Suggestion for Conversation in the Kremlin


By Max Eastman Suggestion for Conversation in the Kremlin TPHERE is something pathetic in the eagerness of our statesmen to have a "personal interview" with Stalin. A year's intensive study of...

...does in these very meticulously selected speeches...
...In 1939 the little innocents are told that the sole gleam of resistance to the invaders was made by de Gaulle...
...Giacomo Matteotti and their friends, who suffered death, eeraoawmu, tartare, and never bowed their heads before the Fascist dictatorship...
...A Freneh Institute existed already in South Kensington- and was expanded...
...It begins with de Gaulle already recognisable as a little boy—an only child apparently, though I am told he has brothers—listening on the hearthrug' to the stories of a venerable grandfather and a middle-aged father of the previous invasions of France, 'belle, fertile et paisible...
...We are happy to greet the begiaaiaga of the revival of the labor asovemsat It Italy, in spite of obstacles from many sides...
...I make no suggestion that de Gaulle is not sincere...
...Cyr man) in a cloak of heroic magnificence, mounted, not on a 1938 tank as one might have expected, but on a red spotted horse with a green mane, leading the marshalled forced of France...
...General de Gaulle's recent utterances allow no definite reply to the question...
...2—An immediate international uidfflSSW ^ labor of the* United Nations to plaauteefiw participation in the war effort, sssdmlflwaa w th\» peace and planning for a poatranw sen...
...Once more the' attitude assumed by General de Gaulle has centered public attention upon him...
...And it is generally assumed that de Gaulle represents the "people" of France, while Giraud the conservative elements...
...The Battle of Britain and a few other such checks to the German triumph are entirely ignored...
...It is perfectly clear that he has been inspired exclusively by his perusal of the de Gaullist texts and by his personal observations...
...He believes in himself to such an extent that he feels justified in any measure that will put him in absolute control of France...
...He got away to London, where he took complete control...
...One leading idea advanced by de Gaulliats calls for the dmsefs^Mf^' the old party system of Frsnce end the creation of a national front" rang- . ing from Croix de Fea te Common rata with de Gaulle as its leader...
...the ums/stique of a "strongpersonality...
...3—Destruction of the war predwssnst' uuha trim of the Axis nations, but no use at m*sr»tions to punish the peoples of those aaUiaaa...
...Is his attitude approyed as conservative and fascist or as liberal and democratic ? H. G. Wells wrote an article for the London World Review (May, 1943) which is worth quoting at some length: - "He [De Gaulle} was established as the nominal head of Free France In this country...
...He probably knows as much as anyone in this country of what needs to be known—including the inside aspect of a Bolshevik prison...
...To which we poor, gagged English may only exclaim 'Well" Finally, we see the de Gaullists in North Africa 'dijouant complitement le* plan* de Rommel', with no acknowledgment te any British or American co-operation—and with that the picture book concludes...
...On the whole, though, I find him expensive and I would rather have the money spent upon the sort of Frenchmen who have had nothing to do with de Gaulle or anything else from that reactionary hothouse of St Cyr...
...But those are Ue term* in which he doe* hie thinking about such question* No man is likely to change his basic concepts after hit sixtieth year, and there is no evidence that Stalin has...
...Oh his return to France, 'he wished to transmit to...
...That is only one more ia the long series of consolation pipedresms shout totalitarian Russia...
...Or more simply, they could take along as conversational guide a man who really knows this world into which they are Jumping abruptly, and with as little sense of its peculiar logic—the logic of Marxism-in-reverse—as Alice had in Wonderland...
...The UAW-CIO program also piepsasi gw erament control and operation of other mm* tries "to prevent the abuses ef aanm%nuy aw to assure production in the public lateiest...
...DOLITICS is not quite the game for senti* mentalists...
...Ia a recent series of articles ia "Navy Zhonmal...
...5s.] de Gaulle betrays his quality and objectives more plainly than he...
...Why has there been so much misunderstanding of "the mystery man of Communism...
...He becomes more and more manifestly a Header' who hss succumbed to the temptation of his position and got out of hand...
...At the 14th congress of the All-Union Communist party, December 1926, stenographic report p. 16...
...Continue to support the Allied armies in the task they ease assets ken...
...Andre Kaynal presents here some of the opinions of leading Englishmen on de Gaulle...
...To guarantee full employment for afrwsfuesj and servicemen in the post-war ferial, •** UAW-program proposes: A 30-hour week...
...Ses avians proteaent le* convoi*' and bombarded German towns...
...t' After having sharply criticized the military school of St...
...the younger generation' the expert ence he had acquired 'sur le champ de bataille'— apt to mention Germany again—and he was nominated Professor of Military History at St...
...all alone on a platform, handing on that fatal St Cyr tradition to the generation of French officers which collapsed so disastrously in 1939 to 1940...
