Sicily, Land of Sorrow


Sicily, Land of Sorrow By FRANCES KEENE WHO can »av what Sicily raeane to the "average" American? what vteto** it anty conjure op of arid earth, or lemon grovee, or eufefcttr mhm hvytag vast* the...

...Btjafnga Mirnoelt...
...When finally I got in I word edgewise, I informed him that for the past several minutes 'aad been tnooiing...
...This is why they think only of leaving, of emigrauon, of escape Assrwra, fnajnuv Australia...
...Certainly Arthur Rowe had no /arete...
...but it spend* ns+hirig there, Nothing for schools, far aotds, U>x water for sewage A fas/ onjes of railways, a f ew ame* of telegraph lines, and that it all Materia ravages the peasantry, bnt no serious effort is made to combat or control u." Aad aewsyhtr* he bat written...
...His letter after the first ftetonter with the Germans will be shared with yen as soon as ¦ trrives...
...t^to ^^^^^ ¦Ai(^^^al^B((B^ na(tS9^^ Sna^S QAa^n^d jWs^Cat t-llsX i ^ ft*/ . ft T ftfi ftfkl COl^ill Stiff eci was gwng rather well is Spew...
...I am afraid that I way It more frightened than the novice...
...One good look at what the Commies were up to m the Spanish Civil War turned him into a good democratic Socislist...
...after <di~ oosjd <^«rste^/ d^ad^asisle.1T dswO^HPur' a^e^Oesa...
...e e -f JN H A PP T flfCTLY," writes Garret u> . . ^ "the day she was united to the Kingdom of Italy, she became a colony, and a cotoei ape is to this day...
...The army has not been allowed to go to pot and develop a Magi not mentality...
...Uke innocence...
...Little sad I rtaliie that they had come to Spain with the paramount object t* testing their equipment and not to further any social aims...
...Mew ee yes caption...
...In the old days, a eritieal polemic of this sssgfler all its narrow mindtdniti» used to have some litssary depth Mu onlays the iatottoetaal heafc i apt up is se glaxiug that in this piece, for example the twte of Fadimes's critical ability tWte: Bath Mcsteaney's Joker H*me, a mama-Une mMftsfMng t" atfiSi Browders Vtrtery end After...
...Sicily, je)w«l of the Mediterranean, willed'byNature to be beautiful...
...Jke tWfftes Ahead H*TK)D.AY—looking forward to battles which sre to come— * I wonder if I'll be able to recapture the old composure of the hardened veteran—remember, there was a lot of bleed •pilled at Brunette, Faerto de Ebro...
...This simplification pf the problem is still not far from the truth...
...For despite the hardships of lbfe ia an alien land, despite dMftatnctn m behavior patterns and esthetic aad material aspirations, the "wop" has known a kind of ragged survival ia this country which ha has played so large a rote ha building, while the Sicilian peasant has remain ad hi ignorance, hat been kept in bondage, and ass bees weaned on the fatal eonvictten that tersev must be at...
...Except in rare coincidences, it is not even a part of the same problem...
...u^^usunuuuuummuanmaemi !*^lhe Cowwuatot Party politicians not only let It down, but sold h aad resold it for their political expedients—beck at the •Me ia *Stesate hnndrtds of times...
...He had thought "Met wss much rim pier snd—grander " He sad beer taught all the rotes, Ood awd Tryth and Stems...
...The great Sicilian ngwas of the genera nor...
...fame* ajf sVmue djecniiea tte Stmaot feudal peonage of the workers of tte Sieiiiaa's closed-orbit oxiotonot The author has e^BJJOja tO tV*^Jf fifit)OUX Lfsd^ ^ewa'^^nVuMsts^aT e^X bs...
...Without divulging any military secrets, I can tell yea frankly that morale ia the Canadian Army is tops...
...Wa all joked about shooting his brains out, the first jJWslly on Suicide Hill... mar profiteers smd assumtes laadtorde, generate aad Fswsagwt chiefs crowds the hers of the Palace hotels and night dubs...
