The Turn of Events-A Review of Global Fronts
The Turn of Events-A Review of Global Fronts Gb-mud Forced fo fteeieja ffWIsW r^Peandp^^SeetatjeOtrn/ • • * Genera] Henri-Honors Giraud has yielded to pressure and resigned his position as...
...The Free German j Coznanittee seeks,teysri ; out this fear aad to utilize patriotism tor thi purposes of the democratic revolution...
...Inc.____6.M2 17^42 173 a?'"' Remmgton Arms Co...
...The decent democratic poop** of Germs- y were too--flaneur at i tolerant of the reactionaries, of rachB^SgZl and poetical gangstensr- And too tie* 1, ' threap* a progress™ Prautam af * drastic reform looking toward - mmennfltjM...
...RH Russian system * is net democratic ¦ socio Hem, it is not any kind of socialism...
...He remains Commander-in-Chief of Fretierf force...
...9 the AP reposes* heavy fighting between German forces and the ChetSSks under Mikhailovitch...
...In the absence of effective revolution . . . the Soviet Union will not clash with the Anglo-Am trie aa blue in order to frustrate the dismemberment demanded by Mr...
...Coordinator for Fisheries—but way go on?, ne.has thirty nine jobs—made the keynote speech at another November 7th celebration...
...thenpurpose was to build a gigantic military system, ""at stupendous costs...
...If it is not socialism, what is this "vision...
...The accord at Moscow has not yet sjMN> cord among th* GtMOnrk mmi Fn i laata, la rati shrvia who are fighting the Nasst...
...and it is "part and parcel of Soviet society...
...e»»i»us>*T are Satanic, . . . What happened in 191* will not happen a second time . ¦ ." A dirge of - despair...
...while thousands starve in Bengal, Eag^ishaei in India are dining wall and drinking teenaand-eodas in their dubs . . . » • • The bill to repeal discriminatory tares at margarine has been buried by the House agr> culture Committee, under pressure < fpaa tat lobby of powerful dairy interests...
...t pnrocnfldfftr...
...Ticklish indeed...
...The" new French Provisional Consultative Assembly met for the first time on November 3, in Algeria, with plenty of political fireworks...
...Rteal^liya^alj^^ dismemberment...
...But thin will signify the eno of our national independence . ¦ ¦ the disanembermerit of our fatherland...
...Russia served notice on the world prior to the Msssow conference that the borders of the...
...After two decades of Stalinist intrigue, during which the Kremlin has used the Comintern as a weapon of its foreign office, with Russian nationalism the motivating force, the fellow-traveling "liberals" fall into line once.more...
...A' a slant without' aw iota - ee> nseaassuaf,-4 basaama tat ebaenal ¦ at dean — st A "stien • aeee territorial dtsjaaos ate pta* ghsen oeaaoaa British aad< Assssteae tsr^ perislism...
...The Assembly elected as its president Felix Gotrin, Socialist...
...if not...
...Of the twenty-nine companies in this study all bet six donated their normal seneemll...
...Sforsa linked this with a demand for a more thorough purging of fascists...
...Badoglio Is forming a regular army in place of the volunteer army sponsored by Croce...
...Meecnw Deoiomti e a s Drorred The joint declarations signed by four powers at Moscow were written in the American State Department and adopted with fern changes, Arthur Krock reports in the New York rimes...
...By that is meant that the immediate straggle for national liberation must necessarily awaken- not merely the old forces of democracy but new ones, which will eventually seek to create a healthier society...
...His warning was addressed to "certain men dishonoring the name of Chetirik...
...He consult** with leaders of all political groups...
...The only issue is Russian security and territorial expansion...
...Co.____ 2M 5.222 211J Creamy Corp...
...In several cases the percentage-increase was si steered m the then**no* Inasmuch ss s corporation may not be repaired t* pay a fh« i* eaeeas of 9*4...
...Meantime, plans are being prepared to guarantee to "all "food, work, and homes," as soon as the battle is ended...
...WMle the new French Assembly was in session, the Lebanon Chamber of Deputies unanimously demanded full independence...
...Count Sfonsa...