...An interview Stalin gave at that time to a correspondent of the Japanese newspaper, "Nichi Nichi," aught become the topic of another fruitful conversation in the Kremlin...
...Thia way is the defeat ef Germany...
...WHO will think that the great English writer has based his line of thought upon the American Department of State...
...The colonial countries sre the essential rear of imperialism...
...The success ef Joseph (Stalinr JDjugashivilli has in good pert been due to a shrewd, hard-headed and calculating realism...
...He his his "ideals" and his "basic values," but he nener permits their verbal forms and moral atmosphere to obscure his tasks and the movement of events...
...Do your duty against any government which sssists the Germsa imperishsti asi militarists...
...temporary stabilization of raptulima/ etc...
...But they could find out Stalin's general ideas, the attitudes of his mind, the conceptual frame-work in which he thinks, by doing some good hard work in a library...
...His assurance of allegiance to the Republic have had attached to them qualifications, that his critics regard as subtle clauses of escape...
...What is his political background...
...And his condemnation of Petain's personal dictatorship has not prevented him from himself maintaining a strictly personal control over Fighting France, with many of the somewhat eccentric rites that go With the application of a Fuhrerprinzip...
...We are also delighted to convey their warmest greetings te Socialist friends in Italy who, together with ether progressive and anti-Fascist Italians, will have to carry the immense reepOnsi- _ bility of restoring the benefits of lasting peace and freedom to the Italian people...
...His supporters of the Croix de Feu hold that the political credo of the Army of the Future is still valid, a credo that was all against parliamentary democracy and all in favor of an authoritarian royalist regime The Left keeps in mind General de Gaulle's more recent assurance of loyalty to the Republic and to the Constitution of 1875...
...Everything in the way of sabotage the French ¦ did, we are told, was done by 'La France combattante, sou* Vitendard tricolore a Croix de Lorraine.' Otherwise presumably they would have done nothing...
...As any reader will quickly discover, the argument of these British publications has nothing fascistic about it As a matter of fact, its whole trend is the other way...
...To the mass of Frenchmen, General de Gaulle remains the symbol of French resistance...
...Executive Committee ef uw August 21...
...Honor and necessity command it The Italian workers, peasants, and inlsmgtalai should join hands with those who are fighting for the freedom of Italy and ataammt aad help the enslaved peoples of the conquered countries, tortured by their Germsa and fascist oppressors, to regain their freedom...
...A union of the Japanese people wht , the people at the Soviet Union would be a deasrte step in the cause of liberating Use peoples of the East Such .a union would he unconquerable...
...De Gaulle they reject equally, for the men who shape de Gaulle's political views IceW towards totalitarian ideas... en almost ideal background tar...
...British censorship, has at times, prevented one of thia material from being told in detail...
...M. Labarthe, the President" of the French Society of Engineers, 'Was appointed Director General of the French services in England connected with armaments and scientific research, while Vice-Admiral Muselier was appointed Commander of the Free .. French naval and air forces...
...Then a picture of him...
...Frankly I think that plebiscite game which Napoleon the Third brought off and Boulanger didn't, is half a century out of date...
...He is an artiest sincere megalomaniac...
...Nicolaevsky pointed out that Russia's treaty with Japan in 192S contained a secret clause net yet published, bat described by Bessedovsky (head of the Soviet legation in Tokio the following year), as "a guarantee of Jspan's rear in esse of s conflict with America...
...Sooner or later English public opinion must realize that, in his pose as the symbol of national unity, General de Gaulle has quarrelled with and denounced this Institut Francais, Muselier, Labarthe and practically everyone who does not accept his direction...
...There theories were advanced in "La Marseillaise," former London organ ef the de Gaullists...
...But it would be a fallacy to believe that the growth of the mystique could at this stage be prevented or hampered by any artificial devices or be the fostering of any rival myths...
...Cyr, where he learnt all that was necessary to become 'un off icier accompli...
...Next we see a tall exemplary figure at St...
...CIO, made public this weak by X1 Thomas, president of the union...
...Stalin's closest colleagues never know his specific intentions...
...They aneaU i remember that Statin was trained to regard them as » the predestined dupes of the Historic Process, hlntsetf snd his party aa representing that Process is h> triumphant self-understanding...
...The DA* with 760,000 members is the ImjatT^atlls ft the nation...
...We appeal to all Italian democrats to join in clearing the way which leads a» fhrjful realization of the Atlantic Charter...
...Is there a consistent theoretical line to his thinking...
...The Allied armies are the friends of Italian freedom aad independence: the wWUnes are their enemies...
...A "sense.of guilt" weighs on all attempts at the revival of the party,system, Xhi...
...Eastman's memorandum...
...In the series of meticulously polite letters exchanged between Carlton Gardens and Algiers, some notes of a strange nationalist egocentricisro can hardly be missed...