...we should hardly export aim to dinajtay a reel social censctoosnew...
...aad the Desk Weampv taaes regosar umbrage at atO" twmsrkt...
...The Government asjloitot it, the gantry pillaged it under wmrorttes of the police, the judges and the prefects They was* formed the commune* under tk«V ndsoinisteatton into a breeding ground for blood-socksn...
...From this initial note of ".Soam/ the...
...Bet whoa they start toting sxtantion to oar art work, that's too much...
...But that's reel Ufa: it's what wevesji nmpW ef the world since you died...
...Things that araow as...
...In tugged the read a little farther past the tanks and went net W guides who wore to take ea up the bin away from the road...
...and aU the rest...
...sXenV- fcsa^^kj JLjp^I §> ^^^^f^(j|^^ftt:'I.^^p...
...By contrast, Sicilians have turned more and more to their lands of adoption with that hope and sincerity of purpose which is often more effective than uncritical devotion...
...the leftward trend fit Caaaea a< a (tow whan She Lmted Steiw teews io Oo getmg nght: - Tte saaursr wee: "We don't have the handicap of a tspakma D. ftntsomt...
...Being young, we soon get used to the whine of buljh To pass time, I'd throw recks from my fox-hole at the Posterior of a fellow from Springfield, Mess., who wss up ahead...
...bps with the Lend-Loose Adimaisli ttion " "Sow aheut Paul A. Porter...
...That **s s phenomenon that comes once in a lifetime—when soldiers *» themselves in historical perspective...
...Tata, of -the author ef -USA...
...Never will I forget the German eontrade who noticsd our •watant ducking behind the rocks and boulders when the buWeu «Mntd past...
...The Bed Army is in a desk by itself, es the Russians hare had years of modern military experience tested in Spain snd China, plus their constant activity against the Germans), o o • Off Safe*** Hill 1HAVE a feeling that very soon wo shell be in action...
...I think I jfpnl...
...The saasnd pevetnento preteeto "The Happy Me*.' or...
...I wee sensed- Be was, everyone else...
...The ^owmrnment bee been turned ever to "these powerful fitrew of anti-Mew ^ as ham, aati-pregrewivism, SnW mmatrracy, comwonly osllod big bottom...
...where be knows a few moeaenxi of inaocenct M "Richard Dighy," Back in the Loudon underground in "Bjts snd Pieet» Rowe-Digby mooes hppote&sly out of anuiwis through hie Ksfho wnet njghlsnsie - of cam-, naiity...
...Little enongh has been written in En*hsh on Siefly...
...Today— outside of the British Eighth Army—the Canadian Active Army b hp doubt the finest military instrument in the hands of the ' United Nations...
...The Canadians have, a •Jtet military, tradition handed down to them from the last war...
...Jte prevent Cannucks, if they can't live up to their elder brothers fathers of the Fast war, will at least show that they know •** to die...
...He would jeer at es in a friendly way...
...You keel no future...
...And add atstaatw oat,' co«ld-look-st-lor-hours-onend: — the photo ef Prof...
...Snaaash farmer, aad international scholar, told some true stories about Spain sad GeneraJ Franco...
...The publishers call this a "gay" book, and so it it, in contrast to Garrett...
...GsdbxnitbdMtt hers any wore...
...with their fat-ewsxacnau of sorrow, "But doesn't the book have a happy an dins T After all, 11 is a novel...
...rtoeeoveate reply As siiijiiidii...
...Besides, we belonged to the ¦term Brigade and would net belittle the hetatlion in the presence uf a German of the legendary Thaelman type...
...and ignored Brvwder If that doesn't pot hbn in with the Faecist-Ti utshjlte gnng...
...He has been in England since 1940, having enlisted in the Canadian Army... shell am afternoon stroll through the blrteed »?me*a of London, wandered into a ehen ty baiaar, snd, sat an accidental tip of a jeftang toiler, upset the plans of a secret ring...
