A Page of Features

A Page of Features Americana Books and Writers Chatter The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN ??-**-« ????*, TMefc God.' YOU may ????? «? rsstilteg ramouhs ????* rksntai ????? r~i Af ....

...What the samplings bring up, for the most pert, corresponds to the distinction of the contributors...
...They will J***0*, give information, suggest readings...
...would have led to asking whether the seetal order date build a new school...
...St sere to rsmsmher that little card when some fellow shoots of Ms mouth about what oar soldiers think...
...I think that the editor has good reason to expect, Ihetefeie, that the criticism of the market wjH be very favorable...
...ict-utded wmtt wee saM...
...hi pitembly bee m» detaaione about Easptre ragaiaeit . . i'tatcorrespondeart w^etaeerw fine prefle (te Vt Cmul...
...This man in uniform · h thinking plenty...
...sevesaa the trsdeashadt "Bet weee yea hlnlSag these yean age whan yea threatened matter wkk wer ewer Aesftste...
...not be less important to the consumers, since tte public's power to get the most for its money oat of a poem, a piny, a movie or a novel varies directly with the range and variety of knowledge and experience it can bring to bear en what it buys...
...And, of course, what ia eeeful to the producer* of literary coeeW ean...
...Tea probably dhfnt see where Raymond Kotey teas "wrtte-tressimp- Governor Bricker's speeches...
...ef the magnate Count Vetoi...
...A little whole ago, Paul Robeeea...
...1 his movie production ef the life of Eddto Rirkenbacter, Uket enemy...
...May, for example, fails to distinguish between theories ef war's ceases and analyses of war's effects...
...WTW Wh» BiHffSJ ?\ UK...
...gtargkte tides Aa»te.-—it wee jeat skeat a pat age tea* Wendell ** Willkie-asked his Stalin to see the leading religteaa flsmee in Bassis...
...Ltas-ae ?. /*" _ a...
...the economic political, and familial institutions of s society, May reveals the same naivete es those who, s decade ago, asked whether tike teheef dared baud a new social order...
...Do they have ? role that keeps Negroes out...
...VirtaeUy itewkkre to...
...It's not arpristng that the more intelligent among them often wonder «tat the hell they are fighting for...
...NET have been trying to crossbreed J. B. Wat* son and S. Freud for many years now at Yale's Institute of Human Relations...
...This "Notice to the Public" is read by a saldier in the uniform of the United States...
...Union spokesmen wants to Cooper and argued and protested and explained...
...But to see an A. F. of L union braienry advertizing the fascist creed of white supremacy in wsr tune j«st galls me...
...to read sad write gssk ever before...
...284 page...
...Hence the book may prove to be even more important to the reader and toe playgoer than to the writer and the playmaker How important to either, only time ean teSTke reviewer of a book like this can not hate his rssaar te the same way as by the review ef an ordinary book...
...TT* ?» very mneh: "I wee perertoeriy strack by what pea had to »y .bout the attitude of4he...
...his ettrrent bombast and poetur?% tedaa, ea head mt Hater's Tree Pten 1st" ss>vmuaueat-ta-exile...
...The eafheral was brilliantly iTtuminated, the church dignitaries wore rich ancient vestments, and Sergius, walking dowp the flowerstrewn path ander heavy floodlights, received gold ctossss find sflver seeptres...
...As Director of .the Institute of Human Relations at Yale, Dr...
...attacking Wiluam Saroyata Said Shall: "The only peseta to whom Seroran to an idol to...
...For si...
...Shipley bee gathered aa collaborators seme two hundred aad sixty expelm who, as a whole, are aa seasoned in their fields and as skilled to their specialties as the most distinguished contributors to the beet and latest of oar encyclopedias and dictionaries...
...The first evinces scientific intent instead of prejudice, matter-of-factaess instead of dogmatism...
...Litvinoff, remember* . . . Stalin doesn't like teiktng eat ef ton...
...An important clue to an understanding of current events Bee in the recognition that the united Nations may be united not sV-iaweh by beads of eoaamoa iaterest, aa by the caa serge...
...Suddenly an shtortiai popped up—and «rem 1% Lote Litvtnoff...
...Your suggestion that my navel seems to show that , eajitfactery love life makes far better teaching hadn't oecured IJ*e*' Tf^Lf *??/·?^??»*· H«" » a woman who km «bwu,»t«lot »W school, and teachers...
