The Town of Events - A Review of Global Frants
The Town of Events - A Review of Global Frants Rumblings of tne Italian crisis began to #t down toward the end of the week after a •onfused fortnight, with the severe fell— rioting; of...
...Waft I Was eaten ft wot disclosed nor v/he prepared the too-tempnsf amh...
...Those agraesaents, It is felt, ill persist into the post-war worW...
...the lerni ef (he priataer has, ever ilmwhft ai'iaht, hmmwapeeMly prepaihaf sn^ sent into the prison from the oet- j pay for that aad fer'an the "iter seseial attentions given hha has never beat ; On the last day ef hw trial five rasaaht ago, Stomard, after three yoam of eetaft^ mt, teehad the pktare ef lisaBJi !!¦ (he ashes a sun hatii every day), tigte>j BsusCled and arrogant...
...Assistant Attorney-General Tom Clark is directing the inquiry which is now being faerie Representatives of the Department have alreadj called on farm cooperative leaders here, anx it is known that investigators will go into tin states from which the complaints haWe bam most numerous...
...One report, for example, recently pointed out that in spite of the immeasurable scarcity of cargo plane capacity for China, American government flights have carried a disgraceful quantity of bank-notes-fuel tor China's murderous inflation —instead of war supplies...
...But this looks like aelW a brewing eesnmsst in a wide teapot 4 S fw \ \ m s t 'Mickey fUmt. The following drops Its from Messes eat emit by the Herahl-TriboM bareaa sad prfaabjd la that paper ea My Bl ami* the msstmaae: Trotshy'a Slayer Is * »' Meshre City Prtaonr MT53CTOO CFTY, Jury 2*.—The rsurderet, at Leon Trotsky, the man formerly knows at Franck Jacson, now as Jacques Mhraard...
...1 front of the wsr...
...Despite Allied gains, military experts conceded that the German divisions wen gaining vain able time for the m aMgiimaut of their farces all over the Continent To prevent this the Altai coatmand reached ever the German lines by means of airpower, and apparently knocked out naif of the oil refining facilities at Ploesti, Romania, end treated Hamburg to the most massive saturation raids of the war...
...Chung-king has suppressed free speech...
...The American ides, the ChritmW idea, the English idea, adherence to trsdrskaml morality: the formula is so naive, it igaerm ft much, rt has so h'ttie relation to the economic forces that role oer lives, yet it has msproaml Mrs...
...This Is mdeai a cstrtionsry work...
...At the same time, as the history of Stalin ism has shown, those persons capable of rousing vast masses of people or independent action, nave been driven out, killed or resigned...
...But Pi neimsiit Roosevelt himself immediaaay fell victim to this unreal dstinctror which to had jmtt hearted when he spoke sbout smmfcj social becomes for Ueturnmc ssleicrs afSer Sm war—a recommendation that was rlsaarrmli hailed by liberals fn that It applied to no fewer thmt *0mjm am, a simmaie ehuak at tin adue^luemUtlsii...
...The immediate occasion for Mussolini's withdrawal was not even made known, although outside speculstion emphasised that he may have wanted Italy to continue fighting in the north on the line of the River Po, conceding southern and central Italy to the...
...England refuses to open negotiations...
...Pandemonium, noting, racial fighting aad lootkag wonld nrwvall See Conflict Between China and Allies Over Military, Political Issues The death,of Lin Sen, venerable president <A China, pnt the accent once again last week on the niceties of public intercourse...
...4.* snd criticism in a abort review tends to at reduced almost to a plain yes or no...
...The main and only objection to Mussolini- in high Italian eireles appeared to be that he had gambled and lost for the Army officers, the Fascist bureaucracy, the aristocracy,and tiie big landowners and industrialist...
...Bat beneath the surface tensions were being aggrevated...
...Churchill's speech that exproomm flmmrei...
...Thus American chsmart...
...has supreme veto power-over the arsmeg of English ami American ,nd»mrS.haU.aad snporters...
...Roosevelt and John Chamberlain, aad tie Archwtthop of Canterbury...
...e • rtffefc^fiswtffcei Ah efdjvp JERBERT AGAR'i A Time for fTrrStnrsi ¦ was received here as a great moral tract >r our timoa...
...the Union of Polish Patriots bj Waeda Weaateleveka...
...hare of an filnass of mysterious oftghv There are rumors of typhus...
