The Turn of Events -- A Review of Global Fronts
The Turn of Events -- A Review of Global Fronts From THE NEW LEADER NEWS DESK Stepping &Jdly, obviously toiuoLofr-** tegic government poets to Kg fhnln— fa line with the trend nurtured since...
...Party will instead call .for cttoaa...
...lW|)lffh Jtabor, Interior, Office of Defense Transportation, and OPA are not headed by tycoons them selves, they are headed by political sppartiurfali who carefully gauge the direction of the wind—Perkins, lakes, Kastoaan and Prentiss Brown...
...By its various statements, Russia has shown that it is willing to say what is in the minds of the Kremlin authorities...
...fleeey fo tmlk Turkey Stettlnius was appointed to his post, and flsiriaiaa is skated for the Moscow post, partly in order to put forward men acceptable to Russia as apaakiag on behalf of the realities ef American social power, rather than other persons whose most solid constituency would con-smsnof the rentendina echoes of their voices...
...The ghetto was "liquidated" almost three years after its establish ment...
...fc risithscHitllsiisii ner HarrisMB is trained in dipieaiacy, nor is ehher one particularly versed in European er world problem...
...fa Nasi-occupied Warsaw, reported that it had become necessary to erect a wall around the Jewish quarter because it was "a breeding place of contagious disease.'' More than 600,000 Jews were ordered to live fa a slum section fit for, at most, a tenth ef that number... well as by the ypdaapipsmd radio station...
...Wken it became known to the ghost u-dweOers that the governor of Warsaw, Dr...
...But they west along with the union in tte strike...
...From this point of view, the appointments are to be applauded...
...Joseph Herman Hertz, chief rabbi of Great Britain, praised the heroes of the ghetto fa a broadcast delivered on the eve of August 20, that Day of Mourning commemorating the Fall of Jerusalem, two thousand and five hundred years ago, at the hands of the Babylonians: ". . . The defenders, with the desperation of doomed men, contested every inch of ground...
...kaK af eto* were ettt to Item Oa the streets hw# I Ml a Passu ef Jews aad Oatmssa, att removed because ef tke fifkttog M *• ttakmfl to Pimnlii which ami whto* m-caaee act eady did the Jew, wear C«a*o , anrfaraas bat they had haaa atts satof B their fight by deserters from the Cerami army who had beea mdto g oat la m The Germans eemphunad to the toaPJafp that every Jewish house had been tareafttj a virtual fortress, with seatnei posted sa btt and roofs, and that the siege was "very* cult... striped trousers, nor chairmen of corporation boards, nor farmers can undertake that task...
...the use of the German labor force to rebuild the largo sections of Russia demolished "by the Nazis and possible friendship with a de-Hitlerized bat militarily strong post-war Reich...
...Behind these conditions lies a tense man--etmwoat an km jakaattoa to which smhm iaadeas accuse eati-laber Navy officials of attoytlaa to break the union "wide Open" ami fa which plant executives damn the union contract as "unworkable...
...Neither is likely to tell Stalin that the United States la actually interested la seeing that everybody has "fueJOia from want and HlTwHwlOwawJ flTOBB f eSBtT ** "Does that include Negroes...
...England and 'the United States, it is made evident fa official expressions, do not want any German military machine...
...It wants equally frank speaking from England the United States...
...SwU, amsi*ma w» flags of the United States, Great BrawtoJ the Soviet Union above their reWaitolill ¦W little "forteoss...
...It is becoming increasingly evident that Russia wants particularly to know the meaning of Anglo-American talk about a post-war world federation, Union Now, and all that sort of thing...
...4. Americaa-Aastrakan forces in an amphibtoag oaeratian laaaed at Ftoackhafea on the Haaa Peniaaula of New Guinea and bombings of main Japanese paaitiona in the Soath Saos eoattnaed...
...The Russian*, in short, want a German military anacautoo that is not hostile to the Soviet...
...Stalin could ask...
...Russia, judging by the harsh remarks of its spokesmen and by its actions, wants at a very minimum the following: Control over Finland- and a large part of Poland and Rumania...
...Eminently successful as salesmen (ander a later ccmrt settlement of a suit against them they reserved a total ef $4,ieo,000>, they were inept -aa manufacturers...
