The Home Front


A Page of Features Americana The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN FATRNESS is my middle name. When George P. Hitmer came galloping up two weeks ago with his ringing challenge to Mil"" literary...

...But for a long Sana* conversion of the slaves was opposed in New England, as in other colonies, on economic, as rial, aad religious grounds...
...Answering s barrage of editorial criticism for its support of the EjuSushmi JtoL the eouneil explained the other night: -The fact that Chhw Wjssr ally in the present war should not influence as to patmW'gdmfW the Oriental exclusion law any more than the fact that rSisoJa is an ally should influence Us to embrace Communism...
...Industry, we were told, produces men, good, men, big «MSi...
...the poaaj-bilTty that by "Socialism" .tkaxomdtf^^ thing a little different from, the peat ,-c-fifee, museums or even nationalization of railroads...
...yon see...
...U.oOTHIS volume is valuable because of the surveys it contains of public work*, cotn-munity and social services, considered as collective enterprise, it aftempts to de two things: to present an institutional analysis of collective undertakings as "going concerns," and to investigate "the bask: factors" determining their growth* Among the folds characterized as "already collects ized" are Protection of Persons and Property, Roads and Streets, Harbors and Waterways, Postal Services, Water and Sewage Works, Libraries and Mnswiwn, Among the fields^muV-actorised aa "undergoing coliectivieatioo" are Forestry...
...In other industries, resultant illnesses are dreaded and combatted, but in the teaching profession the scourge, though recognized, is subtler, and not alleviated by hygienic measures or workman's compensation...
...Robert Hale...
...the wdL <&arL %wm jCmnsjt of nC^htSsfsfJmS^^r nc^ fftt Aaok's articios caoaadjtotog na%M>fl by thf fAk Dalkfir-ward, the largast ridnmh (tibetul-sodaflst, ant^sWaMft^M...
...E ki ridge's conception of what a collective enterprise is...
...America should be thankful get in its hour of need it ek» turn to this reservoir of frafoeea, We may be short of steel, aluminum, oil—but of self-sacrificing patriots—thanks to big Business—there is no lack...
...Eldridge doesn't know enough about Marxist theory to judge it...
...If anything rood* is to happen in Europe, the first thing to do is pot tile labor Movement back on its feet...
...This report I cast well believe...
...But in a moment she id her horse about and cut it sound the flank with her br«ile In another,instant Jim heard the "br-a-ang of a rifle...
...So I have decided to rush in and fill the long felt need...
...Teacher Re-en tors UHffmrm MQ sooner do I make a statement than it turns into a lie before my eyes...
...Robert R. McCormick ad his Chfdago tiHi SahTil a^ being plotted Jby . . . Rhodes scholars...
...Excase, please...
...She is bored stiff by the pupils and parents...
...Bhsridge must know that Marx and Eogels wage contemporaries of Bismarck and that they sjeyvperuertly a-wooo-m awW os» Iso-cUlistie" measures were inrfashipnd, Jt kt«-sspn»-ing that this did not suggest to him...
...J. W. Fslbright (of the FnfMftfe miacmuionalist resolotion) is...
...She hates ffe jrmci pels—in fact the whole system...
...s2hame Again:—The A PL Council at the Boston ConvoutTou nnaus ^ a number of fine points In its labor report—but on the flhfijshu issue it proved itself as color-blind as s bat...
...The novel carries them through only a slender space of time, only a week or two of their crowded lives...
...When the first census was taken in 1790, only 16,822 Negroes were returned for New England, out of 1,009,206 inhabitants...
...I Kan Senator:—The other day at his press conference Count ** Sf oraa raised a few correspondents' eyebrows by his remark that he was returning to Italy as "a Senator chosen by the ItoMsrn people...
...Nowhere does this come to light more strikingly than in the record of religion, which at that •period was a decisively important factor...
...Some icher was after him...
...tlajm-Wjifce consumers, and they have laau^^ssajSaajB^seame facilities (schools, hospitals, nsBhs, Msrth eon tors, playgrounds, bathing SaMdhas, oto»«« t...
