God's Southern Acres
God's Southern Acres By BROADUS MITCHELL ^exploiters6and con°erratof«. BetoaVrjr, thx liMliiar until, tn recent veers, the eeemtv baa b»<»i a *•¦«¦ lemonstrafjon of ¦leal the °Drd'lU«»r and hie...
...You recall him under different names, for he is a historic character...
...Other folks celebrated the fall of Mussolini E«tohappy thought that H portends the fall of Hitler...
...JOther romantic do-gooders, the nan lives in a mythological ""7*toe...
...The New Deal y?neat to doing the same wicked thing...
...Few of as reeKse...
...1 give yon my word.' fa^ji...
...Prosifant Roosevelt equalled this record by appointing Frank Murphy Ajjs Miajn us Court, There you have the only fact that is pleated to prove point aamber one...
...The millions of poor unionists—here acknowledged to be Lariean citisen—are wandering in the wilderness...
...H is ctvili*^*a Which he for against...
...i I» this war year, Greene County is looking up economically and spiritoefly...
...1,7*0 voters were stricken from the county lists, and theae were nearly al white, for the Negro registrants had already been reduced to 36...
...In fact, they started a good deal of KaSWp wildemass will be the only happy home for Westbrook r«tk» and George Spelvin...
...powers are equally wicked...
...The poll tax finally disfranchiees poor men white- or brack...
...is that such things smack of the police court, and are not matters which snen nice people Ascnsn...
...r»f *• - • e» o e m Pennsyl^ " " ooa*a^^s»^ The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN taagdsf '« LaaghUr ~~ ¦ , r SsjUIAPS what's wrong with Westbrook Pegler is that his fairies Kfergot the gift of humor...
...B tfca Books '0rJW**y poor Jermiah hung his harp on a willow tree and ^yrjhtSer beyond his depth...
...the letters printed ia the...
...A little fraak crataoisea is omly to the good, and it is unfortuaat...
...at liberty to etopaettset dtserinnjiations...
...the Kremlin's decision to edit Mieekm to afeasow and that show it to the Russian people left the North American Newspaper Alliance dispatch we reprinted a yttle dry...
...But the author did not fob...
...r • e e ^ be -.he new strrte^of the party-lnwrs...
...2^* tosnaged things so all workers had jobs...
...Bat that land will never When the Republicans come to they will have to regelate 7**" the New Dealers do...
...That the Kremkn Sot hare is now having ciuJalofiiai on why «ey sbonhra't drop-ta» u» of the word «Va*V rsde...
...That the-afayasalty shsian at sTaoffton, C BuHitt's campaiga to Philadelphia is "Ballots for Bullitt...
...V ¦ roan in Hh Biffar Boor mrgJIN the poor pessimist reaches the trade unions you might W fktnk he would be in difficulty...
...She had suggested that the picture would be dead-lettered...
...In fact, they solidly support both the Br* Mat and their elected union Officials, but bleeding-heart tefcr-ef the inspired vision looks into the future and weeps TBaTlilsj'ii homily of horror win fairly break your heart...
...jt^-T^V "b' ' • • rtat af the Night:—The story rands like a chapter out of an an^be^nble ron-withe political underworld And with fk* Islllii Uaton of r^*Lt*wtos*fer^tae^ fMaimeatoT^He^rm- Sr for da Wag a» teateftti oe a Cluama alien...
...By Hilary St...
...It ia ,goT<rnrti— for which any liberal leader would naturally give Jfmm thing started on Tuesday and proceeded with heavy tread ¦ajjehiaiilth the week...
...better fcesrith through diet and...
...e » oi' i...
...What happened to him between j*° •»« is not quite revealed...
...perhaps, the two things do not h»k precisely identi?i Bat asten...
...The fact that Mussolini was yjpa elorted by anyone except the awkward little King and that eagaevelt and Wallace went into office on a wave of 27,000,000 fetes gites him not the slightest difficulty...
...Give a left-wine intellectual a took...