...Despite censorship, news of battles ewtweoa Nazi and Chetnik forces has continued to reach the press, giving the lie to Communist-inspired propaganda...
...The program-of the Free Germany Committee in Moscow and-the political warfare based upon it leave no doubt as to the way in which the USSR will use its tremendous influence...
...also that opposition to the monarchical idea is developing...
...On Nov...
...At Lloyd's « I#n|ai they are betting four to one against-aa armistice by Christmas, three to oae sgaantefe armistice by February...
...The plan of the British Tories for a restoration of the monarchy in Spain—which might have saved Franco's group—has evidently miscarried...
...If the German pee pis do not revolt, 'Hitler will be overt haw am only, bp the force of the coalition armies'," Bates quotas the manifesto...
...Alnteet sll multiplied their prewar income, before- taxes, by four...
...He said again that the British Empire will not be liquidated, if he can prevent it...
...The Partisans originally proposed to cooperate with Mikheilovitch and recognised the royal government in London as the highest Yugoslav authority...
...The Japs are telling the Insane* %e...
...Fourteen of the twenty-nine companies atafle tesKtiatee aa much in 1942...
...but as a war for survival, a conservative war waged by conservatives for conservative eaaa, Aad both countries have powerful elements who seek quite reactionary ends...
...25* 1,758 574 +*% CrnoiMe Steel Co...
...The agreement binds the governments of 80 per cent of the world's popatatkn to cooperate, according to the resources of tarn, in relief and rehabilitation of the millions ef victims of Axis aggression...
...Partisans, democratic forces, trade unions, aspirations for independence and freedom, will be organized and exploited by Communists, and then crucified on the altar of Russian imperialism...
...Representative Harry Sauthoff of Wiseoaji attacked the light sentences given ' busiusn executives who have defrauded the geveroaaat in war production...
...Our policy of miiitmry expediency and pelitical opportunism (.right or wrong) enables Stalin to pose as the knight in shining armor laodtng a crusade for democracy, "tilting kit lanes at the windmills of Trotskyite-Sociaiist mnd-dof agents of Hstier...
...Delegates insisted on the need for a further purge of Vichyites and those elements which brought disaster to the Third Republic...
...It will do ail it legitimately can to aid Germans to establish a strong democratic state, able to defend its institutions against any new assault by German reaction...
...Stalinists are for or against revolution in accordance with the foreign policy of Russia...
...The first meeting of ths UNRRA council began the next day...
...The Nazis sis' llJaW In bottle up the guerillas in western StflCls...
...Sir Henry hhrWlsotl^ew ever, seme Chetniks have attaeaai Psnaant simultaneously with the Germans...
...M. Le Troeque, Socialist, who defended Blum at the Riom trial, played a promi"nerrt' role at the Algiers meeting...
...there were also some imported celebrities, including Paul Robeson Above them towered an immeaoe canvas depicting the final battle of the Beadaev4h Revolution...
...1S1 2.1«1 1550 +J American Woolen Co.---Ml nXli - +» Aviation Corp----- 599 5.524 - +* Bath Iron Works___26* S.74S 1S4« 4-1...
...Eritrea, and SomaWaiKJ— while granting independence to Ethiopia and Albania, which were conquered by fascist Italy...
...No ¦ofsfcwvifcs Present .. Washington officialdom flocked to the Soviet Embassy on November 7 to drink endless glasses of vodka and eat -countless little black eggs laid in the Volga jay sturgeon—all to celebrate the victory won by Bolshevism 26 years ago Nearly 1,500 of the leading political figures of Washington demonstrated their friendship for "the Socialist fatherland...
...It is the L..T of liquidation, which keeps the German soldier iig i ing...
...It is rumored in Washington that Franco sympathisers there are disgusted with their hero...
...fFiejerei ore in rhostoodt o* o»to<-t ' '.:.^k Pf f- PteVtVafltflsP*anw^ Averes* ltd l»rr—¦» ItSMBW Assencan Car & Foaadey -,--$ 72 $ T.tot 97*0 Uasvanns* American Locomotive - 1.4*2 7,552" 417 +1* American Rolling MUivCo.---434« 9.281 «114 +« American Type Foaadeu...
