Administration Split on Labor Draft Issue

Administration Split on Labor Draft Issue Byrnes Support Seen As F.D.R. Trial Ballon On Labor Protest Front the New Leader Wat king ton Bureau WASHINGTON. D. C—The first week of the return of...

...What does not occur to the simple minds is that Churchill's speech wss a major offensive on the political warfare front...
...In the pre-war years, their average was...
...ftaeh simple mind* are having trouble these *)?» i» understanding the one new fact which fiftrentiates these war days from all previous aar days—that there are two wars going on, ??1 that the two do not necessarily have anything in common...
...Algernon Lee, president of the Rand School...
...Among these 55 manufacturers, the increase of War Profits over the average for the pre-war years runs as high as "64... is based on the confidential financial returns of these 55 msnufacturers...
...The House already has ssttsoa such 4 bill- And two, a Strategie retreat by the Office of Price Administration before the onslaughts of the Landlords Lobby...
...Roosevelt's war-time creations...
...speech and the ealling in ef Baaste te share the Italian surrender is evidenced by the inrtiaH fact that immedistely after these treats ami tar the first time Slam made a cooperative response te par efforts to have aha join ue in tripartite discussions and eg Minamata fat a situation which will call for Russia's giving as well as getting thingsThis to si course of action which on the pert of Roosevelt and the State Department arises oat of placing America's self-interest first fa aU considerations, just as, Stalin has consistently placed Russia's self-interest first m aTT con siderations...
...At the primaries this week, Bullitt won s formal place on the ballot The indorsement of Ballitt by the LLC...
...The small companies went up 487...
...Since he is intimately (%Mrsed with the matter at hand, he'll remain ¦Wlsss here...
...been living in Moscow for msny years...
...that the next move is not up to us at all...
...On the two items of greatest political interest to the Congressmen, the War Department picked up the ball and carried it for a draft of fathers and for a universal labor draft...
...In war industries, Negro workers are refused jobs commensurate' with their skills, despite increasing manpower shortages...
...An sdmisstoa ticket of ? cents will carer all three sessions far non-delegates...
...Reichetag aatiNezi...
...This bill for s Fsir Employment Practices Act may be destined as one of the most progressive and far-reaching legislative steps of the past 75 years...
...The 45 firms making full-fashioned stockings went up 368...
...Where one agency acts to eliminate anti-union practices, this new agency is designed with full powers to end discriminatory racial practices...
...It is expected to build up its strength through the unions and to work to counteract the political apathy of workers in wartime...
...of the Jewelry "Workers...
...The subject of the universal labor draft takes second rank in importance on Capitol Hill...
...For some equally peculiar reason, they do not blame Roosevelt in the same way that they blame Churchill...
...In 1942, almost nine-tenths of the companies earned st last 10% (on the stockholders' investment) , and more than half exceeded the 29% level...
...Nearly 100 delegates had assembled here in conference to work out ways and means of strengthening the President's Fair Employment Practices Committee...
...Philadelphia faces s mater crisis ia its affair...
...It "•fto Stalin that he must pull in his horns ? toe political warfare the Soviets are conducting against us or face the might of an AngloAmerican combination tn the post-war world...
...There is a strong danger that war contractors who have been slipping defective war SBsaariaJs over on the Government and otherwise defrsmdmg the United States may escape tte fistrSger to them inherent in the Act of 1863 aathoVtflkg private citizens to sue for damage in ettetl dmVs and keep half Ahe amount recovered...
...Jules C. Apercauph...
...anti-Soviet after all, despite the 20-year IMtr of friendship between Britain and Russia...
...The large companies went up 396...
...It i* perhaps Bot so strange that these two hold the largest...
...continue to answer the American people's demand for meat by feeding them boloney truthful factfinders who occupy the balk of the little jobs" in...
...Victory for Bulitt in the Mayoralty campaign would have a twofold importance: 1—It would be an important boost for the United Labor Committee and for labor's determination eventually to develop its own nationwide psrty, snd would give to the U.LC...