...The allegedly rival Marxian hypothesis m "that a cottoctivistic regime is...
...It is a dry' little pamphlet carefully concealing its dynamite...
...ttfotos by the Way .-John Roy Carlson, whose Vnd^rcvrr Is an •^expose of native-fascists, is gotng to^gat a JpShSg-ovor thmh Joe Kamp...
...Times Square, Washington Park, restaurants, hotels, department stores—they are all Here in infinite and accurate detail...
...With a generous, outflowing spirit it contributes its men to the nation...
...fffEW tomes and conditions, particularly the con-*' centratitm of large Negro populations in northern urban areas, have created a paw Negrc problem...
...D. Bell...
...Problems of social welfare sire ef paWfcular importance because of the lstt%s JSSJSI^Sii af Negro fsmiH— with exceedingly low incomes aad iaajsgSSs bevels of living...
...Sir Stephanie is unhappy and frustrated both by day and by sJfcjht, Her lack-luster interest in her pupils is hut a reflection of Bee...
...with CHhna...
...The act speed doctrine came, to be that baptism in no wise altered the slave status...
...Eamp, the most voluble ef UJL^sfHtg*, will pnmjnwi his counterattack in a few wsaks...
...They were tMined to follow whatever calling their master pursued and from the seventeenth century on they were, no longer mainly house servants, but were associated with every type of work...
...The agreement was that no groups of persons would be permitted on the soil of either country to adVocate the overthrow of the other country's government...
...By Richard Sterner...
...Thus a New England slave found abroad after nine o'clock was punished by ten or fifteen stripes...
...Asch waa on the staff of the Forward op to only a few moMh' ^ 'r^Mamn Jtoah la ahto <ha aawkor of Three CMhis, the nolM ^ao^mmSaC^mmt^sm •swrnna^lmmnary' IsmmumlaaV JmT"-^Htw...
...They start with the normal allotment of relatives...
...She either strives for her effect by crowding on glamor or she goes after it the other way—that is, riving as the creeps with realism...
...23): "She was a gray-haired woman whose voice and expression Indicated that she had long ago contracted the teacher's occupational disease of Authoritative Manner...
...The Bishop of London, speaking for the Anglican church, and Cotton Mather fwho actually* wrote a new decalogue tot staeoUjt, representing the CongnegationlistB, both denounced the theory "that slavery and Christianity wore incompatible...
...Shipley good-naturedly waved off my invitation to supply the lack out of his overflowing mind...
...All right—so what...
...The heroine teaches only for the pay-check...
...It may be true, as Sr...
...The statements are mere outlines, clear and factual...
...But more of that (and the Samuw Putnam **Js*y...
...Because Christianity was manifestly prostituted into a means of safeguarding the property of the master class, many Negroes were loath to accept a religion which isatiStuaed their bondage...
...Fdrtiwwajng%a^o^ sk^nVgKr fiooder theatre ed...
...w for true romanticists this type of literature has one great ad-Oantagc...
...417 pages...
...The Daily Worker has declared an aJl-jHK war against so-called "ahti-Seviet plotters...
...The twin authors of Rusty Carrousel use the second method...
...Electric Power Rural Resettlement...
...TpHE A. F. of L. Post-War Planning Committee has sent out its * first publication...
...this week, site* drawing up a long list of these alleged social-democratic plotters, a caB was sent out to the FBI to "crack down on these psonUw&s are giving aid,and comfort to the Nasi, enemy...
...J#sjK|acf la Rovers* |L|ISS Rives, the author of Friday, Thank God, wrote me the "* ether day that in a first novel the author almost inevitably mm one a| the two things...
...The author's name is given as Francis Sylvin, but the grapevine gossip tt to the effect that the volume was produced by a couple of ex-gubetitutes now emancipated from the educational system...
...In 20 pages it gives a sort of primer of European trade unionism...
...EMridge writes, tfm*v?fmoioii-xaUon movements (ef the kind indicated) king cestinued with their present tempo and amplitude will issue in a new economic system" but he sup-plies no good reason for believing so...