...Jury IB) *^»Tien Missme to Moscow was seen at the Krenrlin there wne#%oawr <wwo" mast have foaad » aw aateatt to recognise ^tsaUhui as it was diftcalt to tecogntw fotnaw ^mboseador i^m^^mJ^eM^m^1or^^^^ ^"ereloovry khahvs styie...
...depend* for its support upon a gangster eeonewy that so far has uontusdtal to anametog k. & m.f " This is of fan potest importance hi appraising Japan's ability to stay at wsr...
...Here certain union bosses have taken over the ambers, the American people, and are growing mere nad more •sertrre of a right which they have invented for themselves, to isdphne them with taxes,, fines and other punishments under EBKaat sanction...
...Wallace although it will not go* kusinesenien . . . who have seen their paper work pile up avian many activities placed under permit and license...
...On the human aide they demand the creation of sailor-soldiers, soldier-sailors, and airmen-soldiers, who must cooperate with imaginative understanding of each other's methods and problems...
...by 1907 the outlay for each enrolled white child was HA4, for the Negro child JL34...
...They do not Lett en their own behalf...
...The cover Was, as eranys, alca deofegteat orewasm to laWiaWiai...
...Pohit number two is that Benito took over business—and so did fa Jtew Beat...
...What is he talking about...
...V" There is s oermao I art ¦¦ is m tats beek...
...While there rs disefplme, it is more of a stow sol variety...
...George, dessm, has a son in the South Pacific...
...In his fairyland big-business heroes perform heroic deeds r1*?to« merry as a cash-register bell...
...Saunders make* obvious, but he is no "tool* either despite the case of the N*xi naval signalman an afaaley I stand who received a bunker signal telling ef the appreach of the eowtmandos...
...So you see for yourself...
...That old-time readew of Loafs Backer gasped hut week when they saw has NAMieh attack against Hoary Wofiae* on the ground that Wafkee doesnt really understand the , "syatoat of flea oaanarme.'' . . .That Hollywood (after *w*nw» to Moseoe* aadv^ee Whom the Bott Tola) nsay eedeem ttsatf wieh HaYchdOm the Rhine...
...The signelmaa said he did not...
...WHEN the history of this war is finally written, tf eve* it fs, mueh space will 4e'8e%>ted to the "Commandos"—those intrepid soldiers-who combine rove of country with love of adventure, to 'Whose hands' rested the responsibility of pioneering new methods of killing Nazis...
...He will be able to compare the neat sweep at Vaagso and the bloody fumbltog...
...We have Z™I • rarioning round here...
...had viewed "We, sad dbnth» hv-tne row end iWhnd ll'olMljjiBl TTl' "«» hi my bhtadL'' - • "I Bat AJ^tt actnaB* *%ad viewed lila, and ^aBv iVBm raw...
...the Kremlin Sets the world over are still hamuli devoted to ab» B^tJbV of Josef Stalm'» line—what does a little thing like military inmtogp or political principle matter...
...Current revival news is foe the famous novel of Stendhal, The Charterhomee of .Partial Dwight Maedonald read it, and in the current issue of fiaflajji fieriew uses Stendhal's description of RaHaa liberation at the hands of the democratic forces (Trench Revolutionary) to shdw how far the Allied forces are today from "the freak :klafon.'» f reodern...
...That son of the soreg$ft George Spelvin, has bean forced to join this union...
...Probably his only happy home will prove to far wilderness...
...tlie Commandos 1 By 44.VIM Y/CTOf COMBINED OPERATIONS, the official story of the Commando...
...on the aisles, r' . And Ralph Parker, whose pro-Soviet dispatches eer> Jkeffuy don't disqualify hint as an observer on this point, said (wife prnak* <m h» awuth— rse.«r...
...He has received the confidence of the people, which was reipertod tt^eoafldenee given him...
...Thus, the incredible saharbaa mountain* and the general Ipaiissaa o#naawsty taxartaaa otohiaaaofc JaTe m Wis.**, to Moscow" calmed saawoae to atarmar 'idakva" the other day...
...Inc inaatslty...
...It is well...
...This bonk will'helpInside and Out By MATTHEW LOW "^uiaide ootmg and the things we learned: (apart frota atw Deacofnl it ia at the Tam invent coaatryaide, and haw Bnojat soeas girls can be...
