EDITORIAL COMMENT IlUff AN* REHABILITATION IN the field of food and the relief of human 1 Wants the Usited Nations are rapidly becoming a going concern. On November 11th. there will take-...

...Now see how an editorial writer in T**« New York Timet deals with this proposal...
...Workers do thousands of different things, requiring all sorts of skill...
...When such a right is used it ia therefore to conceal evidence of the commission of a crime, v From that cona.deration alone it would seem that the immunity ought aot to be granted, but there is another aad greater element involved...
...It has been revised to meet the objection...
...Soldiers do one sort of things and need a psychology adapted to that sort of activity...
...Aurelio's silence on these alleged relations is probably an admission of them...
...T*HE Soviet moral case in regard to these pro* jected annexations is markedly weak...
...It ia, aw one thing,'an important war measure...
...of setae of th<> smaller among the allied and associated nations...
...But that is no reason why American jrade unionists should now—as asm did in the convention of the American Pateration of Labor—fight to retain the eU esclusion law...
...Arguments from analogy are always dangerous, and this one appears especially dangerous to anyone who knows anything about production...
...Then it calmly proposes the sales tax-as a substitute for the Treasury proposal...
...R had sense sixty years age...
...There should be a strenuous effort to induce Stalin to resume discussion with the Polish Government-in-exile...
...I think Earl Browder...
...The sales tax would hit every cent that he earns...
...Then, and only then, Stalin might move into Manchuria, not for our interests or for China's but for his own...
...It will be fortunate if it can reach a formula of agreement on certain immediate military and political problems, mentioned in last week's column, whieh have become 'acute as the¦ United" Nations are getting into position to strike decisive offensive blows...
...On Attn Japaaeee eewid die • •***' Aa brave aa Western boys at Wake...
...Trade uaioa SaS advocated Chinese exclusion in order ta east off a new sort of slavery...
...If it is eut down, he will go hungry Whatever be is doing toward the war effort depends on hia health and strength...
...This privilege of course extends to and is usually exercised ss to a client's admission of a crime to his lawyer...
...The efy-npaign for the 10% sales tax is based on a notion which can, arithmetically, be made to look persuasive...
...There can be no giveand-take, no building up of close social and intellectual contacts, of an informed international Russian-American opinion until Russians are aa free to speak and write and mingle with foreigners as Americans are...
...The Time, objects to taking $946,170 from the man whose annual income is a millioa—thus leaving him only Wm for his year's expenses...
...V CHINA will provide another test of the possibility Of s Soviet-American entente...
...Except in the case of Bessarabia, the Soviet Government for two decades never raised any complaint about the justice pf its Western frontier...
...He worked out the plan which is now being operated on the West Coast It does not involve any sort of compulsion beyond what we have in force in other districts of labor scarcity...
...Their productivity depends on numerous conditions, but mostly on the good will which they pat into it Whatever damps their enthusiasm cuts down their efficiency...
...If he may speak to him, is his subject to be limited...
...But the conservative internal evolution of the Soviet regime makes its leaders psychologically unable to carry through a genuine social revolution in another country...
...There are some obvious limits to suck cooperation...
...We have here practical experience...
...Russian security and the same time preserve the political independence of the small Baltic states...
...Sappaaa, far example, he felt that a public officer or a candidate for effiee expressed certain sentisnaato en Negroes, or Catholics, or foreigners...
...The question is, whether the poor shall give up their food so that the rich may retain their luxuries...
...While, we do not defend Aurelio, we do find ample cause for condemning his prosecutor, Hogan...
...The draft works well for the establishment of a military force...
...The duties of the public prosecutor, however, have never included responsibility for that detail...
...The original argument against tdniatw* of immigrants from China haa eamnbtny bat its point It haa been calculated that aaer our quota system, the number ef Qua*** eh gible far sdmission would be 107 s year Ami these would be seived thro ugh a ijM^i'i system which would exclude anf ggJaawSaw* To pretend that the addition of lgf passu to our population would con* tit at* any tart of danger to anyone is patently disasnsst Persons who continue to oppose ths raaoB as* stupidly maintaining an ancient attrtad...