...obey aee well tenured at law rates, aad •bar stand ia Mao to obtain epneiel eeefPreaoanot RaasavtiC Upon their aJstharge from the Army, moat of the men...
...1 hmW aaid that A Tim* for Griistiisss is ¦jatpntnMI caBy important...
...Ulbricht, as a writer in Tke Call reveals, was the man who investigated the German members of the International Brigade who sought refuge in Moscow aad ftrssd them to retain to Germany as Stalinist agents, where they were arrested and sentenced to 20 yearn hwpi iwmmeait at hard labor...
...We certainly do not seek to reduce Italian life to a condition of chaos and anarchy .and and ourselves without any authority with whom to 6001...
...In fact, it is one of the few agaasim of the goverament eMail has net been hoodwinked or "browbeaten by the oil lobby...
...The Americas Army today enjoys the highest standard of living of any army ia history, aad some Washington experts feel that it has tee high a standard for its owa good...
...This ihaiiuulliw has long smMuh made in harh plaees, which hare falkm ak tha error of smlli^irhmW the heme from tS fighting front, and military from civilian aeoaoray...
...The Badoglio government, however, showed that it was either in no position to seine the olive branch hold forth by the Allies or that it wae unsympathetic to the desire of the Allies to come to close grips with the Nazis...
...In so doing he deviated from the "uneendional surrender'' declaration at Casablanca...
...See too the article by Burton Nichols on page 5.] • • • *Y*HE United States and Britain are nearing * accord on a program of post-war controls, the Watt Strut Journal reports...
...A sample statement: "In January...
...Mat which the United tihataa mm threefoertha of the world's supply- Apparently the United States would still remain In tha strongest mdfftdonl position bat it weald not have ahseaata mate mower over moat major decisions which was a .feaease of the oikgimal American proposal...
...Anglo-American economic partnership has advanced remarkably Senas the war...
...The Pacific front Is not at this time the No...
...Atlantic, with British MmK carefully watching what American tuaipealft are up to...
...X.> The riots in Detroit, Los Angeles and Harlem have raised those ajaoatfcem: Hoe would American cities behave if sahjaotsd to she kind ef bombing experienced in Germany, England...
...Committees ef the House and Senate, some formal committees and some rump committee*, have been aroused to inquire into the oil situation because of the complaints from farmers and from independent dealers...
...Tknuftsjli" riots showed, what has long boon .haw mm, to experts, that racial tension o> esaaHp f f e aa expression of more furidaaaaaml aaafisj -ajagsion...
...Doolittle bombed Japan in spite of the request of the Government of China that it he delayed a month in order to give time for strengthening the Chinese ground defense of her;ah...
...his tanned skin was jMMBJ mVwfty hsmr iifeieaa...
...And although the Nettw is notorious for its shied away from Lin Yutang's program for the peaceable breakup Of all Empires—British, Dutch, French Portuguese, and Japanese—the natives of each part to take on self-government, Lin Yutang's book more than hints at trouble between East and West...
...Complaints which have rolled into Congressional offiees from independent oil groups, from farm organizations, from some cooperative groups, finally caused , Senator fl«n» TV a (lean nf Vmim-e «* ¦Attorney-General Francis Bidctte te begin ea intensive study of conditions in tin oil irwrustry at once...
...However that may he, the majority of American tfoops are today enjoying their first taste of the vaunted American standard of living about which there is always so much proas talk...
...In she case of the German Free Committee, the whip is Walter Uhtsieht, who succeeded Willi htfinsenberg as leader ef the German Communist Party...
...Ploesti had meaning in terms of interrapting the Nasi Thai supply...
...And the one-party highhanded character of national administration offers no guarantee that civil war cast be held in check...
...Onee aad for all, let us eliminate M multipMeky of eontrol in the Pacific...
...Promising to blacken and, aeer Italy front one end to the ether if it did not yield, Mr...
...heo^mhft' either mmremrod or satind' by' the ^^F^^O^7 ^-*^r iP IU,T' fatoleei' United States to tissue blackguards AFTER surrender...
...Chiang-Kai Shah, that China has been isolating itself...
...Shsae Pearl Harbor there has bees as civilian nsniaq and no home front: mis i total war...
...emwavd aWeeave latpevMBaraT^ *T*HE "imperialism of the'skyways" mH * versj ha...
