The Turn of Events-A Review of Global Fronts

The Turn of Events-A Review of Global Fronts Two highly important statements ware made during the week—one by Harry Hopkins, close Presidential adviser, in "The American Magazine" and one by...

...She is essentially a future mother...
...fluantial in supporting all disarmament am pacifist movements in the pre-war prrrt a England, France and the United States, ? As to the lack of a "second front* a fip twenty months since Pearl Harbor, the sv marks by the Chief of Staff with respect a the detnands on the United States ta the Pads where ilruminatmg...
...The conference, ton by mack bickering, also united on a generalised statement that (1) pledged assistance to war veterans "and others" to returning to post-war fife and (2) demanded an immediate sotara to "privat» enterprise" with the end ef rationing, price fixing aad other regulations ss soon as war radrrt 3. The proposal of Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York at...
...Labor cannot be treated as a commodity to be sent hither and yon without its consent...
...The union is a legal entity and in fighting its battles the onion officer must not be subject to arrest and imprisonment on false charges...
...second, because it placed the end of the war against Germany and Japan at no nearer than two {years...
...And yet, by and large, trade unionism ae a whole—if it is permissible to use the phrase has tot that particular frame-up ride...
...leader, acting in line of duty...
...when the membership ef the meal voted by overwhelming msjwity to dimmitote from the lWL and jetn the CIO...
...At the time of which the Chief of Staff spoke, the present "second-front*rs" had just stopped their agitation against American war preparations, which wexe begun on a small scale .with the fall of Franco to July, 1940...
...The General continued: "The net result waa that the Germans were enable to conduct any sustained offensives mt^^im^^^^M^bmU up aefitoeei ???^?^^??^^1^^ MOO Utanks...
...Any time the trade union movement permits anybody—employer, government or a rival union faction, or any combination of the three—to get sway with framing a anion officer, then trade unionism as a whole loses face disastrously...
...Opposition tsVtbe Austin-Wadsworth bill was also voiced by Louis Hollander, chairman of the powerful New York State CIO, in a statement released through the Free Labor Committee of the Workers Defense League, and by R. -JE...
...Major news events of the week in the foreign field were: the pi losere of Allied power...
...That move indicated the growing stratification of · ilsssn snd the decreasing of opportunities...
...Tin isnilii 'lag t ? ?? sssagsd iavasions of Bowtaera Freies saii the Balkans via the Adriatic...
...What of the girl...
...dent for Governor Stessen and for Daa Tawa bath of whom had a hand in the bnatoesfcees neither of whom believes for a moment, I that...
...when ike Army rsWstobwj at "a partially ???1???4 force at twenty-eight infantry divisions, a newly created i ¦ armored force of four divisions, two cavalry divisions, the harbor defenses of the United States and an air force of 209 incomplete separate divisions...
...eismaepSMssssssn 2. Recommendation of the Republican Poet-War Advisory Council, meeting at Mackinac Island...
...The Turn of Events-A Review of Global Fronts Two highly important statements ware made during the week—one by Harry Hopkins, close Presidential adviser, in "The American Magazine" and one by Chief of Staff George C. Marshall ia the form of a report on the American war effort to Secretary of War Henry U Stimson...
...The man mast be a soldier A bey mast be prepared tm service to the Red Army while be is still at school...
...Dewey aatanipatad Mr...
...Churchill by several days...
...Russia, the keystone to the war, is still fighting grimly," he wrote...
...We must work harder, go without more things, lose more and more lives...
...Two years, at least...
...about sn early end...
...wkeaeroi hHnkoJI While General Marshall's report was entirely technical, ft was full of political implications...
...But that isn't the only bad precedent *Ak...
...Foreign Pesky: The Shield of Mm Republic " Labor Leaders Score Austin-Wadsworth Bill as Smokescreen for Manpower Mess Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—Labor leaders this week assailed a growing movement by business groups to pass the Austin-Wadsworth "national service" bill,1 as a smokescreen for the mess manpower officials have made over the draft of labor...
...He receives special physical ami pen* military warning for a stern sehaer's life...
...Hopkins' remarks should have a salutary influence in damping characteristic American ebullience and over-confidence...