...And the iiiaansiiiki soldier can get to the itadnirauii however and in whatever way ho pleases...
...The average soldier has been informed occasion* how necessary surprise is in any type of modesu warfare, bur this book pats it in more vivid terms...
...Preacher Pegler SB** f° the length of saying that the war should be called oh...
...The book makes entertaining reading, but H can also serve a- more valuable purpose, for the one tesaon sticking oat like-a sore thumb from its pages is the value of surprise to* any tactical operation...
...That could be me someday," a life may hare been saved in advance...
...Now the federal government has,entered with a program of subsistence farming, the Hems in which are livestock, terraced hum, renovated hornet- arid farm buihdimrs...
...This bunt . . . established revolutionary controls hm business so complex and tricky that jobs wore created for ' anosaads of his petty Black Shirts...
...He was Navy...
...W*ll, the heart of the tStMt i i P°or'Fish' Spehrln, ks a member of Local 130 of ¦•Wiwd Automobile Workers, has been assessed the amount of *"wTor organization needs...
...The fact that he placed Ojfcfftse first in his chamber of horrors must mean something...
...and was knows what hell make of it...
...The entire column, a thousand ¦*«* reprinted in God knows how many papers, is devoted to talklSJTm Georo*'s plight...
...He's remained an anti-war socsaltot...
...etSenlltat A ITl r*T>C8...
...George Saunden...
...That wan the inescapable roullae of Shanghai...
...And* if a fighting man reading the book says to himself...
...Here again, I see a faraUel which may have escaped Mr...
...Though our clammant calamityhas now read a book, the trends which divide the World ^•••topletely to have eluded-him...
...That is all ¦Wtmtv...
...When the -preacher gets to his point it boils down to gds...
...What are Commandos ? According to ViceAdmiral Lord Louis Mdnntoatton'a foreword, as chief of combined operations, they are men from all the services, array, nary, marines, air...
...But the obvious impricatioa is that *¦* happened over there equates pretty evenly with what is *"BP«ce hereabouts...
...George has to pay tl.0fci-so the are the spearhead of American faecism...
...Reasons: 1) Darlan-Glraud were close to V S council*, Da Gaafle to Russia...
...Have you ever seen an Hem, or even* hint, in anything even, put out by our ' Office of War Information, or our State Department, b^Arnbassador Grew, for instance, that . by'anyTKreleh of the imagfnadpn cntfM con' strued an an affront to the emperor of Japax and te«e Shmto-hnperfal system that U the | reason and foundation for Japan's fanatJdred L military machine and gangster mflitory economy • No, you have ant...
...T« pan...
...The troaWe wr* the bulk of our observers, and pertien-httly those very poltte gentlemen to who* we have entrusted oar foreign poficy hi The State Departow-nt...
...They are ear allies—ear tsaottd allies and for the sake of the furore, it eeuid only have been Jar the mcroai bonatt erf Chain anil oho rent odohnteatoar^taaasas any aw oho aiaasstisiwo and byyocrjcies that anaMad the Japs to get away With what they aid pet away with, unu...
...Mussolini disbanded the sjpgas, stole their property and regimented the workers in his eweoiations...
...So does TV A. Hitler rationed all food...
...Macdenate with tars issue bat resigned a* an em tar of Pei aaaa Xevieor...
...Fox these wbe have aiwaj-s lived in American cities where n assay taxi drver and a H*STliiJikui constitute n crime wave, this sounds fantastic and bombastic—as hapossiWe and sin laTnl i i as did the stosnar of- Jnp atJDotnlsn and Jap blueprints for world ronenesU a enopie of years ago...
...If fee example a commando outfit has just completed a forced march at S A. M. they may be told to bo ready for another hike at 6 A. It...
...Haason Baldwin is the first New hisaarh» >¦ listed as each on hi...
...Straight through tab eeafc he found substance for hit homiKes by tracing parallels letoeen Henry and Benito...
...aKlukva and a Ouck;—But beck to some old business...
