EDITORIAL COMMENT Willkie on the Way Tl/HATEVER the Heoverites and Landoxutca ~ may say against Wendell Willkie, no one can deny hi* poaseaaion of courage aad imagination. What the man is...

...And the last words on this topic contained the pledge that in the hour of victory Britain will show "the same poise and temper as in the hour of mortal peril...
...Your recent eahbti|t "Basic Empire" is not senma^sei forthright enough...
...Labor has been rubbed the wrong way by more than one, administrative appointment...
...The communists have printed ami, broadcasted stories sheet alleged organising activities en the part ef Silone...
...Wendell Wfllkic to*** personality, a driving ambition, a asjs ¦* prcased in words...
...But observers who are by no means sympathetic with it believe that it may well make a big hole in -the formerly comfortable Liberal assured reserve of sixty-five seats from Quebec...
...The weekly "Saturday Night", by no means a socialist publication, put the situation quite accurately when it observed: "Unless private enterprise can provide sufficiently full employment to keep the people of Canada reasonably well satisfied after the war, there is s poor outlook for the continuance of private enterprise, because the people of Canada are determined that they are going to have reasonably full employment, even if they have to have socialism In order to get it" w.———————¦¦ I ¦ West Coast AFL Bars Return of Japanese To California SAN FRANCISCO...
...The rather dry and stern quality of the exposition promises that the differences will—on our *****—be frankly stated snd that solutions will be honestly sought...
...And, like Roosevelt, he will bane machines behind him, machines which must be fought or conciliated.- -a »With a sure instinct, Willkie attacks President Roosevelt where be is thought to be strongest...
...George A. Drew...
...never really looked this fact in the eye—until we were struck at Pearl Harbor...
...HexdV mg-Cooiidge-Hoover era...
...The reactionary record and the entrenched 'minions of reaction hsve no terrors for-inar--'-' ¦* ¦ % .* Willkie's picture of himself and his tasks is outlined In Look Mapaxine...
...and this is for more effective social security...
...King will try to frsme s popular issue for an early election or whether he will .prefer to ride out the storm...
...Bat as between Republican eaBdsase*aan kie and any good New Deal esedieeb^% choice for any American la bo rim qr ubasi - will apt be difficult...
...The Prime Minister quotes Burke's immortal sentence against drawing up an indictment against a whole people and singles out "Nazi tyranny and Prussian militarism" as the twin foes which must be destroyed...
...In the case of gforta I had remarked that he was friendly with all the antifascist groups mentioned in has steswjssalcbpt .Silone, Stono and Sforxa were "friendly and cooperative with the underground...
...If he heads the ticket in 1944, he will ssmi distinction of being one of a aery •Sort 1st of liberal candidates who have led tecJeB Old Party since the days of Father alSjh Lincoln...
...Whether speaking of our enemies or oar allies, Churchill expressed himself with a rather-austere reserve, but it is impossible to find in his words any definite antidemocratic implication...
...One feels it in Toronto, where the echoes of the amazing electoral gain achieved by the CCF, Canada's labor-farmer party, have not died down...
...This, incidentally, is the best commentary on the effort of .some reactionaries to smear the CCF as unpatriotic because it does not share the ultraloyalist sentiments of some of Ontario's fairly numerous tribe of Colonel Blimps...
...F. of L. groups in Cslifornis sre hanging to the traditional West Coast labor prejudice against the Japanese, whether American-born or alien...
...As everybody knows, the cemmsmtets ere not at all interested is telling the trash...
...King has also probably lost some strength to the rejuvenated Pro-Cons (as the "Progressive Conservatives are called...
...That means that through s mobilization of the voters tee "vested interests" must be licked and the organization swung back to the pristinp parity of Abraham Lincoln's dsy...
...This was my first visit to Canada since 1941 and the change for the worse in the prospects of Prime Minister Mackenzie King was very striking- In 1941 King was comfortably seated on top of an overwhelming Liberal majority, obtained in the election of 1940...
...But the modd of the country has visibly aad greatly changed...
...To care for workers mBaa dawn swing of the cycle we must, of mB have better snd bigger social security'jSt siona...