...Harass M. Hillen, author and philosopher...
...It is obvious that all Negro groups will rally to support of the bill, although ? is known that A. Philip Randolph, the lc» fir in this fight, has not stood too well lately in the Administration's favor because of his militancy in fighting for Negro rights...
...Bullitt, a close snd personal friend of Blum...
...As James Rorty has observed: "The FEPC is both one of the most significant and one of the most frail of Mr...
...But Negro groups feel that the FEPC, as presently constituted, is basically ineffectual...
...Aad this increase in War Profite wee reported despite the fact that both large aad easel maaafer t tarers npsrted tower sales in H4t than as srtaesfijt And when hosiery manufacturer* sell leas stockings and make more money it's either the beat trick of the year . . . or American women are paying through the hose...
...William T. Colman...
...unions, which has thrown its powerful support te Willis at C. Bullitt...
...An equally simple-minded interpretation—in...
...great many American women, of course, unable to make both ends meet, have given up both the unequal struggle ¦ ¦ ¦ and their S*rter belts... shows three breakdowns of the 55 companies which offer very interesting sidelights on hosiery for the women going out to buy stockings...
...however, but either because she can't pay the higher prices or because she has gotten disgusted with getting the kind of quality that gives her only one or fwo wearings out of a pair of hose...
...A large company, under the OPA's definition, is one having assets of a minion dollars or more,' A small company is one having assets under a million dollars...
...Bat, as usually happens whan a nation taveteps a new war invention, it doesn't take the rest ef the world forever to catch up with it and adopt it, as their own...
...d where does Churchill's speech come in...
...In the light of the continuing reactionary character of the present Congress, there was at least one agreeable surprise...
...VhMd what might that knife be...
...Then be was Ambassador to France until 1940, and subsequently toured the Middle East war zones on a mission for President Roosevelt The Communists have attacked him for years, snd in the current campaign · are preparing their choicest epithts to hurl at him...
...The FEPC, st present, simply hss the power to investigate violations of the Executive Order and make them public Its very weakness has made the FEPC the target of powerful vested interest groups, notably the southern reactionaries, the railroad interests end the railroad unions, where discrimination is rampant...
...2—Chester Bowles, new...
...But they are, again obviously, subject to every fresh item of war news from abroad, and, like a leaf in the wind, are carried with it...
...snd C.I.O...
...the city debt is inordinately higK...
...When tsey don't just come right out and yearn for the "good, old days," they simply go on acting .ea'tbragh they were back in them...
...on 12th and ? Street: "America's bill of rights is only a wonderful gesture if men and women are denied a livelihood because of their race, color or We are asking for ? Economic Bill of Right...
...A legal committee, heeded by Max Delson of New York, brought in a bill that had been prepared in consultation with experts in several government departments... could ft possibly be regarded as criminal fey Roosevelt sad the Stale Department to do so—except in the minds ef persons who, whatever they may say ea thj e maehtas level, on the subconsciout level really place Russian seif-interest first sad above that of Asteriean se'f-interest...
...From these figures it would seem that;the large companies which make nationally-advertised brands of fullfashioned hosiery are the ones which hive gouged the stocking-buying public the least...
...The nextlargest rise was made by the unbranded lines with an increase of 373...
...wae addressed to Stalin at a critical j"**111 in the political warfare going on... the People's Hoase...
...The news of the bitter fighting around Salerno did more to persuade Congress to favor a draft of fathers than the eloquence of Lieut...
...bee voluntarily scaled down its rule requiring home buyers to make a down payment of one-third the ???» chase, price...
...Chairman for the Conference Is Leefie P. Goldberg...
...The smallest increase in War Profits was 29* reported by a group of 15 of the largest manafacterers whe sell only sattssmHy-advortiawd brands...
...The third breakdown is among branded, semi-branded and unbranded makes...