...that's what makes the flesh creep!' His poise and coolness Was restored our self-confidence...
...the sawaWrp-,«/.fitmr WW not jest * aaotber Httie bureau dor wartime adudoiel lation—'71 was a rnxniet^y ae large as life to whu* aft who lowed tsirefod, // one loved eee feared...
...They ere drawn towead sheas cnaateiee as towarc the Premised LauuL These, pcrhapa, sxpioitatios will he last jahnman...
...It too is written fanm the heart, despite its apparent tightness, aad tan peach as much of the SicfiUaa communities in America, their growing pains of adjustment or refusal to adjust...
...And bare is the literary howler of the year: Berne si Potesw, |fi|k cetnrnnist for the less!* Werner, bad this to say ef John Due Pasew: "With his Tretekyite vtews... beU has happened...
...v "After en hoar on top of the hill, with bullets whistling all «vw the place, we dag in by the use of helmets, bayonets and ¦Sgii nails...
...W. can teU you that...
...In Spain the baptism of fire raws west unexpectedly...
...In this unit we lack the almost intoxicated ***** of service which we had in the Internstional Brigade...
...lady novelist* describe it over aad ever sgmin ia books of the month, but it's not there any more . You used to laugh at the books shorn, spies snd murders and violence and wild motorcar chases...
...He is full of theories about this war...
...Particularly nsorat arc tee nanus on ffed nut the WUfkmm, aad shoes oa mnguiga wade* are ntoitporttd taronghoot the book, the passing remarks on the w5Ser*5^^ werlfi...
...Theaalv thrinne eoneern ia tne wrrapeno...
...As this book has "» happy ending," is, in in fact, a happy hook, pa* hi moved to wonder of its hagmJMM does nut emanate, after all, soenewant frees the fact that -the Sicilran, «f wham Mangtene art talking art hart while those of Garrotte ant tfisvn...
...The jbttord smd thf ngapoah wens the men most respected in their homelands, . . . America bella...
...Aad they set forth im hona, the arresahnd ei the Sjciaar...
...Individuals and individual emotions are •ubmerged in the greater panorama of battle...
...far Canadian Private Bobbie...
...He could stop mining shoes and he and his wife could Kve for the rest of their lives confident thst the son for whom they had made so many sacrifices would support them and honor them...
...He realised that his job as guide included that of net-nurse to novices...
...This week Sender Gsrlin adw is the Cawmew' No...
...j» grt the angle on what he writes, remember that he is a young worker...
...i" - ' And so it wee teat Arthur Rowe found himetsf in the fete ir... WILLIAM I. tOHM What raw Soldier TMafct Deawrfstesf 4M0VATE, BOBBU isn't typical...
...swart, small and sturdy people But beyond superficial generalization or postcard recollection, what was suggested to the American newspaper reader by the fall of Porto Empedoek, Agrigento, fakrmo...
...And ia this stage of the game the Canadian Army no doubt Will play an active if not a leading role (as the beys put it—'to pay the English for the hod aad board of the last few years...
...Wfiat eaade pew pe end fieee your fortune told...
...rather have died a hundred deaths than let it down...
...aaWt a fete which drew Arthur Rowe irresistibly . . . salted hm...
...Sumeer One...
...There is even a woefully small body of economic literature, despite the interesting problems the island presents from the mint at lriaw <vf mi»m1< i«l,.fcilH «<:,¦¦, - and administration...
...Sens tor Robert LaFoHotte has been see of the sbmrnngmt eeppstteis of Beosevelt domestic policies . . . mat now, tut chergv is, "the prnsrawive ferew haes lost faith...
...Its truisms are ones we should remember in evaluating the Sicilian problem of today...
...He was with the Abraham I Lincoln Brigade in Spain, and now he is wrving in the "-nr^rr - Army "somewhent to Britain" (and probably now in Sicily...
...Since it will not be a new ignsnHnrt...
...That it is f novel is, in a way, a major literary triumph fat the author...