...Like all liberal-minded Englishmen, I have a profound and affectionate admiration for France, ' the France of the great Revolution, and for the exemplary lucidity of the French mind at its best I detest imperialism and reactionary nationalism whether it is French or British...
...We greet them sf ear friends who hare today regained their personal freedom after years spent m Jaffa er concentration camps or exile...
...revolt of the colonies...
...I find the best analysis of the French malaise in the works of Anatole France whom I have recently re-read from start to finish...
...Message to Italy OOCIALISTS OF MANY COUNTRIES, faithful to their international aad democratic principles, impressed by the recent evenu in Italy, send their greetings te the Allied armies, who have conquered the first ramparts of subjugated Europe and brought down Mussolini...
...Treaties are signed defining the elements of a future war, and always the signing of such treaties is accompanied by a lot of noise about peace...
...This is the nationalist bunkum, upon which a new generation of French children are to be trained for the great day of the de Gsullist plebiscite...
...It seems designed to build up a de Gaul list mentality in the infantile French mind...
...and which does net pat the word "bourgeois" before the word "democracy...
...In the first years ef resistance, de Gaulle Vat that symbol, bat ss new elements entered his entourage, he began to have political ambitions, carefully nurtured by these men...
...pursuing it the British government has taken the lead...
...A tremendous publicity campaign has made of de Gaulle the symbol of the French people...
...Before the invasion of North Africa, Louis Levy, Freneh Socialist leader in London, charged in "Left News" thst important industrialist mtereats had placed people In the de Gaulle entourage to protect their ialwmln^1' " la the last several months, the Communists have gained an tneceasing influence over de Gaulle, with the result that Socialist croups in France are discriminated against in aid, white the Gaullist secret nonce under "Colon...
...But his —ttmil ism only warped, it did not displace, his Bolshevik-Marxian view of the world...
...a gigantic aawaag construction program to include, .haanwa schools, highway, hospital, recreational, pen* power end conservation devetopownts, , 4 To assure economic security to d|acaanw* soldiers and sailors, the UA W-CIOJ»auerns proposes: ' A separation allowance (honus) up4nln**| for each honorably discharged meeaker « ** armed forces, an initial payment to A* upon discharge from service, the aelagre ». paid in Installments over a reasoneaw of time: enforcement of seniority provmleW^ union contracts...
...A widespread longing for a Leader almost invariably grows from the people's own political weakness, Napoleon the First built bis Empire on the exhaustion of French political energies in the process of the Revolution...
...To endorse the 'paieible' quality, the toys on the hearthrug are soldiers and a cannon...
...We pledge them our sympathy and sat aaasen ia the straggle against all open, or disguised vestiges of the Fascist tyranny...
...For freedom and lasting peace...
...In the London Economist (May 22, 1943) we find a remarkable article entitled The Gaullist Idea...
...Even Edgar Ansel Mbwrer in The New York Pott has finally come round to this point of view...
...The only effective reply to the mystique can be provided by the wholesale political prose of a liberated and free France...
...Which of the interpretation is right...
...In reply to a question Stalin said: "It is true that the Japanese people are the most advanced in the East, and are interested in the success of the movement far the liberation of the -a)*** pressed peoples...
...Girth* represents conservative elements whose social views they oppose... of hi a ,tl>*3 areas against exploitation...
...On this side of the water the State Department is again under-attack...
...One does not recommend "Stalinist" politics as a copy-book for Allied diplomats, but realistic understanding of modern history ought to be the least equipment the American* and British are bringing to the conversations in Moscow...
...The feeling that the aid parties failed and that each of them had its share jn responsibility for the military break-down ¦ is very strong...
...A year's intensive study of the works of Marx aad Lenin, the history of the Bolshevik party and the Comintern, and Stalin's manifestoes and' key-note speeches, would be worth a hundred conversations in the Kremlin...
...Until that day comes, onward...
...These Frenchmen, among whom is the majority of the Socialist Party of Franc*, want a democracy for France with guaranteed free elections...
...But for a large number of Frenchmen, the choice is neither de Ganlte or Glrand, although they are grateful for de Gaulle's raising the banner of resistance in 1940, and to Giraud for his military leadership...
...Across one's mind there drifts a voice out of Kenneth Grehame's immortal Wind in the Willow*, chanting in an ecstasy of self-approval: 'The learned men at Oxford know all that there is to be knowed, They dont know half as much as wonderful Mr.'—de Gaulle...
...Napoleon the Third drew on himself the' hetjea of *h» f*rench people after they had been frustrated "by the series of futile social collisions between 1848 and 1850...
...The day is coming when Italian Labor will once mere fad its honored place ia ta* family of free workers of the world...
...How is Cordell Hail or Franklin Roosevelt going to plumb the world plans of this secretive schemer in a few tedious confabs through an interpreter...