...The article read: a) "The Socialist Party, which together with its policy of united front maneuvers', had ted the civil disobedience campaigns, the mam strike and peace demonstrations...
...The politics...
...He restricts himself carefully to forces actually in play...
...The CCF had only a handful of memben...
...The administration of the home front is attacked but briefly and in general terms...
...It breathes from beginning MM however, the sort of toughness snd sharpy aa which makes Winston Churchill an efferhw leader of a military struggle for the ftrtanj tf mankind...
...No new election is compulsory until 1945 snd the favorite indoor sport smong Canadians with an interest in politics is speculating as to .whether Mr...
...All this makes, in some part, no sense," for .'united front maneuvers' have been made by the Italian Socialist Party...
...C. D. Howe, and the Minister of Labor, Mr...
...3) Some relivening and strengthening of the Conservative Party, which has significantly changed its name to Progressive - Conservative and chosen as its new leader John Bracken, former Prime Minister of Manitoba, a man with a good deal of agricultural background and experience and an outlook not very different from that of a mildly progressive governor of one of our midwestern states...
...King would get even a bare majority for the Liberal Party if he should go to the country to-day...
...Oar copp try will find itself giving mtfhpry and moral support to BrspP ruthiessness towards them...
...The French Canadians have inherited from the last war an implacable antipathy to military conscription for service outside of Canada...
...His mind never runs forward to promises of help to come from sources which are as yet vague and incalculable...
...The account of relations with Russia shows —and at intended to show—that blame for misunderstandings cannot be laid at the door of Britain or the United States...
...and I had referred to fhess only as individuals whom evtfybpd* knows...
...Their only motive has been te hart SBoae...
...be cast off...
...That is, s good part of the DessSemm New Deal is te be taken over by the asm lican New Deal...
...QUEBEC is another story and here discontent has taken another form...
...It is made up of two major groups, each worse than the other...
...Colored peoples the world ever are worried over this prospseOVS alliance, which is pretty American or Roosevelt's nePJSr ism is wholly im»mpanmle fjms hard British Imperial mtetesi*^" economically snd polithmwy.' *T truth is...
...What the man is proposing is nothing leas than the creation of a completely new Republican Party...
...vote to a majority of ' thchr citizens, white snd colored...
...He should be supported by all good democrats in putting his mark on these partners in crime...
...They saw spam* o* sues, and they were deeply jj* tarfaed...
...The statements with regard to the two prospective meetings planned to cement closer relations are clear in all their implications...
...Willkie may be unconscisOs of the tact...
...Wood row Wilson's fsjuit ma, in part, s failure of our form of gsiiiiisaat I A President and a Department of Sou* as) responsible to Congress landed us M a tragedy...
...I bad mentioned] Ignasio Silone, Don Sturao aad Sforza as the most influential Ibxbpn intellectuals of the Italian antifascism...
...So this party must first "win a victory within itself...
...Just bow ossV |fl done is not sketched in...
...It eras daring, the three Republican sdministratieas that, the Army, Navy mi Air Force were most neglected...
...The administration (struggled, up to the moment of Pearl Harbor, against the accumulated inertia of the previous era...
...He and his group haitm ' record...
...a'ttitados revealed in the address show, apea examination, less definite ground for complaint than the amount of faultfinding suggests...
...The part they play is a literary and spiritual part...
...Their sense of resentsaent has found expression in the growth of a new independent party called the Bloc Populaire...
...Undoubtedly, all Italian antifascists have friendly feeling toward the Underground, bat In a matter of active cooperation, Che story will be written after the war...
...I know Silone, Sforxa and Sturxo as very able political writers, but should I need some bombthrower or s bridge-wrecker, I would not hire or recommend any one of them...
...both the Minister of Munitions, Mr...
...Labor in Canada is thoroughly restive...
...Since he is building ap for a ft girt against Roosevelt and the New Deal, he must write some history snd make some comparisons...
...Willkie must bare beep in s great hurry when he wrote that sentence...
...By Tuesday's vote the Hoass ssmasm authority and set limits to it Never Ski th American system come so dose to had at Great Britain...
...If be succeeds, he will be lssder of a Republican New Deal...
...Under the impact of a war econ...
