The Turn of Events-A Reviews of Global Fronts

The Turn of Events-A Reviews of Global Fronts From ? Hi NEW LEADS ? NUTS WS* ?? pake* term wereitnyoood on Italy by British-American negotiators. It was revealed. The only thing wrong with them,...

...Both poflefes it m quite neatly...
...The peace terms called for the following: V Immediate cessation of hostile activity against the Allies by Italian forces...
...join in any organic relatonship with the Jsvnt trade unions, the American Federation of Later is for wholehearted cooperation with Srtnt Russia as, well as with Britain and the eehr members of the United Nations in prosecnaag the war to victory and in post-war reconsir»tion for the maintenance of world peace...
...5. Election of Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek as President of China by the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang He succeeds the late President Lin Sen...
...It was 572,091 on Jane 30, 1933...
...The War 1. Occupation of Home, Milan...
...Basic to American policy in dealing with other nations, said the Secretary, were fht fgj...
...2> drunkenness...
...4. Occupation of the entire Italian "foot' by the British Eighth Army, which slowly advanced northward to effect * ianctare with the Fifth Army 5. Capture by American-Australian forces of the tag Japanese air and naval base at Salamaua on the northeast New Gaines coast, and developing attacks on the Japanese at bee to the northeast...
...All that remains now for the British-American forces ?> do is to throw oat the German armies, which have been heavily and constantly reinforced since the fall of Mussolini toward the end of July...
...Contrary to earlier fears, the surrender was in every sense of the word "unconditional'' and humiliating for a government which has been an efficient cause of disturbance in Europe for twenty years...
...Said Hitler...
...peoples who...
...I. Surrender of all Italian merchant shipping as requisitioned...
...skilled workers are to hiWB...
...Corporofioa Wm...
...The Secretory, in short, showed that m could utilite emotionally evocative sntracal rhetoric to as good effect as his detraaMtv teany of whom, accusing the Secretory -ef being Fascist to bis sympathies, thiinhii have a pet form of totanUriinlsB ·** they cloak...
...ia< AFL States Stand on Soviet Unions at British Labor Convention American Labor's traditional belief in free trade unionism as the basis of international trad* union unity was voiced by Isidore Nagler, official American Federation of Labor delegate, speaking at the annual conference of the British Trade Union Congress at South port last weak...
...Increase and solidification Of "bares...
...Nagler's speech has aroused wide interest in American trade union circles, wben fragmentary reports were received concerning his remarks on the Soviet trade unions aad unity with CIO...
...Hitler was concerned aboaj the threatenbig present...
...8. Disarming of Italian troops in France, Italy and the Balkans by German forces, with bloody clashes in some instances...
...Nagler in which he discussed American war production, the need for-post-war international alliances and similar problems,) There have, of course, akrays been particularly close ties between the ^bnericaii and British Trade Union movements...
...Observers here have pointed oat that Stain has hmf coveted Germany's machine-tool sad been} indastries...
...te Germany...
...Domotric 4fairs 1. Reconvening of Congress, with the proposed drafting of fathers for military service scheduled to occupy the limelight for some time...
...Varga's statement* are one of the trat open acknowledgement* of nha demand... calk* and reasonable...
...We continne to arge each aid to Russia to the atmest degree ante victory is won...
...After most careful deliberation, out executive council, in May of last year, based on what we regard as sound, democratic trade union principles, found it impossible to adopt this proposal...
...tjmped, "but in this respect also technical ?? nrinsiiiististive eonditiona for finally breaks* ? is terroristic attacks are coming into aaSanZ a* well as those for retaliation by other ? mora efficien t means "Tactical necessity may compel us oaee and again to give up something on some front i» this gigantic fatefnl struggle, and to anal some particular threat, bat it will never brah the ring of steel that, forged by the hoamhtg and maintained through the heroism of ear front, protects the German Reich...
...We are ahm engaged ia large-scale relief activities hi behalf ef the Russian Army aad the Kammten people...
...Surrender of all Italian territory, including Corsica...
