The Turn of Events - A Review of Global Fronts

The Turn of Events - A Review of Global Fronts From THE NEW LEADER NEWS DESK Moving to strengthen its new supporting alignment of political forces, consisting of Big Business and the corporate...

...This was normal procedure .in the construction industry...
...milk wagon e^ltaM'nsn^tTwatL like many others recently, was "outlaw " ia nature, being ever the hesds of anion officials and indiestiag that the refusal to work under certain riaslttins stems from the people themselves rather than from the union ah at tana...
...April 194$, held a number of surprises for tho union...
...Hitherto the CCF has been occupied ma inly with inssgoilsasiiwi|ilssinli that period is not yet over, it is aaaeg Ttumti into the new period of preparation for pewar...
...He would not deny one e»t of shV other that be is warning st a local <kJm*e stent, n«-wo*ah»lteirv*ohire the name of hWpaaa- -During the pant weak bxssnod-up ¦aS Hijg <>utb»oahs occured in Chicago's Jewish assgatMe hoods...
...for a postponement- of the etrlho ail the promise that the Director of Eaosmsmat 4*aapai-xation would again review the case, ^^fjpsn ofactofci, with much dhttetshW, ^«f0mSJm stmin the membership aad the otrfts tenkjSanV-poned, awaiting the rOVtew of '^M^ji^Mn...
...But the slow wheels of governmental lwreaneraey,' tsnMa a* in its own red tape WQOhl^ajt^bt taartglr* ployees voted to go on strifcejm SajtemVr mediation...
...Liberals and Laborites would also do well to form their fines on this question now...
...A*e» fiteni de Tamowsky suspioes...
...During the course of s day... Company, who wrote sevtewT aijatat for the convicted Silver Shirt leader...
...taw Is i memtsu" ageswtoL^If1*^ -0 grassy df isapltjeit ware awated patriate...
...What he meant by this, obviously, was that to business would be -relegated areas . of activity that were profitable, while the gi»aisaasai,«et the lasiaai of the gsaseal -teaanani, eased earry«m ¦sdtlly ¦—nary activity fas those spheres wherein there was no Hkehtssd Of profit...
...He did not allude to Ihe fact that up to the war...
...Realistically, the ffnasUiia vhniaHae the avBslhankfsliiii sfwlatigl, saif araaa to be ee train only that they tee have a "sphere of influence...
...and hssihiss It H no wander that The Presidential offer M SBr7sna^*sta^^ This story 1ms naVur Won toht to thjsjsnsas...
...r7. Indications muftipriad that Secretary Hall would attend the Moscow Conference af "Foreign Ministers" later this saoath...
...Keswick Dam is being constructed in Shasta County, California as a Bureau ef Reclamation project...
...The Company again consulted the unions and informed of an increase in the wage scale, marie its bid accordingly...
...In making its hid tdr -brmaonuction...
...Tt"is this $9,000,000,000 of plants which is one of aba plums for which the conservatives are angling in the post-war period, and around which *vnay ,pautkcai battles will be fought, all thewny up to the United SUtes Supreme Court, which wMI again he in current poiitisi up to its neck...
...thanJlw».^A long letter of ssnala^-on was oeat^a^W^-CCF Na Toan^r^TchsanV^ the fact that at their convention they-had expressed their intention of entering a number of candidates in the federal field irrespective, apparently, of the intentions of the CCF...
...The increase in the corporation tax amounted to 20 per cent, moving the rate up from 40 to 59 per cent...
...plants will be at stake...
...A campaign is being nndortolran far a huge national election fund...
...The Secretary warned the assemblage, in effect, to proceed discreetly about the No...
...2. Married person, no dependents, income $2,000 per annum...
...but we cannot stand sfhmt tojthe faecofjhe strlhs^agt^ thj^ the North Aaasrkan smi'Mbhte strikes which set back Aaserioan wnrjniSlniliiii tor months and who at fimf' akjaa a^UsKtan "sacred right to strike!'* ' * icmoor on the WsM Posnil amtov...
...on smoking and chewing tobaoao to nearly 100 per cent, and on transportation . to 160 par...
...Then a aeries of events secured, some of -which to this day are unexplained...
...slogan evidently it: *Tk* afcy's the limit...