...The de Gaul lists were jubilant over their political victory, and predict that their chief will be the first president of the Fourth Republic...
...of America__1.901 8.3*« 557 * Fairfield Aviation__g74 1.131 JM -rl|e...
...Has Batts ever read Lenin...
...This demand for the application of the ideals of the...
...nostacators say when Rome falls, so wiQ % King, and Sforsa will form a coahtioa geremroeut- . . . Propaganda is most effective toss it is true...
...Gladly will Stalin make the Comintern counter-revolutionary agency No...
...The refusal of Giraud to publicly disavow any ties with Vicky contributed largely to his defeat...
...Stalin makes aa innocent o» MaeMotem...
...Stated otherwise, Russia is perfectly willing to make a deal or compromise with amenable generals aad ssoaarchs if they will serve Russian policy... ¦mke-the impoonshlc aoasnMe . . . the A store deaoadeeaoer ameaaalatttg oar last i cots i ¦ - of atraagth . . . this is in no proportion to the dangers aad sacrifices that weald be demanded of us- if we failed- - to wta this way...
...Hitler unclaimed in his speech celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Maaieh beer has) putsch...
...He has asked for an amassment to the Constitution to provide for tin election of Federal Judges, instead nf nppafl merit for life, as the only way to gat rid at corrupt judges and make them respensHa) tt the people...
...I am making enormous demands of German soldiers...
...were, not subject to debet* and included the- BalticStates, etc...
...The realists m Moscow . . . know- that a social revolution like that of October, 1917, would be prevented by London and Washington...
...In the first six months of the Civil War the social revolution was in fall swing, and property was being coUeetiviaed by the trade unions led by anarchists, left-wing socialists, and the POITM...
...The impending rum of the Hitlerite regime," he declared, "is due, first, to the Red...
...Atlantic Charter to Lebanon raises the question of the status of all the Middle East countries mandated by the League of Nation... at a gkaace the tossoaratioo profits of 29 prominent corporations before and during the war...
...before taxes, as they sveraged in l>5»-*9...
...They did so, not because the revolution was preaaature (as it was), but because of the Kremlin's collective security policy, the desire foY a military alliance with the wetteru democracies...
...iwtd on...
...General Electric Co---»44l5 »2.e81 4» —W Jones A Laughlin'--1.59* 11.145 *•» Meek Trucks, Inc.__(20 4.48s (24 -2;Martm (Giena L.) Co.____2,»*4 9.659 345 I ^^KL Otia Elevator Co...
...riE war, which has brought stUitary service to mMHoas M Americans aad death to more than HMM already, continues to give a windfall of profits to American corporation* The table below, compiled by the research department of the CIO...
...aJ figure maybe they don't need a liberal aonsnWt who can take some of the iar<>r-libernr negate* away from FDR...
...The President proclaimed it as "the first bold step toward the practicable, workable realization of the thing called freedom from want" Ralph Bates Plays Sancho Panza ta Statin's Don-Quixote Remission to Moscow II By USTOti M. OAK JXURING the Spanish Civil War Bates acted as apologist for the Stalinists' deal with those other Spanish Loyalist leaders who were also against social revolution...
...People's Fronts, National Fronts...
...The Red Army does not win because it is a people's army, said Bates, but because it is "large, wetl equipped, sternly disciplined...
...Reports of increasing opposition to the Fabtnge within Spain continue to leak out...
...H. "-as one firm fixed purpose—the consolidation p.i his power in Russia and the enhancement ol 1 -seian power among, nations...
...will maintain a loyal alliance with the U.S.S.R...
...1,040 2548 145 ^ United Aircraft Cotwt__5.111 2**94 SfT Uidtei fleatea Steel Cora.__45 098 H*T9' 115 UaaiaiaW Weotinghoase Electrtc Mag Co.__14 0t4 21.110 45 Yemagelewa Sheet dkrTube-Co___«.7« 1J.564 100 -f...
...A new Russia, and one with the lineaments of grandeur...
...O.) M#g...
...When Do We Take the Profit Out oi Wor...