...have preferred, largely, to he considered not at regwnalitu but as lMerrnWionaliti*— for hi who has learned to wtiynjj tea island, finds tat confines of nationalism a tjurtrg...
...The people, bled to death, suffered and groaned under the load- It in their despair, they cned out too loudly, a swam of pajjeexoeji came rpnaing to strike then sow© without mercy Police eoc taxes, that is all they know of the Govarranan t. Persecution aad thievery, that is ak they, know at the gantry...
...Moat know that SiaRr ia * poor island, for its people emigrate in large enough numbers, to this country alone .to have caused a definite popular confusion between "wop," any Italian, and "Sicilian " Most think of it, too, as a land of wine, bright skie...
...Bowe -n...
...In his earliest youth—up in the Bronx—he was caught up in the Communist movement...
...The first u C. Garreto'a Seamy Land of Sorrow (Stcily, Terr* de Ponsjatr, Car raa, Paris, 19M), aad the seeend, Jerre Mangi one's Mount Allegro (Houghton Mifflin, Boston lags...
...what vteto** it anty conjure op of arid earth, or lemon grovee, or eufefcttr mhm hvytag vast* the egrrounding country and the men who work, them aa wall...
...Soon the roar and dank af tracks and motors descended, and we met our tanks coming tewe for harbor In the town for the night The tank crews were Russians, and the few of us who could speak Russian exchanged greetings with .the Bed Army men...
...Watt, last week he went dowei to Washtagton (a ascend tteae) to straighten eat some new seeruintiant jfe eeited OPA, "Laos Hendereen...
...In his book The Spanish Latyrimth (just published by Maemiliae I, Brenan writes in his saw 'naiicii — , . . tjmns sj Franco's victorious eeury into Madrid was the signal for a tremendous hal^years Ift^Tthf ^rluivf of^'vl* fhs petesns are full, the executions go on...
...A soldier is too busy shifting gears, re-arranging ted leading ammunition or bringing the gun into position to *iak much of himself...
...AupcaU—magic, words to any jiKiben...
...In spite of the constantly rejected warnings, 1 went to sleep...
...After a number ef compliments to The New Leader^ he goes on like this: f~ "Your attempt to present what soldiers think about before going into actios is intereating, bat I never until new felt like netting in my two cents worth, I have considered myself at hibernatine...
...This wa't reel life any more," Arthur Rowe tries explaining to his mother in a dream, "tea cm the lawn, evensong, croquet, the old ladies calling, the gentle unmaikious gossip, the gardener trundling tile wheelbarrow full of leaves and pass...
...The peassms baye nothing left buz their eyea, that they raay weep...
...involve* Ke»« ia sabotage tod i»rigne to tee point whert an exekaaop dissolves hi*, memory...
...DM they bomb OPA...
...In each instance the Presadfimt tries to i inortl the kaito...
...For Fascism has intensified the breach which has always existed between Sicily and the mainland...
...The first wovmpant, The Vahappy Man...
...There are hundreds of thousands of links between Sicily and this country...
...Instead of theories, the soldiers have their pride, their ¦111 1--- ^. . _ e*e___«* a - ¦, -» In Lifcrdrv Circles A JUaefcf of ftredkeus) wreeee't "MJmtarry of Fear" iy MfLVrJf J. LASKY '"pVMMYTmm was petsw se vsU," she secret *-* egoat ^rapped at last...
...Far, the aaifiae excitement of the Croon I thriller is ngt merely iff (he 'autertaiawerrt" of murder, horror pod mystery', ted quite ss wueh in the remarkable impact of the drama at* tragic motives, end its penetrating inquiry into the larger plot of the modern fate...
...Whenever it happens that we dash wjth Jerry, 111 write ¦te let you know...
...Purvis', the radio wss hired...
...I was awskened by the peefant rear of the Springfield chap, who was cursing me In both dialectical and nautical terns far heaving stones at bis posterior...