...Eutk Lsfys»yaVi utorly ot fhe Frtonds of Democracy, has moved into the Wendell Willkie entobr dgO as a liberal-labor political adviser...
...Listen to this—from page 69 of Grizzly Meadows: "Jim felt the hot blood racing through his veins...
...Where it was permitted it was effected by a compromise between property interests and,, reliasous principles...
...That appears from Lores so J. Greene'* interesting survey of Negro life in colonial New England, which also points to the deep roots of the Negro-White fungus, ia, spite of the fact that slaves were treated more kindly in New England than elsewhere in colonial America...
...He seams to nee the terms collectivisation, socialization, nationalisation synonymously...
...Alert and responsible Americans have gradually come to recognise the immensity of the Negro-White problem in our country, and the need for sober knowledge about the varied patterns of Negro segregation, if we are to achieve any adequate solution of this "unfinished business of American' democracy...
...Columbia University Press...
...Insurance, Medical Service, Recreation and Leisure-Time Activity...
...On top ef this, a collective enterprise ia denned aa oaa "in which capital ia owned by groups, not by individS-uals" which covers enterprises like investment banks and holding, companies that might be owned by-different groups ot, mpy'sajq-fs, . , . It is a great pity that these mvestigstioa* wsre carried an within Dr...
...The materials turned up by thirty collaborators makes uneven reading but on the whole a variety at .useful information is presented on related* Unfortunately, the editorial frame of reference for whieh Dr...
...Chatter Inside and Out By MATTHEW LOW *T*he New Cemmis Hoax:—The Communists are off a new eam-* sedgn...
...on the basis of Article 33, Par 7 of the Constitution...
...Bis hjfS5M*es»*i* that in * capitalistic democracy collective enterprise ia...
...jjis|m . .. Now that the ten-month old report of AFL and CKTmrnaMrlmarV1-iag Communist influence in theOWI has leaked out into tho public more heads are going to fall in the Elmer Davis outfit . . . Some of the political remarks and analyses in Ran Crowforu"* ndw^Vaok on North Africa are going to start a real iiUliiiHiij ji Ijaanl lsfl circles...
...Here is the definition which the dictionary-makers forgot to print: Western js my tale in which the love-making goes forward on horseback...
...more absurd and mere vicious than anything ftsTv* started ip some time...
...What is even more unfortunate, these aberrations have influenced his collaborators, too...
...But there are a lot of sjangs ia this book which any New Yorker—especially a teacher— wMl net Want to miss...
...The chief dimculty is with Dr...
...however, the basis was laid for the Negro church of the post-Revolutionary New England...
...And I have my authority, not precisely out of the horse's mouth, fit oat of that of Mr...
...The Negroes' Share in America By ALTER E. FISCHOFF THE NEGRO'S SHARE...
...Jt U Rep...
...There is a good deal of accurate observation set down not without the flavor of spicy spite...
...Here the whole 382 pages of text are about teachers—except such parts as are devoted to a member of the New York School Board...
...Tkestjngtmsskngr the same kind of houses and...
...A Page of Features Americana The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN FATRNESS is my middle name...
...He reached his arm around her back and drew her half out saddle...
...Great Britain is polished off in a paragraph, Germany and Italy in a couple of pages...
...The monograph on "The NjaraXShared hjyir...
...Who are the people,who thus help Hitler by trying to sesmsh the anSty of the United Nstions*" the Worker asks...
...tfaewr-sity of Kama* Prate...
...It front-paged both the AP and the P.P...
...Fearful that imwUrniun wo aid foster the manumission of slaves, many masters refused to permit She Christianisatien ef their slaves...
...Jim and Pauline are perfect lovers, devoted, seU-aacr.-fcmg, brave...
...the severity of the legislation was proportional to the density of the slave population in a given locality and its consequent threat to the master class (e.g., Rhode Island which had the highest proportion of blacks had the cruellest legislation in New England...
...Karl Gunner Myrdal of the University ef- SU ihhllai He requested some twenty students, of the American Negro to prepare memoranda on all important aspects of Negro life in the United states...
...From first to last there is not a sentence to betray what the authors are driving at I want to venture a guess...