...II) I O.NG RANGE cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union depends 1 on finding* mutually satisfactory answers' to three ¦eta of questions, concerning Russia's post-war boundaries in Europe and Asia, concerning the suns of Soviet influence beyonds those boundaries and the methods by which those aims will be promoted and concerning the degree of international cooperation that may prove feasible between two countries with profoundly different political systems...
...And the plan haa worked...
...The Treasury table showed," say the Timet man, pencil in hand, "that*$ would be paid m taxes by taxpayers with incomes in excess of 15,009, while $11,100,000,000 would be paid by taxpayers with incomes less than 15,000...
...If true, they seem to disqualify him aa a. dependable and impartial judge...
...Ta* Chinese are our valued allies...
...But in order » rm> the defendant the utmost prats* tion he is not only not obliges1 b testify against himself but kg lawyer is pi evented from dang so as to suck things as the emat . has told him...
...Under these circumstances, it is up to the trade unions to beat back this attack...
...par cent of the remaining $127,000,000,000 of national "income...
...The right to independent existence of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, was repeatedly recognized in Soviet official documents and unofficial comment...
...There ia every reason why trad* aaioana should support the President's effort n sit the repeal bill through Congress...
...In regard to the Baltic area it ia possible that .the creation of international air and naval bases, with the participation of Soviet contingents, would assure...
...From the very start, #m unions in the American Federation of Later advocated limitations on immigration, fa as European labor was cone trued, ttwy fajbj to pat their ideas across...
...It covers the entire situation, was this system in fores, the Exclusion Art 0 merely an awkward survival...
...If the district attorney has the privilege to pass en the ethics aad opinion* of a person, the deer ef hi* censorship opens his jarisdirtiaa te sssfce say crhnCssm ef sa todivUaaL If, ia order to appeal to the etmmm* part of the public...
...The sense of security of all the peoples in Eastern and Southeastern Europe would be diminished, not enhanced by such a development Every alternative solution should be considered by the Anglo-American negotiators...
...If such statements were not safeguarded ss snerod, justice as a whole would be jeopardized...
...This man, ef coarse, must spend bis entire income...
...Of course, Aurelio, as the social chum and political protege of Costello, has invited and perhaps justified the denunciations of himself as totally unfit lor a position of trust since the man who associates with criminals is generally deemed sympathetic to the activities of his companions...
...What the Tames writer and all of the other frantic pencil-wieiders overlook is that the six-hundred-dollar man moat live on his income...
...The realm of a public prosecutor is not the morals or beliefs of an individual but rather the person's probable guilt of a particular crime...
...It is merely a comprehensive scheme for finding where labor is and providing far its transfer to where it is needed...
...Stalin has made clear in official and unofficial public statements that he regards the Soviet western frostier of 1941, not of 1939, as an imperative minimum demand for the settlement after the war...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Cooperation With Stalin...
...Franks*** mi loyalty would thus be freath weakened...
...So here they succeeded...
...He csald then nee bis own position to leers each spinisns and reveal tkesa aad the aaates of the holders ef them to the public in order ta ' discredit the speakers ia cartain circles...
...Gallantly remember Wske^- <' Instead of'Pearl Harbor where war fell As all war falls, a bolt frost feeA...
...At least he could be asked to tell all the incriminating admissions that his client had i-x—rrr->—made to him...
...Bare kgja complete answer to advocates «f labor nssav cation laws...
...Barnes's California demoruit^yaelggS clearly that the fault in our maapsajpYM* stion is inherent to the administrative ess/ chinary...
...It is not qute clear whether Aurelio sinned in simply talking to Costello or in what he said to him...
...SELLING THE SALES TAX *T*HERE is a real danger that the country 1 Will accept the sates tax' aa a result of sheer exhaustion...
...convicted on a passport irregularity ? If so, political intimidation could be facilitated by a device that merely Involve* social conduct, for it is conceivable that many seasons would speak to a Communist provided the fact was net made generally known...
...What The Timet objects to is the'principle of'income tax itself...