...We can now pet sowethrag of a tdetaete onto this How: Jset s shert white before too sooeat Ctmadissj otocMpmt »• whisk aas> Binislmto won assaajng tdrtories, Gtxte Lewis and ooms other CCF Ug-abeas vmjtod Wwasr Rooeesolt...
...Bat we spare drank with pride to ear hataUtoa, .the first American IsteUion of the International Brigade (Lincoln...
...a sbeU-shoci ciuue...
...Thett ue*s^ semsuhim^^D^by had forgotten, fsdl to low - h0t his w?luiiaw...
...smuseary bore, hi his hospital bed, BBjppP by Prinet Scats Mteafherery, Pitoce Vlsehnur KendsthtfTr.esHl Pnnce .Alexander Porrtsstine There wee somethisc op the front of his bed—it was only a fever-chert—bet for s while we thtpghl we had made ant: "Worbera and pwtsnte by fieignt oatreaw only...
...This amsk nmaM Brenaa, British soldier...
...The •ady aeepte to bath pa anted see the Ftltngirts who have all the tobs, and the foadV mil c si iters who ba— atli fistnaini Aaast the almost universal went end oeetitnuos a saaeh else...
...His world wss one of assumed names, of knowing nobody sad a voiding faces, of leaving bars unobtrusively when other people entered, and of attending cinemas at ten in the morning...
...declares, "evevgr thtng was petnp so well, awfcj( peat oews blundersee at...
...First—the personal reactions to the impending battle...
...There were lots of people ia Austria you'd telnetes^ ter*a'nd*'situstion...
...Men die, are maimed, wt it becomes routine...
...Sicily, sung by the poets as the land of flowers and of love...
...and so he, tot, had to keep his end up...
...IVe never met a more reckless lot in my life...
...pan—sUy tthfcssjgh atfcwj%pt eaaay yean of tub way experience) drew ia those bwek muattftios May God—and the GPU—help me newi...
...It was wonderful because thep, preeto, the poof Sicilian was no longer poor...
...Or as the refugee explains: ''There's ne Whger a thing called a crininel class...
...1 hot-under-tbe•etwr man, ceiled our oartoon of ItmHfa (saw ant) "a liiioin mittrnra af tin manuuitr of Russia's fighting lor cos...
...or Black jaarket, whica it ran J* ate Falange, aad whose aotiytttea have taken oajmcredftSe proportions...
...But through alt the eqiaciawnf terror, of the tines, he had been left only with a memory ef dsy-dreaming and love, a recurrent adeteseenee a "sense of gjory, of a future teat would be braver than today," Thus: "Then wee aewetaawg...
...Without detracting from the fighting .spirit of the Americans, I can report that the Canadians are on a different basis, as their satire army is coin nosed of volunteers, and Tolunteers are a class by themselves...
...Months later I net oar guide again, and he told me ia confidence that he was as much soared as we were and, moreover, he had never belonged to the Thaelman Brigade...
...It was ea February 17, 1937...
...My Cod, gsra me David Ginsburg...
...Hf CT*^* sense of Me...
...Though after teat, in the words of the wtrman guide, we ail got goose-pimples, wen came and went, bat ¦dy the first encounters remain vivid...
...He's in the Army...
...And who has gained by the waft The middle classes who supported Franco are mostly rained...
...We con t wind that...
...The reverse of the coin is Mangione's workmanlike "novel, Mount Allegro...
...Constant maneuvers, employing the latest lessons from Africa and Russia, are experimented with...
...Fmally, ia "The Whole Man" he discovert a formula for life...
...p^ftftAHXJ tempered at it is by cantpstossdri hardship am tsploitstioa Yet it is said ia a papas that is at tiroes abator poetry, as deeply is the authoi moved by his self-appointed task of explaiamg Garrotte's poetical career has been, of course cons*tantly anti-Fascau...
...Gerajd Brenea <s fraead of Fraas Berkeaau aad Lais AraquistoiaHmm written s ringing good book...
...I may not be able to write after.the event...
...VOU see...