...White laborers resented the intrusion of Negroes into skilled trades, but.the only legal attempt to bar Negroes from such employment in colonial New England occurred in Boston at about 1841...
...Han- Aft .indents of Vsgfc nmkn fikpi Ury error of "false, aastogy T" . . . Reason why, with fessssm as afiy, we don't esshrare C*mmaais<m...
...Assd M psrusids to name among the Russian social Democrats X Arkaentie* (who is dead...
...Raphael Abramovitch waa than ihaujlj (JMH) with being a Mseisnsvir 5* eatosynieV But as haSMT«¦« recorded the day when A. was said to have been at a secret underground meaning in the Soviet Union the famous socialist bnsjhawa* tpeumg an International Congress in Brussels . . . in fun oajfat...
...Incidentally they confirm me in the educational principle with whieh I came up out of the reading of Mies Rives' book...
...In 1988 the Carnegie Corporation' sponsored What is probably the most ambitious study of the Negrc in America ever undertaken, Te insure objectivity it invited a distinguished foreign social scientist to direct the project, Dr...
...Also they) bad a right to- life, and the killing of a slave—unlike the practice in the South—was a capital Offense, though no master appears to have paid the extreme penalty for such a crime...
...380 paaes...
...v, , *jsv ftp mam She Oiosplss are eoJang on the Fttt* to essntist asntsr ' hraacaw trials for them and here to the U.S.A... the tea*.* a^hskfrssiki «MMMoa«| SMk see Berlin pabliestions... onssM .sgvsUjpSJg color-discrimination .law, is because it's required by Demor-racys and ia demanded by the whole liberal AW irfihg IfpW *eat for race tolerance, enlightenment, ami root peoaW freedom...
...The heroine's bosom friend is a little female Coammust...
...Now we welcome to •ur desks Runty Carrousel...
...By Seem...
...It-may also be true that "Marxians are ail barking up the wrong tree...
...The slave codes aimed to protect the master's property...
...Social Myths .ana Bewoeracy...
...Now the whole thing began to shape an as a real suposuptod laf ffr^^^w torn, ao^tnat^pn ••¦©iTrtliifig...
...What is a Western...
...He aa^sarsenCly mma that socialism is an extension of the army, navy and postal systems, amf that Marx was convinced public sanitary facilities could be won only by proletarian class struggle...
...In his chapter on Harbors and Waterways, Dr...
...The other day Edward R Stettinius was appointed tinder-Secretary of State... ^ Those who wish inioi-n»tton,and^lfco>jh*fl»i answers „to, the .question of the'lf4ijrn^ osbaaMBic status (occupational trends, unkenspsjsis^j§|sv-Hy composition and ampk^mant^isanja^ksBissqi awl their disbursement, focsf cunsllnfpxMr, gnu housing) win have to turn to this survey...
...but they were considered to be persons, could hold property, sue at law, and appeal in courts...
...I hear say nominations...
...But before the two of them approach the altar every relative has been killed...
...Some attention is given to these questions but not enough by far...
...Chernov, the Commie masterminds charge, "somehow gets hold of anti-Soviet material from Nasi German} *" A fsuVs trkdt...
...With this question I addressed myself to Jaaeph T. Shipley, editor of the new Dictionary of Literary Criii-fitm...
...The whole report is not unlike the recollections of a refugee from the chain-gang...
...and "Novoe Stovue" has fssn oaotodm "FmmgjfcAffasrs,'' -The Russian Review « etc, etc---As evidence af the concrete plot and conspiracy, one of the Moscow trials in dug up...
...Here is a description of The Teacher From the Next Room 4,p...
...of the OWL also tamed ap as a Rhodes scholar Sam that slsnaot clinched the case...
...By Lorenzo Johnston Greene...
...He has ahkod the . *_ijat_a^nmaw^a^ PBW to "Plngei pi tat i%emrf" in a leadtog edtosvtok . .. mamas* - Dsvia...
...were won without organised working-class action, therefore these is no reason to believe that a collective •asms*** eeead be brought about by labor action...
...and a special Cornell story) next week...
