The Turn of Events - A Review of Global Fronts
The Turn of Events - A Review of Global Fronts from THE NCW HAM * HE WS DfSJC In a fact sssmned nw>n(( «« the new Congress. President Rooaevelt <m Friday, September 17, (1) reported on the...
...There was mJ?^J?ffi public opinion, to insist that all these trn» actians were interrelated and mast m Wp Utetad bp the naoonol mversst as s sajsat The aatfenel teUoest aa a who* WsbJaW all foreign accounts shouM be balances t} normal, rather than artificial, etrenaaw transactions " -m What I am tmcsmraed with la thit e*sn» isnhewslisinstiiB ef this new status of Aannte But I wonid make the perenthetiesJ f^mfw thnt Idpaasaam, by peeing this scsoJan * cogently, has placed himself in s dilessnnVW unpliciUr recognizes that if ¦merinss Jajnuw ia to tea* this new rate ia the wormian*** If a truly national interest- not eJvenmdW vincial interests—is to guide ear mnP* than the economy mast be organised and pi* a coherent direction...
...Omitted in the President's report was any reference to (1) the unprecedented corporation war-profits grab, (2) out-of-line retail prices, particularly in feed...
...To detractors of the Italian people he indirectly suggested, by his praise of Italians for declining to fight wholeheartedly, for welcoming the invaders, and for deposing Mussolini, that a different tack might he hi order...
...While the report was designed for national and international consumption, casting it in the form of a massage to Congress suggested a growing deference toward the legislative body, increasingly regarded as a barometer of public sentiment...
...If we go ahead with 'a military and political alliance, we asaet create an alliance in the economic area...
...To achieve this, she ia randy to sacrifice her position in many marbnto aad become a junior partner to American big business...
...349 000 airplane engines, StOCI tsite •MOt artillery weapons...
...To those who had criticised tile government for its initial approach to the fall of' Mussolini, he pointed m triumph to the successful conclusions of negotiations for unconditional surrender of Italy—a surrender, however, that yielded little more than the Italian Met because , the Germans were all heavily installed on, the day of invasion and the Battle of Italy is now in full swing...
...s> ill sat) pointing forward to a restoration of a system ef free Earopeaa states, with France agaia playing a strong part—directly contrary te the Idea of a Europe sneer Rasstea tutelage...
...Passed: Tte) fmllHaln' rtesoteUoa for post-war international SIcpirSmlB with foreign na-' lion*, by the BeteW ef Representatives 1. Not unexpected was the Wfllkie candidacy, made apparent ia an article by Willkie ads...
...In aha pant, important 'prassare groups have had their way, working their special interests tor the immediate ends...
...The Baruch report on manpower, issued the same day, attributed the manpower crisis to government fumbling...
...Bars nee Britain's economic interests art tighter and more cohesive teas our*, ah* ia able to recognise thm readily, aad these blunt statements consemiag her relsti*—hay to Amer iean industry appear in tba peat-war analyses of tbe Federation ef British Industries, tbe Association* of British Chambers of Commerce, etc...
...Clippings and Comment By DANIEL BELL Prophets of the American Century 1*HE current crow-fire debates on foreign policy—dealing in the main with fc mediate political considerations—obscure an important historical devekjpoe* af American capitalism: namely, the groping for a foreign policy that wffl a* quately meet the new position of this country as the dominant—and now uiiimJlsmy dominant—economic power in the world...
...To those who have a favorite front in the war—the Russians with their "second front" in northern France, using British and American troops, and Hearst and the MeCorrnick-Patter«on Axis with their war against Japan—he said, "it is all one war...
...So importunate have become the Russian claims and complaints that the New York Times devoted sa editorial to the subject ia th* issue of September 21, warning that eeertiaaaace of Emanate serping and belittling can only nessen siletisns aetwssa the Antes...
...To critics he admitted that many mistakes had been made in Washington, but insisted all represented honest errors of judgment in getting a tremendous job done...
...eeotismed sejasbhling among government officials and agencies, aad various other little matters...
...The last war had given America the chance of leading the world...
...Although h m no more than a pious resolve, unimplemented...
...piopusals have iCUSllsil wide eiMuiscunat...