...The Comintern has a long, series of failures abroad which were, successes at '-"une, in Russia, from the viewpoint of Stalin...
...Beadix Aviation Corp.--2^27 15^9* 505 +• Bethletiem Steel Corp.---ltjtwt 9i,Wh 9» Blew Knox Co.__1.257 2.27* 81 tSs% Bora Warner Corp.___5%&5 9.71t 74 -*WV Band (Edw...
...the communists of the outer world have demonstrated their uselessness as leaders...
...Benedetto Crece and leaders of the NotlOwsl Liberation Front, urging abdication, agreed to enter the government if a regency for the six-year-old Prince of Naples is established...
...Except maybe Bill Bullitt Bolsheviks were invited...
...stem profits, s 1000% increase in profit, before Uaen, leaves the compear wvmldoeWt'ia»nam mal income...
...Three commissioners of the Assembly who were supporters of Giraud, and one de Gaullist, wen removed...
...Its superiority to AngloAmerican armies',is due to its integration in a System of totalitarian national planning, according to Kir...
...But Professor A«k>lio Omodeo has urged Italian mandates over Ethiopia and Albania...
...The characteristics of Soviet policy can be seen from the case of Yugoslavia," continues Bates...
...Apparently Franco, like Mussolini, will be loyal to Hitler to the bitter end...
...Tfee** cieal strife is nurtured by both) tat'lTiaw it th#> CrtHllinBuUBto fw>T dlffiel*e!llt rCsnWHat Aceording to Gen...
...Hfgae.nhrs of Chorea/irs Speech . . . In his most recent speech, Winston Churchill reiterated the pledge given in 1940, when Britain fought alone, that "we will never abandon the struggle until every occupied country is liberated...
...It is only on the will of the people, freely expressed in conditions of reasonable tranquillity, that in France, at in other enslaved countries, any permanent structure can be raised...
...The- slogan, ''Independence and self-determination—for other nation's colonies," seems to gaining popularity in various quarters...
...wnien fe> tw» accedes Stag owed-, pallet of eisiililjf and opportunism is held np as s msiaPW liberals who denounce the oppertsanste- eT' their own ItrenawllL Ta Mr Bate* Astasias inrtevs are »*> , r»tem are fceroes...
...They prefer a republic, but will accept a regency as a transition measure, until an election can take place, providing neither Crown Prince Humbert or the Duke of AcosU serves as regent...
...What am cafal "responsible circles" by newshawks say asan in the spring, maybe April or May...
...Only two Girandists remain oh the 10*11111111 lav...
...The liberation of their country and restoration of France as a democratic republic to her former glory is the task of all Frenchmen, de Gaulle said...
...Count Sforsa has demanded that Italy be allowed to retain her three pre-fascist African colonies— Libya...
...At Lessesaargi Fedeaal Pe»>ter.tiary is e»r =cie»t»oas objeetsee have beea on s^aaayer strike since Sept, 2a, against strict ^esaotstir of their mail and their roedsng< imdtai...
...the • foreign policy of the USSR is not a guide to progressive action...
...To meet fears that' Russia might overrun liberated areas, Point 6 was includes, providingthat "after the termination of hostilities, they will not employ their mdiuary forces within the territories of other states except for the purposes envisaged in this Declaration and after joint consultation.-" > Of course...
...Army, and second, to Anglo-American air attacks...
...This has happened before in Germany, in Italy, in China, in Spam, and elsewhere...
...General Catreux in June, 1941, Jflrdfld to Lebanon that Free France . . win' put an end to the mandatory regime and proclaim you free and independent... recreate a healthy, social life...
...The Turn of Events-A Review of Global Fronts Gb-mud Forced fo fteeieja ffWIsW r^Peandp^^SeetatjeOtrn/ • • * Genera] Henri-Honors Giraud has yielded to pressure and resigned his position as co-chairman of the French Committee of National Liberation...
...So it seems that the new vision is the old one of Russian patriotism...
...Thus do the conservatives and reactionaries m the western democracies play into the hands of the no-Uss-consersatire Russian nationalists...