...Hibner's favorite author, Frank C. Roberttjpp...
...Nathan Chaain (who is aa Americas), Victor Chernov (who is aa S. R.) and tflkffer Grigoriev (who is s Ukrainian nationalist...
...This is not necessarily in disparagement, far as Einaudi did not add—his own father is a Senator...
...Shon" to" flMvaTfir mat...
...There is New York atmosphere in gobs...
...Although slaves were treated more kindly in New England than elsewhere in colonial America, the existence of the institution wrought an in-sidious corruption in the spirits of the whites...
...Most of them are shot, and the others break their necks falling from horses...
...Some New England slaves sac cowurted to Christianity and admitted- to-church membership during the colonial era...
...Sforas) is * democrat—but there are no elective Senators lnrMn*/, aa Xsrio Etnaudi points out...
...Nothing short of "the overthrow of the republic" ia foreseen, by McCormick, unless the sctivities of Americans who studied at Oxford are fihsfssd^ ^. Far s month the Tribune's commas lava bean SsngaWM like sa tutored esgle...
...Richard Sterner, another Swoassh^ooah^ssfcanwt with research experience,„wba ,fesOBsapjpsf(& jf...
...Legally the New England slaves held a rather unique position, somewhat between that of a plantation slave and an indentured servant.'' As property they were bought, sold, transferred, escheated, inherited, sequestrated...
...WWStt c»Vjoaniaal and poraoaal^ aa^tohtogwg^^BTO wbnn...
...Kyraal to the United Stasias* a* J is one of these special invi jffgsShf Iiy ifijfljisn, isgh tha Negro's living oonditifje-and ns purtfcrpn-tion in social welfare prc^t»|sjp-,,u JIA_ . , ^ From Dr...
...It is a way of life that has much to be said for it...
...Bernard Fathnton...
...He felt his arms go about his neck, and she held creely while she returned his kiss...
...labor, and the labor movement have indispensable functions to serve, but socialisation of industry happens not to be one o? them...
...What is the Negro's shaw hv«Sn*JBSda*emd services .as compared with the wf&te mailt- JV exhaustive researches of Stomez mad to the answer that Negroes earn leas and.hava 'S|s*aar living facilities than whites...
...significant questions, particularly the growth of bureauesacy in puhmt enterprise, as contrasted with private industry, add its effect upon the freedoms of the mdMdual as a worker and a citizen...
...Eldridge seems to be solely responsible is confused and confusing...
...ft* when they turn hand-in-hand to face life there is net an in-law left to darken their door or their prospects of unclouded happiness...
...No class struggle is present.'' Sax-sly, Dr... under the impression that his material bears upon the "dynamics ef socializatien" in the Marxian sense, and that he baa formulated an alternative hypothesis to the Marxian theory which is can* firmed by the data assembled in the book...
...There you hear the "rank and file" at work, treat j Linville and Abraham Lefkowitz make their speeches and •re howled down with Communist fervor...
...My plan was to begin with a learned definition...
...but a Virginian slave might be dismembered for the same offense...
...unsuccessful pursuit of eligible males... bsuasun fta asttt-thetioal to Democracy, and opposes the whole tradiUon af Cmo America...
...Don't let me discourage you...
...extended "mainly" ami "pri-SWMsy" by thonrsoowsi of consumer interest and anjjahu need...
...His lips touched hers lightly, then with crushing, g force...
...r • a Books and Writers Socialism and Sewage System By SIDNEY HOOK Professor ef Pfcileapky, New York Lm...
...Today I come riding back with my jwliminary report I did my beet to make it impressive sad ' scientific and doctor-of-philosophe'rish...
...Imn* was dancing in Wall Street and in dozens of staid editorial ''sanctums...
...The other day I was talking about Friday, Thank God, and was led away into a little essay about how teachers fail to make die grade in fiction...
...Yet all the New England codes were much milder than in the plantation colonies...
...The suspicion, however, will not down that Dr...
...The N. Y Tim** tm tainly did an "impartlar km on the Govt cams nkarnst fl» Associated Press...
...The campi a rdjee legal fantasy—is they have made, a scrap of paper of the U. S.-Soviet treaty of 1933...