...Its now beiag pat to work to the Kntian sttsatien The Comanmsts are reaay aad willing to accept a "deal with Badoglio...
...u/*tot about a century ago we began to replace ruthless and CTgjMane regulation with regulation socially controlled toward -^¦¦••¦ds- The English factory brws were aasoag the first anie^•on this road...
...Total Victory Or Else By EDWARD HUNTER "MY WAR WITH JAPAN," by Carroll Alcott, THE total dogiadsitiuu of the Japanese imperial '., ** govemmenv an* the war machine that is an fnrrirnte put ct of is nowhere better explained than in this book...
...k^va^boaj^io^^ mg ef the nhite moor's eeettvea and deeds out there ip the Far East, and ia his whitewashfasg ef the- Seong-Chiamg family thai rrnle* China...
...WTtWe, despite his all-but-ar*eaaeod rnndidacy for the Presidency, has given speeaV...
...seneeanes 100 miles away...
...He thinks he SL?*r*d that the two "PPOsi11...
...which follows hi human interest, bat inevitably loses in-critical interpretation...
...Their training, aside from the extremely tough thaiactBi' of "toughening op," involves fundamerrtal departures* -front the rigorous dtoctpMne of group life...
...v "Combined Operations...
...It is sad to reflectthat what rescues these-people from setf-desrrue0k>» istorn rant o-f other peasants, in Sicly and" Rumania, a* poor an trlere-servee...
...It M against Stat* Depart - J ment policy for us "to insult" the Japanese [ 'l^ot^bagm to got oar fasts before oar Panel Harbors,-not afterwards...
...fa8cist twin brothers...
...l^atsolini and his mob put an and to established law...
...Now ths Naoraahntie>daap^ao) the ideology of real thoroughgoing anti-fascism scrapped, because there is a chenee that tan Rod Army safes* be berped a aaa* sooner feat lass onTactresty...
...Who have been selected to conduct "ampiukicuj" warfare...
...it was life at -Shanghai...
...BetoaVrjr, thx liMliiar until, tn recent veers, the eeemtv baa b»<»i a *•¦«¦ lemonstrafjon of ¦leal the °Drd'lU«»r and hie family settled down for Ion* periods in the scenes of which he writes...
...That WendeP...
...that Afcott sheered away from ft as respects the Western Democracies and the Kaoatintan...
...a>raas»f j ^ fl|».'PEGLER does not like Italy, Germany, Russia or the United Presumably he would Hit flto British Commonwealths an-*1 nis own country, for regulation has gone farther in 51**em...
...The President of the United States tketever this may mean—was reduced to a sort of junior f'Eowk'flrst on this picture, then on that, said the preacher...
...and to Old very few others who mercilessly expeeed the Japs, they generally resented his warnings, resented any suggestion that everytWn^wna not for the very best to «Ke very beet ef t«|oisible communities...
...The tat far chosen from the New Testament of the trade union in iaahs...
...by Hilary St...
...What m he talkmg for* Z*J...
...His ^aaplas were not Mussolini, Hitler and Hirohito but Wallace, ¦paovelt and all who follow in their train...
...celebontton in lUt to-nohvt ap Fatotnarn gianinga af Aaiif4jaai atto^bv "fXACtlV taW VaUaa# f^t.lla|r Of 4i^)er*tl<TB>, » * ApapaUCVtlf "t%t?J^*a*# divided Stendhal, one takte* the rod, and the ether toe black...
...v.>«.¦ r-ir •** -• We must, in fairness, be seeuainted wfth Com facta, because otherwise we wouM beerjateTtopatient and annoyed -with the slfliomniiatrip of the authat, as testified to bv the hom-hasae tine to the bonk, arm by torrtences sueh e»- ¦ "1...
...Tke New Deal legislation is one of the moot recent, ^difference between democratic social control and fascist dic|* l**h*|) must be sought—not in tins or that detail of prfce^V***' waff*-control, job-control—but in the spirit and purpose r***P«hot of the entire process...
...j§jt aaa ahM...
...orders to Herrrwood nil lag dps ilsasoslsaiiiii in the fibn veraaa of bis Qae WorM, . .. That...
