Where the News Ends


Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Towards an International Charter of Liberty THE criticism is sometimes voiced that the war aims of the United Nations are too vague and...

...Establishing an army on the continent cf Europe is an even more hazardous enterprise...
...tions a hoped-for "tripartite meettag ohm it may be possible to arrange with Soviet Rama.* What arguments eon be used, what pressom exerted, remains to be seen...
...LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Feeler Toward German Alliance Seen in Moscow Committee From ItUOOLPH K4TZ Editor "Neao Volksseitaag" To the Editor: At this time, when Italy is about to get out of the war, and the moat important remaining qoettion in the south European theatre of war is merely where, in Italy will the new German-Anglo Saxon battle line be formed, the problem: "What are the plans of the victorious powers with regard to Germany...
...No one knows better than they that it is impossible to conduct a war—especially a total and global war —without a clear political policy The Atlantic Charter was a tentative thrust toward such a policy The hope waa that on the basis of its broad principles the United States and Britain on the one side and Russia on the other could reach a unified agreement This hope was deliberately blasted by Josef Stalin...
...This is freedom of movement for the individual...
...The opposition is ebviom, % blink it would be foolish...
...The rider illustrates a pumtiv* attitude toward minorities, s atepid refusal to make goad em ef the talents of many young one sincerely devoted to the cease of democracy and total sneon|sr* about post-war relief ptosesso...
...There should be all-around assurance of complete freedom for newspaper correspondents and radio broadcasters to carry on their functions in time of peace free from censorship and free from the threat of reprisals, in the form of expulsion or refusal of a return visa...
...Their emergence in the midst of war as ootid and powerful political agencies furnishes n substantial basis for hope...
...and the analogy with slavery has been emphasised by the practice of permitting emigration, both from Germany and from Russia, in many cases, only in return for the payment of a heavy ransom...
...Decision* meat« such a subject could cbviously not b* iasjajtaj to the press in advance of the nrvM mam are to be made...
...Our President and his majesty's First Minister cannot be accused of sidestepping the political policy of the war...
...In sll Of them union men have entered politics to achieve practical changes which under modern conditio as cannot ha attained by purely trade union math sis...
...As the strain, of waiting grows mere tense, these journalists seem to lose their ghp on reality...
...Great powers do not openly ertpj invitations which are certain to be tarsal down...
...Because K is quite clear what lies back of this declaration: An offer of alliance between „ Russia and post-Hitler Germany...
...LI URALS AMD THE SECOND MONT AS the war enters its crucial stage, certain libers...
...We started, at first to move is on direction...
...If they make fools of themselves writing about what they don't understand, who will take them seriously when they discuss grave domestic and foreign matters with regard to which they are competent T AFTER QUEBEC THE sixth conference of Roosevelt...
...The feci that no details of the plans were revealed at Quebec fairly brings them raving up out of their chairs...
...All censorship, apart from cases of pornography or criminality without political implications, should be abolished...
...The only way to head asm off is to have plenty of politics, open, assist effective politics...
...Oast, as one of the four major powers among on United Nations, is firmly placed by tat am of Britain and the United States ir...
...and the Fourteen Points were pretty badly mauled and twisted by the diplomats who thought in terms of power politics and secret treaties...
...In Month Africa and Sicily these men have proved their quality...
...Bat it is dew that President Roosevelt and Print* Misamr CharchiU are set to throw all their sower mi ingenuity intb an effort to create a aeari political policy for the war...
...issue is but one on the domolaw democratic front and yet as SOW it deserves the vigorous sapperl of progressives...
...Wilson's Fourteen Points in the last war were much more specific as regards some details...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Towards an International Charter of Liberty THE criticism is sometimes voiced that the war aims of the United Nations are too vague and indefinite on the positive side...
...Great Britain, the selfgoverning Dominions and the revived democracies of northern and western Europe weald create a very desirable state of moral isolation for those regimes whose professed devotion to the Foar Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter has not yet been convincingly demonstrated in practice...
...Therefore, come over to our side," Those are the intrinsic facts behind this document facts which put before the Western powers a new and extraordinary political problem...
...but we should use all our influence to promote the adoption of an international convention that would make it impossible, in the future, such acts of callous cruelty as the kidnapping and forcible imposition of Soviet citizenship on a million and a half inhabitants of Eastern Poland...
...It goes much farther, and by going' farther it comes into open conflict with the Anglo-American potter: It holds out to Germany, fat the event of peace, the pre...
...From this Viewpoint Stalin's, so to speak, aemi-officisl offer to Hitler's presumptive successors which he issued in mid-July, through his "Free-Germany Committee" in Moscow, must be reSarded as a political event of the rat order...
...In the third place—by ridiculous capers—they are endangering their standing and their future usefulness...