...Shafer evidently had considerable Congressional support when he common ted: "We cannot have confidence in oar military if em are going to allow officers to escape with nominal penalties for serious offen..., the Democrats have slated two labor leaders for the City Council...
...That there is White Boose support fee the bill is self-evident in the light of the activities of Assistant President James Byrnes m actively pushing the measure...
...Comintern Leader in Italy, Moscow Creates 'Free Committee' ?. ? ? ? ? 11, Comintern representative in charge of Italian Affairs, has arrived in Italy recently to" take over direction of Italian Communist activities, The New Leader . learned this week...
...He took a leading part in the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International which formulated the famous "Trojan Horse" policy of Popular Front and has been active since...
...well, there may be many purposes...
...S 000 Christian Pernsiiste...
...Under the new amendment, the down payment required will be 80%, «biete restores the general pre-war level required, except in the case of HOLC houses in which toe down payment was and still remains 10...
...Obviously not... Philadelphia s balance of power similar to that wielded by the American Labor Party in New York...
...with the eaceuitou ef Czecho-Slovakia...
...Two ssch years sad the menafactarera are en velvet for the rest *f their Bvea...
...occasions he has been reported ss having visited the United States secretly to consult with Italian Communist leaders here...
...The bill will stir ap a hornet's nest of opposition from Southern reactionaries and Tory forces...
...te the literal minds Churchill made that speech and said those- things because that ex?? expresses his mind and views...
...Two additional items of interest the first wsok of Congress's return are: One, introduction by Senator Van Nuys, reactionary Demeerat from Indiana, of a bill to eliminate "informers ssitt" againat those perpetrating fraud* agahtat the Government...
...FefW rH capitalize on the htdestrtal apswiwg ftstt is anticipated after the war *oeld be dls astroas for the cMy...
...Per Milan...
...Yet it is a "natural" steh in the fight for equal rights for minorities...
...Thea wee keynoted a campaign that may well prove to be historic in the fight to end discrimination in America...
...explains branded as being nationally-advertised brands, unbranded as bearing no brand names, and semi-branded as two .'or more lines put out by the same manufacturer in which one line is an advertised brand and the remainder unbranded lines which dealers offer as a substitute, usually with the explanation "these are made by the same company," The largest increase in war profits was registered by the semi-branded lines with a rise of 08...
...way—was placed on the fact that 1st Union was called in to accept Italy's itional surrender...
...Recently the FEPC was reorganized under the chairmanship of Msgr...
...general manager, raised peoples' hopes with the grandiloquent announcement of a triple-headed plan which he said would cut the cost...
...Subject of bitter criticism hi the Italian press after the crash, Di Nobille took ap residence in Russia about ten years ago...
...They call Bullitt pro-Nazi, anti-Labor, anti-Semitic and anti-Soviet The charges are fantastic...
...We have here an Act to eliminate discrimination in employment, an act to create a Fair» Employment Practices Court, sei Act in which Congress will state as aationsl policy that Democracy does not reewgnize a color...
...stady, **a buyers' market in women's hosiery in 1940 wee treatsformed into a sellers' market in 1942...
...From which JOT drew the further and even more foolish seduction that this proves that Churchill is...
...Fortunately, the influence of the Communists is not great here, except in the National Maritime Union and some branches of the Steel Workers and the Radio Workers...
...Emulating the Barefoot Boy of legend, they are giving rise to the new Americsn cult of the Barefoot Girl...
...The outcome was a bill designed to create a permanent FEPC ahme...
...l«,ftw> Liberal Action Party...
...What is the purpose...
...The natesmi water la a aattoaa...
...The first breakdown is between large had small companies...
...It is rather interesting thet opposition te the Austin-Wadsworth Bill in White House circles comes principally from Bernard Baruch, who probably is the most intelligent conservative in Washington...
...4tot oi course, having made that speech on 4smwiean soil, it also goes to prove that our State Department is just as anti-Soviet...