...Throughout all his war-time avpatetomh, President Roosevelt has shown that as tsffs believes, under pressure of ssrtoas eommatt that the true geides to American ewattS are to be found only in the eaan at Mgwamh, whatever erse may wave been saM dura* to heady days of the Now Deal, lost at tok viduals—the militant atheist recanting art* death-wed—ao in governments, extreme atom brings to the fore the most basic s tauten...
...Addressing the Jews of the British Empire, Dr...
...Some New Details on The Fight in the Warsaw Ghetto By ALFRED WERNER Details about the unique, if short-lived "Inner Front" established last spring fa the heart of Europe are still coming in, while practically all of the heroic defenders of the ghetto of Warsaw have long been slaughtered by the Nazis...
...Spot News Events at a Glance 1. The Russian armies reached the Dnieper River and captarod Mm ¦ lamb aad the sabaros ef Kiev, capital of the rich Ukraine...
...Projecting this coalition on the international scale, one can get only cartel imperialism...
...7. Batrietism also ran riot in Washington when representatives of leading cerperattoa grooms laps sled to Ceagreaa to make aJLVj lUtion clauses fa war contracto less strict...
...9. Stslin appealed to Americans to ¦¦¦scries to the Third War Lean...
...Neither diplomats...
...The Miranda brothers, of devious background, 'had served a term in the Federal Penitentiary at'LewJshuig for violating the neutrality law by sefifng arms pa Bolivia in the Chaeo war...
...There it was a Conservative giasi men t that brought the nation dam to tat Sato, and there it was found nmsasjj ts mas Labor's wholehearted aid in the war etttt With its Boveridge Plan- and otter aamaw England has, both in thinking aad is stem, moved farther and further to the Left safer stress of war...
...unaware, however, of the extortionate war profits being piled up by the big corporations or abaat the food price soweese on labor sagiaiind by the gevera ment in collaboration with the Farm Bkx...
...This was the third this time -Brewster had a backlog of $275,00,000 in aircraft orders and owed $S5.000.000 fa Navy-guaranteed loans...
...The evidence indicates the Navy, which had compelled the plant guards to join the Coast Guard Temporary Reserve was co-operating with anti-union plant executives to break the back at the total...
...Production of Buffalo fighter plod os aad Buccaneer dive bombers is at a standstill, with not a single plane delivered to ttary mom this plant under He $15,000,000 contracts since the strike in Augast was ended, ''lavasthteters ef the Truman Committee have fieas1 HafftJmw "extremely had" since the three-way walkout...
...Day after day passe*, bat the Jews aw aet sorreodeo...
...despite their aawtte keen...
...The local leadership is militant and zealous in support of union rights...
...levels, ending the "voluntary rent control" in the city which has resulted in 1«MM sopppate rent-gouging actions bj patriotic landlords...
...The only spewwmam arenaai ef the saaaing battle to seech this country is fa The Fwiio* Jewte* Oeeswaer of Loudest (Augast 13), which puUiahed an Eaptom tnmaksttep of the report printed to the secret Pestoh aadsvgiomid newspaper, PoUka...
...Russia has not expressed"herself en France...
...ef imatlbwaMMttMos ef the Now CwTS as fa appealing lor labor sap peat th...
...The memory of this revolt of a small number of civilians holding out against the Wehrm*ckt for more than a month could not bo obliterated even by such major military events as the conquest of Sicily, the Russian advance and the mass bombing-raids over Germany...
...f absenteeism-ahowed it was mainly attributable to women newcomers in todaatry with children at homo...
...owing to executions, mass starvation aad epidemics...
...the Navy took over operation of the Brewster plants at Jehns-vrtk, Newark, N. J„ and Long Island City, N. Y., because of the company failure to produce in accordance with the contract...
...Bat each is supremely sgafagin to be able to ' state, with finality...
...With the Soviet armies continuing the ad-rance on all fronts, now having reached the Dnieper, the Russians have strong arguing ooinu, even - though the withdrawal of the Bcrmaon has been made necessary by gathering \nglo-Amerioan power in the West...
...Leo T. Crowley, a banker, has ¦sen placed in charge of Foreign Economic Affairs...
...Leading Democrats now fa Washington are of the stripe of Byrnes, Baruch, Jesse Jones...
...1942... they called It: "meeto em earning oat of the baitewifs...
...tC 4awatt «M paint fa bright and flowing atea /,tlm fast-fading Kew Deal...