...We moat therefore cormnoe to wage this war with rutaJeoa detcrmhtatioa . . . that was is witiio"jt mercy...
...The* eighty-four delegates represented all French factions, including Socialists and Communists as well as the extreme right Forty recently arrived from underground France...
...Always a political barometer, this year's celebration was held in a pes fading meed of love for Mesne Benag made of papier-mache, the huge birth - day cake, lee-tiered and- bedeakad wieh ieeag...
...during and after the war "on the basis of mutual respect and faithful comradeship...
...Badoglio asserted that be wants to hand over the government to an elected successor as soon as Nazis are driven from Italy...
...Thus wrote Ralph Bates in "The New Republic" of July 13, 1942...
...Norman Davis aad Sumner Welles were the chairmen of the two committees which drafted the declarations, under the guidance of Secretary of State Hail...
...lifter Fruit mf dapectemeirt . . . Generalissimo Franco has instructed all members of the "volunteer' Blue Division, Spanish fascist troops withdrawn into East Prussia from the Russian front, to enlist in the army of the Reich, litis is the latest of a series of insults with which Franco has repaid appeasement...
...9 • * Ferrf-teer United Nations Agree en Belief Aeency . . . The United Nations Relief Rehabilitation (UNRRA), hailed by Roosevelt as the first permanent agency created by the United Nations for humanitarian and political coopers tioa, was ratified on Nov 9 by representatives of fortyfour nations...
...Vtwt 5.274 96 *WFl PuHmaa...
...Reversing its previous lhte, the Communists vetoed an October revolution, suppressed the embryonic Soviets, crushed the anarchists, the Trotskyites, and the POUM...
...He had not recovered from the shock of the HitlerStalin pact...
...At this moment Rossis is utilising the weapon of the "disserved" Comintern, the threat of revolution, to gain 'greater concessions, territorial aad otherwise, from Britain and the United States...
...The Red Army fights, not for socialism, but for national grandeur...
...Bates wrote that "it now appears that the two FiveYear Plans were defense plans...
...Bates (of 1942...
...Russia has been assured that Britain and the U.S.A...
...C*asci«ftfo«s Qbjecferi Oadaaf fa Cesser* tip...
...incomes, after taxes, in 1942...
...of Socialism or Communism...
...3 JM T,94X 99 < Studeaaker Corp...
...1—if-he gets his price...
...Maaaahne at MadJowv Soanao <Jusdea, in New Yore, Harold L. Ictes...
...The recent investiture of the Patriarch of the Greek Catholic Church is an effort to appease the Christian churches, as was the "dissolution" of the Comintern—in preparation for s deal with the "imperialists...
...Out of the Past...
...De Gaulle pointed oat that none of the three powers is a European nation...
...A Revo/ufl»aor-y or a Conservative Wsv...
...Secretary of the-laterem deal J&wM Administrator, Solid Fuels Aetoawtietrater, Petroleum Administrator...
...It seems probable that Wilson's warning came as a response to a request from Moscow, transmitted by Eden The Yugoslav government-in-exile at Cairo has repeatedly charged that Tito's Partisans have also fought alongside the Germans against the Chetnik guerillas...
...But the...
...TV ACLU is seeking to got improved rsguistani for taem< » * • , Cteres* • oee *erfm— forces Fi0t Tag «cam—woe fees Ore...
...The statesmen and businessmen of the United States and Britain do not see this as a revolutionary war...
...Kuonnntang officials deny rumors uf giifl ea in Chtrm to force Communists to let tmnrpmt) army be absorbed into the g iiiiii iiiisaa) stss) The Government is succeeding in aatMansnat efforts to slow down the rise in prices wart are eighty times mere than pre-war priest...
...A natioa which has JlgfJP is staktag deals with aayoae sad etafjpei^ who caw be atWsed tendnatat etnas at*** ir^aee- .itw rna...
...When the Partisan movement began to attain real proportions, Mfkhailovitch began civil war against them, in collusion with the Axis . . . the Partisans assumed the real and very democratic control of one-third of the country...
...Explaining "why so harsh and imperfect a system as the Russian nourishes the will to light," Bates continues that "the Red Army astonishes the world because the Russian people have a vision, and be, lieve themselves able to realize it...