...Battle lines are being drawn in Philadelphia for a spectacular municipal election campaign whose result may prove to be a decisive factor in the 1944 Presidential election...
...former commanding officer at Sstfridge Field, Michigan, Army Air Base, who was found guilty of careless ose of firearms in the shooting of Private William McRae, a Negro soldier...
...The Republicans, with a slate composed of party mediocrities and ward leaders and headed by Acting Mayor Bernard Samuel, are more worried than they have been in a half-century of domination of Philadelphia government And the Communists, ever ready to do their dirty bit, are booming an "independent" candidate with the avowed intention of defeating Bullitt...
...The Washington "Merry - Go - Round" column reported this week that Moscow is also creating a Free Italy Committee ander the direction of General Di Nobille...
...The sewer system te Inliaaatadi hearing te inadequate...
...that it is not meant for us...
...Last yea rafter a successful betting in Birmingham, the FEPC, under pressure from Southerners, was transferred from the status of an independent agency to the jurisdiction of the War Manpower Commission and Paul V. McNutt...
...As partial return for U.LC...
...The most flagrant canard, one of sntiSemitism, is best refuted by the fact thet Leon Slum's book, VHittoire Jug er a (History Will Judge), recently published in Canada, csrries an introduction by Mr...
...Increased purchating power stimulated sales, and profit margins rose from half to four times the pre-war average...
...of living 3.3 per cent Closer examination of the plan, hewever, reveals that- it is compounded chiefly of naive mVpe and bad arithmetic . . . that the announced rollback of prices on apples, oranges, onions, potatoes, lard, vegetable oils and peanut butter would at best cut living costs less than 1...
...So greet has-been this war-bore Profit rise, the study states, that five of the 55 firms earned mat year move than &e% ea every dollar ef investment they . ever pat into the basiaees...
...and the unbranded lines are getting 13.2...
...Barry Pax ton Howard, Far East specialist...
...Two other Washington items this week lend added interest to the...
...The 15 lines of nationally-advertised brands (afl manufactured by large companies) consistently through the years have shown the smallest profit margin on each dollar of sales...
...Proponents of the Austin-Wadsworth Bill, remembering that the President before passage of the Connally-Smith Act suggested the labor draft Ss a possible compromise, are spreading the story that the President is still in favor of the measure... stockings these days—according to a confidential...
...Not out of joyous...
...CoL Colman was reduced by the court martial from his temporary rank of Colonel to hid permanent rank of Captain and barred fresst promotion for three years...
...Such good, old days, for instance, when nations fought one ?? at · time . . . a comfortably conventional ¦art of war in which bodies of troops met wacko...
...was no surprise, in view of his background and the distinguished sponsors of his candidacy...
...of political content —the question of the drafting of fathers for ths army and the question of a labor draft on the home front...
...They didn't seem to res lite how well 0» they were'" Capital Comment BY JONATHAN STOUT ^WASHINGTON, D. C—Apparently this modft» world has become just too, too complex for •safe of our liberal-intellectual friends...
...Edaard C. Lindemaa, prom la—t hi Asasr ican social work, aad A a gnat Oeeeeene, sether of the best -selling pamphlet "Race Prejudice," The Saturday morning panels mm the questions of "Anti-Semitism'' and "Labor aad International!««" will hear Gerhart Soger, »eil-know...
...Decades of bumbling inefiteteaef and cotosssl grafting by the City Hall machine have left the city yean behind the times...
...Israel Knox, editor...
...1_-The National Associstion of Manufacturers this week opened its big drive for even greater War Profits by proposing to the House Way* and Means Committee that the war contracts Renegotiation law, which is intended to cut down excessive profits, be repealed retroactively to the first of this year...
...The wage lax is a ca nee roes irritetiea to all fhcoaie-earaers... on the War Profite of hosiery manufacturers...
...Six months before Pearl Harbor, A. Philip Randolph, international president of the Brotherhood of Sleepingcar Porters, and Walter White, secretary of the NAACP, told the President that the Negroes were going to "March On Washington" to protest the discrimination in industry and Army...