...There are only Senatois isp|iish)hU tor life by the King____gforza was appointed a Senator by royal decree on August 3, 1919...
...The hook is published by E. P. Dutton, jjtst % as#* snaii seal and regular teachers will read it and let me SO** what they think...
...EUridffe awd Asseewrfev...
...on Oafy...
...Baaing my thought on the incidents portrayed I came to the conclusion mat successful and happy teachers are those who have a satis-SMfoiy fcrVe-Hfe...
...Eldridge** primitive thee—t-ical framework, for they could have bean oOienSsd around much mere...
...Rusty Carrousel proves this proposition in reverse...
...Eldridge is in effect saying ia that since geed roads, the post office, the sewage system, schools, libraries, museums, etc...
...aarther e/ "The Hero » History," "Reason...
...1JWITH the fires of race hatred smouldering in many an American city, it is well to ask just what is the Negro's share in America ? There is no denying, of course, that much has been accomplished in certain parts of our coojjfBrs to ameliorate the Negro's lot...
...need we add, of thousands of people...
...we feci, could be pstched up...
...Then follow short sMfpas of labor and what happened to ft in most of the osmj^aental countries...
...What the authors of this pamphlet prove—but never say—is that in this hour of the wot%r* need labor men can perform a service which can- be performed by no one else- .They show that democracy and trade unionism stand or fall together...
...A tingling began at the roots of his hair and reached to his tees...
...Brain and body were on are...
...You will especially enjoy tee account of life in a typical summer camp for adults . . . » • * How About a Later Under-Secretary...
...I was s Senator, which means reptooeiiSattat of Ho people and not in the least one sppornted by any royal ehofce...
...a LXsme-Omee Memos:—Soon to become a regular contributor to " these pages: Listen Mc Oak____ItnlrtnTtolt weak: maaag...
...snttjiMt Cnkowry Note'ef nto Vasson '—Snotem Asch...
...And, though the plot has a sort of downhill dreariness, there is plenty of brightness in detail, fbo years, instead of being marked by appropriate songs as they are in John Marquand's So Little Time, are picked out for us by tile sort of jokes that made the rounds...
...s Rhodes achates...
...Then came A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, will school-ma'ams cutting quite a figure... be Mtebhohorl through the action of the wage-earn-tomatoem' uWhat Dr...
...McCormick boa rhsllsssgof tQr •1ejmJt> to the U. S." these friends of "royatry- Jpmir-national bonkers" and -Wendell Willkh...
...But though they were not important numerically, they dm eiert a significant influence...
...It proceeds |« attack Chernov for having quoted, in a scholarly article, the "Novae Stovo" (which is s white-guard magazine published in Berlin...** sayM: so .overrate wtt...
...The AFL stand is making a lot of us pretty sore—or 08 Confucius say: ft Green no see yelkrw^whites see red, . . . * » • ^T*ae Now McCermick Froax:—Conspiracy of the month—asterd ' ing to Col...
...So Stephanie, against her will, is dragged to meetings Of the Teachers Union...
...When George P. Hitmer came galloping up two weeks ago with his ringing challenge to Mil"" literary parochialism, I reacted calmly but inatantiy The Rested response was a swift excursion into the literary sub-aantinent labeled "Western...
...For all that, the condition of the Negro in colonial New England was primarily that of a chattel...
...TpBO.adthors show that they knew just what the situation is in each wastry, who the right men are, how the whole business should be tackled...
...Kelso writes: "There is no evidence that collectivization in water transportation has followed the path mid down by Marx...
...Reason why...
...However, this prohibition against the employment of Negroes as artisans was ignored...
...gterner and has oampaais^Saass,isg jsaf a picture of what the NI gnnjSJSks fn|Snlita, .WOyk of the good things Amenas/^^sa.oaTT*nrvM*-flectod in the comparative 4$lfQHjfa»Jl/lfmm^ living standards, housing stonaSMB, and amount of jwrtjlic relief...
...To my horror I discovered that this encyclopedic week does net so much as mention the western literary type...

Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 41

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