...recital of facto will a ho- bow those werissra kave saSered be canoe ot govn asmnaal a^^JF^Sz^naasrsttawtJ^e J*SJdJ| w-ssVjMfcp 4%laVO tfasssnaWBoVfls JoaPsnmi^P^^E Tham ana trnsiss SO sutn aasaVW^nOaanmi a^Ssnfl - sndar ^sasnhth aasaaVsnnfcsaaaVl1** * ^awO^ananl^sas^^^alaafp •»SmP«v|snuB»Bnvaa^eaV...
...present tax $333, proposed tax $460, rate of proposed in-' crease, 35 per cent...
...These issues were injected by the Pacific contractors In a ease in which they wore not parties...
...In addition, by being permitted liberal depreciation and depletion writeoffs, they are enabled to hide at least an equal amount in the form of surplus and resefves...
...For some unknown reason...
...Business watt do well," he said, "to recog-nicertae taxpayers' inyeifaaonty when negotiating Tor government-owned plants, properties and supplies, -and not to expect'too many bargained j He want on to summarise the vast property stake the government has been forced to build up in the theoretical name of the people in order to cope with the war emergency...
...As usual, "unity** was being sought at someone else's expense...
...lanWnr^TfRUaaWarT,,rWant>, ntntll TQGQllm&f ^OB&& pteanVsg-wJs* so-called "feVrriceman's aa^unsWtt' tion Plan" in Chicago under Mrs...
...The result is that the trade anion movement baa built up e tremendous antagonism to the gewuiinmiel agencies and lalsstlusanV at its mterfereaee in collective bargaining while these ageneies have adopted a superior tone towards the unions...
...H is hare...
...their treacherous role during the psrinrl of the war before Russia was attacked and their holier-than-thou attitude since...
...The Communists are now organising a so-called "Labor Progressive Party...
...thr ether hsaaT-thl en restrteaast T"**^ jj^sj^*, Jg* t^uttUlnfA* The Ti tenon J program called for tleAM,-000.000 in new meson, with te.5»04ef>Jet to come from levies 'en -WidWamsl nseoaw* at the source and $2,490,000,000 from excise ieva* as goods consumed by the populace—« rote} «f $9,020,000,060...
...On June 1, r»42, the Shasta County Bafbting and Construction Trades-40euacil revised its mage scales...
...One statement taaatadea with an appeal for genutee unity with and through the CCF...
...Thaaj'/im ^Stm^fiff^'m^m^nmrnttl Workers Organizing Cumnmhvas i0*mi m ^ believe prov^ers^C^tMs^ sOrtstjare aanaikirtyrth^^ fiafrnwisis" of hto-CIO Ce^amai, ai iiiiaaaaj to -the ansae aosmr...
...sadsentpne -af the pro-isolationist drive aSte wawdk ntetlattsn passed bare on Ortaher s-sasw anUau of thr "Amerxan War Mslhsar* at the Hotel Sherman, in which s Worid-Paflat Fonse waa denounced aa were aeveral 'p' sfftef Dtsiera and -their policies...
...All parties rant ami 4 are hnand to suffer heearn* as...
...a — aphssi by tho Presi-dent an the struggle of the Secretary a gainst- Has Tnisaasal Waiter* <an • the matter of the opens ties of the Board of Economic Warfare, a Wallace agency which waa abruptly itisisatiaaas • * * *e*wr Big JfJWegj •The Chase National Bank, Rockefeller enterprise that is the largest commercial financial iitnatutten in the wortd, during the week reported that as of September 80 its total de-posjta bad moved up to $4442,988.614 and total resources to $4.140J)68.5«0...
...8. W. Averill Harriman...
...William Nutter, Chairman of the union's grievance committee went to Washington hi apow the case through...
...fin the spring of 1942 the Bureau of Reclamation requested Atkinson-Kier Company to bid on further portions of the Dam...
...LJIiftiStnSj are held in the Committee's ofbcea *>d "tw Republican Nationalist Revival (Mete a flar above whang plana are being laid h> vnus *JnV 1943 and 1944 primaries...
...On beverage alcohol, the proposed increase amounted to 66 per cent...