...Inc.___1.1R5 7.354 521 Repenaica Steel Corp__5.a*l 20,187 248 — Sperry Corp...
...He headed a long list of notables, all of whom stresaeo the victories of the Red Army, Russia's importance in the world, and the necessity of cooperation* between the USA aad the USSR, The class struggle was-not mentioned...
...Several rained Ave times as much...
...Wendell Willkie headquarters are wornei br the recent Republican election victori...
...They were driven to a contrary course by that government's rejection of democracy...
...In a conversation I had with Bates in his Barcelona apartment he denounced all these revolutionists as agents of Franco...
...London comments: "Ticklish position . . ." * • • JMlMv Croce, Itolia* Peopie, CosspeJ Botow^Mo to Ask AeveVoeji'roe • . . Marshal BadegUo has informed King Victor Emmanuel that he cannot form a coalition gominium in Italy unless the King abdicates...
...There is no question of Socialism or Communism...
...her allies, or we -ill orgeami uidealise...
...Hitler Demonds the Impossible...
...The anniversary of, the beer-hall putsch reminds us again of the dreadful error of the young German republic which, twenty years ago, failed to realise the meaning and menace of National Socialism...
...There are British and American officers etas both rival groups, according to a UP shape from London...
...However, maybe we are ~1—tJnftng . mistake here in America...
...He ear sal these Chetniks that they must '"desert tat Nazis or be classed as traitors...
...They denied thai there is danger of Communism...
...The Assembly declared that no decisions made by the three great powers at Moscow or at future conferences can be regarded as binding for France without equal French participation...
...wasne»swn*f» laesihaied the- Bntoto 9ute* tat* r>Wsa Pe^Vtustutttf ^^^fWlOaWT ¦ ^ ?^ eVsawe* ^flsYtnt^^VVsVtruBsU^nUBP* \ naue...
...Their motives differed, but they had one aim (rightly or wrongly) in common...
...Seven new commissioners were •Med, four of whom are direct representatives of- the underground movement within France...
...Inrimrdlately thereafter the French authorities imposed strict censorship...
...The reactionary royal government in exile would neither organize the people for struggle nor wage war with its existing forces...
...refused to be cut when phetahoaade asked Maes, Geemyke to...
...daatttr Claude Pepper heads a move in Coasaoarte abolish the rule that a two-thirds msteritp at the Senate must ratify a treaty, by Cotouto tiorlal amendment in favor of a majority veto of both House and Senate...
...There is no q-ti+tfion...
...deaVenssssi plead high were real, and not rationed i Onto HI and cheannaejse flowed aad eddied freety and every one was happy...
...Kremlin has sought, more than once, to mak»-'a deal with the Vatican—and has been rebuffed...
...He said, alt six parties will be represented in the coalition government — Liberals, Christian Democrats, Labor Democrats, Socialists, Action ists, and Communists..., i * * * , >n...
...France most have a voice in all Allied parleys and all European settlements...
...f> ALPH* BATES wrote in The Nation of Oc*^ tober 194*, that "many liberals have not' yet realised that in the critical areas of Europe the USSR is practicing the kind of foreign policy they have wanted America to practice____" This is dtte to "a failure to explore to its depths the accepted truth that the war is a revolutionary war...
...The military campaign of 1944 will be very costly, he ¦ remarked, but it will end the war...
...Thus Bates contrasts the "democratic and revolutionary" policy of Russia with the Vtnsittartism and reaction and counter-revolution of Britain and America...
...Russia thus holds a double threat aver the heads of nor- allies aad of Germany, Grant our demaada, Rnasak throateae...
...Rejoicing at growing unity of the French National Committee) Churchill stated that this committee "are not the owners but the trustees of the title deeds of France...
...This fact provides- the test of a foreign policy...
...then Russia employs the "dissolved"' Comintern to gain control and direction of democratic movements, exploiting the fact that Washington and London are not adept at waging demagogic political wasfare nor at organizing underground demacrstic foreee in occupied countries...
Vol. 26 • November 1943 • No. 46