...This time the story is ef a delkstely hern and bred maiden of surpassing stupidity...
...This soldier sits area snd writes to the editor of The New Leader the following letter: "I am enclosing s copy of sn sd that's been appearing in ?? tswn paper all week...
...When the ifeti pamactmtiste dtpoeked Mm at the akSslJ...
...People are alarmed by reports of the operation of spies, saboteurs, and fifth columnists," we read on p. 242, aad ten pages later is the pronouncement that "whether one will approach a situation' which is known to be dangerous wjll depend upon the relative strengths of the avoidance and approach tendencies...
...My Oed...
...wars, social movements, and caste and class reietiaas...
...whether an individual will forego approaching a pheasant situation will depend uaan a similar bahuactag °t strengths," la tee diatwaataa of the United Nations, Dr...
...Finally they at lived at a ssitBitry plaee aad, uaeecartaa, Wittkte proceeded te walk to> Through unadorned, dingy hallways he came at last to a bedty-Rt ill-furnished room—and there he found Sergius, Metropolitan of Moscow, the most powerful church figure in all tke land...
...1 * ? ¦> ¦ ¦ ' - „ -d^fciwl — - gm* teJMiki...
...Reported Geoffrey Parson* tr, toe Wew Tbrl JTerehf Tribune: "CordeB HulPs speech met night isoeswui S very cool press...
...Here enters Mary Grant speaking thus: "After reading your ¦tottenth-of-August column, I want to defend present-day soldiers *** People in general who walk out on political discussions...
...Discessron in the Army...
...A tetsswet can only guess at the possibilities there by consideriBg the standing and authority of the contributors hi their respective fields, and by taking a few samplings of their contributions...
...This is not an either or proposition, ¦hat I did was to ask the question, How and why are we different jjhk the British...
...baffled me for year...
...r The middle section of Professor Slay's book (chapters 2-1) is recommended as sn excellent introduction to an important new trend in American psychology...
...Shipley's igidskawrig' »atasit far individuality seems to ma aaoMtfcnee even to have overruled his editorial judgment ef .the manner and matter of hie contributors Mat rise set far "the style of every contributor" has ted htat te mchade pieces which de not cwrtribete te the function which His dtotketary ia kki»flsd te serw I happened, for example, ape* the pteee en •Literacy " I reed** wkk aetoidsameat...
...en earth...
...Sorgesa, the whaW in tampan ative literature...
...iJifpetcb** title wp^dc...
...Then pat beside the West coast card a tetter treat Private First Class M. His camp is down in Louisiana, and teehflsass a "Notice to the Public" published in the Monroe (La...
...And .he confess that she is baffled about a point that sticks out like Pike's Peak, Vhr ? it that the public doesn't think much of the pedals' Why ? ? that psdegogs don't think much of themselves...
...ft to reported, met IIHtei kt Berlin this week...
...One year later Sergiue* has- been isotaiiii, after twenty lean years far organised religten» to the Pktvteackg ef All Russia...
...Bichard Taylor wanted hat beautiful yitek* stosta k«.ta» and he tion might be persuaded te reihsawMh what was...
...Ctaae saw him kt Btrshtssasdaa at tke time ef tke Pakah estahv Tke Banter waa te saw ef his temeer tatarama, erying hittarly eves Pakah persecations ef his Germsn people...
...Mies Grant, in one of her letters, describes herself as "aa," hut there is nothing old about the point of her pen...
...Its review of theories of war (chapter 1) is hasty, confusing, superficial aad downright unfair to the authors considered...
...Charles Morris, S. I. Hayakawa...
...Bat no hush-bush...
...1 in this country The studios hsve been tPySBf to get Gary Cooper to play the lead rate...
...The statement as such cannot be questioned...
...tbe eae> btated Negro singer end setae, remarked that "Amertoa givaa her mhmrrty groups more of a chsmee them joat abesst...
...What ia gained, for example, by saying that "it waa trustratiea that ted as tote the ffcaf world mar" tp- 237)» or that Yugoslavia foufeht the Maxis because of s "will to flght" (p...
...week with the Newspaper Guild information tint Bto...
...Phyatetaas, lawyers teakers ere important to themselves hod look important to other ATeachers Jest dont What is bach of this...