...Nsaratmtkfsl afahs down, when the company refused to grant more than a three cents per hour hwrasso ' Under the terms of the Railway Labor Act...
...One unionist I know asked for the wage brackets involving coopers...
...Long Beach, IaSThnsa -wwate he toW this reportdh **e is toying "Ssttli onw» new Woas...
...The Jt eel Met* re •The Secretary was no doubt unaware of the extent to which has speech was an unconscious criticism of whst he was defending, for it made these points...
...As the Associated Pre** reported, the "surtax increases mould fall heavily on taxable incomes between...
...Coming, finally, to the people themselves, the Secretary said: "We must find new jobs, new markets, now outlets for the vital energies o* our people...
...An envelope on U. Grace's sV*k hth» the imprint of Carl H. Mote...
...the recurrent bread-line cycle for which the free entrepreneurs are always prepared with ssvings garnered in periods of' boom— although he could not point to any time when the issue hsd been pat to the vote...
...I -w «. S. In the fsce of hesvy rains the Russian advance Slowed down perceptibly as it nesred Vitebsk...
...Suppose a skilled.workman, by means of overtime and "incentive pay," raises his income to aays $5,090 a year, which is just under $100 a week, and suppose be is married aad has two dependents...
...Director of Office of ft^nesme mshlhaalliriiii and in July^jtoriaod that ^jj^gSj^jf three cents...
...In December 1942, when the hew agreement was to go into effect, the Atkinson-Kier Company felt that WLB approval was necessary before the new wage rates could be paid...
...Pacific Contractors held the contract for the construction of Shasta Dam, some seventy miles from Keswick...
...Participating in the hearings were representatives of the Pacific Contractors, Inc...
...present tax $267, proposed tax $384, rate of proposed increase, 43 per cent...
...None of the induatrial relations expert* on the Board knew what a cooper was...
...He asserted his belief that the people of the nation believe la Tree enterprise," i.e...
...1. So-called private • enterprise had not prepared the country to .cope with the...
...The discriminatkm s*haaa\jjffam» were suffering is apparent to everyone on the West Coast who knows that the antznsaw^^ssas for imskiltorl labor in the sMpyards to af Ofiksa an hour...
...The solution will not be an easy one, sad those of us in the administrative positions, aided by business and industry, must present plsns, suggestions and ideas that will be-helpful to -teem in making their decisions...
...No other element to the taanliy demands each a foe to time of war, which to not compar able with earned income used tor necessary purposes of living such as moat individual incomes are...
...No way of providing jobs and outlets for the nation's energies has yet been found by the conservative mind, which at still groping fiaR...
...I have made a survey of the Chicago scene to determine to what extent the appeasement groups have been able to make headway...
...ment that is us- in fan charge ef the 7 f%s- pts-eiW) ¦movement to "take tea profit* out of war" ha* flown, out the urn-aVat...
...Following the establishment of the June 1942 Wage Scale, the Atkinson-Kier Company signed a new agreement with the unions to eover the work on the new portion of the dam, incorporating the new wage scale and to be effective in December 1*42 when the changeover from the oW contract -WHh the Bureau of Reclamation to the new contract was ¦supposed to take place...
...In September 1942 the President issued the Executive Orders, which set up the wage stabilisation program and empowered the War Labor Board to approve or disapprove all wage increases in accordance with the "Little Steel Formula...
...The literature tabic in the outer eflVe displayed and offered for a price the Works**1 Joseph P. Kamp...
...the Atkins on-Kier Company consulted'the unions and incorporated the latest wage scales of the building add construction unions in the area...
...This PROFIT represents the fee which bnaiaeas demaada foe supplying war goods, and without that fee, it tow mads abundantly clear, it will decline to tannttoa...
...3. Prosperity and depression are outgrowths, actually, of public policy, dependconditions as they arise...
...and with $1,140,000,000 to come from increases in corporation taxes and $400,-000,000 from increases in estate and gift taxes...
...with .the praspectat fahly good fei snrsgtesmaat tsjtwwafBissla an the one hand and Cpief tBaHsau and hha Wettaal rJtatia.oairthe ether for making post-war Europe safe far reaction...
...A series' of events then occured which disturbed this orderly procedure of collective bargaining...
...Jones spoke on the evening of September 30 at a dinner held in the luxurious Hotel Waldorf-Astoria on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the Big Business traders...