...There will, of course, be a continental front It will be established soon—perhaps before these words meet the eye of the reader...
...Anc on tne laraw matter ef war aims and peaee terms toe Ise* men of Australia ore sure to exercise a ssb> tary influence In Canada and Australia the rnnaqj mi making progress: Whst about the Vanoi States...
...Our relations with Russia, the sharp crux of our political difficulty, were certainly on the agenda, and there is abundant evidence to show that moves were planned toward a solution...
...Prime Minister John Curtin and hie ceBaagaea stood fcr a straight Labor Government to conduct the war and manage the peace...
...They write long edltorisls, Ave us endless columns...
...President Roosevelt on doubtless sincere in his statement that Stain or his representative would have beer rssthoi with joy...
...All the United Nations governments, assuming the sincerity of their pledges of devotion to the Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter, should guarantee the maintenance within their frontiers of complete liberty of speech, press, assembly, elections and conscience...
...Evstt's vision of a* international authority to control the r^scsh may become a reality if only we of the IS| States have representative* who can "**tft\qW in vision and wisdom...
...As a Step in tab direction the Quebec Conference will U si important place in historyEDITORIAL COMMENT Canada, Australia — Labor Makes New Progrtu «h...
...It would be unreasonable to expect unanimous agreement as to the beat means of achieving all the objectives which are foreshadowed in the war aims of the United Nations...
...The declaration dees not only contain an appeal to the German people and the German Army to throw Hitler and the Nans overboard, to...
...There are condoms indications that this cleavage was the casta of the Quebec discussions...
...journalists of the United-States are cutting a strange figure...
...The conservatives eon cartf m their work quietly...
...It is especially gratifying to Americans to learn thst Minister ef External Affairs, Herbert V. Evatt, woe returned by a three to one majority...
...Then this question will become of burning interest in Germany: "How shall we do it...
...benly and portly throogh the clever wording of the textM*)- continuation of her military apparatus...
...Expulsion should be allowable only after the preferring of charges and the conviction of the foreigner before an impartial tribunal...
...and the Australian T ¦hettn hove for seeing programs for after am mmAt the peace tabic their men will loak bevest little national goals...
...William Henry Chembems'i fine and objective cohnar as tat work being performed by easedentious objectors brings to bobs' recent Congressional action wMm will interest your readsri...
...It shows OssjsjB people of these, two great countries aaa»3 been deceived by the caB for a mosS^fl on politics during the mil it*try stragga^B...
...It would raise morale both among the peoples of the United Nations and in the subjugated countries...
...And there will be, we hare every reason to believe, the same measure of success...
...favor a! democratic solutions...
...And the adoption of such a charter by the United States...
...It will be planned and created by the same experts who gave us the victories in North Africa and Sicily...
...It would help to dispel the mood of gloom, of paralyzing doubt that must beset liberals, and Socialists in certain countries which are so situated geographically that the fall of one form of foreign tyranny may be only the prelude to the establishment of another...
...and men...
...To the recognized political and civil liberties another should be added...
...Take five typical democracies of the pre-war period—Great Britain, France, Sweden, the United States, New Zealand...
...It has become a journalistic trains test « way of cooperation with Russia most at tstu —that is, if it can be found Bit sate e> operation will necessitate a mutual asynken, a process of two-sided give aaoVsasa...
...Because of this likewise in temper and method, what happens in- Canada and Australia has sharp sigulflrsarr for the people cf the United States...
...During the dosing days at tat lost Congressional season, tap, Joe 8 tames, Dim Commmo* member, poU-taxer art asao> boiter, introduced a rider u> tat $71,000,000,000 War Departama appropriations bill uinmrlaf conscientious objectors in CfrsV ian Public Service camps fien training or serving in fereaja relief and reconstruction prehnct under Selective Service, eves though the projects are privately financed...
...c) continuation of the German Reich as a political unit Thus, the whole thing constitutes a peace proposal to the conquered nation which is far more magnanimous and comprehensive than Wilson's fourteen points were after the hut war...
...President Wilson did just that and it helped to shorten the war considerably...
...T*HE adoption of such an international charter * of human liberties as I have outlined would create nothing short of a peaceful revolution in the administrative practices of some of the United Nations...
...They are fellow citizens 01ft hi the fighting lines...
...What is meant, of course, is a continental British-American front...
...But there is one common denominator of faith that all the {United Nations profess...
...The cry for a "second front"—as if there were only one front—has gone on for two years...
...They took time, they considered every angle of their problems, but when they moved it was with a clock-like precision and effectiveness that won the admiration of the world...
...gains special significance...
...Their popnTsfitms, Uh» oars, are descendants of Europeans with s pioneer tradition Politically and economically they have advanced with imagination and courage...