...Relations between China And England, and China and Russia, are far from what one could call friendly...
...prmemmmi were mesmrsmu * better recaption, particularly his statement that "The totsbtaulaa ayateat of a aingje party armed with secret poHee...
...Loagm WASHINGTON, D. Cr—The ajiti-trtis^ division of the Department of Justice has begun another intensive investigation of the oil monopoly, and particularly an investigation into charges tfcat the major oil companies are using the present Waffsituation to improve their stranglehold on conaoaters...
...Here .Is a signfflcsnt section of the American artic* ft boldgaeed by the British: "The United States should become liaptfialistie ia the Pscific—openlv and aniaani# Not oirty should we take over every Jspsiftw mandated island, but We should assume complete control over every ether island now atta% ally 'owned' by another nation as far etmftjft New Zealand and the East Indies...
...The reasons for this are specoietive but several can be advanced...
...The usual arguments were advanced in fafor of dealing opportunistically with the Italians—(1) the Nazis are the main opponnonts, (2) perhaps the Italians can be brought in as our allies, and (3) American lives will be saved by coming to a quick deal, giving concessions to the Badoglio government in return for swift surrender...
...the conclusion mast he that the United States could not stand up under the sort of bundling now being endured by European cities...
...The literary persons can be beult aa new symbols, and with their gullibility and lack of political experience become perfect tools...
...Addmsaaafiv, the men may took forward to pentrioas...
...Voay eat»ava>iag we, aha l>MhhmfboaaM| on the impsrtauat of the "heme front" aad ta indissoluble cam mi with the so-called "agftta* front...
...These benefits include first-class food snd clothing, housing, dental aad anlhsl care on a scale few ctrilkeae can afford, aad ptevanean for entertaaseoeat asm reiiuaihia...
...despite wartime pressures, the pampered children of government insiders have yet to come home and fight like ordinary people...
...The Aiken comrnitice could become a serious threat to the oil true., however, -as the aatitrust division has proved its efficiency in getting facta and in protecting tiie public interest... gravely sick In the penitential...
...S. Imperiahsm...
...aVmXi mah** <^^sJsnaJtL«t>*thTtr* Trof^Mkr T^ml^Co^^^^'s^Lm "and De* mecracy become «IISSSta| flexible h. pnbisc itiiressiime "We will have no track with Fascism fat any way, fat any ahape or manner...
...Aviation, which is frequently weft as the spokesman of the American aircraft Industry, with little editorial comment...
...coun^^oSuU^ndetwri'te ^and 'support' X tilianjiite thai had profited by MaaaattaiT There was no suggestion by Churchill critics, as Anteony Eden mapUed severe...
...I: has become clearer and clearer, despite tha gentlewomanliness of Mme...
...powerful British-American military juggernaut now grinding over Sicily...
...tyaheU mm...
...Negroes and Mexicans are at the same tune subjected to special discrimination in the way of job and educational opportunities, and this at a time when the language of patriotic idealism pcints to values which for these ettisens are largely non-existent While the LaGuardia Administration bandied the situation well—by calling in Negro loaders of opinion to broadcast, by deputizing Negroes and arming them with dabs, and by asking the military to send in mixed black and white detachments of military police—the fact remains that such explosions are inherent ia the social structure ef this country and that they will tend to break out at the moat ineea venient moment...
...In the hght of what has happen 1J in Los Aegeiee...
...Allied critics bare hit back—and there have been many direct challenges to China's "democracy...
...Rumors abounded about alleged interchanges of peace terms between Only sad the Allies, and unquestionably informal exchanges of opinion were taking place, possibly throagh Vatican etiaaeh Fighting continued, however, in Sicily, with United States-Cansdian-British forces slowly gaining ground, particularly fat the central sector to the west of Mt...
...A scandal developed in the early days of the war when the Security and Fvshango Commission revealed that...
...AS inquiries ai the prison daring tht last law lays have been met with what...
...So for as the Italians were concerned, England and the United States had been rebuffed in an attempt at an easy finesse...
...Nasor s aoet, mad KoraecUak, the hdehmad of Waamheevaha, a dramatist This pehey cannot be accidental or coincidental...
...The anti-trust division has a very creditable record in dealing with the eM trust...
...Jimmy Doolittle's raid on Tokyo has become a symbol of the Pacific strategy for the Nome...
