The Turn of events - A Review of Global Fronts

The Turn of events - A Review of Global Fronts From THE NEW LEADER NEWS DESK Polittes siosshadiiairi mill bury operation* in ten put week, with tit Quebec conference ol Ffesidsnt low<«lt mnd...," and the sab-roea dtoruaatonp WW tbenv eantraste with the sUtosstof samands made en labor, which to the recast past has been wildly sec seed ef retards* mWamtoato...
...Certain English newspapers, attempting to force the issue, said Russian military observers would he present...
...Heysmans said After the war...
...Ia rt« appneatkni, the" pegpic's own eeovtowne organizations—cooperatives, farmers* "and business men's, associations, trade unions— win play a part of ever-increasing importance, which' means democracy at work, not merely at Queen's Fork, but to the doily life and work of the people...
...told how {he party, despite pel ice terror,' had i eu sftui more than 4«,00f young and active members...
...Many ef these voters were Aater•W' f^C* *** tS.*,rt ,,Te to Canada...
...Edward V. Rickenbadcer, special emissary of the Wax Department, claiming the national limelight...
...The Rome rail road y srds and arsenals were again bombed, and the Italian gOTCtnsacnt declared Rome an open city although official notification had not toward the end of the week yet come through to the A Died governments...
...It is thus that the Scandinavian countries and New Zealand made their 'democracy strong and Vital, while organising collectively for progress...
...With the Germans rn strong force along the Po, rt wonld he t MR for the Allies to attempt to traverse Italy and cut across into the Balkans, for the left MB* would be exposed to Nazi eeaatarattjjdL ~*f|f ?Bias mast, therefore accept the cbaUenr* * »• • asf^wvt ^¦rww'wwwi ^W^iww^gw' ^kmt w^wf^w^^jwyasag - altered by the Germans in northern Italy, and ro ust either laboriously move op the entire length of the peninsula from the south or effect landings from the sea further north...
...Every denioerntss nsnitllj is moving toward more coilectrvist organisation...
...Ployed prices hjave risen steeply neverIn the last war the runaway inflation did untold damage to the nation, being felt moat in the depression ef tfltl end ia the long diprsaaion that began in 1*28 and was by ne means fully liquidated at the tine of Pearl Hsrbor...
...There are two ways in which our people could drift hsto teame/giown Fascism after the war...
...l ^ T ? « • • ^ f e ^ t o m i M.MldawhMQnr of the war fronts, Cept...
...Byrnes promised more vigorons efforU tc tol bad prices to Or level of September li, 19C apt by Congress, although even at that level prices were already decidedly out of fins...
...What appeared to be the fact was that Russia might have participated hot was not invited because informal soundings had revealed1 she did not want to participate...
...Anyone who knows his history knows that Stalin has been opposed te world revolution...
...Who* Htpfmmt tint...
...The strategy ef the German and Italian gove rathe former lc fortify heavily j oat south of the Po, thaa protecting Italian industrial areas.' while the Badoglio government temporised ana gained time for the Nazis...
...although Kharkov had net yet fallen at this writing and the Bnosiast were still some distance from Bryansk...
...Csnnlfli/ the een^sateh**.* rtj m«s)S Rmmia fall force on Jane" 21^^" ** Historically, Germany has always bses tht nssdn Ian and rival of Russia, which to the pest has ssjffered very Rttte injary frote §Batosl and none whatever from the United StatT SheeJd Russia now tern once agate and abate hands with Germany, she would he tkMgS for the future the continuance of a m lasts, totalitarian Germany on her borders, wttl another historic foe—Japan—or her eastern frontier...
...that Europe cannot return id an unergnnrsed economy asm that a democratic cussmonwealth was flic only solution...
...said Rickenbacker...
...Dissatisfaction of the miner*, rasgti ke t»een rising prices and gouging in eeajaaav stores, has reeuUedJn a sharp decant 9 halted strikes of the United Hme Werkem Union earner this year...
...This hi the appear once of a fraternal islsgstton of international...
...Reason wkp Ruttio...
...the policy under which no important step M eve...
...So the veiled Russian threats sasaU he discounted as bluff or as the prelude ts amathar Soviet miostop in the field of diplomacy A problem Roosevelt and Churchll confront •t Quebec is that whatever public decoder they come to must meet with the approval «f t coMStiteency having many different pemti af view en home and world affairs—a snesatos the Soviet leaders do not face in a cesstey 'Spurn' the only axpr«nwjd opinion is afficte OpiBKJTl...