...the Macktoac conference thst United States and Crest Britain form a post-war alliance, to' which proposal Mr...
...True, scores of trade unions have protested the conviction and imprisonment of Postal for a five year term on the obviously faked charge of embezzling the funds of Local 644 of the Teamsters Union of Minneapolis...
...and to closely threatening Bryansk...
...Several years ago the Resslsn authorities made abortions illegal and took steps, to restrict contraceptive information...
...7. Continued advances by the Russian Army, which hak captures...
...2. Prime ? mister Churchill's proposal at Harvard L ni varsity that the British Empire and the lailed States enter tote a poet-war ?olitteal sad military ^iglfc with a common eftisesjaafp ander T*e sovereignties aad rotate a|to7...
...the combination istr ested in getting Postal brought him te trial m another count of the indictment, ta a smW pliant court, and obtained a conviction eka* was toter sustained by the Stet* Supra** Court...
...4. Continued heavy bombings of Italian, Froaeh and German airfields aad railroad centers, with two mora ssasatvo bombings of Berlin, which has been dirided by the Allied air command ieto five major aectisew fee systematic destruction, 5. Accumulsting reports of unrest from Norway, Denmsrk, the Balkans and Germany itself...
...Whatever one may say ef the equal duties 0« men aad weaaea ta bringing ap AIMma, tto mother remains the mother...
...It is only about So settee from Smolensk, 8. The agreement with Wheels ta have meetings with Britein and th eUnited States at the "Foreign Minister level" sad the formation of aa Anglo-American-Ruswisn Mediterranean Committee...
...Russia at several points— Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad— was holding by her eyebrows...
...But while the "second-fronton" am> ifest the greatest sort of "understanding" a* a|l problems faced by Russia, they make m attempt whatever to consider sympathetical/ tke problems of toe United States sad Grat Britain, toward which, even though they ssjy be citizens of either of those countries, may ? not the slightest sense of loyalty...
...Be waa framed eecaane be helped to mind Local add to a succession of tough strikes and become a pato ta the neck to Daa Tobin, te toe Minneapolis emKelly Postal waa elected niinteij tssamnsi of Local 544 ia 1*4* and waa 1* guter» reelected to office until June 1941...
...1*00.000 sub-machine guns, 16,000* jeeps, 80,000 trucks...
...It weakens morale and creates a discontented population...
...It wee pointed out' that Cleveland...
...northern France to draw off from Ramaa aV ?onslaught which Russia had ¦— mjto Jm by (1) agreeing to stand by whL S many attacked Poland...
...They enlisted the aid of the klspMaaS mextta now bowling for a "secoad TesEL...
...ashed to pack up and move-far a job...
...Thomas, president of the United Auto Workers, to a front-page article in the current United Automobile Workers wbicb goes to the 1,077,947 members at the union...
...Present ' ' second-frouters" from August, 1939, when Russia signed a non-aggression treaty with Ska to June 22...
...School must give the %irl special knowledge of kamsa saeteny, physiology...
...CHIEF NEWS EVBNTS RELATING TO DOMESTIC AFFAIRS WERE: ·"*·» 1. The wreck just north of Philadelphia of the Pennsylvania Railroad's feat "Congressional Limited," killing at leant 1» aaseens aad injuring hundreds, and the wreck of the "Twentieth Century Limited" ef tike Mew York Central Liaes near ? anas tote, N. Y., tiling 3. Tbose wrecks, coming soon after the Lackawanna wreck at Way la nd, N. Y„ which UBsd 23, were sigaificaaa to mart they gave dnamatic expression to the war-strain imposed en the railroads...
...the United States had to move skat 600,000 troops and their equipment ta Sawsf, Alaska...
...Presidential confidant that the war will last two more years at the very least—the first sack : statement by a high official, thereby tending to dampen talk...
...Letting Postal stay in jail is bad medicine that sooner or tote* will tick back on every trade unionist to America...
...1941, when Hitler attacked Bente hsd been doing all in their power to pmnrnw American armament—by fomenting strmaajj ing...
...If we lose here, I do not believe for a moment that we will leas - the war, but I would change my prediction about tim time of victory...
...l believe two years of hard fighting on the fronts of the world and two years of increasing sacrifice at home lie ahead of as," be wrote...