...U $ ftfo+s • f r m Stye The fierce riots that broke oat 40 Harlem Sunday night again reminded aha en entry that there was a good deal of dyaaoaiae etfil lying a so and, particularly with reapoaVtojgka Negro population but also with reeaeet to foreignborn groups such as the Mexiaaao ia Los Angeles and foreign-born and forakjp»-e)aoce«ded ir Detroit...
...The Aeroplane, a mmgasine reflecting Bragjfc" a rcraft indestry's views, recently ran a wgmti cant article entitled "U...
...t- ' if Aiken told Biddle that when Congress reconvened in September, he would ask the sabcommittee to make ah investigation into the complaints against the oil trust and that he intended to call on the anti-trust division foi a import...
...said the President...
...bases hear Kinhws...
...Churchill, speaking before Parliament, also said: "It wonld be-a grave mistake, when Italian affairs are in this flexible, fluid and formative condition, for the rescuing powers of Britain end...
...We will permit no vestige of Fascism to remain...
...Aluminum is under the soutroi of a Combined Iritieh-A wsrican-^onadian ^"i^TT with C. !. Wilson of WPB the Ameriaan representative, "he committee co-ordinates jdribMl/sii, iflshfcsi ion snd use of the metal in tl^ee oaoatroFS...
...Arm* hava haea haired aad Pertsfai...
...In each ease, the heads of the groans are sects or novelists, ere Mterary peieeas aad not oaMtlcal agares...
...1930, Winston Churchill said: 'Sooner or later you will have to crush Gandhi and the India Congress and all they stand for.' "'AB they stand for,' says Lin Yutang, .happens to be the principles of the Atlantic Charter.'" There are exaggerations in Lin Yutang's book, and basic errors, but the volume is symptomatic of a growing breach in the United Nations—which military affairs has initiated, and which deep political factors are acceJerating Relations with China are becoming haattd— and the Allies cannot new, or . at any other time, afford either smoke or fire...
...Teams months later, the day he wsa esntanced to twenty years' imprisonment, m, looked unwell...
...Harlem, -ike many other communities, white aadHsaptfi>> native and foreign-born, is suffering from Mgb prices, renting gouging and rising taxation...
...Lai's statement: "Gen...
...the "Free Croat" govern meat by Vladimir Nasor: the All-Slav Commit tee by Alexander Kconsochtak...
...But it went on to quote Mr...
...move is sn English reaction by limn Syaaeos m the r >~ Tri Ian tan "ds is a dtfficslt book to review because of e extreme vagueness with wbieh the Ideas it n tains are rend trad, concepts are rarefy toted toi • - m 1 - •-*•- • • -~ .11"% jiin...
...hat a msrhad dsgroa ef sot rosy has pssTsflad about the %tM area* activities of the two natimas...
...Just what Mr...
...The Hamburg raids strongly pointed the anger at Norway ea a earning theatre of AngloAmericsn ipsiatiens, and reports from Sweden told of secret German reinforcements of the Norwegian garrison in violation of agreements With Sweden that limit trans-peninsular military movements, e j. • • London*Woseieo'ton in Limef/oAf Bet the limelight of attention was focussed alternately on London and Washington, which issued confusing statements on the occasion of the Mussolini mftjmetiiin as the Badoglio government went throagh the mumbo-jumbo of dissolving the Fsscist Party and placing under arrest prominent figures who had been associated with Mussolini...
...the United States so to act as to break down the Whole structure and expression of the Italian State...
...its author's bourgeois on mil neaa, his rejection of scientific method, ail Ms very vagueness are the qualities that wfil attract many people who would otherwise rehttl the obscurantist and reactionary charsetar sT the book...
...The biggest air base in all Asis with-underground concrete hangars was needlessly sacrificed...
...Their remarks, haWWgaVJy discrete and cautions...
...That agency is eon trolled by Secretary of the Interior Harold L. lease...
...Additional suggested motives were numerous, but there was no belief at all that the President's suggestion was meant to counter any disaffection in the aimed forces...
...The roam is-the fourth of tie kind, conabtned eorolittess having already been set «p tor steel, jpper and robber...
...As Lenin said 0*1 Gorky, these writers snd poets must be guarded they have appeals to masses and have wid« folio wings: Any political figures the Communists could advance as symbols ef new movements are discredited or corrupt...
...Detroit aad Harlem (in she totter place under very good administration...