...a gal named tAVFf Hi-repute...
...In this connection it might be appropriate *o set forth the position of the American Federation of Labor with regard to American representation on Uns committee as well as on the question of cooperation with the Soviet Trade Union*—matters which, I wrote, are touched on iri the general council's report to this Congress...
...under no rtri nrahnmls, Would I or the American Federation of Lahor presume to influence year views or doriaimto...
...2. Landing of the British-American Fifth Amt at Salerno, which encountered aa yet unsppramed setbacks front strong Nam shock forces...
...a benign list runes rhetoric...
...It was shown, even though be was nervously disturbed...
...iscsatt frankness ? gSjaii n the lecogntttoa ef the fact that the etoviet trade unions are not free labor otgaattations in the democratic sense of the term bat are the instruments ef a state...
...Its position was reaffirmed at its quarterly meeting in January, 1943...
...7. Protection of all ports and airfields by Italian forces until taken over by the Allies...
...Out or the west roast, *g listeners used to hear "Nine-thirty ? » •"SC OU time...
...3) favoritism toward influential persons, including Benson Ford.'grandson of Henry Ford, reduced ht rank to captain Had he killed the Negro, the verdict suggests, he might have beeh reduced to a neu tenancy...
...t „ v . .Jr, ? Hiiler Met...
...The American Federation of Labor has opposed inclusion of representatives of the Congress of Industrial Organizations on the Anglo-American Trade Union body primarily because this would strengthen the tendency to freeze the existing division which unfortunately exists in the American trade anion movement...
...Any emergency will „J...
...Cooperation between nations in the spirit of good neighors, founded on the pnncipbs of liberty, equality, justice, morality and lew, ? the most effective method of safeguarding ? promoting the political, the economic, the social and the cultural well-being of oar nation end of all nations...
...H?2L** Allies recognised to estabIteh a military government over thy part •f Italian territory...
...3. Capture of Bryansk by the Rnsnfate armtes, and continued gains along the entire Russian front as the Naafs withdrew troops from Kannte to throw hate Italy...
...Cdhatan was continued on duty...
...The surrender, however, did not by any means yteht Italy to the invaders, for Italy, as It tarns By reason of heavy German reinforcements in out, wis not the Badoglio governments to give...
...orders window-dressing cuts in certain food prices to bring about a purported redaction of 2.3 per cent in the cost of living, an example of "too little and too hrte in the realm of fantasy...
...the resolution of the IMS American Federation of Labor Convention approving the tetaMiehthont ef the Angio-Anierican Trag« Union Committee recognized that the British members of tin Anglo-Soviet Committee may act at a Uaisjo a matters of direct concern to the trade uaiemsf our respective countries...
...The American Federation of Labor was among the very tret or rant tat ions in this country to favor utmost military aid to and cooperation with Soviet Russia, We advocated lend-lease to Russia immediately after Hitler's attack upon that country, months before the entry «f the United States bate the war...
...Nagler's remarks on these problems in full: (These remarks are part of a fuller speech by Mr...
...Had the effrontery to deny the charged...
...I fully recognize that the British Trades Union Congress has taken a different position cm the question of direct collaboration with the Soviet trade unions...
...Important concrete gains from the surrender ander these terms were as follows: 1. Possession by the Allies of the Italian fleet of upward of 60 naval vessels, not including those lost to German bombers...
...William T. Colman, ronrf-martialed for (1) shooting his Negro chauffeur...
...Major News Development, of the Week...
...The' speeches of Hitler and Secretary Hull in the past week might be regarded as a study in contrasts...
...Moreover, any liaison with the Soviet trade anions would not help the war effort...
...arga insisted thst reparation* ehsaw he paid first to Russia He saU that hm years of wnrk by 10.OOe.0Oe skilled laterere would be required to repair the pteff erty damage...
...especially the Socialist »hid w day are pre-democratic and asti-camnm> nist It strengthens his bargaining pSnV tkm with the army aad other as ol ton** elements with whom be msy seek to mate a deal—as one of the irons in his fir...