...This approach is unjust and inefficient...
...The Michigan State', ?? Council has just passed a insolation condemning Postal's conviction...
...The Chief of Staff made no direct reference to a "second front" in France, although his remarks, such as tbe' more oratorical remarks of Prime Minister Churchill the preceding week, served to suggest that all who are aagagon in the organized "secoad front" agitation are faithUJirSA * •With iPiueat to this, taw Chief ef Staff outlined toe ewk-nt of unpxepazsjitoeaa at the United States to July, 1941...
...Dewey atoe rsggistii that Raanis aad China be included, aa idea-in-the-air exploited by Walter, Lippmann in his recent book...
...2) by mfttaahhuX mager to- heto stricken France and byjjwl aiding England with so mum as a »ssr...
...1 But in January 1942 Postal was farced b stand trial for "embezzlement" before ?*» Hall who, refusing to have any part ? ? frame-up, promptly directed the jury te ap charge the defendant on the ground that *· state had failed to establish crimtaal hm» *That should have settled it Instead, after » little shopping arouncf...
...I met Postal and other leaders of LseslP in the fall of 1914 when I visited IBwigHP i» the course of s trip around the ???????^ the ,V>ir York Poet and The .Vories...
...Coming just s week before the Italian collapse, Mr...
...In a huge pincers drive from north and south tin Red Army- appease to have Kiev, provtoeial capital of the Ukraine, as aa objective only about l*n mjlea distant...
...Last year free higher education was abolished aad s tuition fee system instituted...
...Hopkins' - remarks should be taken as dope straight from the feedbox...
...One of the big imponderable factors that is going to remain after this war will be the " question of the strength of the Russian military and war potential, which has suffered considerably under the Nazi onslaught...
...But f*J of all it is a bad precedent for oigsiimlB If*" which can't afford to play that way er ?9...
...The reason for this basic principle is obvious...
...anese attack on Pearl Harbor, he reported, % United States was so short of milmmp essta ment what adequate rchrforcemcula far % Philippines "would bare left the United Stem in a position of great peril" bad German seasj Britain, aa she was threatening to do...
...A> Philip Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, declared: "When this country accepts or has foisted on it any compulsory labor law, it will have retreated to the place where Negro Americans stood 100 years ago...
...smjNwj*^ ways: · -5 . 1 Repeated, bombings of Germany, which seriously damaged her war potential, making it impossible 'to bring her full potential to bear on Russia in 1943...
...For one thing, it threw additional light on the Russian advances, made it clear, contrary to the clamorous contentions of ??-Soviet publicists, that Russia wan by no means fighting alone...
...At that time the ?......liftestop: n'anl take 544's funds with them out of the AFL and into the CIO...
...fourth, because, while recognizing the value of the Russian military effort, it denied that continued Russian resistance was indisponible to victory...
...General Marshall's report suggested, by im. plication, that Russia could not have held on without Allied aid, and whatever aid General Marshal] listed was only American, did not include British aid...
...The woman has sa except** ally impel tent function...
...He obeyed this inetroctton, fjto authenticity of whack 1iae awvur bean aannehtoiA Nor has rt ever been ahnged that he appropn a ted union funds ta bis own use...
...The 11.200,000 man army was called over-balanced · The shortages are most acute today 0» the west coast where drafting of men bee stripped, th* aircraft production plants of stilled and* heeded workers...
...3. The invasion of the I tab an mainland by the Bsitish Eighth Army foar days preceding newa of the surrender apA further 1 andtogs to the snath of the Gun* of Santo Eufemis en Wednesday, the day of sairsnejti...
...Then, indeed, we would have a long war ahead of us...
...As matters are developing, toe wbstoa of as Ajned Command to undertaking European Ian operations iq the Mediterranean area only vfe what force waa available is being proves % events...
...9. Rejection by the State Department, oa the ground of nor-cooperation fat hemisphere defease, of Argentina's plea for armaments and oB machinery...
...The raassa far too shannon ef co-education, aa reported by Alexander Werth in a (Mspates te the New York Tinea et August 5, was explained by a school director who told correspondent Werth: "Any number of examples may be quoted to show that there te an inevitable seasesfiss of labor between men aad women...