...These 'united front maneuvers' have been and' are a specialty of the Communist Party, and the whole labor movement has been victimized by such maneuvers...
...All good men everywhere will wish Wssbf Willkie lack in his effort to clean SmtaC Republican Party and become its csaaaam...
...A few nights ago I' *aaw» along Lenox Avenue and casst upon s group of men, WB**J their speech, possessed very Mtle formal education, yet tv...
...Humphrey Mitchell, were singled out for criticism at the recent Quebec convention of the Canada Trades and Labor Congress...
...Apparently it is no part of the Democratic organization...
...2) The rise of a dissident French nationalist mood in Quebec/ stimulated by what many French Canadians regard as double-dealing on the conscription question,—always a redhot issue in Quebec...
...What Theodore Roosevelt failed to do is 1912 he sets up sa his teak in 1943...
...And $m know Churchill's opinion aad attitude towards them...
...Their hBSt were sound...
...The trouble in Germany is deeper and older than Hitlerism...
...soeisHsm aad federalism, were its ssstatisl values...
...And the speaker carefully gusnhi against the possible notion that he was...
...of the wsr as the law will permit and one of its candidates appealed te the voters with tables showing how much the money spent on the wsr could have obtained in social benefits st home...
...One man said: America as a partner who CfM* t Britain, to whom shall we Sf Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Canadas Political Ferment MONTREAL...
...he a completely hew Republican heaven and earth...
...my and some of the problems which this economy has raised, Canada has entered an interesting new stage of political fermentation...
...Deeds-em cam powerful than- words—no matter bop assasing the words or bow sincere tte speaker CHURC HI 11 REPORTS WINSTON CHURCHILL'S address, delivered ** to the House¦ of Commons on Tuesday, offers grounds both for deep satisfaction and for critical examination of the bases of our war effort...
...It is most improbable that Mr...
...AMERICA SPEAKS Off IN adopting the Fulbright Resolabas to t 1 tote of 360 to 29 the House of empraaaaV tives spoke truly for the entire action...
...start with the last part of the story...
...In urging democratic groups in Italy to support the Badoglio government against the Germans he repeats and emphasizes feat nothing in our present decisions "prejudges or prejudices in any wsy the decision of the Italian people in the form of government they intend to have...
...w**r By taking the iniative with regsrttt k*ac foreign policy, the House has set a Sfanaext which may have important effects se sates relations between the executive sidsgMsihi departments...
...Their indifference to the war is enhanced by various causes of friction, which cannot be described in detail, with the Canadians of English background and by the feeling that in some ways they are subjected to economic exploitation and discrimination at home...
...Warm for is "s free enterprise system" what...
...The Brwpeapv Anglo-American Alliance Is iMrnitely sinister...
...The Conservatives, Canada's other traditional oldline party, had been reduced to a shadow of their former strength, with less than forty seats in a House of 245 members...
...to back their claims Wattesar-ap may-find to criticise in the New Pssfa m compliskment, there at in it a solid septal achievement There is our part in the pat, the program of social legislation, tte she) relations with trade unions...
...It is directly contrary to all the fects...
...Even if he goes down to onmHE the election, he will have performed sarife service...
...But the Roosevelt foreign policy is saddled with all bur major ills...
...LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Montana Offers Correction, Outlines Role of Silone From YANNI B. MONTANA SecretArf, Italian Socialist I Federation To the Editor: May I make a few corrections and some additions to my story on the ^Politics of the Italian Antifascfart Underground in Italy" which you were kind enough to publish oft your last issue of September 18, 1943 ? Let me...
...THE causes of the greatly weakened position * of ;Mr...
...Editor's Note: A compositor's error transposed a line from another section of the copy and garbled the article.] Let's go beck now, to the very first part of the story...
...Since there has been no new election since 1941 the composition of the House has been only slightly altered as a result of a few by-elections...
...And it is equally apparent in Montreal, the overcrowded Anglo-French metropolis of Canada...
...The local A. F. of L. statement follows closely on the heels of s campaign, by the reactionaries against the Relocation camps, and fits in, unfortunately, with the drive being conducted by the Associated Farmers, the Native Sons of the Golden West, the Hearst press aad other reactionary interests to bar the return of the Japanese so ss to eliminate business competition...