...The left-wing coalition Giustizia e Libert* has WjC ifi opposition to continoance of the w ar by the Badbghp government...
...Leader Hails Election Victory By E.B.JOLIFFE Ontario CCF Leader OTTOWA (By Mail...
...sometimes to nato* of "management* to smderetand what Maaj jagteo wanted: somctnnes u> the mssnshg 1 Sisangemeut" to understand the teal satssf ff the war...
...meted at China, that the Russians and their inerias are working overtime to scare Erglsno and the United States into following Reostex precept...
...Edward V, Rickenbacker, acting as the emmisary ef Secretary of War Stimson...
...By moans of private pep talks and uisw issui aeat out by confidential business neesj agsgihn, corporation ofttotola have been inforssed met the end of the war ft not in stehlTgad,Jfte while over-all production looks good, Sbf aatjp to certain lines is retarding the war amort...
...What did not appear on the surface of operations in western Europe, Italy and the South Seas was the tremendous weight of men and material built op behind Che Hues by the Anglo-American command...
...As soon as it was learned that Russia was not to participate...
...Production «f M tuaunoos coal for the week ending Aagast 1 was yfMflf toes below the prerioes »eek while anthracite oatpnt also fell off...
...What Rickenbacker liked particularly about Russia, he said, was (1) fhe iron discipline ft industrial plants, (2) economic destruction of the individual for "absenteeism,'' (3) incentive pay, (4) compulsory overtime work, and (3f complete absence of "labor difficulties," i.e...
...Ontario is going to need social and economic planning on a bold and comprehensive' scale...
...It has bean stated to business Isadm jftt Allied commanders have already beta fafaa to postpone- plans for ese ma>or iiamsshjs h> cause of lock of certain unnamed items...
...Towards Political Warfare In addition to plans for further military operations in western Europe and the Pacific...
...Roosevelt and Churchill are expected to talk about ways of dealing with.* collapsing Italy and with Germany in the event that Hitler goes the way of Mussolini...
...Nineteen Germ an di vision* a r e re ported to have token over northern Iu}y...
...thai is why today Socialism is stronger than ever, not only in Franca bat in the whole of furope, gad why great duties swart tomorrow the Socialists ef tie whoie world...
...Mr said Oust there will he increasing ssortagsj g goods for civilians, and also said that as effort <^^KSMSgasnisfs> atsaa awe/ with these J ^ J b . ^ ^ r te...
...while in dealing with the ahi- « minum monopoly it ia abjectly polite and insanely generous... the and of Minnesota—CCF candidates showed the greatest *trength...
...cssetosjfths saV' refecred to as "Wnanas...
...It also ¦enacts the people's view of the Canadian wsr effort, an ran by Mackenzie King We have made a bad start toward organising oar efforts democratically as well aa collectively...
...Veiled threats ef a separate peaee hetweest Bemssa aod Germany are, ha waves...
...mnmbie about 'the rrrafri* of "fnm' enter^nse...
...The Turn of events - A Review of Global Fronts From THE NEW LEADER NEWS DESK Polittes siosshadiiairi mill bury operation* in ten put week, with tit Quebec conference ol Ffesidsnt low<«lt mnd Prisse Minister Church ill memspefatag the Ilhnrtltiil limelight and statements by War Mobilization Director Jama F. Byrnes and Capt...
...Seldom has labor been rL.#i ¦owb he even a smght fadore te aessevo arossoeiss norma Labor has been over-aastoas t» cooperate, as evteenced ia the wsjvtog of the Mgbaw atrsW by •rgateaod lsster WS* bosiaoss waived no right* to (1) heel aft tor a prise ec U) to withhold geedhjdtof , the market to anticipation of higher prise* as the OaStSt raisers assoog others, hate Labor'* failures have ataaowt mvsoteney SSS| caused bp the foilere of labor te attaop pnsPf cooperation from government and s»samsee*asV Is crowded detonse area> thers i* mae*fts»f jtonotog end timnaportatioe, as wel af stion faeilftias, ocooonting in tessst ppft nf m mWtiwj mad ahacnwsiaiii...
...London Action Shows International Lives Special to Tb Nrw Leadeb LONDON (By Mad—Delayed)—One event at the British Labor Party con fare ace has keen gesteiaB/ overlooked in the dispatches and stories en tan deanetaSiona...