...The Turn of Events -- A Review of Global Fronts From THE NEW LEADER NEWS DESK Stepping &Jdly, obviously toiuoLofr-** tegic government poets to Kg fhnln— fa line with the trend nurtured since 1940, President loosevelt last week apindntodTdwaxd R. Btot-tinius, Jr., former cWlxmaa of -'th* Uadtal States Steel Corporation, to succeed Sumner Welles as Under-Secretary of State...
...President Roosevelt was reported to he shifting War aad Navy Department personnel with a view to obtaining more lenient interpretation of re-negotiation classes...
...Provocative Russian statements ef the past several weeks all undoubtedly have as their objective the forcing of a show-down...
...For staggering courage, this Battle of Warsaw is unaurpassed a the whole history of heroism...
...ngsteaid a vta* ef Cwsa, Aafe aad aaatiat joamsastote to this "n»» mmmV of the war...
...The strategy of the professionals is fal pobttoaa...
...Whan the soldiers return home they will be anti-labor, a design to the bogus I spoiling that is net being circumvented by the ¦llllomiai with a reliable military information service...
...Simultaneously, toe mam a" the Jewish fighters grew, many ef tteat stewa in Gormen awkforsas and Gerama toetoj Selecting their heads with German hihnsto ad firing from German gens...
...There have been no comparable statements of specific desires by the United States and England English aad American expressions on the post-war theme have harped on the beauties ef democracy and the Fear Freedoms, all of which must remain amorphous generalities unless specifically and concretely implemented...
...f • • CeYftaJ lotporealism ftwawajdtowwof But what the policies «ffl be that take shape under the guiding hands of Hull, Stettinius and Harriman, with the President also taking an active hand, is something else again...
...The board of directors, however, were ousted and replaced when the plants were returned to the company a month later...
...retention of Outer Mongolia and recognition of a special position in the Far East...
...The local promptly went on strike, ignoring th* Smith-Connally Act...
...3. Heavy bombing raids ait Hanover, Emden,.Maaaheim aad Daisherg...
...and a supporter of labor's non-strike pledge...
...But a* soon as a •ueesamtt defended totalitarian Russia begia* to asskel its inner pattern upon the outside world a to form Of militarily unptomented oVmaaai, s*J as soon as the socially stratified and ssap...
...President BoasevcR, it is lneiOasragh: nv dent as the war continues, believes that to most reliable guides for this luoattj an to at found only in the camp of Big Bssiaeav am the country itself, locking bark oa pest eam-dations of Big Business'and tte < arrest esr profits grab, can form its own epiefon as u net - In England the picture is, pa redox icahy, way different...
...By toot April the Jewish populace had been rammed to 8»,000...
...It is a task that can be performed only by labor...
...and guarantee of free access to the Mediterranean via the Dardanelles...
...Recently, both President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill stated that the German military machine' as well as the- Hitler machine must go, raising a point ef issue that most be settled with the Russians, who say they want to keep the German military machine intact...
...Consequently, sirplanei arawsi firebombs on the ghetto...
...j, 8. Shoe rations were revised by OPA from one pair every fonr months to oae pair every six...
...Indeed, the Nazis had to use aH mj>p weapons, such as Stwka boaatoea, laatoMg en anfl mines to break th* iluhlap...
...plant at Johnsville, Pa., near here, is scandalously pear...
...The wining paradox bore is that the Power that has suffered most from the German military machine wants it preserved...
...Scores of csmpfcted planes are steading idle ea the plsnt airfield, unable to fly for want ef oats aad ¦hstta...
...the largest of Europe, dattofttj to the lath century, is now a sooty fa *mr PoUka claim* that the Jews had been sappes with arms (including machine guas sad> ffP by both the Poles and the Sovieta, la*J|g having sent it...
...Recurring production and financial difficulties 'forced the Government to intervene again last ^falpfh, when the Navy became custodian of the majority stock interests...
...It is an epic atowsfpto that recalls the glories of the Maccabees and the sublime self-slaughter of Maaada...
...It was generally regarded as significant, moreover, that not even a ftoiahad diplomatic technician on the Sumner Welles model was put forward for either post...
...While a few thousand Jews to* have aapapod from death, the Jewtoh.somwjjg of Waraaw...
...Fischer, intended to "liquidate" the ghetto completely, the Jews of Waraaw derided to tarn their district tote a second Stalingrad...