...of individual national interests...
...tap TrotekTites and Social Democrats They worship him...
...aljiaf luv» Sinilsismlisve, tactatiteg m sseterity on four eat ef toe seven large dsihee, voted against the .dlmaptisa^ tesSbtojdf , McMeWtM* N«w York...
...Sociological sophisticates...
...It is signed by Painters Local Union No...
...The psychological formulas developed by the Yate Institute have been applied to a what variety of situations, such as lynchmgs...
...And she .hte tee persistence of that other member of the Grant family, **Bteii S. who fought it out on this line all summer or for any toaster of summers...
...The prolific and pseudonymous Joseph Shearing has disinterred another of these fetching English cases of refined laaatal torture and blood and thunder meller-drammer, translated it into not too- obvious terms of modern psychological interpretation and served it up in his next-tobest prose style...
...Why have not the Negro painters ? ·' kearoe, La., been esked te join the union...
...Amanda Coomarasaramy, ? wok Ying Fung aad Chi-Chen Wang, experts ia the ? alts re of India, China, all the Far East...
...Harper A Brothers...
...Here fat a note from Private H. one .( oar New York bays who has just boon transferred to a CaRfonria training eamp: "Saw some of our Imported' Mexican labor .a the •Cbalhtaier.' They mere not assigned regular seats in the coaches, but sat and slept on the floor of the platform area between tte tars...
...And ea the rear meat up, "Dure, Duce...
...The British have a common basis • *SNwiMt«n which oae Britisher might prove his point to the ¦faction of practically all other Britishers, while Americans tare no such basis...
...ret . . . [From Red Square came the report that Lenin's embalmed body was madly spinning in its tomb...
...ead aS^ke had...
...We believe that this procedure is inconsistent with policies of WHITE SUPREMACY, and unfair to our members who are 100* citizens, property owners, and supporters of the community There is no excuse for this action as this local can famish WHITE UNION workmen at any time...
...One thing history will put to MussoMm's credit—he always gaew what the score was...
...J notice in the list printed at the head of the volumes the names of leaders in their fields...
...Niebuhr had referred scornfully to our solicitude for the men kt uniform—which, according to his notion, seems to be limited ? the furnishing of glamor girls and cigarettes...
...I "?* that hat enough far thsan, er...
...This one is so fantastically unseeing, so completely lacking in the smallest insttactaf seH-preservaflon, «hat the author to fOTceTwTasptef Tspsdttegy...
...14 ·*· ·*·· * th.t Somehow er ether Mies Rives meet here got held of whet I •reie She senakta ? setaHto...
...l would both be interested te gettteg . good anawer to that ety-four dollar, double-barreled question...
...The boys in the office insist that I should do a httle boasting...
...wVi Pranli CMg*tattk% 4??* MM coniiMtione wer* but ? bet week, on* reporter Iwtec* in great detail Comtaissioner Valsadtaek -?$??1...
...Such ads are doing a lot a taise the morale' of the Negro troops at our fields...
...2 Augest 14 I yammered about this...
...Usually the heroine of a Shearing tale is a little mors than credibly naive...
...Mas Rive...
...Vhttkk«* w.U -* .dew...
...e . a a *** Uedtor gets las«!«* LD be interested in knowing what General F. H. Osbnm ?. of Miss Grant's idea...
...Concerning the contributors, no one can here any aeohta...
...Bet the real question remains as that German ptssuatot pat it when ?? German ristkawk ventured ta think that "Hitter's going to teas the war"—"Ye*, bat when...
...Her» is a part of the text: "It has been called to oar attention that some property owners of this vicinity are employing Negro painters who have been imported in competition to members of this organization...
...Bat it tails to consider the important sociological fact that education as a social mettenem» ia related te...
...This appeal h sjgaed hy the president and business agent of the onion...
...Tke Soviet staff teak htm to tke outskirts ef the city They continued over rough and deserted roads...
...the liquor mtereste \ House of Lara* end Kmat SaasemL T3$o Timet, however, didn't thtok U. was Fit te Print...
...Make year reservations in a ft sows aad then flfgaiTiiiiii, for this tate is s beauty It to vtelating no unwritten code to reweeJ that it to thajataryef ? ??????*fresse-up...