...Foreiea Avoirs 1·'· 4' I. Radio speech by Secretary of State Hull in which he called for (a) greater war and post-war cooperation between the United Sutes and Russia, (b) the rt-brrth of France, (c) freedom for each nation to decide upon its form ef government and economic and serial organization, hau (d) swhnuzntuu of at national differences to peacefal settlement by discamoMr ander some form of international law...
...means the destrocthm of Ae organized German working class movs* ments...
...The New Leader is able this"week to print Mr...
...4. Col...
...Preidem Green of the American Foderation ef Labor far now serving aS a member of the Benrd of Directors of the organization carrying on Rassian rettef Worh ht the United States However, we behove that any organ* liaison with the Soviet trade aniens is sndesiraoie...
...9. Surrender of the balk of the Italian fleet to the British-American command, making possible a greater diversion of naval strength to cope with Japan and adding to Allied naval strength...
...S. Immobilization of Italian troops on guard duty in France and the Balkans, thus necessitating ? further strain on German manpower...
...4. Immediate surrender of all Italian naval and air craft...
...The only thing wrong with them, it developed after much E. Phillips Oppenheim maneuvering ? the Italians to get into contact with the British and Americana so that the Germans would not suspect what was afoot, is that the Italians appeared to have surrendered, to a large extent, what they did not...
...Ja»vjaMn\ '??1*?-*?#0?1...
...t. Provisions of a political, economic and financial nature to he transmitted to hair later, but Inly agrees in advance to abide...
...On the contrary, it Would only ac_ cehtuate already existing ideological differences and conflicts and would carry division into the ranks of labor in this country, thus-Injuring the task of primary concern to the United Nations, the task of speeding war production and prosecuting the war to * successful concJusron...
...Allied naval vessels may now be withdrawn from the Mediterranean for operations elsewhere, particularly against Japan, and the Italian vessels may be added to the combined Allied fleet...
...Italy, unimpeded by an impotent Italian government which had not been supplied by the Germans with heavy military equipment as have allies of the British and Americans, it appears at this writing that Italy will be converted into one...
...3. Revelation by Dr...
...Stalin's Policy SVNE aspect of ^ Stalte's palicy towards a post-war Germany was revealed mat weak la the demand by Soviet Professor Tirfi that German labor be used to rebuild Russia...
...Naturally that hi your right and privilege and...
...administrator, "reforms" the organization by putting business me|" into key posts, demoting lawyers...
...IF These remarks were directed ia the ami...
...with "a decent rsspaO to...
...6. Reported seiiure of Mussolini by the Nazis in order to have him head a North Italian poppet government under Nazi tutelage...
...Hope of fia*4fj traitors here rests on complete ignorance of the character of the National Socialist State...
...lowing tenets: "1...
...V. Soong, Chinese Foreign Minister, thst Japan has been endeavoring to conclude a separate peace with China but has been repulsed despite more "liberal" terms... Russia, whteh throng* the "Free German CmZ mittee' has been blowing kisses at ???-??_ elesaatts believed to be in the German...
...of the major battlegrounds of the'war, A number of Russia Firsters are finally beginning to wonder if perhaps Italy does not represent a "second front" of the special character Tong dts'ired by the Kremlin...
...More than ever before the German leadership opposes these intentions as ? fanatical unit...
...fortify as m oar determination...
...2. Resistance to the best of Italian ability to German attempts to take over Italian 3. Release of all military prisoners and political internees held by Italy...
...Naples cad other Urge Italian cities by the Naiis...
...Fortunately, there are many factors at work in our country which give solid ground for hope that the Congress of Industrial Organisations may at last return to the great family of labor which has represented the bulk of the organized workers in our country for over a half century...
...2. President Roosevelt reported to favor drafting fathers as various politicians blow hot aad cold on the question and the Gallup poll, all of whose findings are suspect by astute observers except hi sneh cases aa they are subjected to confirmatory national referenda as in elections, announces That the country is 68 per cent oassatd to t be f ether -draft J. 'Heavy over-staffing of government bureaux amid a serious manpower shortage criticised by United States Chamber of Commerce, which painted out that from 193· to May 31...