...bnjii i.g martial law into JJMggg (i^svoiistfbt pons e\isQ %tnkefs Mn the rale in Italy, with, tie aathf<Hato •^Bk to eoatrol the demonstrators...
...spwfh of the Po River, ia northern ftary and 00 serene the English channel into northern France, Norway or the Low¦ Italy sooth of the Po, which traverses the Lombard Plain, to » ripe apple, abut wos probably fall easily to the Afllsd invader...
...But the attributed -SocinrtoT view is not enough We aceepteO that once end we hove learn* a lessen...
...b? wllof*t 8t"he*- mm^f?mTo some extent the corralling ef "asanas...
...In the military theatre the pattern of the pmiw week was weven a little tighter ftmtetaa fen to Or Aswriesa Seventh sad British Eighth Armies, leaving Sicily completely subdued...
...To**, the official Bajaajam news agency, brusquely pot a^stoj) to 0* ssamoc hp soyim Russia had not ton invited to attend and di British and American officii I dream o win r ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ American pro-Soviet hpSSSeSca lying hech and waiting for the* next opportunity of mfkia^prlftW, antes**, of tksmmujros...
...If we fail to do this, we shall be overwhelmed by mass unemployment Farmers, workers, business men alike wnf find themselves destitute, while ote-perty leader...
...These 'ere the men whose standard procedure for settling industrial disputes ft"to "send in the troops"—or, as a Tory government did at Stratford, "send in the tanks...
...No people on earth, including ourselves, can stand the kind of bombing Hamburg has received " Outstanding in Rickenbacker f talk to the ^•"•OmVi (iVOssI lamias) TP«B^mnBmnny% WesW tame* AsAemVnsTAtien he has sesssstved far R ass is within strictly reactionary limits that would have areeeed a maBdsns gleam In the eyes ef the late Leon Trotsky and fop leaders ef the Russian government who were assented , after the state trials af 1»*S...
...arteaRy ueuVte s*W- - tion to the yoangsters COMING ef age each year..." fee beta see halves chalk tarts ispiauMaj an aatojapt by aunrenuwewt official* ts sbnej nVe «P to exfsgga|ions... has bee* dot ft I epmbmartoo of esreumstarces—sassotssssf V faulty djgecBlsas from Washington and task atinUto shnTtfng of plana after pteate bast teaj tooled for eertato nvodeis...
...will hove to find its place, and will have to he one of the most pttoisesite forcea...
...About |9 a week win be added to sac* weekly pay envelope, while coal prices, appal :4 cento pear ton last Winter when tin...
...With Britain and the United States working to close harmony en all questions relating to the French, Italians and Japanese, the biggest question before the conference, apart from near-future military operations, appeared to be German-Russian, affairs...
...In Niagara Fklft, Windsor Saslt Ste...
...But a jf* pg of sbaont«sisiu boo been caused by wssnpn flf hftre small children at home that osassad ssany The smashisg victorj of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in the OsjUrio elections, reported In The B>w Leader tost ts adlMnihg 'cotateas Mr Jon*vTanalysis For the American labor movement, one of the most striking aspects of the caasgetgn gas the strength shown by the CCF m the industrial and suburban centers that are con flffSall to' (he Inrted States...
...Corsica for the air fields they wo aid afford...
...Louis de Brouckere, of the Belgian Socialist Party pointed out that the Nazis had osgsmtoed the wtfe*e economy of Europe He static...
...They mast cease to hp hv s tee resets of monopoly power end keeorae public services, insii osmiitu for providing useful employment and increasing the Sew of gpede and services available for distribution...
...Ottawa has utterly failed to make it a people's war, muck though the people wanted it to be...
...h« Frejjch Committee of Natipnal hlmyttior, at Algiera and <2) what sort oif govern men: snan he set up a»TtaJg after it ia sdtoai fee drift of thought aanste gvrenuasjtt aduser...
...One way hi tfte cos ternary ffo-netliirig policy of Liberal roTemmer, ts...
...attending toe two leaden seemed to be tha: the French Coisshrfre shonU he regarded as the temporary sovereign over French overseas possessions, but that it should be left to the election of the French people after they are liberated who should run the government...
...With respect to eool, Mr...
...It is inevitable...
...Nelson Calls Business Leaders, Snubs Labor On Production LOas Special to Tin New Lxabs* ¦ '] WASHINOTOTf, D. ^—Donald Ne»os saf1 other high officials of the War FluduefMulm' are holding a series of conferences wim kg mdustriaKsts with a view to halting prousrsJll -low-downs canned by management Tie atowt^wna, according to sensson analysts, have been canoed by LSiosreitei leaders who believe the end of the *sr b hi sight and who want to get ready tor tht post-war consumers' market, and by stemasset corporation leadership, ef whsr* met* thaa a little has been discovered...