...How these question* are solved will indicate tbe direction of world politics in the next fitnaais, A farther dtornasis* ef the** latter problems well appear to skis column shortly...
...Further along in his report the President obliquely reminded the Russians that, unlike the British-American allies, the Soviet forces are fighting very far from Germany, still deep within their own territory...
...The decision as to hew nmm *J wan hi try to sell abroad was made by an separate corporations and their eases* who wese interested in the expert busnnte The decision as to what we would lets abroad, how much and when, was smdtfJ bankers and investors...
...The United States is not at war with Finland, and Finland, far from being an Axis aggressor, was attacked without provocation by Russia before Germany attacked Poland...
...Britain, thus, must export more industrial goods and restrict her imports in order to become selfsupporting...
...former head of tba British Baw Materials Mission aad recently appointed deputy president ef tbe Foe oration *f British Industrie*, ia ia this country at wettt aa that prsbtoen...
...To do th* rationally, we have to date 1 mine what prod nets we shall deal in, and which we shall leave te snhsrs, where te invest and in what Kmc...
...As Lippmann puts it succinctly: "The decision as ta how much we would allow foreigners te sell us wan made by Congress through the usual method of nff rolling a tariff among lobbyists sad prenmW groups...
...Churchill said it "bos been test, irretrievably test," although he did not say who was te get it...
...f To supporters of the war everywhere he said "there is definite unrest and a growing desire for peace among the peoples of these satellite countries—Rumania, Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria...
...And now it looks about, unsurely and a bit self-conscious...
...The "Pre* Germany leans*, tee" baa bold oat to Germans the praams that Basais, as return for the eastern gf Hitter, weald gearantee a stroag imi >_ aatieasltet German state, the laileaaaii ef the German Army...
...3. As to the Italian Empire, Mr...
...ta.ks*agasiB« tegenaeasly asked if Willkie was "ajmtaer'uf^te- ^The^amJwer *is""^W WhOe there is aa sens* ahemt WBMew breed tamie sympathies, saw sates* ate desire te be all things to all men is the latter-day tradition ef meet Presidential aspirants...
...He has b**n unseeing important industrial leaders and speaking to veil*— business conferences... is dressed up with oratorical trintoeiagt aa...
...Pi oshjcMoe' WgeWwS larpresslve The figures he cited about American ma* tion showed, furthermore, that the Hate States hi getting the power te obtain veann for its wishes—a nuance in brass that wilm be lost upon the hard-headed Ruesiar...
...Among th evaried problems the government has had to deal with, the President enumerated the following: food, rationing, prices, transportation, far saga purchases, alien property, communications, censorship, war information, management-labor relations, civilian defense, lendlease, subcontracting, housing, stockpiling and financing...
...I like to think that these words constitute aa understatement.'' The President's words on the eve of the discussions with the Russians, coming on the heels of Churchill's, Marshall's and Hull's, raised the question in England and the United States whether there weald be an end to kow-towing , ta extravagant Russian pretensions of having shouldered the balk of the opposition to Hitler...
...Sievoficantly, both Lippmsnn and Lane are Republicans, members *f the party which sponsored the high tariff parley*) The ideas were expressed by Ltepmna m a series ef See articles mat month * entitled •Towards an Economic Foreign Poiiey...
...a namber of tompoats ar* beowingt oa tbe questions of rubber, aba, aviation, nsarehaat marine, ate...
...It is certain," he said, "that the campaign in North Africa, the occupation of Sicily, the fighting in Italy aad the compelling of large numbers of German planes to go into combat in the skies over Holland, Belgium and France by reason of oar air attacks, have given important help to the Russian armies along their advancing front from Leningrad to the Black Sea...
...To the peoples of Europe, too, he brought a reminder of the contrast between Indiscriminate bombings by the Germans and the bomb' ings of military installations by the Allies...
...He said be Waa awaiting British reaction to his proposal before making a formal move* ia this country to enlist American industrialists for such talks...
...Sham war began the United Stake 1st » creased basic output as follows pttsamon cool, 40 par cent...
...It ia also seen, in a teas forceful but more poetically rhetorical manner, in the articles by various Lace editors that have appeared in Ferteac, rime's Post-War World department, and Lift, and more cogently in the two articles in the last two issues of Lift by John K. Jessup, an editor of Pirn...