...With the Anglo-Saxons, or with basis...
...Certainly we should not only sweep away any vestige of control over the movements of our own citizens after the war...
...It is a serious possibility that In this new maneuver we have before as, fog the first time, a genera] outline of a definite Russian plan concerning Germany...
...Moscow's announcement about Germany will give England's and America's political leaders many ¦ a headache—provided it does not remain pure propaganda...
...The ideas and ways of continental Europe have affected them hardlx at alL Parties and principles and wsys ef getting things done are of the type that ran wall bask into the seventeenth century...
...This is the largest majority Labor has ever hod en the great equatorial continent The Communists, the independents and the hopeful new parties were snowed almost oat of existence...
...Further reasons for Germany's not rejecting tins offer may be found in the fact that the manifesto states that the future Germany will be a democratic state with private capitalism...
...Not all the pools of stagnant poverty have been properly dried up...
...In short, the manifesto declares setwsii the lines: "You Germans have nothing to fear from Russia...
...World War, and which have experienced rough handlinjstturing the last generation of wars and violent revolutions...
...The totalitarian states have naturally been the worst offenders...
...The Opposition promised a cabinet mode up of representatives ef all parties...
...This sort of jittery, jibbery waiting is tragic stuff...
...Your further existence as a political unit a* » legally constituted state, as an independent notion, free'from any foreign interference, ia assured...
...The opening of such a military campaign must be elaborately prepared for by the combined military and naval staffs of the two countries...
...The respect for the individual human being is a part of democracy...
...He is often praised in the American press for having definite post-war political aims...
...There is an abundance of factual and statistical evidence to show that, during the period which immediately preceded the present war, the democracies had a much higher standard of living measured in per capita distribution of food, clothing and health and sanitary facilities, than the dictatorships...
...I do not believe there is a single important exception to this rule, which is about as good a proof of the concrete Value of liberty, from the standpoint of individual well-being, as one could require...
...Without adequate preparation such a venture might turn into a lamentable tragedy...
...An international charter of liberty should first of all embody in the most concrete and specific terms all the personal and civil liberties which were taken for granted in fully civilised countries before the first...
...This is faith in liberty...
...Making every allowance for wartime exigencies, for the impossibility of permitting unauthorised civilans to enter combat zones, this power is capable of grave abuse and should not be vested in any single person...
...This weak have eome the returns from the voting in Australia...
...safety sewed op...
...Every surrounding circumstance forces the assumption that the main military and political problems of the hour were boldly faced and crucial decisions were made...
...soldiers are not cannon fodder...
...Perhaps.the most outrageous among the many forms of tyranny that have become common in recent times is the assumption by governments of a slave-owner attitude toward their citizens, expressed in refusing to permit them to go abroad without special permission...
...An international charter of human liberty, solemnly subscribed to by all the United Nations and put into practice immediately, so far as war conditions permit, carrying an obligation for immediate full implementation as soon as hostilities are ended, would be an inspiration to free men and women everywhere...
...Like as, mmmSmm lors* areos wttt great potential resources...
...1 1 PftOTf ST AMTl-QO |IU Pram MAX M. K AMPELoUN To tke Editor...
...There is nothing in this contrary n the Moscow statement that no invitation eel sent...
...It is hard to realise in ear age of barbed-wire frontiers and hermetically sealed countries that before the first World War, an American could travel everywhere in Europe, except in Russia and in Turkey, without a passport • • • NOT only should this state of affairs be restored as quickly as possible after the war, but the right of law-abiding persons to cross frontiers without obstruction should be firmly established by international convention...
...We do net demand—os England ins) rtatecftis do—aa 'unconditional surrender.disarmament, foreign ortaaaUuii and possible partitioning...
...There will be the same careful foresight the ssuneymi't »¦ atoni management of beats, planes, saypJie...
...Germany is mmJsMiL...
...The tradition of the British and American Armies is to sacrifice as few lives as possible...
...In his moves with regard to Passat Yugoslavia and Germany he has baaed sisaajf solidly on the old imperialist theory of ssaay pclities...
...m «, •_ ___Jl •_____*__- a* %___ _1__, _A__.!_-_> 1___- *__a>, ¦ ' :':?3HBmBai •THE two countries most like the United 1 States are Canada and Australia...
...The Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter, to which all the United Nations, including the Soviet Union, have proclaimed their adhesion, are statements of general principles without precise blueprints for implementation...
...Not ma** imagination is necessary to see a "German Badoglio" arise on the distant nonson, a Gorman readme of---—--•-—-___ transition that will try to arrange for an armistice after Hitler's fail, and attempt to save from the heap of ruins of the wrecked Nasi regime enough material for building a vital German state in the future...