...Graham Greene's reel story in Thf Mpustru of Fear is the story of why aad wherefore Arthur Items, or...
...I still i ma malt r it very vividly...
...heavy taxes ss it car...
...FtHow-trsveier Kate M rtt bell reviewing R. Palme Dutt's bosk sp India far the HeraisVTritmne aad referring to Datt (the teeabng Ptnttoli Communist theoretician) as "a left-wing analyst...
...The manifesto, "The Mow Baal is JMaV^wae urrttten by Fred Rodell...
...Obi Mr Henarrsop is gonej he's with the Betwreh Iastitute...
...the girl snapped back., -yoe sate rt...
...He lived, no questions asked, in a furnished room <the furniture was Mrs...
...pteesc," he asked...
...Whet had happened to the world...
...If they ¦*« well directed on the battlefield, this ebsolute disdain for life *°»ld bring in great returns...
...We marched In silence up the road...
...Booaevelt wouired...
...etoledrems .de velops tee theme in four signiAeant sections...
...Ml soon tired of the horse-play...
...nWtaWr ^ I 'ill " . , * Rimeruit and Beyond:—"The preerratarat forces af Asnenca aannot ringLe-b^:,aedly etect e Prwweat: he* fiaoy com detent one" . . . With this note ia The #Vuewammat this emsbr af amfim as if the LaFollette't have broken with FransUin Deiano ateoetvalt tor good...
...Take a look: Fadmnaa dmmmad hfaJLeaney...
...tftfhj to the OPA^-Businesi is really batincea with this baav*T* nesemea...
...History, sociology, exhortation, homely philosophy, applied Marxian, all mingi* to gins the reader an accurate picture of the land we have chosen as oar stepping atone to the European continent Yes, it is a profoundly sad honk hut rtt authentic imarrsioitiiii nteis this inevitable, fa should he required reading, I think, for those interested in where we are going and what problems' we face when we get there...
...Sicily, become the desolate homeland of sorrow...
...In tu brief pe*-w, Stctiy...
...It is not the same as "the Italian problem...
...An army of soldiers with ideas comes once in a lifefcte...
...Ptegrae and cboterm eaVa^JftaP their appesrance^The vilrsj^^lsd^ooctors ¦r^fiiuinnu>ait^ye^i"slTsswiutns- .Hissm sad nn^fmwwww^nsw -w^^ w*n^mw"^s^mi 'mpmrwrnmrnw w^smmw ¦"¦nsfaiui suilulate...
...If he were here, he could write firstelsss articles about our war aims...
...Years ago he had mercy-killed his wife, and since his release be "was like a awn canning ia a desert...
...There, perhaps shay will bo looked on as men...
...Bmewtbury g^umre, reedmns seat spiritless and ngwelori...
...Albert Malts* arWinrfJte fjcteunbd is* Vartia...
...At the teme^ime the E^ropsa^Wer aad^Ute iaj rkt-T Prs^JXJ^io be fed%nAStote «hgr|to and half the population Urn on the vargw af starvation... we J- foaneth Gaibasith," he persisted...
...I'm your little Arthui who wouldn't hart a settle aad I'm a murderer ted...v...
...The colonial system there has been at its most cruel snd ruthless...
...What more could a man want... we maintained our line ahead formation alongside the awed...
...Gsrrete's book has the poivinatto sincerity the gift of eosrviotios which wake a novel dealint with a sununaag social aad ecoaoaue problem...
...the A rages re*test and Lerida—or will I again become subjective...
...1 www nyfhafa Wrong With This Picture?— This ooourao and akeae penw an aw under coastaa* -fire from the Kremlin get...
...ommi* Kulturaamwer:—The Nats Maw at has gone after Oiftor Fsdiman, and in its latest number mas a long attack twwinet this "most necaoaumwtei ropreoeiitattee of ate evils ef «Jm eaotte}h book review...
...Here a poor Sicilian who earned his breed shining shoes could, by' shining snore show, send his son through college and see him become an avvocato or dottore... pvofessor at Yak, and tonfi twte >*Ht sup porter...