...Pravda" showed by Me inaction thai it baa little understanding of the American political psyche...
...ethers of a similar par part...
...and cheanaak W.OOt per cent...
...Neither sea Prime Minister Cbarehill...
...President Rooaevelt <m Friday, September 17, (1) reported on the progress of the war, (2) reviewed stupendous American production achievements, and (S) touched upon moat points relating to ¦agin Amtrimi KM sian relations that will figure at least indirectly in the Russian-proposed October conference of foreign secretaries in Moscow...
...Industrial leaders of both countries ar* Mew at work eaeMiig to effect sgitoiitaagj and delimit areas of imveene* Sir Cttve Baillieu...
...her invisible ex porta, in* the income from shipping and dividend payments an overseas investments, have halted...
...Like Churchill, the President had only unstinted praise for the fighting qualities of the Russians...
...The military tstohmihment wants 1.221.000 sedition si seen by the end ef this year, sennet obtain them from the smmsrrted aad childless without (a) disturbing production or (b) taking the physically or mentally essaaslulsd FOIfIGN AFfAUi The arena of foreign affairs eentiaaed cleaned with farther susiilln hp the wsmlsei ¦ golem She Alston, uneVsobtodly part Uff a general msncuTer far bargaining positions in ramiag tssrfirsmtsa...
...2. "I regard the restoration ef Frame* as one of the groat sewers of hterop* as a sacred doty frees which Great Britete will never tern...
...Afn&id d * role in the globe at large, it lapsed back in the home-grown conceit of the bif M in the small puddle...
...ably ssrsniWag peente made by President Bsesivilt five day* earner 1. In reply to Wambm Gslmeher... what it has done to be minimizes oj a» cow-inspired propagandists or ti...
...As te the last, rveneaat Ri invert does net agree...
...Recently Erie Johnston, the dynamic president of the U. S. Chamber of Coauaalaa, apaat three weeks in Britain on a miastoa similar to Sir CTire'a here...
...In a number of important world areas, Britain is today a debtor nation...
...Asmnea'e way of life ie 1 taalUta^afTiiatiluiii under law," but at bottom ft rests oa the same fundamentals...
...Bare mention of these problems in effect dismissed them with a word, suggesting .^11 had been solved...
...To the peoa&es of Europe he drew attention to the contrasting behavior of Qimsli invaders...
...WHETHER American business can get ioF* getlWr aad define "national totes***" Is aa important enaction, perhaps tba moat important for the neat fifty years...
...there were esteem 281- cargo ships ef 3,200,000 tons...
...The British new have it After ChcrchtU's declaration that th* time and place far the establishment of She traas-channel front woaM be determined by England and the United States, the "Red Star," organ of the Russian Army, ismiled a demand for a "second front" and airily dismissed the Italian csmpiiga as "minor...
...As Prime Minister ChurebJH pointed set, some of the charges made, sack as the one ef delay in invading Italy having allowed the Germans to dig in, have the effect ef grieving and disturbing relatives of men lost ta action...
...The point of this remark read against the background of events was (1) that the Russians are hardly in a milnary position to do mueh dictation about Europe aad <*) that it was not they bat the Nazis who brought about German-Russian fighting...
...Lest the money-figure on total espessatea to date, and the fact that we am now spaaing en the war at the stupendous rat* of few million per day or mere than $10 malion ear* hour, fail to impress, the President ttstei tte in the period there had been deiberm iMJOt airplane...
...Yet Lineman refuses to uecept that position, and insists that a "free enterprise" economy can accomplish that tank he csgjfaea for America, On am-'economic foreign policy,, lbs Luce pubbefisions take a line similar to Lippmanii...
...Our capital win not rah* living standards in China ar Ecuador 'jenless it also, in th* long run, increases Chinese and Ecuadorian productivity aa measured by the value of their products in the world market...
...This forma is v.™ went directly eeeaswn the assieniii plaas of the syunhsme "tV Csimsnj CeoaearUoo- estabuahei by a*,, as Moeeow...
...Inclusion of Finland in this line-up represented a new departure, possibly ». concession to Soviet expansionists as a promise of more concessions to come...
...He also promised more landings in Europe...