...Bat what was moat interesting about the entire prep soil was that tan car par eU asaa was most lightly treated, and in that sphere there k* curreatly nearly $10 billion of annual PROFIT which by itself could make ap what the Treasury aaya is its requirement...
...The CCF is Canada's Labor Partju The CCF has been endorsed bystB sarhnhai'tJ Ihe trade union move-elected iiiirianenalahhV dihnjgwe sf lmnlnil of local untent ¦flUated with eaational and international unbans ewdiniitl the C6F as tho politics...
...u Chicago Report Pro-Fascist Groups Seek to Whip Up Appeasement Sentiment By CONRAD VAUGHN Special to The New Leader CHICAGO, 111.—Outspoken appeasement ap-peate are being peddaad te the people of America from this heart of the midwest, what Carl Sandburg calls the "City with the big shoulders...
...The War Labor Board ordered the case reopened and a hearing held...
...A form was filed with the local and approval was obtained...
...the -wan...
...He made it evident, however, that it will be the policy* of the Administration (1) to turn these plants over to privileged operators, .and (2) to do it at prices as low as possible...
...Labor tn ¦Canada recognises the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation as its...
...Several photographs of Gerald L K SatMh and Huey P Lang hang in the Cosnisilaeg offices...
...Nor has the topi press of the Communist party, the Piaf> » Work bothered to toll She tswoh...
...Oosely resembling Star Chamber proceedings, the Wee Labor Board in Washington affirmed the decision of the Regional office, refusing both the unions and the employer* a 1 taring to explain the merits of the ease...
...President Roosevelt interfered mlif^JfmX asking...
...political party...
...Www Tear twW ft a eared " Adhering to what is apparently the current ttoo—greater deprivations for the people, more gravy for "the tmsb-ragister patriots <seretei| Morgenthau during -the week presented to Qsa-greas the rpi issai111's -new fax plan wkithsn so raw that poHtically sensitive Chnlinm Doughtori of the House Ways and Means Qthv mittee (Democrat, North Caroline) at eats rejected it.' "Don't you know that we have to five wttk the fonts hack homer* he said brutally afaw listening te Secretary Morgenthau and Baa* dotpb Paul, the Treesary's general counsel * - The outlines of the proposed tax plan tsnaa gruesome reading for the liberals and lahorlan, and ammunition for the antj-4th-terrpe...
...threatening the Allied hold on Leros and Santos...
...on "fiTHfttr-to 43 per cant...
...There was a long list of new taxes proposed for consumer items, which the flssiiisiid Proas carefully reported were "so-called luxury items" —cigarettes, cigars, smoking tobacco, boar, liquor, snuff, beverage ateahol, transportation, soft drinks, e;c...
...The Wsr Labor Board ordered striking N.T.C...
...Major News Events of the Week north are encountered...
...seeona-iargast commercial oarrK in too waa-f exceeded the $4,000,000,000 level standing i $4,019.806464 en September SO...
...both aew ail-tame high sacaidn...
...This agreement was signed on June 11...
...the "Was Labor Board permitted the intervention of Facile contractors at the 'hearings, t The outcome of this abortive hearing-waythat ihe War Labor Board revoked Cher decision of its own Wage Stabilization Division and refused to permit the ugveeri upon wage teLweaaw^Lawdate affect...
...on ' beer to slightly under 50 per cent...
...u » t» " *¦¦< .• **:-«- '• «»*.• ,S...
...Underlying issues will be whether Britain or the United States intends te cheek the Russian designs...
...L*posits »tsns> gated $3,7M,031,B94, also a new high record far ail time...
...The, higher one gaas to the scale of pro-• pnaapV tocsea, the smaller are the rates of increase* beiag well under 10 per cent in the top-moat brackets...
...Asked by thteij...
...uspieutiaV shtM crrcular *encmncod The In It iiistMandate cornanae shell sand drive for ffAsnW^oeernanshV They MteMy Meneance AmerWn nauaticnisti and infer that American isolationism te tteeo* obstacle to the accomplishment ef thwh wflW eyed drehm of World Government" * *"1 ft hi reported that Joe McWnhnrns, the aa«-Semrtk rabble-rouser has attitllJ <he wewW Friday eyeiring nsawtsngs under Grace's ate> Ptn5rt...