...And with the srrivsl of Ercoli...
...The Democrats, temporarily united after years of factional strife, sre confident that they will be victors in the municipal contest...
...Among the speakers will be: A Philip Randolph, well-known Negro spokesman...
...And what is the point ef the Soviet Union's car rent political warfare... is the validity of the idea he jrtfcjsmtentation of the idea that there are tPMRrgfifag on simultaneously in the world...
...The.proof litt in the latett of a terxee of ???§??0...
...The second breakdown is between full-fashioned and seamless hosiery... wss apparent that Soviet Rossis wss entering its weight into the already meddled Italian political situation...
...The most interesting commentary on the?PA study came from -one of those who compiled it, to apt: "The hosiery manufacturers themselves were sstounded when we showed them our figure...
...He soured on the Bolsheviks during his stay in Russia from 1983 to 1936...
...Is was on the direct urging of President Roosevelt Vice President Wallace aad seversl cabinet members, sa well as Philadelphia politicians, that Ballitt gave up his post as special assistant to Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox to enter the Philadelphia race...
...The old-fashioned American idea of fair play seemed uppermost in the minds of Representatives ? Toole, Democrat, of New York, and Shafer, Republican, of "^frrr, in their demands for a Congressional imssllge tion pt the court-martial of Col...
...Holding a somewhat subsidiary place oa the agenda is the matter of the Fulbright resolution which would commit the United States to participate in the creation and msiatoaancs of world machinery with saffieient power to —rabHsh and maintain lasting peace...
...Tfcjf instance, Winston Churchill makes a (SSteh suggesting possibilities ranging from an Aaglo-American closed corporation te run the Wmr world to outright union between the Stottons...
...of the pritate citisen from 50% to 10...
...go on turning oat the scandalous evidence e* War Profiteering which indicts equally the rspstiimai neos of American industrialists and those Adminietration officials who are letting the War Profiteers rob the American people blind...
...The strength of the Italian underground is still aa unknown naiatioa...
...Joseph T. McNarney, deputy chief of staff, testifying before the Senate MhMtary Affairs Committee...
...Host Congressmen appeared to have returned to Congress with at least half-formed intentions of voting against it...
...The result was Executive Order 8802, stating there shall be no discrimination in employment of workers...
...Workmen's Circle Call, ami Leon Dennen labor tearaaltot Oa Satardey afternoon, many of the pi s ? lemrtf listed speakers, among others, are to participate in aa open forum, reomd-tehta fitecsmston, devoted te saistli— end sewwera...
...Not all gfijbe immediately accounted for...
...On the subject of drafting fathers, the collective mind of Congress was obviously chaotic...
...Ercoli is a veteran Italian Communist leader who has...
...Its objective is aimed against the smalt states of Europe, particularly against the goveraments-in-exile...
...War Profite Studie* made by the Office of Price .4<fmtnittration (ail of which were first revealed esdutivoim tu The New Leader) which it now at hand...
...From an average of 6% for all 56 companies in the years 1936-1939, it rose to 22% in 1941 and te ever 26% in 1942...
...Why, only God knows...
...This week the FEPC opened hearings on the discrimination against southern locomotive firemen who are being replaced on the jobs by white firemen after the introduction of labor-saving Diesel machinery...
...A veteran ward leader and Council member, be became Acting Mayor upon the death last year of Mayor Lamberton...
...a permanent FEPC...
...It has taken part in previous campaigns in this city, but this is the first year it has been set up on a full-time basis with s constitution and declaration of principles...
...On Jevers...
...It gave its indorsement to Bullitt by an overwhelming majority at a meeting last month despite bitter Communist opposition...
...Bullitt's consistent anti-Fascist record, his long series of warnings to the American people to prepare for a war against the Axis, his anti-Nazi speeches in 1940 'and his indorsement by Mr...
...The Communists have chosen for their "independent" candidate a political nonentity...