...sorry I can't make k mora eonvtaetag, but that's the amy she, waa...
...May is ia an especially advantageous position ? to present such an over-all review...
...Mi mini ?? tarsed to Oeno, end whiaoered...
...Paul Zucker, who lead among those who know the art of the theatre...
...Thw story to takea f rom...
...That's getting results...
...Users ef fkar fiction** wffl find the ttwdttatitelty...
...Reinhold Niebuhr's...
...The -vetame points op two unfortunate festeres of ssatsssgnrary American aerial asyehstegy: the aaaamptfea that "eduestioftis an independent self<ejasBsteat serial testete tion, and the meebaaiaat applewgkai of ?etiological formates to social sHaalteas ? states that a fundamental thesis of his book is that "social attitudes and habits favorsbte to peace can be produced by education...
...Helmut Kuhn and Lewie Mumford, who represent the genteel tradition like nobody's business in esthetics, etc., etc...
...TVTlVgH«, rVtJKlVd) «? *¦· ajam'Mte-rataflts ?? ? Dace's career...
...of my liveliest correspondents is Mary A. Grant of Sparta, v lUhtots...
...It's a little sonvenir of the Southland, sei ! thought it might interest you...
...In tea years, since Hitler's rise te newer, he memdwdsaadf only fmsiteattaa aad defeat Oaea.se »»S3, he ? salute* ahat he teas gaksg ta reverse his Aaetataa pettcy...
...e T*he Here la Hollywood:—WinifteW Sheeken to f^h^ agaad...
...are is the story ef II Bute ??????/ one of his greet eat sane* ipptag the crowds balew aste e *ory...
...Allen Tata, Max Eastman, leaders among critics...
...I have been down South for take a while and am no longer shocked by what I see, read and bear in this neck of the woods...
...None can maintain in detail s consistently high quafiry ff they reach the over-alt average this one seems to me to have reached, they do very wen...
...The consequences of this cross-fertilisation are not yet certain, bet the experiments have undoubtedly been all |o the good,- for they have readmitted into academic psychological respectability the elements of consciousness, purpoeiveness, and the unconscious...
...eid the Im...
...One garantee is that the training of the leaders is to be under super**¦ * our good friend, Herbert Agar...
...by' taaedggv eriiformed militiamen wearing white gloves...
...The effective criticism of a tool such as this book is designed to bo will be made by range aad extant ad tot employment...
...sad, for the most part, subject to...
...Jrersese World en September 7. This notice is really something to make you mad...
...JTV'C" ? lTwd ort...
...It's gotten so assay time you meet a smiihipei, yoo can eda a bat ajrti a Trotskyite...
...Reported James MscDcmakt to tke New« Tar ? ????»: "Britain appundk Hull poHcf speech...
...May could have profited from Profiteer llaaJeat'S atejkkwetaa between unities resting on the "like" and the "common...
...But the deficteaeiea are the hmvitahte ones which always come with books ef this class, of which it is s unique variant...
...Bastes, sftev Me years, had at last robed a new Primate of the Russian Oriaodos...
...Joseph Shipley, who needs no introduction to ??» readers ef The Maw Leader, bad in mind the preparation of a Fade ? earn for erttk» snd icv1cfm»'irtrk teortt on sewspapers snd periodicals and whom experience has shown to need a compact, hsrxi...
...Indeed, one of the real merits of the volume is that it summarises the psychological studies ef the Yale Institute and of other . Americas centers of social psychological taveetigation such as Princeton...
...If this » sot true of the British and is true of Americans, yon can be **» that there is a good reason...
...Seme where m the course of his plotting ha Iahte ataUSt of eh-eantsteaeas aad Instead ef wtodiag up oa some back stiwl ad sbehard's atiatteaf...
...Sft%~ «ktag pveeating in the current elections John T. McMamss m** mdate e*tie> ta titoBins...
...Mach of the psychology fluctuates between obviousness snd academic double-talk...
...reference book so arranged that information on theories and practice* ff writers, dramatists, critics, and the like, their standards and achievements in letters and the staRk, in philology, philosophy and psychology, would be available in ?? ni^htt, isatfigat possible form...
...This weak Skull continued his theatrical career with a manifesto in the Dett» Werker...
...there haaid a dissenting vofce...
...wkBtar i. lteamU kt Stew .YktB...