...Chore Mil said...
...She has sold large amounts of her foreign inveassaeats to any far the costs of war (thus Coortaolda, the large Rayon trust, sold American Viscose heat two years ago on the orders of tba British Treasury...
...These saea ace America's ante catei and they say: What does this demand as regards s revision of economic policy...
...We know, too, that we are contributing to that advance, by making Germany keep many divisions in the Balkans, in Southern France and along the English Channel...
...The V. g. aping hear this goal in mind when it hands money after the war...
...The candidacy ef Wendell Willkie far tee Republican P i ismllsm ante is ¦ firm G.vea Aa m*on*« speeeh by Prillleti miiMnaw an the war seal rem ted toper...
...Unless b*iae agreement* as* ranched, th* stage is set for post-war tsmptaRkm between then* fern power...
...Each separate tariff schedule, friing sales promotion campaign, aad foreign te* was backed by men looking at thee nanaamta interest...
...who loot a country of everything, and Allied invaders, who bring orderly government and remove no food and property...
...This can best sndnte and perhaps only be accomplished thiwagh state intervention, or the tsght control of industrial monopolies or aa aooauaek oligarchy...
...But these last years have thrown it bodily into the drivefiiJS< ot the world economy...
...Arid their simple anew si is: A otoar <deo of what Abe- smsnmsl vmtertot «. ami a i evciaat */ War pent piPetotieawt tart# policy /or Americas tadastry...
...2. Amusing was the reaction to the boiling of the American political pot by Moscow's "Prsvda," which found pesssrstiaac for sa election te th* midst of a hard war atmenlt te under stand...
...If the Russians sad their thinly disguised stooge commentators of radio and areas, sre correct, then the British and American governments have needlessly sacrificed the lives ef their soldiers—a dark accusation but one which the tcessans have nee, hesitated te amply...
...Pravda" does Bet understand chat it is becaase they have free < lections and kindred advantages that Americans are willing to fight Fascist expansionists, that they wocM Igbt with equal or even greater gusto against any fellow-American who tried te deprive them of election* Even daring the Civil War the United States had elections...
...S. The unasasl thing sheet passage of the Falbright Resolution was the overwhelming majority it received, M0 ta 29...
...With spray-gun breadth, the President said . something about nearly everybody's pet war notions...
...In hast waek'a Uffe feaaap write**.- . the only rational tatoiimtmraa *nu*>oslBte*order is complete free trad...
...The wmr-breedrng gangs of mane**, avast be rooted out of n—~--y ant sat ¦ Japan—if we are to have any real asstnaa, of future peaee... shews the drift in Republican as well as Democratic circles...
...There ie aha qoestiaa of tbe future of Corumei iiiihmtea...
...CharcMU semt spropee the Mesa cmnamel front nt Prsace, which he prom mod wss coming at the time deemed right by the United States aad England, that "we certainly shield ant tab* ear advice hi matters of ante kind frees British Communist* becaase we Smew they stead asm* and eared aaebteg far ear fortune* n our dire and mortal peril...
...Prime Mtetetsr Cb arc hill sstetetetirsl many strokes te repulse Russian pretensiees aad coateatioas...
...patrol hi—, CS per emb anteelectric power, 79 per cent...
...The reealation mast bow ran the gauntlet in the Senate, the meet forceful perseasStics of which have their owe ideas...
...The President's report, therefore, sheweiaat the United States had no intention of ,li sjm...
...4. Chiefs of the Army and Nsvy indicated to Congress their spposittsa to raartraacd deferment from military service ef pro-Pearl Harbor fathers, a timroaghty gveteseas "issue" fashioned by Senator Wheeler and other Sonata teslatteniste with a cynical view to obtaining a new type of spsclsl tetatiat constituency to replace their test isolationist constituency...
...estem From May, 1P*0, to the time of the ream the President said, the United Stats te spent $188 brllior on war production ¦ fact tat should impress Stalin as much at ear en fun-prodocti ©rusts It proves the the** a* th latter: that production, in time ef war at eel as of peace, depends upon national pane*, ate as to how much is produced and what > produced...