...The CCF legislature group, the second in strength, is in the strategic position of being able to turn Drew oat of office at any time, by uniting its strength with that of the remnsnt of the badly defeated Liberals...
...Churchill's mind-is conservative in the sense of being sharply realistic and practical...
...The strict wage control policy has been galling' and disputes about the raising of substandard* wages and about the amounts due under the cost-ofliving bonus have been frequent Apart from its labor support, the CCF has a considerable appeal to the farmers in the prairie provinces, to whom it promises guaranteed prices for wheat and other products,-protection against speculation and against exploitation by the banks...
...It is to be buried, forgotten, never mentioned, air...
...I treasure it...
...One A. F. of L. par^r'Wra' mabcMid' sn attsck on "the efforts ef the social theorists, egged on by profit-seeking interests who see sn opportunity to secure cheap Ihbor, to release Japanese from intern merrt camps and return them to the western states...
...There v tecl^l implication that this new freedom of eeSjcsjE will cheek the disastrous aps and aewaPcmml business cycle...
...It is not enough to say, as has the Free German Committee in Moscow, that we will make peace with any Germans except Hitler and his crowd...
...The other and equally deep-dyed wing is composed of "the big-city political machines, such as the Kelly machine of Chicago, the Hague machine of Jersey City, the Flynn machine of th* Bronx—and whatever is left of the Tammany machine of New York...
...S* favor "international machinery wsth stver adequate to establish and maintain a kwt snd lasting peace among the aettojacfiM world" and we are firmly of the stttske tat United States should participate isA Wrasf up of this machinery...
...One senses it in Ottawa, which buzzes with rumors of impending consultations and maneuvers...
...It to SfsaMjaf only at Russia, but at the darbst peoples under British emr4owship and direct rule...
...King's Cabinet are three in number and may be listed, in order of importance as follows: (I) The striking upsurge of the CCF and the labor distrust of the King regime, of which the CCF has been the main beneficiary...
...which made a very strong showing in two recent parliamentary by-elections, electing its candidate in one constituency snd falling short by s very narrow margin in an urban constituency . where the majority of the voters were not of French Canadian origin...
...The New Deal is not even mentioned...
...It is interesting that Willkie never once honors with merition Theodore Roosevelt or Robert M. La FoUette: Lincoln, apparently, is his only pro*o*yt%r * The Democratic Party, of course, is something fearful to heboid...
...Ami the leaders of his opposition, the greatest enemies of preparedness, were Republicans...
...Before the war, according to this version of history, we were in s dangerous bemnce-ofpower world, "yet the administration, possessed of information that was available to no private citisen...
...the monopolies...
...There ia no whisper of the...
...The contribution ef Mhy writers are also very informstr* However, I strongly obpem from your attitude ea one or tap matters...
...its chances in Saskatchewan and in Alberta, where the Social Credit Party seems likely to disintegrate after the death of its amateur economist-evangelist leader, William Aberhart are good...
...It is the official opposition in British Columbia, where the two old parties formed a combination against it...
...The old Adam of corruption is pet raorery to...
...The existence of genuine causes of difference is admitted...
...There must be more businesslike and efficient management...
...were engaged in a scrisns SStversation on British - America* post war alliance...
...Before the recent provincial election the CCF did not hold a single seat in the provincial legislature of Ontario, most populous of Canada's nine provinces...
...In ma sang his distinction with regard to degrees of guilt as between Italy snd Germany he was but summarising what is thought by multitudes both here and in Britain...
...E. B. Jolliffe, a young Toronto lawyer who is the Ontario leader of the CCF, with whom I had a long and interesting talk, attributed the success of organization and agitation carried out by the pioneers of the CCF and partly to the concern with which many Canadians, especially soldiers, war workers and workers in industries which have been stimulated by war, regard the future...
...Their psychological attitude might be compared with that of isolationists for whom there has been no Pearl Harbor, since Canada has never been se directly attacked as was the United...
...As a matter of fact to a question about what Silone was doing, a person very close to him informed me that "Silone was wasting his time ia literary work...
...a) The Socialist Parti led the civil disobedience campaigns, and together with the General Confederation of Labor led the main strikes gad peace demonstrations...