...high wage rates- were a principal factor in the heavy flow oi workers into that city...
...They show that tile hinbest circles in Washington are not unduly frightened by rumors of a separate Russian deal with Germany... doaliag with a chaotic post-war world...
...anybody to play teat way with it, whether flnw b|' a war on or not...
...And while the Allies by no means supplied all or even nearly all Russian military equipment, it is safe to say, fat ?nited States...
...2—Heavy losses inflicted on the Luftwaffe in the west, causing the Germans "to withdraw experienced single-engine fighter pilots from the Russian and Mediterranean fronte for the defense of Germany and later to withdraw fighter aircraft from Russia...
...psychology pedagogy aad hygiene Kelly Postal Case - The Frame-up Of a Unionist Thar Must Be Fought By JAMES ROOT It ia axiomatic in trade union practice that frame-ups have to be fought to a finish...
...It pointed out that intelligent planning saust limit the size of the army or that severe skertages tn skilled manpower would result...
...At the tone of to...
...Taking into consideration all these factaa, it ia not strange that the United Stems an Great Britain have not yet been able to estoV lish a "second front" in France to replace as one <wbich collapsed while Russia stood on tm sidelines...
...Employers are guaranteed profits aa an inducement to production, he pointed out, but the worker is net guarantees adequate wamse, or decent housing when be is...
...This is true whether forced labor is put over us in the form of the Austin-Wadsworth draft labor bill, or whether we get it through workor-fight orders from the President or by orders from the War Manpower Commission freezing labor...
...We hawe already increased fivefold our military production by what President Wilson- called the spontaneous cooperation of a free people...
...Mich., for "responsible pofttsfrpaooaby the United States fat poet-war cooperative organization among sovereign nations to prevent military aggression ami «0 attain permanent peace with organized justice to a free world...
...Panama, and California to samp American defenses...
...Ajl* . from being Trotekyiste, they differed ftenlWf »bor leaders of my acquaintance only ta ?9 a little tougher, which is not orulaaiwJpfiW sidered a fault Postal was framed sa s kg...
...Within five weeks after Japan's attack, ¦ stated...
...Labor officials point out that Cleveland, a vital industrial center, has no manpower probten», and, in fact, manpower officiate have clamped an "erahargo" ea new workers...
...Something like that seems to be happening in the Kelly Postal case...
...Konotop, Sumy, end Stalin», bast north of Tngaarog...
...Hopkins' statement was important for several reasons—first, because it emanated from the White House...
...As James T. Farreil has P*"[ oat, the Minnesota Supreme Court has stt * eartremeby dangerous precedent wknk **** need to deprive other anions of demerseeWwWtrol of their own funds...
...The haor nww ment can scarcely let him down without ?? itself down...
...teidg» while England stood alone aasmwt % entire Axis...
...7,000 motorcycles, 130,000 field telephones and 75,000 tons of exlosives...
...cially frameupa of union officers...
...wbicb have actually aerived in Russia with a great many other items of munitions as well ss foodstuffs and raw materials...
...Postal is an embezzler...
...has been set by this case...
...Harry W. Fraser, a Railway Brotherhood representative on the War Manpower Commission, lashed opt sharply at WMC aad Army tactics and pointed out that wage freezing was an additional cause of manpower shot togas in some areas and manpower stagnation to others...
...It was a bad...
...Regression in the Soviets THE accumulating soctol ? attain in Stalin's Russia has caught ap wtkk another pismiusssts atop that had beea instituted to the early days ef mm Sonets, whan the masaton aatkerltise amvsed last week ta abolish co-education not only m the secondary schools but also at the elementary grade level...
...She mast knew how to took after chfldeca and bring them as...
...The surrender of Italy toys the wash of southern Europe from Turkey to Spam oph to the severest sort of political shaking, watt cannot but have adverse repercussions with* Germany, both op morale and oa ssdmtral functioning...
...1 — ¦— Back in March, an A. F. of L statement predicted the present manpower muddle...
...third, because it predicted that a bud front would be opened in Franca...
...The flat statement by Harry Hopkins...
...A large measure of responsibility bat asm > totoept "ssspm^-frontoTB" for having...

Vol. 26 • September 1943 • No. 37

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