...HoUsnd Comffle Hoysmans...
...In addition, the Germans are cdufageotui and intelligent I am not a fanatic of air power, but I Irmly believe that Germany mast be broken from the inside out, net from the outside in...
...Tie mood of taeee men, expressed in the elections, hi a regettJou of the feelings of American workers en this side of the border...
...And ft is this do-nothing poetey, totally tHafc' quate in a post-war crisis, which wffl drive people, in frustration and despair, to elnteh at the authoritarian remedy...
...From London during the week appeared several obviously inspired news dtepatehee harping on the possibility of Russia cone lading a separate peaee with the element* now responsible tor German affair*— added evidence, oa ton of recent demands for a "second front" and hectoring lectures si...
...warned against looking far the collapse of Germany In anything less than a year's tune...
...The question remaining to be decided is this: shell it be collesttoiam of the authoritarian brand—or democratis collectivism ? Dictatorship or cooperation ? Tha Ontario general election of August 4th is not the final decision, but it has materially agisted the shape of things to ~eeme...
...Noras for the Csi ilajslovah movement TEorrraa Nordhal for the Norwegian labor unions, and i. W. Albarda...
...Socialist las iter i who ad areas ill the eonvantion and took part in the discussions...
...ok\le syngfaad and the United STates are...
...the framework ef a reconstructed world, the Socialist iBternettena...
...Byrnes -i nsj that the work-week of coal miners sad lite increased from 42 to 48 hours, giving As as* Time-and-a-haif pay for the added hours ate thus providing them with additional ineaa* with which to meet steeply increased uvng costs...
...Ottawa is either, indecisive or authoritarian in dealing with labor, the farmer and the small business man...
...At some time it will probably be earned expedient to - move into Sardinia and...
...The same mentality could think of nothing better than slave camps at 20 cents a day for the young men who could not get a decent job tea years ago, and who are today a valuable part of the nation's manpower...
...Under this ruling the draft Ting of fathers would be held as a club ever tt* heads of those pereone who refused to take u] occupation* either distasteful to them or Pi mete from their accustomed residential areas ' The War Manpower Commission followed bj ruling that occupation rather than jjefiantej •tatu* will hereafter take precedence in deter mining the eligibility of men for military service Lost te view ia this neat formulation are the specific needs of the Army, which has an officially established maximum ef 8Jd»aaa men...
...4c*s oa Heme *roef Wat Mobtfixation Director Byrnes late ma> day acted...
...The other way into Fssewm is taken by leaders with natural leanings in favor of tyranny...
...He did not say, aa' headlines indicated, that he thought collapse would certainly conse next year...
...Fbr a policy of social and economic ptaiirrmg, a CCF government wi'u be accour.table to tfie electors... screwballs in England and the United States began moaning and groaning about Mother* Russia being left out in the cold- with the ravening wolves...
...o » many of the present Mtt,*M father, eligible for the draft without the occupational deferment prlsjeipk hftafveaung eedtd the Are...
...Beading the names ex many French Socialist martyrs, Gourn said: "One can imprison men, Bad one ^W^QP^ Imprison ddeaa...
...taken until after years of agitation and presenre...
...with at least one major at mine* eriato to entphasize the need...
...The way events are now shaping ap it appears rhet this Anglo-American power will 1ft the German forces (1) along the Hate Jaw...
...Lacier, Bit and Adam Ciofhees told of the herok work of die aadeifiuawl Polish Socialist Party fat leading the fight against the NasiPierre Krtor spoke for the Luxemburg party...
...Tat sa»e pvoeednre was todies*** for a coos jarec • • • Crisis Witk ftsssio...
...independent voice and action by the workers, who are completely, subject to the party machine and in consequence bear without hope of redress the result of maladroit decisions such as those which produced the Naxi-Soviet treaty...
...mten changed from a 36-hour to a 42-hour najsk, wfH be further increased...
...So effective was the work of the KremKnphiles that others became alarmed and echoed demands that Russia be invited...