...But the Russians know full well that what the German military machine has dene to Russia, it could do to other Powers, particularly to Powers interested in balking Russian designs...
...The sshtierw vtrt ipptrwU...
...White nothing was said about France in a military way, it may be assumed that neither Churchill nor Roosevelt contemplate a disarmed France...
...and fought and died to the tost man...
...Thomas De Lorenzo, president of Local 365, accuses Brewster of attempting to separate the plant guards from the union, and his charge appeared welf-founded when a WLB panel ordered a separate contract for the guards...
...The Government had built and equipped the now plants at Johnsville and Hatboro, aad bad laaaed them to Brewster tor f 1 a year...
...It states that when, on April 20 --Hater's birthday—the Nasi, came to fetch a number of Jews tor »~rrtfrn (fin tltommnd had been taken for slaughter only a short nhsU earlier), it turned oat that all man had sadden!y diaappoared from the streets shops and factories °* t>^fmtQaatowa Jstoam graves''aad ^nS^S^^^^^^^^^^ Fear teaks waee-hsj-Vkt as by rha fTtoWaai and their guns fired ehaoticallv intTtkVw...
...aB* some twenty-five tboaaand Jews »nd^*S thousand German soldiers had been kfmT fP large quantities of German army ttatt* destroyed...
...The 630» workers at The atoat are dtogrentled and their morale is tow...
...Wammy,ami Wilms and Champagne...
...Although "dissatisfaction with the management" was assigned as 'the cause of the Government's action, the Navy retained the' original operating management...
...Donald Nelson, head of the Wat Production Board, is from Sears, gaabuck and Company...
...Of course, f* . full story of this second Allied Front mW Nelewskis (the Jewish Quarter) ttjrg the defenders o7 W^n..w^gtowlto whwas^F tern was exhorted by the late PeUsh M Mtoister, Sikorski...
...Daily News...
...The Office ef Pries Admiaistratior, has ordered Nee/ York City note frozen as of November 1 at tke March 1. 1943...
...gha^am-iing as a defense all asa** against WatttrwMim of the eivOssod watt, i is saamtail into a formidable offeasm sews* WialUm Bat as the inglorious end of Noam is at last broaght into view, all toe -rsliato the outside world are forced into virw.*1*"*^ * . 8* tong ** totalitarian Russia was date**, herself deep fa her own territory ageism ska armies, there was no opportunity tor tat ae-trodiettoa of a totalitarian autocracy sstote oa the aide of parliamentary dsmecrscte to make itself felt...
...Brewster Scandal—Waste, Anti-Union Practices Force Production Standstill By ANDREW KHINOY PHILADELPHIA—At a time when the nation's war production is reaching new highs, the record of the BJtwster Aeronautical Corp...
...At same points atoastou troapa r*ass»f ttO Datoper...
...At the last convention the local's delegates voted against R. J. Thomas, national president of the U.A.W...
...5. Mrs...
...Am tke Allied and Russian armies ee*am «• gain, then, the inner character of tfct ehangee...
...The history of Brewster is beset with trouble...
...CoL William Donovan, corporation lawyer, heads the Office of nuattttjc ttji ijjjp 1H6.1 his now appointment, Stettinius was head of the Lend-Lease Administration...
...together with military awwj* tors, hp means of parachutes...
...The Germans, "as If to calm their settle* maeda," as a Pottos reporter remark* toto-eeJIy...
...official, became presiderft...
...Organised labor, split and thoroughly confused, is at least for the time being ignored, and has been locked into a strait jacket of special legislation making impossible any significant moves...
...Roosevelt returned from her trip to the Soath Seas area aad raaorted that Amsttt»a soldiers are greatly eastarbod to hear abaat strihas sal ihamtisism at kama . 3|ppaiaatb Imp mow are befuddled by false reporting, far than haw* been few strikes aad aa OWI sted... ever, the tank, had tTr*W Tbemrpon ,field guns were need, but as they li »iiaiiiJP avoidably, also seme houses outside the |mto a representative of the German aopuistow ¦ Warsaw demanded that the field battenmtbnht cease firing...
...tor it was on July 9, 1940 that the Warsekaaer Zsfamp, the official German newspaper publisher...
...what the desires of • • • Russia, it is evident, wants to know just what It 4s the United States and England have in 'mind lui flm peat-war period...