...II Duce rushed to a phone and rang np the Bream House...
...The author says AarH jastt tee* "tad because they dent read tnbtga hethtab ata tetertl readme, -and' fhafs that...
...SSitt 'gloT- The ?^????.1...
...Oa September 13 the good ***» tome from Washington...
...Litvirwff pokttete argued that Mr...
...would like to get an answer to this letter from a member of tat Painters, Paper-Hangers and Decorators Union...
...His idea is to give them a taste of the same...
...ar-epaoer aeeeaad* of the day and it to indeed a UKHiauiastsf aeewmplishment to have ensnarled enough of the truth ta weave a consistent web of proetaeial English scheming, bias aad "Jaattoe^dS the...
...By Joseph Shearing...
...Ctaae explained later in Rome, *4he maa believes ia his owe atrocity stories:" . , . And se Mussefhii...
...It deplore., in the year lfdt, the fact the* more persons are shh...
...A listener to the Town Hall of the Air should...
...Oh Augest 14 this space was devoted to Dr...
...Likewise, in ielattea te May's thesis, it ia far more important to examine the social, economic, political and ether conditions that malte peace than simtrty te affirm the eateacy of education kt bringing shout the proper attitudes...
...There will be discussion bat their business is not to be propaganda...
...Edited ¦» Joseph T. Shipley...
...3· official announcement has not been sent out, bat the plana are «? tet Dee't get the General wrong, and don't get me wrong...
...I could scribble about the subject, but I don't feel like it I would rather lad eat what New Leader readers think...
...the idiocy of discussion among people wholly unagreed as ? fsndameatals...
...a to —^eme we»"wnrton corvespetaBstiu nave asm 'gotten into the habit of cauiter fhrmner Welles **dte feimtr OntMr-Seeretary of State.'" Copy editors owght to waeah ggpuh^ . Copy editors.-too, or edttors-in-chief, mrgrrt weK check oe their foreign corTeeTpondentA...
...May ?? tar finds her - setfander death sc steers...
...Lee Skafl runs s little hang-out up en Broadway called "Genius, Ig?f-e> which is just shout the moat maccurate name one ceuM think of...
...Oar American hospitality...
...OptA WST, ? (MCPI (MI...
...THOSE of us who are aficionados of the delicate brand of horror dissected and disseminated by the Edmund Pearson-Alexander Woollcott-William Roughead breed can once more-indulge in our intellectual shivers...
...By Mar...
...frame of mind ef the Western mss «f tetter* challenged by a global haerary siikwtoHil, sad a feeling for the plurality and mobility ef r#tures and for the need to orchestrate them, indeed...
...The men m uniform are to have free speech...
...Over there, Ito will recall, they have in the army camps lively forums in which «ht soldiers discuss such subjects as the Bsveridge report I made Bi lament about the lack of such bull sessions among our forces...
...Such formulas as frustration-aggression, drrvecue- response-re ward, com petitioii-coeperatie ? have become -by-words of American psychology, aad their very enumeration indicates bow far psychology in the United States has progressed beyond ths simplistic, mechanistic stimulus-response concept of the beheviorists...
...a sick and lonely ami frightened eM man...
...It is no...
...Imagine a mathematician, after having come " ¦ conclusion on the basis of certain mathematical tables or "¦teaks, trying to present the conclusion to an audience made up a?persons te whom the tables or formulae have no meaning and you good picture of the Town Hall nut on the social or telitieal field...
...Ctetaidk the crowd ems held beak...
...Set that » mrtr s jedgmeat based on a factual snaryste and vevww of the matter toe author ?? talking «teert...
...He is the head of our Special Divkton...
...Now Hevea, ? ? Univertity Pre...
...ft to the dogmatic atateieeal «? a Swajadtaa, baaed an an rjsse date* aad nothing sate beeide I ddk*> believe that seek statements rtisaktaas a dietionary intended for the ases of \Mk aae...
...Itaaswiig arrogandy with ate hemes thrust into hie pants ptaktbfi "I like that pietere ef my old Fbiaare Mtatotar,M he waaaiks^ "that * tke only time we ever caught him with has hands ta his own pocket...
...lie editor...
...Snd he haa taken pains to give ? reeeomibte »taewr '.ionste amount of space te tte pewtry, jpia» and criticism ef South America, India, Persia and China, as well as of Europe...