...Behind these men are the cynical, corrupt party hacks...
...with General Eisenhower called apon to - add to the confusion, Fijdsma accumulated however, that they had been misinformed about the real Italian situation and had at the sense time miscalculated with respect to opinio* in their own countries...
...Ostensibly sympathetic to all of China's social and military problems, the Daily News line sought only to reiterate the anti-Japanese material at the expense of a genuine anti-fascist global strategy...
...will be pitched keck ea to the mach lower standard- of deiaaa living, ana deprived so well of the challenge aad stiarulas ef Army Sf e. General Eisenhower, in a pronouncement issued to the Italians, spoke in a very conciliatory tone, stressing the benignity of Anglo-American occupation methods...
...been gently simmering on h...
...Hoodlum elements in Harlem, by venting their frustrated wrath on business properties, showed where the shoe really pinched...
...There aheW be no exceptions, for be who insists en tuiaM mise in the PsehV has no understandrag etJw.^ Power or the ramifications of world alt caft metaa...
...aad there vu mm evidence Of Republican ebagrw at «eemg m issue snatched from before their very eyes...
...Would the population behave ia a disciplined fashion...
...Weraert is a poet, Wassielevsks a novelist...
...Yet of course the central issue is not this, hut that of the Strategy of the war...
...These two policies most come to s clash around Hong Kong...
...Had President Rooeevett goes oat pay, ""S^SS-^^^^* tor tiw'jiL eral eeedht ami geeamaamatHiupportad laatfimj aid...
...Unconditional surrender can only mean surrender with no conditions attached and no promises...
...What the really-eoneerned the...
...Ally stood with Ally in mourning the loss of a man who with SaA Yat-sen has been a founding father...
...How embarrassing that situation can be was shewn recently when the same Standard Oil Company was involved in the Elk Hill exploitation scandal - now being investigated by a House Committee... csl led here the most shsotete teserva," hat today K waa stated thot oVt 1 prlasmiir is sick from eweresthag...
...Or would aaarafij prevail...
...The Infniuual suggestion from rWaatiingSon that H would be an undue interference with "ftsliea democracy" to attempt any diets wag about tiie nature of the government, which the -1...
...Da vies, although sworn in as a government officer, was still collecting a tremendous salary from Standard 00...
...The changes agreed apon in diofaseiaai of the Hsyaea end White atoms result ia phsileg leas emphasis ah gold... real attempts have been made to sump out corruption in the administration of the army...
...aaJeas conditions alter very mach...
...days later, that the Allies should be finicky 'about the nature of the government that surrendered...
...It states blundy: "China and England are already heading for conflict, Churchill has made it smply clear and definite that he is not 'grovelling' aad that the 'administration of British colonies' will be the 'sole responsibility' of Britain, Which is to tall America, to keep her hands off...
...While Ickea is the eaar, the agency is directed by Ralph Da vies, vice-president ef the Standard Oil Company ef California...
...with its whelk network .at III III IIIIII •pies ami aesgbborly Hitora.amW time a system, when applied over a long period of tame, leaves the breed ¦¦mm without any tofimmee upon tfoeir eountry'a destines and without any independent figures, j»an frorn^ the oftVia^el asses ^ later was at aha aesae Haft more fatso ragtag and mere discouraging He reitseatsd now imglarahii ¦gpiaWm te FeeClSgsaV—twt * emfl CATO/ art BbM t*9 Ceff*ftmM' fit...
...ssparatisa at families etc...
...Anti-Trust Probes Oil Monopoly Use of War to Strangle Consumers By JOHH CARSON Washington Representative., The Cooperative...
...The^Free German" Committee is hasied b] Eeieh Wemert...
...On the other hand, Chiang Kai-shek has made it equally definite and dear that China does net covet ethers' territory, hat Wshts all her own territory back...
...Until steps are taken to liquidate ana) Magiu discrimination hi a fundamental Zaokeoav and to do away wish other isfeitaal bat permitted typos of racial discrimination, the United ettatea will never he a una try that • really stream to spirit as well so in tnemstttal power and amtaral resources...
...It was cold fomfort eWt-ahe Harlem riots were not overt "race riots...
...The Japanese were launching their annual offensive against China's forward bases, snd walhiiii Chung-king, watched with bitterness Anglo-American military power on other global fronts...
...fljl article consists nmhily of a reprint of e JJB in America...