...Henry J. Kaiser, the Pacific Coast shipbuilders, was named chairman ef the board, and Frederick J- Riebel, Jr., a Navy consultant and former We&tinghouae Electric Co...
...Three days later, the workers went back, bat the mater issues wore unresolved aad discontent mounted...
...With the Russians laying their unidealized cards on the table, there is every prospect that the various imperialisms wfH come to an agreement looking to the more effective exploitation of labor in every country—England, the United States, Russia, China, Germany, Otc Labor mast not only be exploited mere effectively from the viewpoint of a anified cartel imperialism, into which Russia's system of state treats would fit suite easily, bat labor mast rebuild what has been destroyed by the war...
...Earl Browder, secretary of the Communist Party, U.S.A., in two speeches during the course of the week, talked bluntly a la Soviet for a change...
...Tke showdown came hi August in a dispute over the Navy's arrest of Brewster plant guards at Johnsville who had insisted on their union rights to select their assignments according to seniority...
...ft was reliably forecast that W. AyeriU Harriman, of the powerful banking enterprise of Brown Brothers, Harriman and Company, would be made Ambassador to Russia, sawed fag Bear Admiral William & Standley...
...Before the war it had a single plant fa Long Island City, N. Y. Then the notorious Miranda brothers and their partner, F. William Zelcer, proceeded to take millions of dollars in com-missldfis on export orders for Brewster planes...
...The pattern of subordinates in the governments agencies, all the way down the line, in-rraasjagly reiemblai the pattern at the top... April...
...Thus, toe two most important current posts is the Stat* Department short of the Secretaryship itself are being awarded, respectively, to active spokesmen of the J. P. Morgan and Brown Brothers camp...
...fmartago of materials is so aoate that workers report doing two boars' work to a l*-hoar day, sleeping away the time inside ''Jeff1 eoeaftoted aerptoaaa...
...Since the fall of France, the trend in the United States has been to effect a coalition between Big Business (huge profits based on government war contracts) and the Farm Belt (high prices for agricultural products...
...Many have asked the tompsay to release ttem os they seehf find productive jobs elsewhere, bat the releasee, arts refassd...
...divided aameeractei do likewise, the war eteapj color...
...strong influence in Czecho-Slovakia and an outright hold over Latvia, Lithuania and Esthonia...
...2. The BriUsh-American Fifth Army in Italy made only stew progress against strong natural position toward the plain of Naples north of Salerno, bat the Britiah Eighth Army on the Adriatic Coast Foggia and its vital network si aviatie* fiaUs...
...Behind these, toe, is the cost-pi us-fixed fee contract ander which the corporation operates for the Navy and which fails to penalise the corporation for wasteful practices, inefficiency ami poor production...
...Beth England and the United States have expressed themselves as favoring the reeon-stitntion of France...
...He startled the editorial writers by flatly stating that the United States could not count on Russia (1) to make war against Japan or (2) to supply Siberian air bases to American forces...
...But the lilli iisfll trftta fcj Dealers is only part of the newtteneV * From the point of view of taw* peHSa a. Adeniaistratton baa aaxie to dBay LVZ* further and farther to the Right for .fact, matt-of the top-rankiag enttjZ, *71 government today are old-line RepoMhmm...
...under the title "Beiy Week to the Ghetto...
...radBftt which ended only in the last week ef May...
...The object of the agitation is to inrranai pcamta, which at* wmtWB&mS eat of taxes saddled oa the entire population...
...In this action, the entire Jewish aattwff service took part, the fire brigade, the air a* wardens, mim, etc...
...The Jews- rested If setting the workshops afire that lad presto* uniforms, underwear, boots and belts mr to German army...
...Secretary of War Stimson is a leading Wall Street corporation lawyer, and Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy, comes from the- anti-New Deal, anti-progressive, anti-labdKflbi.a...
...Moat of the members of the Brewster local are new in unions, many of them from Pennsylvania farms where unions ase frowned on...
...Meanwbile, labor relations had worsened after a promising beginning- In 1939, the union, Local 386 of the United Automobile Workers (CIO), and the company had negotiated the first closed shop agreement fa the aviation industry...
...The Office of later-American Affairs is under Nelson Rockefeller...
...Both Stettinius and Harriman will be in a tetter position than, say, Henry Wallace, to ell the Russians what the power-holding ele-nents of the United States want in concrete erms...
Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 40