...There can be little doubt that the political powers in Germany, including their generals—if they , are convinced that the offer is made in good faith could not afford to reject such an astonishingly favorable offer...
...b) absence of "ssay foreign occupation...
...Spongier, are assflS want only reactionary politics and reseafcaZ planning...
...In other words, the governments of the United Nations should all undertake to maintain a standard of personal and civil freedoms which the Civil Liberties Union in this country would recognize as AI...
...dear the occupied eastern territories immediately, and to make peace with Russia...
...In this way, freedom of the press would become an international as well as an internal reality...
...Stalin quickly and sharply stem...
...The cure for mass unemployment has not been found...
...Without a campalgn^S can get the industrial and financial Oats...
...A false start might mean the lengthening of the war and the sacrifice of many thousands of lives...
...They are not to be slaughtered in wild adventures to satisfy anybody's literary impatience...
...A drive will be made in toe test session to explain to OmsJM* the implications of its actios say for the repeal of the rider...
...In their ways of minting the challenge of modem 1 ife these three pioneer peoples have stuck close to the British forms...
...The result is s resounding victory for Labor...
...in the other...
...S The C.C.F...
...Set against these countries five typical dictatorships—Germany, Italy, Japan, the Soviet Union, Spain...
...Evatt is well-known to many here aa a straightforward Labor man and an authority an international affairs who ranks among the world's beet Both the Canadian Commonwealth Federation and the Australian Labor Party have programs that go beyond oar New Deal...
...On that basis he man 48 seats in a Parliament of TO...
...We have deceived the Russians, we have broken oar promise to the Russians, we have fooled round through long summer months while the Russians have been fighting...
...Both these arbitrary administrative practices, expulsion and refusal of entrance permits, have been shamelessly and not unsuccessfully abused by totalitarian regimes to penalise honest correspondents and to insure, so far as possible, that only subservient stooges would represent foreign newspapers and agencies in their countries...
...poet nf three conditions, of which the first two have been denied to Germany by the Western powon 10 sfstasjlpiiwl.....stlim while for the mtfnaffbere are no binding agreements...
...His bristling mora* saw si been unilateral...
...Last week we referred to the significant victories of the Canadian Commonwealth Federation in the provincial elections of Ontario and in a number of by-elections...
...Since the beginning Of the war, the right of deciding whether an American citizen may receive a passport for foreign travel has been vested in the hands of a woman official of the State Department...
...Property freedom of religion and political - freedom shall be protested there just as they are in the AngloSaxon countries...
...In all three lands the trade anions have evolved on n practical basis and have worked mi<sr|Uilj and patiently for specific reforms...
...The campaign was fought on the issue of the desirability of a National Government...
...This same convention should sharply limit the right of governments to refuse admission to individual foreign travelers for limited periods (mass immigration for permanent settlement raises special social and economic problems that would require separate treatment) and to expel foreigners who are residents in their countries...
...The writers seem unconscious of the fact that his aims—painfully definite—are diametrically opposed to the principles of democratic control on the basis of which we hoped to work oat our program Thr amsmt difficulty, in fact grows out of Statin 1 tefcmj at the Atlantic Charter as a point of ssas> ture...
...80 in the social and economic field there will be room for a variety of experiments in the postwar world...
...Freedom from want, for instance, is something (hat no system has yet been able to assure to alt, the people who live under it...
...Churchill and their staffs may well turn out to be first in importance...
...It is for this respect of the human being's right to live that we fight Our...
...It is not impossible that the manifesto might soon force . London and Washington to tell the German people a bit more clearly about their plana for the future of Germany after her military defeat...
...The fact that T. V. Soong was from tat start included in the conference a* Cairn1...
...Should such on alliance eome in- , to being, with the eventual inclusion of Japan, then there is a possibility that the two AngloSaxon powers might be the political losers in this war, after having achieved military victory in Europe...
...The gist of all the words is that Russia is right and oar government is all wrong...
...But those of them which are genuine democracies should find no difficulty in implementing its principles...
...cry is a piece of hypocrisy These whs asam H, like our Mr...
...Would anyone of sound mind have felt the least doubt of where he could reasonably expect to lead a more satisfying and comfortable life ? • • * „ BUT, while individual freedom and democracy are indispensable conditions for a tolerable standard of living for the common man (because it is only in the institutions of individual freedom and democracy that there is any sure guarantee against the potential terrific exploitation of the individual in the dictatorial state), they have not yet provided all the answers to our social and economic problems...
...Messengers have been flying sack mi forth...
...That far Stalin has shewn little inclination for tea sort of thing...
...representative has great importance...
...In the first place, the authors are Americans writing about the American government In the second place, they are discoursing about something with regard to which they have net the least right to pontificate...

Vol. 26 • August 1943 • No. 35

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