy has restricted land sales to Jews in all but one-twentieth of Palestine west of the Jordan...
...durlj* a discussion, a soldier said: "Of course, we should make use of what fighting resources' <here are still left in Italy, but why don't we lanpuii real democrats—there are enough of them around whs fought Fascism underground—there are radicals Wat have spent many years in prison because of it—Instead of men who were either passive or active supporters of Fascism when its stock was going up...
...mi One soldier, who was in the desert fighting against the Italians from the beginning, who went througa the Sicilian campaign and was with the first units to invade Italy, told me: "Italy went to war against,us...
...In this office there are copies of magazines with gloating Italian captions beneath pictures of bombed British cities...
...If we are...
...On the contrary, the White Paper restrictions on Jewish immigration neve been reasserted by the British War Cabinet—at least, for the duration of the war...
...With the loss of the Dutch indies, Burma and Siam, Bolivia is virtually the only country which produces tin—so vital to the war effort...
...The German element in Bolivia has played a very influential and important part in the economic, financial and political structure of the country...
...The British government went into the .BaanndjLfiasfst...
...France was prostrate and a suitable victim for the Italian armies...
...It has been reliably reported that the Banco do la Nation Argentina, the government-owned bank of issue af the . Republic, is in the process of establishing a branch in Bolivia, which will be the second venture on the part af the institstion anUisV Argentina...
...It was never approved by the Council of the League of Nations or by the United States, whose treaty rights entitle it to be consulted before fundamental changes in the mandate terms are made...
...They suspected that since United Nations diplomacy in regard to .Argentina had bean wrong in the past, it is not impossible that it might again be wrong...
...V" "What guarantee have we now that Badoglio represents the people, or that with some new deal of the cards another government won't be saying that Badoglio represented nobody and they are the real people's government ? Badoglio was not elected...
...In Palestine itself the losaJjMisB administration is sparing no effort to prejudice ladibffna against the growth of the Jewish National Home, Mm building post-war reconstruction plans in tensn^pt* White Paper...
...bin complete con trsdiction to Ramirez' do¦ astatic and foreign solicits...
...This, apparently, was the more direct answer which Ramirez made to Washington...
...KJO move has been made in three years to restore the *^ Palestine administration to a legal basis and to its original purpose...
...fighting courageously against Mussolini when it was perilous te do so...
...His appeals went unheeded...
...For man> years the bank has maintained sjl agency at Asuncion, capital ef Paraguay...
...Slid of Vatican Diplomacy...
...On November 10, Coloaial Minister Stanley announced that in view of the fset that wartime drSeulties had prevented the anneal quotas from being filled the deadline of April, 1944, would be ignored...
...They recalled, for example, the enthusiasm which greeted the fall of the Castillo regime and tbe success of the Rawson-Bamirez coup, only to be followed by realization that if any chaage had taken place in Argentina's foreign policy, it was for the worse...
...They thought Mussolini was talking about a football match...
...Instead, let me give you several reactions to the Italian problem a...
...Nshas tff* <F Egypt wants to arrange for Arab cooperation first Britain itself, through Foreign Secretary SdjB, hp promised to consider favorably any scheme for Jenfl) asy eration generally agreed upon by Arabs—and •*» *UW schemes include Palestine...
...Our own country is being urged to admit '•'"QS *5l porarily—until six months after tbe war with *52m2st ee«* time alone can tell But there is not to*jW?2 possibility that we will open our doc-* to irpr*e*erjlj permanently afteT the war What > true of the States goes for all the America...
...plan is put into effect, it* "absorptive capacity"' W grants right after the war would he innnitosimfiM *T only after years of preparation and large hrtssmsssm could even a moderate influx be accommodated...
...It will cover a wide territory and touch on many sore spots...
...VUHY has Argentina chosen " the present to expand its financial activities and why has she selected Bolivia ? The latter Is of great importance to the United States...
...Italian airmen volunteered for raids on London...
...Britaih's White Paper-Key to the Zionist Crises ly t?Ji HALPERN TPHERE is a book to he written some day after the war * is over on the attitude ef some of the chief United Nations to the Jews...
...but on none so sore as the so-called White Paper policy of Great Britain with regard to Palestine...
...from that the broad democratic principle* are stiffa^ abeyance...
...he was appointed by the same . King who appointed Mussolini...
...Is the move, assuming that it has been or is about to be taken, known to tbe Administration in Washington and the countless agents and agencies engaged in the furthering of cultural and economic relations between the United States and the twenty republics South of the Rio Grande ? And if so, what measures is the United States going to adopt to neutralize Argentina's move...
...Churchill appealed to the Italian people...
...Austria is a Catholic country, and it «as once the scene of an experiment in clerical fascism under Dolfuss...
...The End of Palestine as a Jewish Homeland...
...Thai Hp-service to democracy, a vain vocal gesture toward the United States, "eollosas ef the North...
...It is significant that almost four weeks have elapsed since the publication ef the report relative to the impending break between Argentina and the iAxis powers...
...All this gives rise to speculation: • • • It the State Department abandoning the appeasement policy in its Vatican diplomacy...
...j2kJX Italian political life has changed a few tags...
...None of them liked the Fascists...
...EARLY' in October came an announcement by "unimpeachable diplomatic sources" that on or before October 26th Argentina would break with the Axis in "compliance with the terms of the Pan-American agreements to which Argentina is a signatory...