...The opening session of the Omfsrssui on Friday evening will feature fasfis est "Racialism" and "Race Violence...
...Judge Matthew Levy...
...The average 'War Profit mrrsooi fee the Thais groap of 55 was 41...
...Ready to play a lrsdlag rale in the struggle is the United Leber Cetemitoee, political organisation of the city's A.F.L...
...Bot this may he no more than a trial to see hew strong labor protest might be...
...The semi-branded lines are getting 20.8...
...The Bern correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, however, leeorte aa estimate recently made which fette**: * For Genoa...
...never occurred to them that sometimes a gjteffly handclasp may be intended to find out ? ths other guy has a knife in his hand...
...While the branded lines made the smallest increase with 290...
...A. Philip Randolph Leads Drive for Permanent FEPC By DANIEL BELL Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C —The deep^imbred voice of A. Philip Randolph filled the small hall of the Y.M.C.A...
...At present the city is riding the crest of war prosperity, bat the post-war outlook te Mesa...
...Fifty-five hosiery manufacturers dominate this vast market, accounting among them for about 40 per cent of the total dollar sales in 1942 of women's silk, rayon and nylon hosiery...
...NOW ft is 10.1...
...WASHINGTON, D. C.—American womanhood has to nay through the hose when she tries to keep her shapely...
...But while the politic oa and smoothie* at the tap of...
...The 31 small companies exceeded the 24 large companies in increasing their war profits over pre-war years...
...Thus, we, too, have learned how to conduct complex political warfare on two or three planes simultaneously ea levels quite apart from our military warfare...
...Lithuania and Latvia, and to exercise a hegemony over Central Europe aad the BrTHim That is the sphere Senate would like to carve eat for its own W ? That Stalin understood ChurchuT...
...Roosevelt are ample snswer to the slur about his war views...
...D. C—The first week of the return of Congress to the Capita] focsesed the bright spotlight ob two...
...20.000 Soeiafists: 16.000 Commentate...
...tefi an hour-long conversation this week ? one of the leading officials of our governajat on this subject...
...parallel lines to the National Labor Relations Board...
...The "significance" lies in its potentialities, the "frailty" in its operations...
...The shift from silk to rayon—the only readjustment required by wsr-time restrictions—helped to accelerate, rather than to retard, the rise in the industry's profits... of Philadelphia's most distinguished citizens, is former U. S. Ambassador to Russis snd France...
...The Negro Problem—most writers now use caps here—has come commonly to be regarded as the major social problem oa the home front...
...and scattered arms and legs' all over the trench-lined landscape...
...ft might he apropos to point oat that the conduct of political warfare aa we know It today is a Soviet ui roe tion of the 20th Century...
...The naive gave vent id Ah...
...The United Labor Committee is made up of labor unions with s membership of between 150,000 snd 200,000...
...moment—one on the miltary level and ? ether on the political level—and that the tat coincide on some points and not at all on I food many others, and that the two wars are tot necessarily identical, presents our liberal^hsllectnsl friends with complex problems of sajerstanding which apparently have proved Msh too much for them...
...Italian Zeppelin Commander who crashed near the North Pole est an exploration...
...An early and ardent advocate of Soviet recognition (his secret mission to the Soviet Union in 1919 failed because of s squabble between Wood row Wilson and Lloyd George), he became the first Ambassador to Russia...
...In general," the study reports, "returns on net worth (investment) were about twice the returns oa net tales...
...The Czechs are the only ones, under the leadership of Bene*, who have fallen in line with Russia's desire to annex the territories ef Poland, Esthonis...
...The volume is devoted to the single subject of ¦ profiteering to women's hosiery, and would make fascinating reading for most of the 52 million American women and girls who comprise the market for the stocking manufscturers, and who in the first six months of this year bought 19 mill km dosen pairs of full-fashioned hose and 7 million dosen'pairs of seamless hose—which is at the rate of a dosen pairs of stockings s year for every girl and woman in the United States from the age ef 14 upward...