...When, in the summer of 1940, the all-ost armament program was inaugurated Presidoat aostmas and his supporters deserved prsxmcaeSmw , elusive credit for putting it ovm-f^^l^H With regard to basic -rnnsssaj ——j Willkie is vague but cheerful...
...Now, ia a legislature of ninety members, 34 belong to the CCF...
...Following the lead of the Alameda County aad Imperial Valley Central Labor Councils, delegates of the San Francisco Labor Council adopted a resolution as "opposing the return of sny Japanese to the Pacific Coast daring the war, and particularly to the State of Cslifornis...
...There was enough of fresh reporting to give it news' interest and enough definition of emerging policy to make it a chart of international relations at their present stage...
...What I wrote and meant was only this...
...The first consist* of the professional office-holders of the South, who control their political machines by denying the...
...longs to everybody ir -i " TS„ tpaaavj>9E ink up the trusts, the big busmeSaHacci tions...
...but what he has set oat to do vis •" precisely What Franklin D. Roosevelt did mere than a decade before him in the Democratic Party...
...The building up started the very moment President Roosevelt went into action...
...The interruptions from the House show that there is in England the same''sort of skepticism which we find here with regard to his devotion to the principles of democracy...
...They saccseded ia doing so last year, when, following a Moscow radio broadcast Silone Was arrested ia Switzerland were he Bved as aa exile, aad where he was kept ha prison for some time We hope they will not succeed for a second time...
...There is one popular demand that every party will have to take account of...
...The Republican party is sketched as "the great American liberal party- which has hat temporarily become ."corrupted by vested inter tats...
...He declared that a close analysis of the Ontario vote would show that the party polled an especially heavy vote among these groups...
...It is generally agreed that the Italians bear the lighter blame and that there is among them a-deeper base for democratic living than among the Germans., Nor can the pronouncement against Germany be interpreted as over vengeful or oppressive...
...You are kerning your punches on a msttp of grave concern...
...The technique is different, Sat the results may be similar...
...Harlemite Cites Fears of Darker Races From Harlemite To the Edxte~ I want to express to you kef much I enjoy reading the MsP Leader...
...For Quebec Province is also in the throes of change, with a new uncompromising French nationalist party, the Bloc Populaire, making a strong bid to break the Liberal grip on the provincial government and to cut into the solid bloc of Liberal deputies that Quebec has been sending to the Federal Parliament at...
...it is impossible to overlook the BiilsJcjisa of the Bcpubjieaa baggage' which Willkie has jettisoned...
...All that lay back of the words is somehow reflected in the solemn confession that "no meeting during this war could carry with it so much significance for the future of the world as a meeting between as beads of the three governments...
...The Conservatives, with 38, have formed a minority Cabinet under the leadership of Col...
...So the signs point to a more complicated parliamentary set-up after the next election, with at least three and perhaps four sizable parties in parliament, and no one of these enjoying a clear majority...
...There V v...
...Canada has no equivalent of the Wagner Act and the question of trade-union recognition has figured in some wartime strikes...
...But even with his sole literary activity, Silone's influence, as everybody knows, is great, aM over the workL So, I was not surprised when the leaders of the Italian Socialist Party wrote me and authorized me to say that "the movement in Italy has been revived under the spiritual direction of Silone," and that "autonomy aad humanism...
...The Bloc has not tested • its strength on the same scale as the CCF and by its nature could not appeal to non-French Canadians...
...His worwhal .a definite military purpose The door fa 'political solutions in accordance whs fjh popular will in various lands was csrefufv hp wide open...
...The Bloc is about as critics...
...Anyway, there are aa increasing number of Italian antifascists who feel that Italian and American communist leaders mast be held personally accountable for anything, harmful that results from communist denunciations...
...Churchfffs mmSJSW over our President is mostPSgre table...
...tling all problems for all time...
...Van lossh articles sparkle with wit Oaf ideas...
...t This address does not carry the sort of p. spirational aura which liberal idealist* espai ally love...
...It is on this account that liberals and iaborttes sometimes find him stiff and' sterile...
...In scope, in the ordering of countless details, in triumphs of condensation it ranks high among historic documents...

Vol. 26 • September 1943 • No. 39

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