...Henry Seidel Caaby...
...Shipley has based his dictionary on the recognition of the ignored fact that the wprk* of letters is wilry-niHy a world of different bat mter-commtmicafing cultures...
...hat I've get started on letters, the easiest thing to do hi 14 Where em, And the mat ones that tarn up are from privates . He United States Army...
...CRC 1...
...The dictionary is meet iSsthmt to tue* peseta as the dtaemwtea ef -Newspapers aad Pwhiw Taste," which might he liilliif as the appsatti mmber to the pteee en "Utareey,** or in the pieces on ineaamg" ami -signs" and related subjects...
...Thk week Gary Cooper turned down the role of "Rickenbacker"' . . ; • · · ¦ · ? • ·.·--,·>, tvy and Che ?-S.A.t—We're soxMamteb abowt wary few- tainga, te 1 this warht, but owe item ta tke press that week amae#ei to get under oaf sfctn...
...contradicted each other...
...Robeson eetsMhaadVy hams toegetbsn Steigt BjgaS land, for there it waa Mad aS was realty free...
...sn the educational work in the British Army...
...2M>* It is hoped that the Yale eaparkaeat ta cseesfertikxattea-of psychological treditieaa wiH not result te sterile offspring...
...I might have hesn up m defense of both of these sources of satisfaction and tasJort Rut I take it that Dr...
...We don't ueadste go in tar these "bad taste'' reasaurka, bap hew ahmst reed sjisasis Mrs...
...as Muaeoeiei stroited tainmgh «he halte of ate eaaatai us miss, be steamed and teehed up at ens ejf th* kagm ????&?* to the gallery, a port...
...ts m however, that a flrat novel U either too romantic «?» bitter...
...who figure as leaders in the theory of mannnfg and semantics...
...Of eoerse I ems aet atafitag " ? Daee^wpttsd sadly, "ia 1IU I eaald have beaten Hitter's army...
...Iris Barry, who knows the movies...
...The Philosophical Lierser- "? pill flM...
...The second points to definitiveness and esncreteness of intent instead of vagwe ??????'????{ about art and Hfe...
...to as her...
...co far as I know, this is the first book of .u kind in tke english taoffuse...
...The volume, however, has little else to ???mend it Its main thesis, namely "that war Snd peace are basically and fundamentally the products of the types of social conditioning that have oecured in the large masses of people of the leading nations of the world" is contested by no one...
...They al love chaos, exquisite misery, and Saxojen...
...Imagine the situation...
...My answer was that we are, first, more Jjtaatic about fighting men than are our overseas cousins and •??» is, second, a wider gulf here between civilians and soldiers...
...Tea any have seen vHteye ataytetasd Metay has come out in fefl endorsement of Goweeeer eatin Brfckte's farpatsl to Itraft the Pitskhwitial term -to- owe sto -year, sbetoh...
...Inside and Out By MATTHEW LOW fWin|^TlJ...
...There are I. A. Richards...
...When he has read an ordinary book, be has dene the same thing that the reader who Seeks advice from him will do, and bar advice refers to an analogous experience which the reader has in prospect But a di«tionary like this ia intended far an mdeflnrto variety of uses, and its value to them aa mere passive reading can forecast...
...Maseattei teaff seasattata the Hat chapter of his Hfe...
...the ax-Awbssaarlor,« wMel Mat...
...Nee ean I see thet ft is strengthened by pieces ef vague aad pre ten thw» rW^ufa, aSjek m> *yey* fefl upon under the theme ef "Life ead Art...
...After a month spent listening in on the British jn groups, he seems to have decided that the American boys JJ» sot m different...
...anfweess-to'Skto Fourth Estate in a long time eatae...
...Erwin Piscator, Sam Jaffe...
...Niebuhr had no intention of undertotiag either one of them...
...We are J* tending out any political kommissars...
...thet althot^h her .LT'"wJ ¦^'J^ly^ she "d^enjoy if^L...
...it m>t»er"' - ? figain...
...It is frequently difficult to appreciate what these formulas have contributed to aa understsadrhg of the phenomena concerned...
...toward teachers and of the attitude of teacher, theetaelree...
...Hitler's te a dWerea* csse-htetory...

Vol. 26 • September 1943 • No. 38

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