...1 tetflniii of depriving the people of the notion olrtfcs teaaatestl gnats Which their tax asoney ana labor have constructed...
...I ' 3. Married person, two dependents, income $3,000 per annum...
...hsjgan their nsjgoti-ations in the fail of 1942...
...Wunhht rhaBay PtUey...
...f InlTsT^-fantimat »saei% Ihn ilg—rn were the Can limit IQiiaM^an?Kho Dented Steel Workers, 4nVw»hhiahnahnaI^toa^ of the United Pahbar ¦ 'Ussntssns-, the nasaaagar-of the Amalgamated ClMaang Workers, em international r^'eassiitatratj ag the Waited ehutomobile Workers, fwsat(k)il if aha k.DAJW{U^« name* <n all, reapsnwhnte union loaders r«every ' one of them...
...Estate taxes in the $700,000 to $800,000 bracket would he lifted to 69 per dent, as compared with the present 37 per cent rate...
...aha waeiwi as it feahty ehants that "free, enterprise" muat be retained...
...The ConrOumlst ifeopiei opcrsn1.reported nothing annra xamaTMaiTyaWslaahr papers...
...aa in-rraaaa atAO par cant...
...The employees of the Pacific Electric Company, a Southern Pacific "sli'S service and whieh Is one ef the largest carrier* of freight in the Lea Angeles ansa, want on ^This strike was directly easnma^b...
...and well into it, the "private eatre-pr samara* had not beam ahts to find teas for the people and bad not, teuce the war began, produced any plan that naeansd likely as yield jobs...
...The application received short shrift from the National Council...
...Therefore, the Pacific Electric flsa^bjfsss requested an increase of wages to the MMprd rate ef 81.0414' per hour...
...A common action is the jibes by unions at the ignorance of •the WLB personnel here in the loth (flan Francisco) district...
...The net nssait af the WLB action is that it has nullified a bona fide collective bar-gaining agreement made before the enactment of the present Wage Stabilization pro-gram, ao action ex peat fscte te character The union's Immediate reaction *wa to call for a, strike nste aadatotiee was- tied with the Naaaasssl Lamar ffrim mi Bund It i coadaaas witetha-flnVaislly-Sstithssct...
...Wall Street banker, was apposntod imkssjsaslar to Rossis, aa far least last week, ssspaihu the way for a "ruliiilli" iaal ¦ ilm Ihmlii along B|| BBaimihi \mm . 9 Jsmes B. Hasten, fat a dispatch te the fiance from London, respited that Stalin is holding la rrsshncss two policies: one calls for co-operation with England and the United States an 'the- heats of ds mason annates wfH mnhe, and the other colls for rellaaomtisn wHh pssn> war Germany should England and the UwHed States torn Russia down...
...West Coast Letter Gov't Labor Practices, WLB Delays Create Threat to War Production By JERRY WAYNE Special to The New Leader SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—The blundering and arbitrary actions of the government's labor ispiessutatives here — particularly tho War Labor Board-^are creating a serious threat to the elftcieat production of the crest coast war production industries and causing a breakdown of the collective bargaining structures-There are no great,' dramaticiaaues involved, no large strikes or any colorful instances that one can point te...
...Briefly, it draws attention to the fact that the "new" party is no more than the old C. P. under a new name but with the same old leadership...
...Starts New National Drive By A. ANDRAS Special to TiOs NEW LesDEK >l<' 1 OTTAWA, Canada (By Mall)—The spectacle of Goatmunist pispagasilt in Canadian labor circles has become an epeu farce...
...2. So-called private, enterprise cannot cope with the peat wet world except in those limited areas wiserein there is tittle risk to private capital...
...tin* aecauon The employer the AOtlason-KW Company, is aa amaswaW •¦fever It has always entered goad rem ttosn with the aniens aui at wilting to cam out the terms of the agreement...
...lasses, like most taaste natives, failed to mention the obvious remedy: Full production to meet the requirements of the people, irrespective of profits or "private enterprise," just as full pnsskseaton was determined- upon at the beginning *f the war to meet the requirements of the nmr.situation-Jones- was one of the original pre-Chicago RoosoeH ti i ihiaay has hooa Hswatery of Fin imi fhspsssatiB mi than* March, 4933, sad more inanely...