...y law . . --------- n . , _ \ ? AMERICAN LAiOl AND THE CH1IM JT is easy, to understand why the -?23 * Exclusion Act «s passe...
...It is a curious fact that some of - the individuals who have been most earnest in denouncing "appeasement" in relation to Germany and Japan are willing to swallow unlimited doses of the same medicine in relation to Russia...
...Then—when production failed sj29 aa fast as quotas demanded—the yeg *3 up for the labor draft Bernard Baruch kstsa at the facts and worked out his plan, agEn which leaves labor as free at* -. can be m'sa...
...Wffver lysaer...
...Since food is power, the control of it might easily become the occasion for intrigue and thf means of coercion...
...If it is proper to publish such information as to a Democrat running tor office, the same should be proper as to say one else...
...The entire situation ha* castas* —and for the bettor...
...If he may not converse with an ex-convict then no one else may...
...It is of the utmost importance that we should avoid even the appearance of favoring one group or one political tendency above another among the needy populations of Europe...
...The theory upon which the schedules of this measure are based is that of ability to pay...
...The spread of Communism of the 1917 vintage is no longer a major issue This is not because of the dissolution of the Cominternfor there is no evidence that Stalin's hold on Communist parties throughout the world has been weakened...
...He may be inclined to throw up his hands and let congressional committees do their worst...
...All this is a part of labor history—ess m honorable part...
...Not content with his non-discovery of any crime, they seem to be angling for an investigation of Aurelio's behavior as a magistrate...
...Because those with the largest incomes are asked to pay more, it yells (bloody murder...
...The communication is called privileged under the law...
...A conference of foreign ministers'cannot hope to work out the answers to all these' questions...
...If this bill or one at all resembling it were passed, no sales tax would be necessary...
...he fc allowed to sans—1...
...The suppression of American rights advances a step in the Aurelio case, by theuse of wiretapping, but the cheering crowd greets it in the name of democracy...
...This plan has been in operation but a few months, aad new comes the report that war production on the West Coast has increased 12 per cent A similar increase in other sections would soon stop all the muttering...
...But these three sets of questions are worth bearing In mind as touchstones for the future improvement or deterioration of American-Soviet relations...
...There is a challenge to the right of peoples, small as well as large, to selfdetermination...
...But the average citizen is ready to pay as much aa he can and is sick to death of listening to debates about taxition...
...The odds are heavily against Soviet cooperation in our Far Eastern war until Europe has been cleared up to Stalin's satisfaction and until Japan is clearly rocking under Anglo-AmericanChinese blows and is ripe for collapse...
...But no word of criticism comes from them as to the district attorney's abuse of his investigatory duties...
...Barnes's case, this matter of how to get the right workers into the right places is not something which remains in the realm ef theory...
...But if the talk with Costello is to be publicised becaneo ef the alleged criminal conviction, what kind of offenses justify officially exposing other private cofirarsations...
...Now ia this demand for arbitrary annexation Of territory, without regard fqr the will of the Inhabitants (for one would have to be as naive as the Dean of Canterbury to accept "plebiscites" held under Soviet military occupation as a free expression of popular desires), there is a clear challenge to a principle of the Atlantic Charter and to a cornerstone of the American conception of the basis of an enduring peace...
...w2S in any industrial center can point to pses) where men are being hoarded...
...This system hp been introduced to satisfy labor > jiistllai demands...
...It is strange, to put it sJafij for bar associations which j**V ously cling to that right of . privacy for themselves ir cast *f actual crimes to be eneourafbg the district attorney in ha invasion of that same right ef i privacy when no crime at sB » involved...
...Put in akelton form like this, the argument for the sales tax becomes so shameful that one wonders how a respectable mas or journal can be found to champion it But there it is...
...Shortly after the ratification, perhaps on Armistice Day, will take place the first meeting of the full Council of 44 members which will have supervision of the operation of the plan...
...But there is no good reason why the United States and Great Britain should make Stalin's predatory imperialism easier by recognizing its legality...
...None will be presented, for the eery simple reason that they do not exist...
...Nothing in the 'district attorney's disclosure* has indicated that the magistrate participated in an unlawful enterprise of any sort...