...One of the reasons Ramirez stubbornly refuses to, follow . the example of other South American dictators who have ' suddenly espoused democracy and broken with the Axis, is given by Msx Winkler in this article...
...For nearly seven weeks* the *AJHed powers appear to have hesitated to take any drastic "* Measures in the* country...
...are still in office...
...It was felt st the time that the appointment of a new Argentine eheoy to Washington, as well as the return of the United States Ambassador to Argentina, were connected with the prospects for improved relations...
...during the March 6. 1940...
...They thought it would be an easy thing...
...f< r -ea*.-'is ofJSHHC expediency, and our own govemmer.1 try te "J^^kest White Paper policy, a large numbe- of Jew* fHaJf out of Palestine for a while...
...I have, heard soldiers express them...
...a * • *" ' IT would be fallacious to try to give you a "typical' 'attitude, for the simple reason that;there are as many different attitudes among soldiers as there are among civilians...
...If We car, end tbe war sooner and save lives by making use af characters who were enemies in the nest, we would be foots not to do so" is the way they expressed it...
...Will Britain actually insist on carrying out the White Paper policy to the end...
...Italy are all suspicious characters while We tmk', the hands df men who at least share some retpoasl bility for Italy's entrance into the war...
...a Canadian soldier said when we were discussing the problem in Potenza...
...Why has not something similar been done by the Administration...
...But the attitude of the southern republic towards the United Nations has not changed...
...Aa former advisor to the Senate Committee on Banking, he is well equipped to fathom the meanings of the financial maneuvers of Ramirez...
...In the very month when the White Paper was first issued, the British Labor Party Conference at South port called upon the government "to rescind the White Paper policy and to reopen the gates of Palestine for Jewish immigration in accordance with the country's absorptive capacity'*: demands which the Labor Party has emphatically tepeated at succeeding conferences...
...His tyrannical regime pursues a political line that is a pecelisr brand of old-fashioned South American mitt' tary dictatorship With fascist trimmings...
...t possible destination immediately after th*J5J*V^ may he that, if Great Britain...
...and when as additional i 1.000 immigrants have been admitted, .the Jewish National Home is finally and officially, according to the White Paper, to be closed against-the Jaws...
...But at the same time, the British ¦paWJP*** is encouraging a variety of scheme* for Arab fsdetstfsss, affecting the future of Palestine, without the Jsth} 10*1 consulted or considered...
...It would be of interest to ascertain what percentage of the total deposits of the bank, aggregating in excess of 2% bilHon pesos, are represented by funds of Axis nations with whom Argentina is still maintaining political and economic relations...
...Jewish refugees what escaped Hitler and entered Palestine were deported to MMsts...
...C**"*•-*•, Many of them genuinely Bice the people here...
...The Argentinian who has been entrusted with the work incident upon the creation of an agency in Bolivia is Emilio G. Bossier, a name which does not sound genuinely Argentine...
...They do not bluster, they do not condescend, they do not net like conquerors...
...To what extent the influx ef funds from Argentina wi\\ increase such influence is difficult to state...
...The only difference betsraar^WSf ous Arab plans with regard to the Jews in Palestine jjlj to when their doom is to be publicly announced...
...Liberal Party chief, phrased his disavowal of the policy in the following way...
...They visit Italian homes, dine opt with Italian friends and fumble through pocket dictionaries to learn the language...
...There were, in fact, very'few Fascists in Italy and a lot of people ware the uniform because they were told it w**, % branch of the Boy Scouts...
...That goes for the present Italian Government too...
...Other soldiers are inclined to draw a- distinction between that people and their government...
...There are soldiers who readily approve the pesky of making Italy a collaborator, but who cannot nitlar stand why the Allies don't make use of Italians Wat were known anti-Fascists...
...With bad luck that might have turned the scales against us and many of the Italian people would be cheering Mussolini aa a wise and andjeioua leader who struck while the iron was hot...
...The appointee is one of the most notorious anti-democratic pamphleteers in all Latin America, having written scurrilous undemocratic literature under the name of Hugo Wast...
...Those who viewed the Argentine situation mora realistically, asked why Argentina was delaying' this action...
...who are rendering us greet services...
...There effh be- no doubt that a considerable body of Italian people wanted war with us...
...But we managed to defeat Italy—that does not mean we should start kicking Italians around, but also we should not take avowals at face value...
...They are in Italy not because they wanted to go sightseeing, but because of the necessities of war...
...One wonders whether the announcement concerning a possible rupture with Axis countries on the part of Argentina might not have been prompted by a desire on the part of Argentina to gain sufficient time to arrange for the transfer of Argentine gold to Buenos Aires, and thus evade the.freesing of Argentine funds in the United States...
...It was unanimously disapproved by the Permanent Mandates 'Commission as in conflict with the accepted understanding of the Palestine mandate...
...It was also believed that conditions in Italy, the position of the Vatican and the granting by Portugal of air and naval bases on the Azores to .Great Britain might have been responsible for the reported change in Argentina...
...This interpretation is completely refuted by an announcement which has just been made that President Ramirez has appointed Dr...
...However, this need not prove anything...
...One said: "The argument now goes that Fascism did not represent tbe people, that Mussolini took Italy into' the war, and so on...
...Others don't accept the argument...
Vol. 26 • November 1943 • No. 47