...In previous articles it has been made clear that this policy is, in reality, that of President Roosevelt and that in...
...The revolutionising ef that rear cannot but undermine imperialism, net only in the sense thai imperialism will be left without a rear, but in the sense that the revolutionising of the East should give the final impetus to a sharpening of the crisis in tat west Attacked on two sides—-from the rear and the front—imperiahsm will have to admit itself condemned to death... education or ualii'uf those discharged men who desire it THE choice for France is usually presented from all sides as a rigid pick between General Charles de Gaulle and General Henri Honors Giraud...
...How finespirited they are...
...His conception of French unity, and the French will, has narrowed down until its sole representative is himself...
...Here is a quotation from one of Stalin's key-note speeches which might form the subject of a fruitful conversation: "We know from the history of Europe that every time treaties are made concerning the realignment of forces for a new war, these treaties are called treaties of peace...
...He was always a Russian nationalist as well as a power addict and was so described by Lenin...
...The article in The Economist proceeds to show how the Fiikrerprinjip is in the process of development in Lendop de Gaullist circles: "General de Gaulle's strength lies at least partly in the vagueness of his- politics, which leads itself to the most divergent and contradictory interpretation...
...Other highlights of the UAW-GJO's saw* ment of post-war aim include: 1—Full representation for labor h} aago**' ing the peace and reconstruction ef J****" industry...
...His best friends couldn't find ant whether they were going to be shot the next morning until the...
...It will be interesting to determine what sort of public support the British premier receives for this policy... of the GPU dropped gently on their shoulders...
...should be regarded % our statesmen as—at the heat, a concession to their ignorance, s gracious condescension from the tree, the esoteric doctrine—et 'the worst, a lure east by i scientific fisherman m troubled esters...
...Secret- Clauses fa Rutso-Jap Treaty Jk^ GOOD cram-tutor for American greenhorns visiting the Kremlin would be Boris Nicolaevsky, one-time head of the Office of Historical Revolutionary Records in Moscow, author of s hundred articles and editor of six volumes on the history okthe Social Democratic movement is Russia, author also of a warmly human life of Karl Marx and a penetrating life of the Russian spy-revolutionist, Asev...
...A few pointed footnotes for Americans abroad and at home may be found in Mr...
...We are shown the effect of his proclamations upon the French common people...
...Leber and Socialist lnterasoenel UAW Asks Gov't to Control Monopolies Government or municipal ownership sad ape ation of monopolistic industries and ef humtries strategically necessary to tat aaasai safety is one of the principal proposal* ef as post-war program of the United Aateenuit Workers...
...Claudio Treves...
...There will be no real and lasting peace for Italy or say other Fsreseas aausa until Germany hag suffered a crushing military defeat, and every vestige sf Prsaaas militarism and the Nazi system hss been eradicated...
...At school bur hero is instructed by his father, who has come to Paris as a teacher, and whose patriotic bias is indicated by a large map of La France standing alone before the instructor's blackboard behind him...
...Cyr, where de Gaulle received his training, and the mentality of the officers whose minds are formed there, H. G. Wells continues: "In another book [General, de Gaulle: Chef dee, Francais Combattants, par Naeh...
...His boats patrolled the oceans and sank hostile submarines...
...Any pronouncement of Stalin on world afain which does net contain such words ss Imperialism" "finance capital" "monopoly capital," "colonial exploitation...
...It is printed in black, red, blue, green , and yellow, and on the cover we see de Gaulle (and no other St...
...Agsinet the Geraue invaders and all those who help them...
...On August 4, :"1814, still solo, he departs for the front amidst great popular enthusiasm...
...The less emotional student of political affairs looks with some uneasiness to the authoritarian lining of that symbol...
...Passy" spreads terror among anti-dc Gaullists...
...Some English Opinions of De Gaulle By ANDRE RAYNAL IhJEWS comes of fresh incidents in Algiers concerned with the course of affairs in Corsica...
...A Warpad View of fee WoHd CTALIN did not fail to throw out s hint in that interview as to the need of political change in Japan, and it can not of course be assumed that those are his present thoughts on Far Eastern questions...
...capitalist dhnateg ration...
...At this moment, we regard it as onr duty te pay homage once more to Fihpse Taraa...
...Max Eastman, author of many books and articles on Soviet Russia, offers in this piece a few historical sidelights en the man whom Cordell Hull and Anthony Eden are facing across the table of state in the Kremlin...
...The author begins by pointing out how the conditions in France favor the emergence of sy dictatorship: "The characteristic feature of the reconstituted political groupings, so far as one can judge from the French underground press, is the lack of moral and political self-reliance...
...In contrast Boulanger was a grotesque failure because the French democracy of the eighties was far too vigorous and self-reliant to long for a Leader...

Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 43

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