SDF News
SDF News RATIONAL.—Chicago, 1U: Spencer Bmyon writes of a revival •ft activities among the S.D.F. branches, and the opening of a ninthly forum in the Loop. . . . Large quantities of booklets and...
...7 An impressive meeting will be held to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Morris Hillquit on Thursday, October 7th, 8:30 p. m...
...NEW YORK CITY.—The Conference to Combat Race Preju-jjee and Conflict, held last week-end was successful...
...Branch in the Amalgamated Cooperative Houses: Meeting, Monday, October 4th, 8;">0 p. m., in [the Assembly Room...
...1.00 per plate...
...former editor of "Forward...
...Reunion, supperette and entertainment, Saturday, October 16th, t p. m., at the A.L.P...
...Adolph Warshow, 1 West Sfitii Street...
...Algernon Lee answers questions on current events soar Station WEVD every Saturday evening at 9:46...
...clubs and civic groups...
...Large quantities of booklets and jajfjets have been sent for...
...Algernon Lee, State Chairman of the S.D.F...
...New Jersey: Soeial Democrats will also aid the American Labor League in its *S5algTi for the election of labor and progressive candidates...
...Among the duties of this com-.mittee will be that of1 conducting a broad and comprehensive educational program within the ranks of organized labor, designed to stimulate an awareness of the undemocratic'thinking and practices of many anions and to correct this weakness...
...Lena Morrow Lewis,' former N.E.C...
...Sunday, October 17th...
...member of the Socialist Party, and August Claessens, Executive Secretary of the S.D.F...
...Fredrich Stampfer...
...and President ef toe Band School...
...Morris Hillquit died on October 7th, IMS, and in his passing the American Socialist and Labor movement test its finest intellect and its most devoted leader...
...Braez County S.D.F...
...Philadelphia, "fa.: The campaign of the United Labor Committee is in full swing fW the election of a pro-labor administration in November... the Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th St, New York City...
...The gathering is held under the auspices of the Rand School of Social Science and the Social Democratic Federation and all friends and admirers of Morris Hillquit are invited to attend this tribute to his memory...
...candidate for Councilman, guest speaker...
...jpsskers are being booked for many labor meetings...
...August Claessens speaks at the War Bond Bally of Workmen's Circle Branch 3 in Amalgamated Temple, 11 Arion Place, Brooklyn, Friday, October 1st, 8:30 p. m. (ftgro Lohor Commitfee fvm Race Relations Group At a special conference held on Friday, Sept 24, at the Harlem later Center, a Committee on jmt Relations was formed to function a* aparTof* tSe regular activities of the Negro Labor Committee...
...branches are giving full cooperation...
...Pearl Willen, A.L.P...
...Banquet in honor of Charles Sbeechsa, Saturday, October 23rd, 8 p. m., at the Culture Center, 2812 Mermaid Ave., Coney Island...
...awfust Claessens speaks for the Textile Workers Union,in New ^fOnswick...
...Morris Hillquit Commemoration Meeting, Thursday, October 7th, 8:30 p. m„ Debs Auditorium, 1 East 15th Street . . . Upper West Side Branch: Meeting, Thursday, October 12th, 8:30 p. m., % the home of Mr...
...Abraham Cahan, Editor of the Jewish Dairy forward... be among the speakers...
...August Claessens, Acting National Secretary, will visit fjdeago anci otner Midwest cities in December...
...Brilliant writer, speaker and theoretician, Morris Hillquit was net only highly respected and loved in America but among Socialists in all countries...
...SDF News RATIONAL.—Chicago, 1U: Spencer Bmyon writes of a revival •ft activities among the S.D.F...
...Berlin, and member of the Raichs tag...
...Matthew Low, gaest speaker...
...Delegates were present from scores of labor unions, thirty-three branches of the S.D.F...
...August OsessenR spoke for th* Knit Goods Workers' Union last Monday •pj for the Dressmakers on the same evening...
...Hold Meeting on 7Oth Year Hillquit Death, Oct...
...County Headquarters, BB East Tremont Ave...
...Plana for a conference are being ajde...
...and Mrs...
...Prominent S.D.F...
...Rafael Abramovitch, metuhet of Mm Executive Committee of th* Labor and Socialist International...
...and affiliates, and from A.L.P...
...East Flatbesh Branch j: Opening entertainment, Saturday, October 16th, 9 p. m., at 2M East 94th Street, Brooklyn----Women's Committee Workshop fef the manufacture of garments for the United Nations' war offerers is open daily from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and on Wednesday evenings...
Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 40