...whet dees ha hare to Jt a rath bridges...
...Tat wonderful books of Giovanni Versa, class* evaluations of the Sicilian soul, are not readih available ia this country, fear have been translated...
...gate a book, which has been a long time finding aa American editor (It is soon to he publish ad by Knopf), stakes it clear that his position is a pomtwt one, mot primarily a negation of evil bat a positive assertion of will for the forces of reform...
...Before I know it, I *u a paterae...
...People write about it as if it still went on...
...Thoaawh* tMBJt tbsangh Fern Wast* tee Bell Talis will get s fair tenet if hear wash Ernest Heastagway really misssd, . , . Asyway...
...Since then IVe always followed pi prscuce of sleeping whenever I can—except when on actual ftord duty...
...sombre pages...
...The summer of 18*3 is ushering in a new era, the phase ef the Allied offensive...
...Yon never farfiat your first reodesvens wUh death any more then year first -eman...
...Italian colony, the oWt in the Kingdom, The Governroeoj ieviw OA...
...The men are like war-dogs chafing at a leash that has hardly been released far the psst few years...
...The aa* was setting, nsd we started trekking from Iterate do Tatoam op a bill which we later called Suicide HilL Ballets mere whistling all sroued...
...In the wate R is very difficult to fall into that need, as we function 'SB a team...
...Wave known him for years, and be lifted his head up anas when war broke oat, anal then ignis 'to get Ssffl ifie Washington to check with the new war teapttus, parttcuinriy the OPA his...
...Thus, rather than leave my pre-combat impressions unreported, I'd like to take this opportunity to express briefly my point of view pa a number of subjects...
...Here Mtngiaat teams am the tele Gerrette be* concluded: "In a country like VAmenta, which had la Demc ¦¦ess, sous eonU SS» to hens seoes and then to college with a Vfine sncrMee on the part of the parents—and emerge a lawyer or s doctor...
...Later en the actual military thjectives stand out...
...ia s military sonar, 'Somewhere in Britain' I an exposed to about u much danger to life or limb as the kids in the nursery next dear to our old billet...
...Sack is Spain...
...Her sons are our first bridge to the Italian heart...
...t . These are the opening lines of tb* novel...
...The fiction is even men scanty...
...Why, he's over at Agrioulture...
...aac in which one of aha chief protege rusts it poverty ¦iWfuhjng snota than a wstoisginsj treed...
...range have Mid, e> tee things we wu tinw s>- Cultured people, pteseaat people, nesgee yon had set neat to at dinner...
...Swains to whom I gave the hook recent.y saic after the first chapter...
...But he we, « German and everyone assumed he wee a Thaelmanite...
...rdttlTD of Sj^C^^j^j^^^bAl^^Efta ^12^ ^Mlmn^ unr...
...And so supposing at beet that the avesasa reader would he glad ad an anjnniriinslln, sag sale version of Sicilians at tow* and abroad, 1 would Itke to talk about two books 1 think off* that very thing...
...a* It ought to he seat around as s memorandum to some of our prominent offlciaB and diploraatel .- . f and by the max his remarks oa the Spanish Civil War tonttitnte one of the heat brief aweaato we're .seen, end shnmM:nmme >0 tsWmtt that imgering heroic mytk about the- rote of the IntePoatitaitl ahrjgndars and Commenuu ia Spain...
...Tht invincible Bad Army wee bound to triumph...
...WelL if he wants to ranks something of it, well esnlew that we...
...Spain cared him of that...
...He felt bis posterior, end it was clammy Via blood...
...A41 onher tprof rssimit j umii aesisteifi watte thesa... fikuiy...
...baed Bkki was not immtod by Malta, onjeped VaHto...
...A toldier with this background is all alive to idaotetjw...
...The future seemed secure...
...Remember that, and then take note of what be has to say...

Vol. 26 • August 1943 • No. 34

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Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.