...wan ftsekarged from his eats...
...Joseph Patterson's old-line imperialist editorial orders...
...he could a. laager deliver for them...
...Chsrchill critics, in England and the United States, was the-nature of the government that would continue after fighting had oaased to give structure and expression to the Italian State...
...sides of th...
...Minister Churchill a*d Prestaentlioeeevelt...
...Those parte of Mr...
...It ia amid that he is feelmg a fftms llH f* htday, weak, bat able to leave hw*gj fM^mtrmay-tjm in tiie pink ouirtwet tiawj is set apart for him...
...Remorselessly, be quotas Churchill's record on India...
...Churchill meant-hy this heDahe^anTti^t ens 'jSfrhUH^rreffi...
...Thh week the reactionary Patterson press featured an editorial on the new Lin Yutang book, Between Tears and Laughter, discussing Chins in the War...
...A Combined Exports Markets Committee, with...
...The suggestion that this was the immediate reason for the withdrawal of the bombastic Dace, originator of the florid Fsscist technique, wee generally accepted in lieu of e better explanation...
...cngfoseiag so itself practically all offices, even the humblest in the governmdhtl mid Wt*h4he Magistrates and the conns aader eontrol of the executive...
...But tb/ government agencies which regelate the, oil industry are maaaml almeot entirety by the former employees ef the oil companies...
...Clippings and Comment By DANIEL BILL Peer* oad tyHkm ONE significant fact about the formation ci "Free Committees" in Moscow has escapee the attention Of commentators...
...There are many charges of international responsibility for worsening of the disease...
...I nave no doubt if Britain does not return Hong Kong to China, this problem of Hong Kong alone will burst the Peace Conference...
...The Republicans charged that as am asemmg votes far 1844...
...But the Oftce of War Informauon was called to account far the broadcast fat Which it referred to Arch-Fascist King victor aa a *meeeaec littis Mmg ** aad th * executive officer far these ele'meata...
...The DaUy News simply confused itself in its attempt to reconcile Lin Yutang with Col...
...Are they to be permitted to keep their ill-gotten gains and to avoid trial and puahnment hy the peoples of the world Whose rhythm of peaceful living they hare shattered...
...etc.—he would hare shown that in has awn mind there waa more than a forms' distinction between the home and the flghsmg fronts Just why the President brought up at thht time special benefits to a slab sea was a asset quauatoa...
...I know that the Chinese people are willing to go to war against England over Hong Kong, even if the Chinese government wont "Chinese people have freely expressed the Opinion that 5,060.000 of our soldiers have not . died to keep the British in Hong Kong, the booty of the Opium War, and possibly the second brightest jewel in the English Crown...
...China wishes to negotiate on Kowloon, a leased territory opposite Hong Kong, like other leased territories in Shanghai and Tientsin...
...of Sunchry night coming as a fihunderclsp on top of the Detroit and Los Angeles upheavals reflecting gross injustices are potentially by no raeam^confti^to^^sjs^^ was continuing in the northern Italian industrial cities as the Badoglio governraent fought a rearguard political action to obtain advantageous Unas for Italy's withdrawal from the War...
...Chinese grievances are many...
...r*ti the news which- leeks apt " from there ia -ews which is net mmlerirag to the oil trust...
...Considerable sections are devoted to a blistering indictment of Prime Minister Winston Churchill...
...o»t paruuaauoa by Aaaarka aad...
...Control ef oil production and to a considerable degree sumtaul of dmtributien is In tile hands of the Petroleum Administration for Wee...
...The 1...
...Personal benefits to the ordinary American private, it is estimated, are worth from $1,600 to $2,999 per year, including basic pay...
...Nothing can obscure that point—although mixed as this is with political and ideological factors, it becomes a complex problem of propagsnds...
...and tits Imoerial rhamUa] Indastries have been givon a complete ASierxsan copper sulphate tginamTita have een shut out of Spain, aad American traders rere forbidden te compote with British chemical xpertese in India...
...for the vast industrial army now eagsgaa in the formidable battle of producuoa «mh* adverse coodifioas-nraif prima, rent tsegmg, local transportation drffriculties...
...Do fift Lend-Leaae at by any ether means, bat for mm let's he insistent aad tough.'' This bold shisstuJ tot British tad stidr islands in the Pacific is met coolly by the BagM aviation group...
Vol. 26 • August 1943 • No. 32