...To those who try to drive a wedge between the armed forces end civilian workers < whose loss as in dead and injured from industrial accident* since Pearl Harbor exceed these of the combined armed forces) he pointed oat for the ¦scend time this summer that no valid distinction can be drawn between the "home front" and the "fighting front...
...Since May, 1940, there have ben enmnc 2,380 fighting ships and auxiliaries aad 13.6ft tending vessels while only in the mm an * July ami August...
...Worth noting is she fact that China ia hat teas d warn Britain and the United States ia expressions ef Resale's dmaffectsen, although China has steed ep with fertatede te tea times the pounding sent sin sd by the Rassisns, and with much leas ta the way of wiissas an a ssrvey ef the worM sttnattea before Parbament...
...9 POO.OOr) anal arm including machine guns, to billion roust ¦ small-arms ammunition and 1.2*3.000 atoan tracks...
...ranch*, from its intention of drawing the ebon « Germany as well as of Japan...
...see* Communist member ef Parmamemt...
...K ia strongly felt that as the tenant ef the White Hoase he cewaf net escape heme the prtesne* of the •hae-eoaled inner leadership ef the Republican Party, the tree symbol ef which is the cash register rampant...
...No one can hate tart he ftnuamass w tbeae dgmree, te w tuctt were apseaeW mm...
...Chief of Staff George C. Marshall and Secretary of State Hull to the effect that Russia has already been aided tremendomvly by Allied military activity...
...This situation is retorted in the writings ef Walter Lippmann, who has emerged aa the shrewdest aad most far sighted of th* ideologues of American business...
...Diplomatically, he anl not refer to the it as si aa Com senate ta in this respect, who atee stood aside...
...In an interview, Johnston disclosed that he had discussed a propbaal for "marrying British and American capital" for the development of "economically backward countries...
...intemrrajiy enough there has been Httle discussion of those more important pifrpeccls...
...THE important problem ahead far American * industry is how to live at peace with Britain in the world market...
...steel, 1M *m m iron eve, IS per cent...
...His Job is to renew sent acta between the industrialists of Great Britain and America to work oat plans far past-war collaboration...
...While Lippmaanw pulls lis...
...Unlike General Marshall he omitted, Willi diplomatic finesse, r*fwmcmp-<te MM military material supplied to Isama-Seal British and Aiaorieans And enema fftanuml: ma,to*t j^maw^a^ iwaam7aaf| had kept it free of attack by *e*am^5§pR' If there was any doubt thai the T,|1_ had Russia 111 mind m making '-"**» tenant ised observation* hi s porta errteas isperti the war, ft should haw been dispelled «§j3 rntntrenK British-American minaiuaa was & spaet to dealings with a defeated wstoent "When Hitter and the Nasis go eat the 2 sian mvtitary eHewe mast re with the*,* b (aid...
...Rental Cnarnfolats Answered Without embroidering upon them, PsestaVat Roosevelt followed up preceding statements of Prime Minister Cbvrehiii...
...Bippmann uudsi stands that America, as the leading creditor nntten, as the tending nveator nation, must sstsbtlsli a free ftew of goads no that ether ceuntrtet can buy our products and be able to send returns on capital we in vest...
...Mar cm Am area faH prcdei I annate help eat gaa> •» manittea frees the fig area, far vim steati ef the war they will agaia he eaetentej farces that were once hmiitiag tte coons* wan deemed by New Deal iiiiians, tat ail cut prscncticn of she character s> ¦eased by the fall-predactteaists em te New Events at Spot Glance EMPHASIS te world news create,swaagthe past week te the United States...
...It looks, however, ae though the British sad American governments, which have been leaning backward to cater to th* hypersensitive Bolsheviks, are cheat te be given a post-graduate coarse ia political in-fighting...
...J) the sharply advanced coat Of living brought about daring a "wage freexe...
...Foreign Commissar, was generally haled aa the first move of the Soviet Union to come out of the shell of its egocentric isolationism...
...E*uatty important it whether American and British capital eaa gat together...
...The Russian proposal, made the same day by V. Ml Molotoff...
...To the optimists he promised a long hard war, with ultimate full-dress fighting against the Japanese likely to be prolonged and difficult...
...To Congress he gave praise for the arduous work of voting the huge appropriations necessary to conduct the war...
Vol. 26 • September 1943 • No. 39