...Under the New Deal the trade unions hare grown Qgajjlliil if ef loss that 3,900,000 to something Han 14.000.9)0...
...fojm Xterefi MMW only^asnogaaaif as "a sport eehmnirt'': it takes a world war to shake taw Seem on things law that . . . That several Wtetnl journals are going to start jroimrng for Walter Lrppmnot, chnrfiar t-.at hw new book en V. S. FWeopn Fa«ey is shaping up a? a "bihle for impefiaKsts...
...in dofmnte ef economic textbook laws...
...Hitler gave the farmers "^fSjWilgeT...
...He confesses, "I have been frisking my its* a...
...His inspired idea -that the balcony bum is gone and now* wo may rsidlilusalj ¦jet the fall of such American imitators aa the President aad •he President of the United States...
...A giBasgbhili ago the relative expenditure on the Negro school child was shrinking...
...Comintern or an Comineera...
...No such Jtopy p*SJrores for puffing preacher Pegler...
...screens, and improved schools...
...All of us know by now that i jj*n^ang"tsedon> prostitution and planned cruelty flourish Tike Jungle swamp -woods wherever the Japanese army ponetratea...
...Dad a Black:—It's not very important, but H's tan nose to sens ** ap without mention...
...For a hmg time the county dealt with its problem of poverty by exporting people quite an much an -cotton: Those who remained had no better opportunity as a result, and sometimes worse...
...One famous toseina-otinrsapsaient, w« knew, priveasop reperted in a cnhjatofxa-'iaia here that Buosian aadfcacos wane laughine...
...Taay has* belaf m lbs siiatoa«o «f greupirln the United States' erilfcjs...
...The social cheating by poUtielaitS ami irmuenial crtiseas ef the Negroes and poorer whites in education, suffrage, etc, is evident in facts and figures set forth...
...Y. Foot, FM, Walter Lippmann, etc...
...The onljt question has- always Who regulates, and to what end...
...Written, soma thaw before the spectacular invasion of.Sicily— sn operation which utilised many Conrmando techniques—the book provides the-"d©pe"eahow these brave moa asm trained...
...We have had a parallel here in the years ages 1932...
...Jumping into a rowbOat he putted his Way quickly to headquarters on aaother hdond to tet the naval otoifnaadeot The eommandatrt wanted to know whether ha had warned toe gunners on Maaloy...
...That creates individual discipline...
...The gunners, he fTglsntodywosO of the Army...
...Regulation started the moment we ftom the cave-man age...
...A* Alcott graphically exphusw m h» book...
...For years, has Japanese war plotter* have regarded Mar Aatorieaa people oft gullible and unrealistic suckers " Do yea-doubt it...
...George Saunders, Is thear official story...
...at Dieppe—a pair of campaigns which show tap the value of suprise...
...tposition leads him up to the unenviable position occupied ^WfTomnronists before the attack on Russia...
...J ..'**) This is net a chanter from some underworld novel...
...Says Mountbatten: "Amphibious operations are a aosaglaa form of warfare...
...There see drawback* and discouragements, but as a whole the record makes recent congressional ntntsaont «f the Farm Security Administration CnWf...
...in 19*7, for defaulting our this tax...
...he Can read' At the end of his researches he comes up D. Tooschus...
...Yea Hi sat that Benito's regime-was twin brother to that of the New Wj jafitr end his hosiers "took their privileges and spoils from fie rest of the people...
...war eea-nesny hoeod on aadarwa^gisetists a* ah* most serdto •ao:nre «rw¦•»t• U??ere*ni ^u^e^p^ta^T^mJt^l police servers jautealftig ^r^o>gtessj^»>oe*^ soflitsjyi ¦iaihiim> it dees not oava fee wo-cry any oaiieiakoaw aaaniiiag annlf slaiwd sail tbi figures te which we pn> oft mueh a-4*eattea—budgets ooVsoriftlsntfCpVtt'^^MoMBsooVsw' Otk\9f*\W^$&f 'eKoMalssofof t4st*N -ML" U^hSwIS uLJ?* hrHaevZavW V^' sh^u+Tk*ew that A^r?jts^ iltoral^^s fa others were beaten-on to —lam as iash oi thou . lives, while...