...The anions, on the other hand, have made no attempt to revise the rates on the Shasta" Dam project because the agreement was made for the duration of the project...
...2. The deep incisions proposed in individual taxes, particularly on these hi-dividua!s for whom further taxation means deprivation of^bas^r^cessrtie^rf Hfjp ^ new tax proposal is libe s tkreatentsr arn of a jrisnt pineer... in which we actually live, as shown by the necessity that impelled the government to invest more than $9,000,000,000 ef public money in new industrial plants and an equal stupendous sum in ships...
...paraJJaUag th) fantastic profits being shown for the entporuv tions as Aawrican boys are dying all oaar thy world...
...The eenptoyem of the Pacific Hiihsll saoaafisal this decision and were on the point of eating for a strike...
...The union- and the employer immediately appealed the esntaten te the War Labor Board in Washington...
...Instead, the public has been fed stories tanchng to inftsme them agshnrt the ssittsaW^l&Bi|saW-poHtan press was not the only gutftg -party la ¦oppressing the truth...
...a leaflet catling aso«r»hhi people of Chicago to recognize "Our Iiwrnynt Home"—the New Deal, and several bark essset of Smith's -Cross and the Flag " I we* a •^t-off-the-press" leaflet which the grsas is circulating, entitled...
...k reviews tiae -nofariooa role of tee Communists in Canada: their twists from right to left, from left to right, in accordance with the party line...
...What be promised, in short, was a reversion to the old pattern of affairs...
...Prior to the start of'construction work at that dam, in 1938, the contractor and the unions bad signed an agreement on then ioil iass* eanps li iilam and.affective Jar the duration ef^%hw-«"Toject... at pranant restehg nt MieMsrart City...
...The contract for parts of the dam wan held by the Atkinson-Kier Company which has enjoyed good industrial relations with-the building and construction trade unions...
...Construction work began in the late fall of -1941...
...4: Berlin SnaBned the recapture of K * m the Dedecsaese Islsads...
...And it is while the Big Business elements keep their eyes on this very tangible hall that liberals and laborites are scurrying in confusion all over the landscape...
...he said...
...L^Stor ever 1Osnjht for aj>d are willing to give up Canadian Letter C.C.F... -<teJy.t$je terinen^ system is making a "¦* ment which la reHsi jpea by the Tety eW...
...As a thin sugar-coating, the Secretory said the Treasury had two, plan* tot gteing Uoefcui war tax credits, but about which there was -noty.ig definite and which ranged from about 30 per cent of taxes collected at the $1,200 income level to lea* than' 89 per cent beginning j&&Jbm...
...Earl Southard, a commander of a Veterans of Foreign Wars post tn Chicago, a strong isolationist and an aaaseiati of Gerald Smith, is in charge oT the CsamnBWft offices...
...He approached everyone Who could possibly expedite a decision...
...Committee, at 82 W. Washington Street...
...I visited the offices of William J. Grace's Cxtizeut VS.A...
...As against the proposed 20 per cent increase in the corporation income tax rate, let us take the proposed increases in various small individual incomes: ¦ 1. A single person with no dependents, income $2,000 per annum...
...Because what stood out was: 1. The rehrtiVe Me**neee of the proposed increase in ass pan a Hon -and estate-taxes, from which no public hardship weald satsas if tenet (ware staaply ¦increased...
...It had other and more important tasks...
...The Regional Board never gasn-aur reason for this decision...
...Under the present withholding tax be pays $780 per ydfer fit income tanas, and under Am new Treasury plan he would pay $14...
...The National Council did not deal with tan problem alone...
...asakti sansssga^ 8srteJc*Tn»mmm^ for wage sajuatmseiti...
...A large tienssre^teJd^ •ma^Omi^J^m^r irstian'for is .ntfasanl shoti— -nhantjtV4sjatse>, initeb/ oa the asanas...
...To aeaasr *U good fan*, the camps* ' has lanllonad to place the disputed aim hi escrow to the crssttt of the employees concerned...