...Trade ¦¦inns, labor, fraternal, aad Hboral organizations will be repressitsd by handredi ef delegates...
...20.·«· Socialists: 5.**0 Commentate} lfijfi* Aetten Party...
...If it really gets strong...
...The bill introduced by Senator Van Neys would remove the incentive for vigilance by private citisens by limiting such erf** t*'pe$ sons capable of furnishing original UrJujlrJesPAi to the Attorney General and cutting...
...Women Pay Through the Hose New OPA Industry Study Discloses Incredible War Profits (From The New Leader Washington Bureau...
...Colored youths are asked to serve in the Army, yet they are segregated and in many regions subjected to petty insults and discriminations...
...If not, the President appears ready to go along with it...
...ill be left holding the hot pctato as heft he can... which reveals hosiery manufacturers' Wer Profits as high as 704% above pre-war profits...
...New York City Ci—rflmin, ami chairman of the 8DP...
...This is further borne out by the OPA's figures on return on sates, that is, the pecentage of profit in each dollar of sales...
...Francis Haas, and it has begun again hearings on discrimination...
...Besides, his identity is not What yltoeertarrt...
...and the creation of a Fair Employment Practices Committee...
...Par a quarter of a century, the Soviet^ Union has conducted political warfare against the rest of the world, developing it to fine art... was not criminal f or Staun to do so...
...There the FEPC was hamstrung and balked...
...Why, simply ? ever-present possibility from the point of 'JP* of political warfare, that the German mindful of the contrast between the teeonditional surrender they face on the Anglo•"gtosiiean side and the very generous peace "fered by the Russians, may decide that be cheaper to knock off Hitler and ranking Nazis and surrender to the on the letter's terms...
...Tickets are available by writing to: Reaea tfifi, 7 Beet 15th Street, Hew York 3, N. T...
...But one of Jhtra obviously sets the play so that if the...
...Democratic candidate far stayer...
...IS,** ChrfstMb IJJgftVfcii ¦ ·__' ¦•¦1.-·_ ' ? mm SDF Conference On"Race" The Conference to Combat Race Prejudice and Conflict, called by the Seetal Democratic Federation to face the Ummern of one of the most bnxatag problems oa the home snd international front, will be held on Friday aad Satarfiay, flsptsmbsr 24th and 25th...
...Russian arms P no more involved in Italy than British or...
...arms are on the Russian front CallJf « Russia on the Italian front, therefore, " » Political move...
...The Republican candidate, Acting Mayor Bernard Samuel, is seeking election to s full term...
...Philly Labor Makes Bullitt Race Test of Political Strength Special to The New Leader PHILADELPHIA...
...2—It would be a definite indication that the Democrats would be able to carry Pennsylvania nezt year, a factor of high importance in the event of a fourth-term race by President Roosevelt It also would serve notice that the nationwide swing to conservatism was ending, and that a liberal and progressive program csn win the support of the electorate...
...The 10 companies making seamless hosiery broke all records for war profiteering, going up 704...
...In an off ort to appease the landlords...
...Byrnes pro...
...should decide that their best out is to {¦"¦»der to Russia, the tatter must call in Wtoln and America to share it on mutually •ftaable terms, as in the case of Italy, or fjtely brand its betrayal for what it would ¦? such a case...
...Under the leadership of A. Philip Randolph, a group of liberal Negro and white leaders met this week in Washington to discuss the creation of...
...By careful fence-sitting and assiduous cultivation of party support, he rallied "The Gang" around him and obtained the grudging indorsement of Joseph ft: Pew, oil executive and boas of Pennsylvania Republicanism...
...Under the war's impact," states the...
...the act of calling in the Soviet Union to gPe with Britain and the United States the •jteeditional surrender of Italy a measure of •flitary warfare...
...Bullitt a member of a wealthy family, has been a center of controversy most of his life as a result of his libera...

Vol. 26 • September 1943 • No. 38

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