...Ingg*1 M»mg, as the Communists did, it is jtart a wicked eld W>«jjali*t war he ig gaymg, jn effect, that it's just a war between e? >2!l...
...We ehouM realise, too, that instead of" his American and Britiaf eoresidest* ef Shanghai being grateful to Afcott...
...Greene County is more than half Negro, but of the federal relief projects through JAffo, over half served whites only, and only one-twentieth Negroes only, hr-the last fifteen years the percentage of white children retarded in school has dropped, that of Negro children has grown...
...The unions flourish but, in his topved vision, it is the members who have been taken over by the geigfanwat in connivance with their union officials...
...i That the enemy is no "superman...
...There are mere farm owners than tenants among whites, but almost six times as many tenants as owners asnong Negroes, afore than nine-tenha ot* the white homes of the county have window panes, whole enty something over barf the hemes of Negroes loave them...
...But that the Parte* movie h> kicking up a lot'afcftss in Moaeaw crrdea fit beyond dowkt...
...On the material side they entail technical study, the production of new machines of war, special types of assault craft, both largo aad small,-aad the use oi those and other new devices...
...At a place afiai Bristol, Pa., they are oppressed so cruelly that the gentle efttigefist is reduced to public blubbering...
...to feeeiiw after this war te over and agais ¦ oahsad oawn oram%atoJaf aoni»«Jtoaoi'i sad-aalaani fit hack into the community of nations...
...The important thing is that hp got there...
...v* I? n...
...From him he quotes a description of what gjES?* 10 Germ*n 'sbor and industry...
...Why he should favor the sacriftce v-J^V**** mea &nm nKmeyin such a conflict is beyond me...
...stiU others were kidnapped and brow¦ beaten into -silence...
...f*d to caff-hint the Poor Fish...
...Things ^jH* *j* same thing are equal to each other...
...Kaoai Cowley ako> read H, and in the enrrewt ieeu* of The****, Xspuklie- uses Steedbai'* description of MBan...
...He is a fine, upstanding toe original member of the Pegler for President Club...
...ft ht tlteo wo da* soenc' awbxawhto...
...2) To smear the whole North African effort as "a© substitute for a second front...
...hnoy lined up with all the critics of the State Department (.V...
...Some doubts must have crept tote ?J^*»w»nthic mind...
...It had been written by Helen Lombard,'daughter of the former French military attach*, and an "insider" in Washington...
...Did yon know that the dent national jaattjj* ever to be featured in n Soviet eve mo is the carrmt ant et« Fiasian hit—end that his name is (curious coincidence, Mr PiiloaTb "Jabl Waraar.'' . . . That Heary Lace iof TW-f^e-f ¦ i aanaj and aosne other promenent Mgtatte pahniBaera^n^ytoIjanp^% E Oft^^KJI ftaW) aMStte^Qaaar JJo^O^TaMsV, p^it^dooan^r ItTTp, toe'aato Depagojgenwt is Uksjy to make pahOc andnm on Charles DeGeulle (and it's'dyiegmito...
...eeWftaUaa isamlaiaoi itatoia, the daga hood soato»diaaeT pot into practice a compjete...
...Like many another evangelist...
...they were good and ready to etas us in-the bscit on Dec: 7. WtL** ¦^^^¦^t*** >•: *%• Bet Alcotfs look is primarily about the Japanese, and here we can enty pmiso—sad hurra "Jajeno^j^riov^h^ee woctf^ haa<olp osvX soft aasresdaesb of-Ami Ho—as oftjapjaa aosm tram final ratriaatfcK...
...Overcome by blushing ¦werty after this adventure in the world of ftvteHeet, the prophet ¦vtoom shyly signs a self-denying pledge and murmurs: "I will J** no parallels...
...number arc a hot errhange...
...Last weak he edified his pahtte with ysikasa series of sermonettes on the subject of fascism...
...in attacking the deal with "Dadan...
Vol. 26 • August 1943 • No. 32