...Also up in the air, by reason, of the failure1 of the Administration to call for a formal policy relating to the disposition of all this wealth, is the vast amount of cargo shipping built at public expense, Secretary Jones went on to give a breakdown of amusing government .construction of industrial plant, which over a short period of time has pat to the blush aa inadequate the most extravagant claims of Socialists sad f ull-productionists about what publicly directed enterprise can do...
...In a recent public advertisement signed by the loading representatives of the Canadian labor movement, it was pointed out: •*F«r twenty-three years the Communist Party-has tried and failed to represent moor...
...Corporation PROFITS Uofoacfced While the individuals of the country, by reason of higher taxes and higher prices, have -less income than before, the corporations, despite their taxes, have record ir.comes of nearly $10,000,000,000 annually...
...although Secretary Jones left them oat ef his ulceflstteai...
...Jones Speaks for Big Business But not only the R.F.C...
...jahtej -ti suck a raaalutten * high-ranking official of the Naval fnnmsr ah» dressed the moetiag andtold the mothers that thteg* '*',lUy im?ort*nt for th**^B*JIJ!JS "»e waa eet.iusealei hy ate aolatate...
...OrganixaUeual and nahnm-istrative hudgnts have been doubled...
...Their right to form their own political party has long been recognized, and libsnalemiahrt eitments as a matter of fact urged the lifting of- the ban against the party.1 But widespread protest is gnawing against the Communist*' unauthorised use of the name "Labor...
...a third party having no interest in the case...
...In addition to the billions spent by the War snd Navy Departments, and the Maritime flwamwajnit, -in hoilding facilities and equipment for war purposes, the Reconstruction Finance Corporstion, through its subsidiary, Defease Plant Corporation, has anthoriasd more than 19,000,090,000 for the construction, aaajaasjaag arasnpiiiiisn-ef 1,753 plants throughout the country lor the production of war ¦afpfe...
...The War Labor Board usually sets in mechanical and arbitrary htshisns relying on formulas rather -then common sense adjustments in their actions...
...My report is not encouraging...
...Heatings of government aaeanhani composed wall ever half of the resources, -Oath the next teigaal item consisting of cash, k This same general pattern of extraordiiiac* well-being on the basis of War Profits balds fas" ail the big contmerc.a banks...
...The ha llkjanisnt took ptoce dsrrmg •» ^^annteyyjtajante ,mno^J^i^S rmsaikhi^'n^rean dearree test ^TesrwMBff* '¦¦al Bi Mew-York Chte, InvoWianttes OBw HHinii WiHiam B. hUrlande has -still flit rsiiaaaJ his long awaited report en the N* York outbreaks, althongti it is aunasnnusVtW fcaewn -that ^the report exists The (INttf* dltsnhnj ef the fiaien far Itesnocratic AefaeWlg rranted a nasaiiian to investigate the jsaw breake and to determine whsrther er net -aW wore organized...
...Certain CfO hmliik aanTHMa at fMtfnaVtsr ** &m9f^*9tWA y^Emm9f ¦safowTo^Sans^ts't'y ~wflCaw- manual wSr fffort...
...The coopers union is one of the oldest unions in the country...
...The story lies in the-routine day-to-day functioning ef labor relations and tip -aed tape, inefficiency and delays .that accompany the government boards' actions...
...Its deliberations mark a near paaiad in the life of the CCF...
...They were rnsiutog 77 canto an hour for raRroad ussrsfhmjm tl cents far bus operation, the FaWtnc \smji|ili Company is an Intel ui ban rsflrsol asm The duties and skills of Ha flremon in taWJp suMMsjta are directly comparable to the duties anil stills of the aunptoyeos trf the atendard aasgto ?fhB-roads...
...The Increase in the estate taxes proposed was from 3 per cent to 5 per cent at the minimum, with the minimum lowered from $60,000 to 940,000...
...Hsnimgs began en March 1 and eontmuod for four wstka, sua mining every angle of the case...
...Indiana h>prjWisir and president of the ¦Northern Indiana *sanV...
...The hearing...
...Tho ansae has been true of recent English strikes, notably of the Nottingham coal miners .and the Armstrong-Vickers workers...
...Not cue accredited representative of labor is participating in the conference to organise the so-called near - "labor progressive" party...