...m gemma weenie 1 sm en irraiiiuf rerreeru Throughout the wees: there was mere dagH# talk from governasent officials on the dsisattef ef pre-Pearl Harbor fathers, with aohhfl«*'a1 the end of the week being able to fianspfi **f what if was afl about * Selective Service headquarters announced tha essential war-oceupetien would now, a f lite last, be tha ihdai mining factor hi the d*fa?3J fathers, making the armed forced a sort of 1 penal colony FOR those not in essential wdjf occupations and these who declined to shift * such occupations...
...Bombing of the Italian industrial center* in the north, and of German industrial centers and Luftwaffe airfields hi France con tinned, wtth the defense exacting a steadily rising price of attacking aircraft and their crews...
...Felix Gouin, who is toe official representative in Loudon of the Socialist Corrrmitte* of Action to Frence...
...The result of this) eetten was to show that tha Socialist nurses in ts in •erupted Europe are a strong and powerful feres that is loading the resist snr« and that the spirit of internationalism and SociaUam ia not dead...
...sometimes to the iaiters of oar aeoooaay iteesf...
...toeWMPLB^m^aad"at'lb* same Usee pusei i lag elbow-reesa to which to dovolop i* mt tho —cord talk* wtth the Hi.....tins Jtote* frratateart of da A*k sJappM The' BVa^ns° w^^the^rl.n^'i JreUrvecl uermaay to cenwjn a strong national state,, asft German industry to kwp fanctioning—sB at ican apm ^ussnis, hse'exawn a sharp ftsthsrtesB between the Saxis and the maas of Germans iooking forward to the post-war period wh« ihe mfa hast a friend in a reconstituted, strong oon-Hi fieri te Germany...
...s reader of the Labor and Socialist International and former mayor of Antwerp, deatt with the critics ef the International...
...really begun to fight, hare not yet loosed upon any part of the Axis more than a fraction of the volcanic Ire-power it has stored op close behtod the fighting lines...
...effect st central, walls daring this war despite adequate insight into the eons* centrals " w ^ ^ v e " ^ * * ^ *fmfly""ee...
...Other items en the doehec agenda are O) rcauon* of Britain and the United States wit...
...The main achievement of the Anglo-American allies to date has been the amassing of this vast amaafflt of power,, poised for destructive release against Germany and Japan...
...In the South Seas, aerial sparring continued between American-Australian and Japanese forces, said American forces moved on frorr New Georgia Island, bypassed Kolombangara, and seized Telia Lavella Island to the north...
...We shall smted There can he no eiashiu of respanaldown aa as^rtaetoa, and no one wiBmgiy or by connivance supporting it can be admitted We want security, and ** have to bring it... increase coal output and the country home-front directives on tht tsa> e*«t...
...wholly smieOhwtk, unless the Kremlin ' tail ' Nex^SovTei [reaty^r*!5» "twlhT m...
...He stressed Oat Germany "has a vast army, tons of materials, millions engaged m slave labor, and she is relieving men from her own forces for additional labor...
...t* not attending thu eemferemee, as she has failed to attend other Anglo-Am#riea» conftrenoe* Birssis is «et at war wyth Japan...
...e • • Qse.r»os of fhe Wset What, by the way, hat become ef the prewar movement to draft capital and ts eliminate profits from war...
...other wise Socialism has no future...
...Marie—fa the dries running from Bo IT ah...
...Captain Rickenbacker highly recommended close peat-war economic ties with Russia, ardently looked forward to by American business, which new feels it missed the bent along about 1920 in net "cooperating" I J J I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ » - i 1- «• - n...
...Roosevelt, Charchill and No-Sralb President Roosevelt arrived in Quebec Wednesday evening with his aids fee the sixth sraf conference with the Prime Minister of Great Britain . There was mucn speculation all around concerning what the talks might he about, and in the week preceding the conference there had been much double-talk" from tie White House and the Kremlin about the fact of Russian non-participation...
...Despite feats to the South Pacific, the Aleutians, Africa and Sicily, which the newspapers have overreported against the perspeetiTe of the whole war, the Anglo-American forces hare not yet...
...The fall of Mussolini revealed that the United States and Britain,, with their peace objectives undefined, are in the position of two men pushing at a door who are iSv, datogsx, when the deer anally gives wag, of fal&g flat on their faces By resting ant wish the offer of sticks of candy to the Badoglio government after Mamutliai ML the British and American go.eganm.ato shot fall of hole* their jrterr...
...On the Russian front the Bossian* rontinaec to gain ground by line-bucking ana pineer lac :ics...
...Osar natural vojuiijsh tear and todustetes aauot be developed by plan...

Vol. 26 • August 1943 • No. 34

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