...In any trial the lawyer of the accused eoald be forced to testify against him...
...American capitalists was/ hell bent to import any sort of labor that *** cheap and docile...
...Evidently eager to keep out of war with Japan, Stalin has bees altogether reticent about hi* idea* for the future of the Far East...
...II places the whole argument on a new ^eveL ' The arguments in favor of the labor draft are exclusively theoretical...
...But this is the approach and attitude of the general public and it merely brashes the surface of the situation...
...Forget Pearl Harbor for Gad's sake...
...And if the diet of the workers is further reduced, production for the war effort is certain to suffer...
...Insofar as the Soviet Union sets its course on internal reconstruction, rather than on foreign expansion, insofar as Soviet postwar policies Ore honestly directed toward the maintenance of international peace, we should cooperate to the limit of our ability on a basis of equality of statu* and mutual interest Forget Pearl Harbor Although the heart can only acne...
...What we are concerned ¦# here is the sanctity of private intercourse and the right tc b* fn* from Peeping Toms, official ass unofficial, so long as nc wnasg* doing is in progress...
...there will take- place the ratification of a preliminary draft of a comprehensive plan for the relief «f occupied hsnda as they are liberated...
...The role of the several bar associations * semi to emulate that of the district attorney...
...If the district attorney is rsjfct in what he did as to An rein sis Costello there seem* to to at . valid objection for him tc **eretf install a listening series ia safg criminal lawyer's office t* see * what the client has to any a* Mi lawyer aad then using it later 9* he deems fit...
...It uisjasii, instead, to put a 10 per cent tax on the total income of the man who makes $400.00 a year...
...A dictatorship cannot be held to the observance of an international agreement, for limitation of armaments, for instance, by that independent force of public opinion that acts as a restraining influence in a democracy...
...Our aims and ideals in the Orient will be best served if we can obtain and implement an Anglo-Ameajcan-Soviet selfdenying ordinance, with all three powers honestly abstaining, after the defeat of Japan, from stationing troops on Chinese territory or using military action, or the threat of such action, as a means of influencing Chinese policy...
...Finally there remains the question how fat a democracy and a totalitarian state can cooperate in international affairs...
...Lawyers as a class enjoy a certain immunity from divulging to courts any communication with their clients...
...Housing ksnj been provided sufficiently near to ptanbLVB has been lack of sufficient transport Westa workers have been hindered by lack of jS& where their children can be cared for...
...The existing frontiers were solemnly reaffirmed i through a system of mutual non-aggression pacts, concluded by the Soviet Union with its Western neighbors at Soviet initiative in the early thirties...
...The Treasury Department proposed a drastic income tax bill which was calculated to produce ten billions in additional revenue...
...was guessing more prudently and more accurately when he said recently: "All chatter about the Soviets giving us 'bombing bases' in Siberia i* harmful nonsense...
...I ! . The income tax, in other words, would 4tke 30 per cent of the upper $SO,000.000.008 tl national income aad leas than 10...
...It was easy in 1938 to argue quite sincerely that some sacrifice of justice in relation to Czechoslovakia was preferable to the unlimited agony and desolation of a Second World War...
...If, bask is the *i|thas eighties, the trade unionists had had aargssf like our present quota system, they would are been more than satisfied...
...Hogan justifies the publication of what Aurelio said to Costello in a personal telephone call not because the con versa tior, involved- anything illegal but merely because it revealed a character unfit for that of a Supreme Court judge...
...For instance, wis circulation be warranted by the fact that someone is overheard talking with Earl Browder...
...Therefore, argue some ardent patriots, it would work wall for the improvement of our national labor force...
...But the sacrifice of Czechoslovakia did not avert the Second World War...
...the sabject matter ef a cesrrersaties such ss the Aarelie and Costello one...
...All of the arguments against it which were accepted in normal times have added cogency and power in this time of war...
...No good reasons for its adoption have yet been presented...
...It can point to definite'remits...
...The preliminary announcement made by Secretary Hull implies that care, has been exercised to guard against this darurer...
...We know how this scheme works...