...An example of how ignorance of customary collective bargaining precedents on the part of the WLB staff provoked a strike vote Can be found in the Keswick Dam aaae...
...No aswspapsr has uvea hsgna to ghm the true facto ef this story...
...the services of the National Msmswin"mVsj il were invoked, but not agreement was reached Toward the and of lOtf, it w»» apparent that the President would have to appoint an thaer-gancy Board, under the terms af the Battroad Labor Act Delay followed delay and It was not until the end of February lfidg that aha Board was appointed...
...Obviously, what to do about government-owned plants and supplies will be a matter -for the President and Congress to determine...
...Because of several increases in wage scales since this agreement, wages 'at the Shasta Dam are below other construction projects, and the company is having some difficulty In holding its labor supply...
...present tax $188, proposed tax $256, rate of proposed increase, 36 per cent...
...Th hrneis nit | milai il laaaw/s snnnani to the In accoantnnnr^pna^ke new party line the Communiatahntter gasaj,i(atti n pailp laansi ill at I ilj sought toiUllli nafial...
...A %*e...
...In an unassuming office in a Loop loft, Grace is planning a political campaign which resembles the Gerald L. K. Smith setup in Detroit...
...In view of the outery in some quarters for ••incentive pay," i.e., piece work, the proposed Treasury tax schedules show what happens to the income of a man who, by diligent application and much overtime, raises his income...
...It points out the fundamental differences between democratic aeeistiim and eousmurasrn which make unity impossible...
...WHAT UIOrQfJgft LATfONlBlf DO TRET WISff<TTS**C ASd*-DON— This multi-colored...
...1,000 and $6,000, with the rate* being more than doubled...
...The Turn of Events - A Review of Global Fronts From THE NEW LEADER NEWS DESK Moving to strengthen its new supporting alignment of political forces, consisting of Big Business and the corporate food processors, agricultural implement and chemical enterprises that compose the "Farm Bloc," the Administration last week sent Jesse H. Jones, the conservative Texas banker who is Secretary of Commerce, to - reassure the New York Board of Trade...
...By a decision which was not far short of unanimity the Council rejected the application in a crisply worded resolution The statement is too long far reproduction hens but its contents can be described...
...There is, therefore, every reason to doubt the perma nency of the latest political move of hha woes munists and every reason to h stares that this new party line will change agaia without regard to the interests of the Canadian people...
...The emptore«s auger bees one they cannot re cetve the benefits ef a bona fide collective bargaining agreement Recently the already overtaxed and troubled transportation system of Los Angelas was the scene of a two day strike...
...Government should get out of active industry as soon as it can, without too much unnecessary loss" when the war is Over, Jones said, but "in many instances government must continue to have a hand in business" because "private initiative" cannot meet the challenge of the reconstruction period unaided...
...Mere than half its resources are m .government secarittes, which totalled W,7P8,-434,626, and cash on hand stod at $833,532398...
...This record of abrupt reversals of policy," the statement says, "proves tiae Communist Party to lack any sense of responsibility to the people of Canada...
...m-* _ i* ¦ X Hesvy tsmbhnga of Roash tedaetrsal eeaaa eeenhaaei thnsagh ¦the weefc, wash damage reportedly extensive and relatively light leases for the attacking plane* I. taeniah Republicans, saeaeragsd ky the success of Allied sesss, -were re-sorted to he devoteaana>os>|to«itten in tnatete the Fiania ias^ii,;as*shni»tki Spanish FasiSoU saaih alasss...
...For tkr firtt time in it* history, total resources of the National City Bank of New York...
...At the same time, the unions have made every effort to supply labor for the project...
...The doctotm snmntt J the esraployees a 1* cento am kawr tsill» iSilii * i The Emergency Board's award was eeuaptotod during the first week in April, bat kill I it could he put into effect the Pi niaisstsjiT HMilllthe-Lwe" order of April • mas I......lljsasjm| tni for a considerable parted af tuna ,shs|s^duas •mm doubt as to whether the atsji SWhliSjirji Board's decision was affected by tlsWOaNkfaW case oame into the bands of Judge Vinson...
...The latest formula on which the Regional Board relies is wage brackets...
...nTJF jr*"^-" ^^"^^^ hood of aUflroad Trantmon...

Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 41

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