...military government employment baa risen from 932.953 to 3.303.658...
...As Chiang has been the real ruler of China all along, the election was a formality...
...Sobering influence of the Italian surrender on Spain, Bulgaria, Hungary and other Nazi satellites...
...I wish to emphasize beyond any nossibffty a" misunderstanding that despite ou...
...Which law already been thoroughly proven on the record...
...Only from the air i* he [the enemy] ?% to terrorize the German homeland...
...We would oppose any liaison with such trade unions in any country...
...Non-discrimination in economic ????tunity and treatment is essential tr the Maintenance and promotion of sound, internus...
...7. vIce-President Wallace, in tie course of a pseeeh at Chicago hi which in shoot-1he-works style be called for "seven freedoms" instead of only four, criticized interrmtlanal cartels: meaning Standard ?? of New Jersey-, although he did not name it...
...In fact...
...the opinions of mankind,' have qualified tteaselves to assume and to discharge the respsssfbilities of liberty, are entitled to its rnjiijiaajg "2 Each sovereign nation, large or small, h in law and under law the equal of every otter nation...
...Willingness to settle international disputes by peaceful means, acceptance of international law and observance of Its principle} are the bases of order among nations and «? mankind's continuing search for enduring aetet "5...
...a belief that they can bring about a July 25 [the reference was to the day of Mussolini's downfall] in Germany rests on a fundamental illusion as to my personal position as well as about the attitude of my political collaborators and my field marshals, admirals and generals...
...The question of an Anglo-American-Soviet Trade Union alliance was submitted last year to the American Federation of Labor by Sir Walter Citrine in behalf of the British Trades Union Congress...
...It would be most unwise in our judgment to take any steps which may serve to perpetuate the splft in labor's ranks, or to assume that the split is anything but a temporary condition...
...Chester Bowles, new...
...Twin, Genoa...
...Holl was proettjpied abaort rtlin* was ??* ? arrowed to «##r*lre*rjabjOaWflaW-am??-^nuuauuv nunauntn...
...Heroics were completely absent from Saenv tary Hull's talk...
...7. Assumption of the German command in Italy by General Erwin Rommel, moat feared German officer of thm war...
...As if to give point to the Reiehsfuehnars daur remarks, veteran German forces fell with savage fury upon the British-American Fifth Aran outside Salerno, hoping to drive it out and tam to face, unhampered, Rommel's master, Geamfi Sir Bernard Montgomery and hie batue-eecaaj Seventh Army crawling up the Italian lag fna the South like a slow-moving panther...
...Relatively sober speech rn Adolph Hitler in which he castigated the Italians for "hefraytng" the Naiis and assnud the solidarity of Germany's political aal military readership He ahm promised new methods for deWmg »h* the afr attacks dver Germany, which obriousiy Rave Mas neriotrsty Worried...
...stack in his rut of permanent defiance, ftat...
...The establishment last year of the Anglo-American Trade Union Committee his provided an excellent medium for cementing and extending such cooperation...
...ban virions shades of political opinion worried...
...4. Prediction by Elmer Davie, head of the Office of War Informs tion, that the Nazis would resort to s "phoney revolution" in sn attempt to win a compromise peace and keep their war machine intact for a later attempt at world conquest...
...Now they say, "nine thirty P- f" Standard of California time...
...All nations, large and smal which respect the rights of others, are entitled to freSdom from outside interference m their interna...
...Standard OH, although it was shown to Be hi close concert with Hie Germah <Dye Trust to held synthetic rubber patents away from the United States government...
...Varga stated that Iah» should be supplemented by reps' s»eat » Russia in money, goods, livestock ant other deliveries At the same time, Stalin's ' Free>*h»-U man" Committee in Moscow apssah > the German army to "overthrow the Bitter clique.- «hile reiterating that the "vflanb macht" wfn not be destroyed...

Vol. 26 • September 1943 • No. 38

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