...On this account it is reassuring to know that the criticisms of the ¦mailer nations have bten met and that they— including the French Committee of Liberation —will be represented on the centra] Council...
...They live in the midst of society and are constantly functioning as citizens while they work...
...who was so sure that there could never be a Stalin-Hitler pact on the very eve of August 23, 1939...
...But inasmuch aa the AureEo-Costello dialogue was aot between present criminals, it is clear that if the precedent is a valid one, any telephone conversation whatsoever may be tapped and publicised when it suite the fancy of a prying prosecutor...
...If dad right isn't protected *u upuJosabj then free speech mean* Jteeakf your mouth shut We odor a* apology for AureHo • bet • w* Off if he has committed an 081*0*1 deed prosecute him...
...But, while it would be stupid and humiliating for us to act as if we were citizens ef a twelfth affiliated Soviet Republic, forbidden to utter a word of criticism of Soviet policies, we also cannot run international affairs on the basis of a social club...
...Now it has Sasa LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hogan Disclosures on Aurelio Raises Question of Wire Topping, Civil Rights From HIRAM ELFENBEIN Te the Editor...
...With regard to fat Chinese, they aad race prejudice *> ss...
...Those from the upperbracket groups are increased...
...If he had no ether taxes to pay, ho would have left at the end of the year the saa of $540...
...In order to reinforce this demand he has broken off relations with the Polish Government-in-exile, which has refused to concede any modification of the Polish border...
...So this tax fight is redaeed to a plain and primitive basis...
...It is a dog-eat-dog contest...
...about the need of militarization...
...Thai hasfasaj sixty years ago...
...They are not under any top sergeant...
...dor't nanscute him...
...IARUCH PLAN WORKS BERNARD BARUCH is flatly opposed to the ° labor draft All the politicians and business leaders who mention him with bated breath should be forced to keep this fact in mind, In Mr...
...There is no otoat, too, of the fact that Chinese migrants efsnsj a special danger.' It ansa the openly -17111 real policy of certain employing group* u> kffcn in the "coolies" as substitutes far the Nagsgs, who bad been emancipated...
...It may be that the course of military events will lead to a Soviet occupation of the desired regions...
...In the same way there can be no assurance that -unqualified acquiescence in Soviet annexation of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, part of Finland and ^part of former Polish territory would be any guaranty against future territorial demands...
...While Stalin-does aot take hi* foreign stooges into his confidence...
...This has already been given the approval of the United Ssate...
...If so,* by whom ? If by a public prosecutor, why not by a police official also * Obviously, such a logical extension of the principle would be very mischievous...
...One may expect him to resort to every conceivable device Of pressure and blackmail, including calculated hints of a possible separate agreement with Germany, in order to obtain American and British confirmation of this demand...
...Payments from the lowest-paid workers are slightly reduced...
...We must try to "do business with Stalin" until and unless events show that this is an impossible job...
...The unanswerable argument against appeasement is that it doesn't "appease...
...It is inconcaivabk that our comrades in arms should be left under tat disgrace of exclusion...
...Right now there are in this country politicians and journalists seriously proposing that money needed for food should be taken out of workers' pockets so that rich men may be spared the pain of parting from income which amounts to far more than any human being needs for the satisfying of his wants...
...Before S> Japanese are finally wiped oat w* ssaU-k fighting with the Chinese ia China aad free Chins we shall with them attack tit* Japan*** island* themselves...
...The merakX thousands of mer -a» nee- reduced essmet they are paid while they hang about kgoa* time...
...be may with eeesl right officially announce overhearing s private diacasaion about religion...
...What will be important for the future of American-Soviet relations will be an abandonment by Moscow of the familiar Comintern technique of secret agents, intrigue and propaganda in other countries, a technique that could be and has been used for Russian national purposes just as well as for the support of the supposed interests of* world revolution...
...Contracts have gone where taa» ware not enough workers...
...That is, except that It reached - too low—included some who really cannot be expected to pay anything—it is baaed on »oumr mcome tax principles...
...Let it face truth aad not a lie...
...Britain, Russia ana China...

Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 42

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